I really can't control myself

Chapter 967 New World

Soon Linton also saw the dragon that had just been dug out. The dragon couldn't get up yet. The whole jaw had been basically broken, the dragon's head was crooked, and the tongue was still hanging out. He fell to the ground and couldn't move at all.

Seeing Linton coming over, the dragon trembled all over. It seemed that it was really scared. Linton asked about it. After the dragon was dug out, it immediately began to beg for mercy. Of course, it was originally intended to be Linton's dog. However, Vecna ​​disagreed. She had already occupied the pit, so how could she let others do it? The dragon came to occupy it, and he was about to shoot it to death and roast it as Linton said.

Seeing that something was wrong, Gathedran quickly replaced him. It had no way to fight Vecna ​​now. So when it saw Garsain coming next to it, it quickly said that I would follow him. After all, he had just seen Garsain's strength. Although it was not as good as his own, it was still strong among humans. He also caused harm to himself, which was barely acceptable. After thinking about it, it seems better than Linton. After all, Linton is scared just thinking about it. Aren't you always worried and scared when you are around him?

The person who thought of the rebirth potion was Garsain. After all, he drank it himself and naturally knew it best. Since this dragon is willing to surrender, the benefits must be greater than eating it directly. Only Linton would think of roasting and eating it. After talking to Yalan next to her, Yalan was interested in the rebirth potion.

Yes, Yalan was a little moved when she heard the wish of eternal youth and immortality when she made a wish. Now of course she thought about it again. This is too hard to refuse. What woman wants to grow old? Besides, if this dragon really serves as a mount for Garsain, it will be very powerful, and it will be a good thing for the empire. Anyway, it is better than eating it.

Several people discussed it and decided to use Yalan's name to save the dragon. Linton's words from others were hard to hear, but Yalan's words would probably be considered.

Although I didn't eat dragon meat, what I didn't expect was that there was an unexpected harvest. The tentacles of this octopus were inexplicably delicious. Unlike dragon meat, the unique seafood taste made Linton really regret letting the octopus go. But considering that the mark is still there, Linton thinks that if he wants to eat it later, he can still pick it up. The octopus should be able to regenerate its tentacles.

Although a lot of things happened, the barbecue process was quite enjoyable. Seeing Yalan having fun, Linton stopped moving on the dragon for the time being.

One day passed quickly, and Linton and the others also set off back to the city. Gathedran had not fully recovered yet, and was basically still in a state of being unable to get up. His head was really knocked to the side. However, there shouldn't be any big problem with the dragon's physical fitness. Linton and the others will leave the dragon here to recuperate. When he recovers from his injuries, he will go find Garsain. After all, the two parties have already signed a contract. , it has to come. If Garsain dies, it will be dead. For its own life, it must protect Garsain.

After finally resting for two days, everyone returned to the main city and soon started working again. Garsain must have returned to the military camp. He will take care of the remaining work here and will soon leave for the Tomlian Empire. Yes, according to the previous arrangement, the affairs of the Yetis Empire will be left to the later ones. The new legion will change defenses, and the first legion will go to the Tomlian Empire to take over the new territory there and establish imperial rule.

On Yalan's side, in addition to arranging the archaeological team, they also have to deal with the Church of Light. After waiting for two days, the Guangming Church was always worried. These matters were mainly discussed between Yalan and the other party. Linton only needed to support her. According to the current situation, the Light Church has to cooperate, otherwise the pressure will be too great.

After everything was left to them, of course Linton had to start his own work. And his job is naturally to complete tasks. Linton still has two tasks to go before he can be promoted. Linton still values ​​this promotion very much. Originally, after uploading the fragments of the World Core, Linton's points have now increased to 20 million, and he can start construction tasks. However, while waiting for a suitable construction task, Linton received a suitable probe. Task.

To explore the new world, you need to complete more than 30% of the exploration progress. The task time is 90 cycles. This is a more suitable task among the tasks that Linton can currently receive. If it is a simple exploration task, he can only wait to take over someone else's world. Because now that his position is high, Linton can no longer receive simple tasks.

The mission is suitable, Linton must take a look, and now is the time. And after winning the Super League, Linton is now full of confidence. Even in some strange world, Linton is confident. Without thinking for too long, Linton decided to set off and go back early.

After saying hello to Yalan, Linton set off, still clicking to travel in his room. With a flash of white light, Linton came to a new world.

As soon as he landed, Linton discovered the time and place he was in at a glance. There is a reinforced concrete building on the left, and a road goes straight ahead on the right. Along the way, Linton sees small buildings of two or three floors. This is obviously Japanese style, so it is obvious that this world is a modern Japanese benzene. background world.

This situation is more likely in the anime world, but there are exceptions. After all, the last time he traveled through Marvel, he went to the cold country and was almost hit by a train. Speaking of this, Linton looked back and forth, and there was no one around. There were no flying meteorites or derailed trains.

"Then, now we have to determine what world it is. Let's go the old way and find someone to ask first." Linton said.

While thinking about it, Linton walked forward. The current time should be noon, and the weather was quite hot. When he walked to the road next to him, Linton could see sporadic cars passing by. Linton also looked at the car's brand carefully, and found that he had never seen any of them before. Of course, this was not surprising.

There were not many people on the street, and it looked like just a residential area. Linton originally wanted to find a passerby who liked it and asked about the situation. However, as he walked, Linton suddenly felt something bad coming from the front. a feeling of.

Yes, this is also a reminder from the sight and hearing color. The sight and hearing color is particularly obvious for the kind of reminder directed at oneself, but it does not mean that there is no warning if it is not directed at oneself, it is just that the perception is relatively weak. It was like Linton felt something was happening ahead with his sixth sense. There was no warning, he just felt it.

Of course, Linton must have gone somewhere when he encountered danger, wishing that a monster would hit him in the face. So he immediately walked towards the position he felt ahead. As soon as he got closer, Linton could already smell the smell of blood. Something had happened.

Sure enough, a scream came from the front, and Linton saw several people running towards him, obviously running for their lives. It can be said that these people were in a hurry, but one of the boys saw Linton walking in that direction and shouted to Linton: "Quickly, there is a devil ahead!"

"Devil?" Linton frowned, this was too abstract. If there was a name for some monster like a ghoul, Linton would immediately know what world it was in, but the scope of the devil was too large, and even people could be called devils.

Ignoring the little brother here who was running away, Linton continued to walk forward. Of course, the little brother here didn't care about Linton either. He didn't care if he didn't respond. He just ran away first.

Quickly turning a corner, Linton saw the devil the guy in front of him was talking about. To be honest, this guy is a bit strange. He is a guy all in black with a huge pumpkin head. This pumpkin head is the kind of pumpkin head with a face on it that Europeans and Americans like to carve during Halloween. It is indeed this thing. There's nothing wrong with calling him a devil.

What's strange about Linton is the size of the other person. This guy is at least three meters tall. Humans definitely can't grow this size, but the other person's head takes up a large part, and the body underneath is about the same as that of an average person. It looks like It's like a person holding a huge head on his head. To be honest...it's kind of funny.

However, there were three people lying next to the other party. All three of them were bleeding on the ground. They looked like they were no longer breathing. One of them even had his head missing. He was not seen at the scene. Linton didn’t know this guy. Where did his head go? Looking at the pumpkin head here, Linton didn't see a weapon in his hand. To be honest, it was quite strange.

"What the hell is this?" It seems that this is a monster in this world. The problem is that after seeing such a thing, Linton still doesn't know what world it is. How can you let Linton guess if you look like this?

"Kamen Rider?" Linton directly guessed the most likely one. After all, the guy with the appearance opposite would be more likely to appear in a special photo film, but although Linton had seen a lot of Kamen Riders, But I really can't remember any similar weirdos. After all, there are quite a lot of Kamen Riders, and Linton can't say that he knows them all.

"Roar!" Still thinking, the pumpkin head here seemed to have noticed Linton standing there. This is of course normal. Everyone except Linton had disappeared, and he was the only one standing in front of him. Of course He was targeted. The pumpkin head here made a strange cry. It was obviously not like a human cry. It was as strange as it could be. Linton felt it was a bit harsh.

"Really, no matter what, let's find a treasure first? Or why don't you take off the hood on your head first and let me identify it?" Linton said.

I don't know if the person on the other side understood it, but he had already rushed forward, sprinted and flew towards Linton's front.

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