I really can't control myself

Chapter 970 Discovery

Although he had already heard the other party's voice, Linton still uploaded the valuables of the bat monster next to him unhurriedly. However, after hearing the prompt, Linton still frowned. It was only 30,000 points. Are the points for precious items in this world generally too low? Or are there more monsters?

You must know that these 30,000 points are added with the bonus of your own employment agency. Although this guy is indeed not very powerful, it is still a little too little.

"Hey, you guy, I'm talking to you, do you know that this bat is my prey?" As if he found that Linton ignored him, Denji shouted again.

Linton raised his head and looked at Denji who was standing in the breach on the second floor. At this sight, Linton felt familiar again. This was the second person Linton had seen and felt familiar. Sure enough, he knew about this world, but he hadn't remembered it yet. This yellow-haired man should also play an important role. Is he the male lead or the second male lead?

"What's your name?" Linton asked directly.

"Remember it, my name is Denji, you guy..." Halfway through the words, Denji suddenly remembered something and suddenly became anxious, "By the way, Pava!"

Thinking of this, Denci jumped down from the second floor and rushed to Linton's side. However, his target was not Linton, but the remaining half of the body next to him. He directly started to use both hands to open the lower half of the opponent's body. Look for it. It was obvious that he was looking for the woman named Pava in the other party's belly. That was because Denji didn't see that Pava had been taken out by Linton. What happened just now was a bit too fast.

"Dianji..." At this time, Linton was thinking about the other party's name. Yes, the name Denji was a bit familiar. He must have heard of it, but for a while, he still didn't remember who the other party was. . It feels like an answer is already in my ears, but sometimes I just need someone to remind me. Linton is missing this person now.

"Pava! Are you still alive? He has been digested, right?" Denci shouted anxiously, "Damn it, we made an appointment, now I can't..."

There was a "bang", and in the middle of Denci's words, his body was suddenly hit by something unknown. He flew straight out and hit the wall of the building behind him. This attack was still very heavy and very fast, and Denji had no reaction at all.

But Linton next to him could see clearly that what knocked Denji away was a thick tentacle. Turning his head, Linton saw the owner of the tentacles. It was another strangely long monster. This time it was a tentacle monster with a strip-shaped body and many tentacles on it. Four of the larger ones were propped up on the ground, as if they were legs, and the other two look like hands. The head is a slit with teeth. There are no eyes on it, but there are some hairs. It looks like... some mutated soft-bodied creature.

"So the number is still quite large?" Linton touched his chin and had to say that he had encountered three of them in a short period of time. Although the points for a single one were really a little small, they added up to quite a lot.

"It's not easy to find. Are you the one who killed the little bat? He is my man." Just as he was about to take action, Linton didn't expect that this thing actually spoke. Linton was also stunned. After all, the two Lintons in front of him He didn't hear what the other party said at all, so he thought he was a monster. Could it be a strange race? Does this have anything to do with marriage?

"If I take a closer look, you have a pretty cute little face, and your looks match my taste, so let's just let you go." Before Linton could speak, the leech monster here continued.

"Hey, although you are a monster, you are not too unprincipled. Didn't this guy say he is your husband?" Linton said, pointing to the half-shaped bat next to him.

"It's a man, not a husband." The leech monster here said, "I just made an appointment with him to eat all the human beings together. Although it was a fool's errand, it was also a noble and beautiful dream, but I didn't expect that he was actually killed by you. .”

"God TN's lofty and beautiful dream, I really admire you." Linton held up his forehead, "Forget it, I still agree with what you said, appearance is justice, I look so cute, monster I don’t even have the heart to do it, so you look so disgusting, you must know your fate.”

"What, you actually called me disgusting? Damn human, although I feel sorry for that face, I still kill you." The leech monster was angry this time and wanted to attack Linton.

Although it was the first time they met, Linton felt that the opponent was not too strong. He stretched out a finger and was about to deal with the opponent when suddenly a strange sound of "Zeng Zeng Zeng" came from behind, as if someone was coming. The sound of starting that old-fashioned motorcycle motor.

Linton turned his head and found that Denji, who had been knocked away before, was pulling something like a ring on his chest. Before Linton could understand what was going on, suddenly Denji's head exploded. There was a lot of blood, and then the blade of a chainsaw "grew" out from his forehead, and blood flew everywhere in an instant.

However, in this case, Denji here actually stood up on his own, and as he stood up, his head was gradually wrapped in a strange black substance, and the chainsaw blade on his head became longer, as if An airplane head hangs in front of his forehead. And his hands began to grow chainsaw blades, cutting his own hands in half.

"Fuck." Seeing this, Linton suddenly had an idea. Yes, at this time, he finally knew what kind of world this was. The guy who appeared in front of him was too obvious, because the name of this world was...Chainsaw Man.

After locking the world, Linton immediately connected everything that had happened before. Linton couldn't be said to be very familiar with the things in this world, but he probably knew the situation. In theory, there was nothing wrong with being a prophet.

However, soon, Linton frowned again, because Linton really didn't like this world. In Linton's view, it was the kind of world that would be completely destroyed and no one would feel sorry for it. .

Although there are thousands of worlds, each with its own splendor, there are always a few worlds dedicated to spreading despair. From Linton's own criteria, the common characteristic of these worlds is that everyone lives in pain, and then these people living in pain hurt each other. If you want to give an example, it is Legend of Sword Wind.

I have to admit that Legend of Sword and Wind is the most epic masterpiece that Linton has ever seen. But when Linton watched it, he just felt that he wanted to read a story. If he really wanted to go there, Linton could only say, Destroy it quickly, we are tired.

As for Chainsaw Man, it is probably in a slightly better situation than Legend of Sword and Wind, with less despair, but everyone in it is still a poor person living in pain and hurting each other. Oh, except for a certain bad woman, this guy looks like he's having fun doing it.

All in all, Linton felt a little nauseous after being drawn into such a world, similar to eating bugs. Thinking of this, Linton wanted to directly perform a deus ex machina, but after thinking about his mission, Linton decided to wait a little longer to see if this garbage world could be saved.

While thinking about it, the chainsaw man and the leech demon over there had already started fighting. It has to be said that the chainsaw man's fighting power is still very strong. Linton also thought of the situation of the leech demon. It is a very early-stage demon. No wonder The score is so low, just for the protagonist to level up.

Now that he already knows that the valuables in this world are demons, Linton also thought about it. The demons listed later are quite strong. Many of them also have some similar field or root-type skills. These demons may be worth a little more money. .

"Swish", just as I was thinking, the chainsaw man here had already cut off the leech demon's right tentacle, but what I didn't expect was that the leech demon here seemed to have deliberately exposed a flaw. At this moment, the left hand of the leech demon was cut off. The tentacle directly penetrated the right side of the chainsaw man's abdomen, making a hole and bleeding.

However, the situation seems serious despite the fact that Chainsaw Man's recovery ability is very strong, and Linton didn't go up. After all, according to the experience of the previous world, in this world that relies on killing monsters, generally speaking, the monsters defeated by others will themselves It seems that you can also pick them up, and it also reminds you of valuable items. Didn't I pick up a lot of monsters that others killed during the Ninja War before?

It just so happened that this leech demon probably didn't have many points, so Linton wanted to see if the situation in this world was the same, just as an experiment.

Sure enough, the chainsaw man here started to fight back again at this time, and directly struck the leech demon's head with a single blow of the chainsaw. Blood splashed on both sides at the same time, but obviously the pain of the leech demon was greater, so she couldn't help but directly With a flick of his tentacle, the chainsaw man was sent flying again.

The chainsaw man fell on the road next to him again and fell to the ground without getting up. After all, he was also injured a lot. The leech demon here did not pursue immediately, but instead looked around. Linton probably guessed that he wanted to find someone to replenish his blood, because the devil could recover after drinking blood, but at this time, everyone around him had already run away, and there was no one else at all.

At this time, the footsteps of several people came from the side. The leech demon, who also heard the footsteps, looked over there very happily. Maybe he thought that food was coming. However, what he didn't expect was that a young man in the lead The man made a gesture like OK to the leech demon, and then made a strange sound.


With a "swish" sound, a giant fox head suddenly appeared out of nowhere, opened its fangs, and swallowed the seriously injured leech demon's head in one bite.

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