Yes, Hayakawa Qiu clearly remembered that Linton was following them, so now he saw Linton suddenly appearing in front of them, of course he was very surprised.

"Wait..." Arai suddenly walked downwards, and after turning around the stairs below, he suddenly saw everyone below. Others were also stunned because they saw Arai coming downstairs, why did he suddenly come down the stairs above.

"Xiao Xiaohong, make a scissors gesture." Ji Ye realized something here and said something to Dongshan Xiaohong, and then followed her down. As a result, she also appeared above. At the top of the stairs, and right behind Arai.

Ji Ye was stunned for a moment, then turned around and walked back, that is, going upstairs, only to appear from the stairs below again. Of course, everyone understood it at this time.

"The power of the devil?" Hayakawa Qiu said, "Xiao Hong, just stand there and don't move."

After saying that, Qiu Hayakawa here opened the door directly and entered the guest room next to him, and then prepared to climb out the window. What he didn't expect was that after climbing over the window, there was a similar room ahead. Then he opened the door through the room, and he appeared behind Dongshan Xiaohong as a symbol, that is, he came out of the room on the other side. .

"Trouble." Hayakawa Qiu said.

At this time, other people also came out of another room. They also tried it, and sure enough, they couldn't get out. They climbed over the window to the room on the other side, forming a loop.

"Could it be...are we trapped here?" Arai began to panic again.

After a little inspection, everyone gathered in a room. The result of the investigation was that they really couldn't get out. They couldn't go down the stairs, the windows were looped, the elevator couldn't be used, and the patio was also on the eighth floor. Several people were trapped directly on the eighth floor of the hotel.

"I didn't expect it to be such a cunning demon. Was that one a bait?" Ji Ye said.

"It's all because Pava chopped down that demon." Denji said.

"None of my business!" Pava shouted.

"We...we are doomed. We will be trapped here until we starve to death..." Dongshan Xiaohong here was already so frightened that something was wrong.

"Xiao Xiaohong, what the devil loves most is fear. If you are so scared, the devil will be even happier." Ji Ye comforted next to him.

"But...but I'm really scared." Dongshan Xiaohong said while crying.

"Hey, hey, it's not that exaggerated." Linton couldn't help but said, "Here, have some ice cream to calm down."

As he spoke, Linton handed over an ice cream. Dongshan Xiaohong here subconsciously took it and then put it into his mouth subconsciously.

"Will someone come to support you?" Arai suddenly asked.

"I think... there may be no support." Hayakawa Akira said, "I just took a look and the alarm clocks in the room have stopped at 8:18. If the reason for the lack of battery power is ruled out, this eighth floor may be occupied by demons. Affected by the power, time has stopped. In other words, others may not even realize that we have been trapped..."

"Wait, Qiujun, please wait." At this time, Ji Ye suddenly said, everyone looked at Ji Ye, and he pointed at the ice cream in Dongshan Xiaohong's hand, "Where does this ice cream come from?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Linton suddenly. Yes, they had searched these rooms before and didn't see any food or anything like that at all. The appearance of this ice cream is really strange.

"Oh, wasn't there an ice cream shop on the way here? I bought it there and paid for it," Linton said.

"But you didn't bring any ice cream when you came here just now." Hayakawa Akira said.

"I just bought it." Linton said, opening the portal next to him, then taking out two coins and putting them in, and took out an ice cream, "You want it too?"

"..." Everyone looked at Linton speechlessly, not knowing how to react for a while.

After being stunned for a long time, Hayakawa Akira was the first to react: "Wait a minute, your portal can still be used?"

"This question is a bit strange, why doesn't it work?" Linton said, "Uh...wait, you are not really having a headache about the current situation, are you? Hey, this is just an ordinary ghost hitting a wall, like this Are you also panicking about the little scene?"

"Weren't we just been thinking of a solution?" Hayakawa Qiu shouted directly, "If you have a solution, you should have told me earlier!"

"Oh, I told you before. I am invincible. I can do anything." Linton said.

"Then... then send me out quickly." Dongshan Xiaohong here said immediately.

"Why?" Linton looked strange, "Aren't we here to deal with demons? Why do we have to go out?"

These words knocked a few people down. Yes, they seemed to be here to deal with the devil.

"Hey, hey, I can't understand you guys. Does this make you panic? Look how careful I am now, mainly because I'm afraid that the space will be broken if there is too much noise." Linton said.

"Can you destroy this space?" Several people were confused again.

"It's not a matter of whether it can be destroyed. I'm afraid that if I speak louder, the space will explode." Linton was not joking. It would not take much effort for Linton to destroy a space like this. He really just needs to shout. , without any other skills.

For example, when Goku and others faced Majin Buu back then, they couldn't defeat him, so they came up with a plan to trick Majin Buu into the room of time and spirit, and then blow up the exit, hoping to take Majin Buu away. Ou Jian died inside. How did Majin Buu come out? Just after shouting, the space split open and he went out.

Although Linton's current strength is only Super 2, the space built by this demon is actually not that stable. Linton can feel that if he really shouts, the entire space will explode, so it is really not a joke. of.

"Then why don't you destroy it?" Hayakawa Qiu couldn't help but ask.

"Why destroy it? This space is so useful." Linton said.

"Useful?" Everyone was stunned.

"You also said that time in this space is suspended, right?" Linton said, "Isn't this going to help you level up? Before, I was worried that I wouldn't have enough time, but now it's good, the space where time is suspended has appeared. It’s so good to level up here. In the blink of an eye, people outside will make you stronger. Only at this speed can you catch up with the Demon of Destroying the Gun."

Linton's words made everyone stunned. Unexpectedly, someone would actually think of using the demon's ability to level up? Although it sounds reasonable, but... why is it so strange? Are you too calm?

"Anyway, let's keep this demon for a while." Linton said, "Let my nephew improve his abilities, but I guess this demon's abilities can't be maintained forever. It's better to practice a little. Those of you who want to go out, I will send you away later. Go out first, I’ll go negotiate with this devil first.”


Linton said as he opened the door directly and came to the location of the human-headed demon they chopped to death before. After they chopped off the little head before, they threw it into the next room. However, what they didn't expect was that when they came back now, the head actually grew up and turned into a strange lump of meat. , it looks like various pieces of human body parts gathered together.

"When did this thing..." Everyone was stunned when they saw this thing.

"Isn't this already killed by me?" Pava said strangely.

"Sure enough, you have absorbed fear and become stronger?" Ji Ye said.

"Humans..." At this time, the meat block here suddenly spoke, and his voice sounded like a strange gathering of many people. "Let's make a contract. Give me the chainsaw demon man. I will Let you leave here."

"Denji?" Everyone looked at Denji, wondering why the person this strange demon wanted was actually Denji. It seems that he originally lured them here just for Denji.

"Why do you want to eat me?" Denji shouted, "Be careful I kill you bastard."

"You can't kill me." The meat ball here said, "This is not my body, this is my stomach, and my heart is not here, so on the eighth floor, I have no weakness. You can only sign a contract with me , can you go back and hand over that chainsaw demon to me."

"I won't let you go after eating it anyway." Denji said.

"That's not true. If the devil agrees to sign a contract, the devil must abide by the content of the contract." Ji Ye said and looked at Linton next to him, "Do you want to sign a contract with him? What contract?"

"What a contract, just make it obey." Linton said.

"Human, your words are so ridiculous. Why should I listen to you? You are all in my stomach and cannot leave. You can only listen to me." Meatloaf said with a strange laugh.

"Okay, okay." Linton picked his ears. "Your voice is too disgusting. I don't want to continue listening. Thank you for your explanation. In short, it seems that your weakness is your heart. As for me, I have an ability called Breath perception, now that I have memorized your breath, no matter how many parts you divide it into, I can find the position of your body. For example, now, I poke my head out."

Linton said as he opened a portal next to him, stretched out his head to take a look, and then came back right away. Opening a portal again and fishing inside, a huge and strange heart with eyes and a mouth appeared in Linton's hand.

"That's it," Linton said.

"..." Not only the people behind were stunned, but also the demons here were stunned for a long time, "Wait, how could you..."

"I just can. Stop talking nonsense and just tell me whether you are good or not." Linton interrupted the other party and said.

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