I really can't control myself

Chapter 965 Open Mission

Soon, Linton jumped down from Susanoo and came to the location of the only remaining torso of the Iron Giant. The prompt message here indeed showed that the thing in front of him was what he was looking for, not the octopus.

Going around to the side where the head was in front, Linton saw a huge hole in the head of the torso here. It seemed that the octopus had penetrated and controlled the Iron Giant's body from here. On Linton's side, he walked directly through the hole. Although it was a little dark inside, Linton still directly saw an orange-glowing sphere in the middle.

Linton is not sure what this thing is. This thing is probably located at the heart of the Iron Giant. Judging from Linton's speculation, the Iron Giant is estimated to be able to move on its own from the beginning. This thing may be steel. The giant's power core and the like, but for some reason the steel giant later broke down, and then it was occupied by the octopus and used as something like a nest.

As for the steel giant that could pose a threat to the giant dragon, Linton felt that the main reason was not how powerful the octopus was, but the strength of the steel giant itself, and its strength may be related to this strange orange thing.

While thinking about it, Linton was already close to the orange core. Without thinking much, Linton directly pressed one hand on the core and clicked to upload.

"System prompt: Successfully uploaded the core fragments of the world and obtained 10 million points."

"System prompt: Automatically accept tasks related to World Core, please check on the task page."

"What the hell?" Although I thought this thing should be unusual, I didn't expect it to be so unusual. You can actually get 10 million points for uploading such a thing, which is really beyond Linton's expectations.

Immediately, Linton checked his mission page again and found a new mission. The name of the mission was World Open Mission. The mission requirements were not displayed, but there was no time limit for the mission. Now only a progress of 10% was displayed. .

Although not much was shown, Linton could probably guess some of it. First of all, he obtained the task after obtaining this thing called the World Core Fragment. It is obvious that the requirement of the task is to collect the World Core Fragment. Judging from the current progress, a 10% progress probably means that the fragments I have collected are one-tenth of them, which means that there are ten fragments, or that I have collected smaller fragments, and the other fragments are larger. some type of.

What caught Linton's attention was the name of this mission, World Open Mission. What does open mean? Since it is a system task, then the opening of this world probably means letting others come to this world? It's easy to understand at this point. The only thing Linton wants to ask is, who are the others who let others come to this world?

There are two speculations now. One refers to other investigators. Under the current situation, Linton knows that two investigators cannot appear in the same world, because he has to wait for other investigators to give up a world automatically before he can He took over, but he hasn't received any joint exploration tasks so far. It may be because of his low level. And does this openness mean to let other investigators come to this world?

Of course, Linton felt that this guess might not be consistent with the situation. After all, his world might be a little special. The exploration should have ended. According to the system, it should be a low-threat plane, so why did he invite other investigators here? ? You can't just invite them over for tea.

There is another guess, which Linton thinks is very possible, and that is the opening to other "tourists".

The "tourists" Linton mentioned are actually closer to the concept of "players". The reason for this speculation is mainly that some of the activities I am currently doing seem to be actions to build a virtual world, such as some activities to build dungeons, such as building the main city, and it seems that I am an internal program. Programmers feel that these actions cannot be done just for themselves. Since a dungeon is built, it means that the system wants others to play this dungeon.

So Linton thinks, does this open world mean allowing other people to "land" in your own world?

In fact, Linton has always had some speculations about this matter. Of course, Linton would not stop others from landing in this world. In fact, he wanted to tell him what was going on. But the problem is that he didn't know how to trigger this situation before. He speculated earlier that his world did not meet the construction requirements, and this would happen when the construction reached a certain level, or that his level was not enough, and he would be able to open it up to a manager or something like that, but now he is accepting Only after this mission did Linton understand what was going on.

It seems that if you want to open up this world, you need to obtain the core of the world. Linton was too lazy to understand what this thing was and what the principle of opening up was, but Linton would definitely push forward with the matter of opening up. Not just because of the points, Linton wanted to know the truth.

So the question is, why do the fragments of the core of this world appear here? This steel giant looks man-made. Does this mean that this thing is the native BOSS of this world? Let yourself defeat ten BOSSs, or does it mean that this thing was placed here by others?

After uploading, Linton found that the object had lost its light, and the orange core that had previously emitted turned black. It seemed that this upload did not damage the original object, but directly uploaded it entirely. Without the main body, Linton could not continue to study the origin of this thing. After thinking about it, Linton could only ask the octopus next to him who might know about this thing.

The octopus here was still being carried by Susanoo and controlled by the Sharingan. Linton walked out of the steel giant's torso and came to the octopus again. He pointed at the steel giant and asked: "How do you get this thing from?" Where did you get it?”

The octopus was stunned for a moment, but soon began to wave its tentacles. Linton didn't react at first, but after taking a closer look, he found that the other party seemed to be preparing to use the tentacles to tell him some information, but the problem was... he couldn't understand it.

Yes, the other party is controlled by the Sharingan, so he will definitely not lie, but the way of expressing it is a bit strange. After a preliminary analysis, Linton wondered whether this octopus could not speak. He had heard the other party just barking randomly before. The system did not translate it. It was definitely not a language. So the way of communication between these octopuses was through tentacles. In sign language? But the system can translate speech, but not sign language.

This is a bit troublesome. Although the Sharingan can control the other party, it cannot make too complicated actions. For example, Linton cannot control the other party to learn the common language of the mainland. It is possible to answer questions, but Linton cannot understand it. Answer. After thinking about it, Linton finally released the other party's control.

The Sharingan in his eyes disappeared, and the octopus here woke up. The next second the opponent immediately began to struggle. Although his head was pinched, the tentacles began to twist wildly, wrapping around the Susanoo next to him. Use force to grab things around you, such as the ground and trees, to pull yourself away from a dangerous position.

However, before it could make any more moves, Linton controlled the Susanoo and swung a sword directly at the octopus here. With a "swish", most of the octopus's tentacles were cut off by this blow. The tentacles flew everywhere, and the fallen tentacles still had a certain degree of mobility, and they could continue to roll around on the ground.

Linton ignored the jumping tentacles, and Susanoo directly held the knife in front of the octopus's face. Even if he didn't say anything, the octopus here should have understood the situation.

Sure enough, the octopus here immediately stopped struggling, looked directly at Linton, and kept making a slight sound of "wuwuwu". Although he still didn't speak, Linton had already understood what the other party meant. It was obvious that He is begging for mercy.

"Answer my question, and I can consider letting you go," Linton said.

The octopus here seems to be intelligent. Although it cannot speak, it can obviously understand Linton's words. Soon the other party stretched out a tentacle in front of Linton, shaking it up and down slightly. Linton looked at the other party and probably understood what the other party meant. The shaking up and down probably meant "agree".

"Where did this thing come from?" Linton said again, pointing to the steel torso below.

The octopus thought for a moment, then stretched out its remaining three or four tentacles and pointed to the lake next to it.

"Was it originally in the lake?"

The octopus stretched out its tentacles in front of Linton, and then shook them up and down, obviously meaning yes.

"Take me to see it." Linton thought for a while and said.

There is no doubt that the octopus here can only agree. Linton doesn't care whether the other party will cheat or not. In his opinion, this octopus poses no threat at all.

Of course, before going down, Linton also said hello to Yalan and the others. At this time, Gasein had already changed into Linton's clothes. Since Gasein was half a head shorter than Linton, Linton's clothes were a bit too small and uncomfortable, but there was no other way but to get rid of them first.

"Who told you that you can't even defeat a dragon?" Linton said.

"I..." Garsain didn't know how to refute for a long time, because now he also knew that the dragon he couldn't defeat was punched into the grave by Linton. What should he say?

"There seems to be some treasures under the water. I'll go down and take a look. You continue to prepare for the barbecue." After Linton finished speaking, he said to Vecna ​​and Shiv next to him. "You two go dig out the dragon and clean it. After a while, I still need to eat."

"Understood." One dragon and one dog immediately stood at attention and replied. Now they are obedient.

"I'll be right back." After Linton said that, he went straight into the water.

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