Because the Pope has to wait for a while, he is not in a hurry about traveling. Although Linton can directly drive to the nearby door, he still chooses to ride a dragon and fly there directly. After all, he is traveling and he can also see the scenery on the road. . It just so happened that this dragon was also placed in the main city of the Yetis Empire, and Linton also called his nephew.

As mentioned before, Linton originally planned to let Garsain take over. It was quite miserable for the eldest sister, Fulla, to be widowed in her twenties. Although she was married, she is still young and beautiful, and her age is not much different from Garsain. Originally, Linton planned to let Garsain and her watch everything, but unexpectedly, the sudden death of the emperor caused the plan to fail to catch up with the changes. Yalan came to power in a hurry, and Fula had no choice but to become a monk.

And Garsain took over the army directly, and there was no time for romance. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Linton thought it would be better to bring Garsain with him to see if he could get a connection. Of course, he wouldn't force him. If it didn't work, there was nothing he could do.

When he found Garsain, he was practicing martial arts. Of course, as a soldier, martial arts training is a basic daily practice, but Linton found that Garsain's situation was a little different.

At this time, a very special vindictive brilliance appeared on Garsain's body, which was the superposition of the golden body of vindictive energy and his own body. At this time, Garsain seemed to be trying hard to control the Golden Body of Dou Qi to attach to his body. Seeing this situation, Linton suddenly remembered a person, that is the previous Dragon Lord Iglis.

"Have you broken through the Saint level?" Linton asked. Of course, he also remembered at this time. Didn't he ask the alchemist to prepare a rebirth potion for him before? It seems that the preparation was successful, and now Garsain obviously drank it. After taking the potion, he has directly broken through the shackles of the Saint level.

Judging from the current situation of Garsain, the opponent should be practicing the newly mastered Golden Body of Dou Qi, and is still trying the same method of using Dou Qi as Dragon Lord Iglis, which is to forcefully pour Dou Qi into his body. Obviously, the current Garsain has not learned this ability. He is quite proficient in the Golden Body of Dou Qi, but it is not as able to be sucked back into the body as he and Iglis were at that time.

"Are you...huh? Your Majesty? Your Highness Fulla, Your Highness Jorah, why are you all here?" Garsain heard Linton's voice and was originally ready to start arguing with Linton, but he was stunned when he saw the three women. Click. As the emperor of the empire, Yalan cannot leave the palace casually without any guards. Is this a big deal? Why did the two female princes also come?

"Congratulations, General, for breaking through to the Saint level." Fulla here took the initiative and said.

"Um...thank you." Garsain was stunned for a moment, then touched his head and replied with some embarrassment.

"I didn't help him, just his talent..." Linton said next to him.

"Shut up! What are you doing here?" Gasein couldn't help but said.

"Uncle, I took you on a trip." Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" Garsain was stunned for a moment.

"Look at the spring scenery all around, everything is here again... Ahem, the weather is nice anyway, let's go out for a trip," Linton said.

"Are you serious? Things in the Yetis Empire are so busy right now, and there are a lot of official duties waiting to be dealt with. How can I have time to go out and play?" Garsain said.

"No matter how busy you are, how can you be busier than the emperor? I even dragged Yalan out, what else do you call me?" Linton said, "Can you look at the atmosphere and comment? No wonder you are two years older than me and haven't gotten married yet."

"I..." Garsain couldn't help but glance at Fula next to him. He probably understood what Linton meant, but... he was really embarrassed about this. As he said before, he actually doesn't care that much about his marriage. He doesn't really care if Fulla remarries, and he thinks it's pretty good. Could it be that... this time is an opportunity?

Having said that, Gasain naturally followed him, because Fulla over there didn't seem to have any intention of refusing, which made him feel a lot more confident. Of course, soon, Garsain knew that their destination was Bandelal.

"Are you going to dig for treasure?" Garsain couldn't help but said.

"Treasure? Is there any treasure there?" Linton was also stunned for a moment.

"Oh, that's a legend. Didn't some mercenaries get back some things? Then there were rumors that there were treasures left by ancient dynasties in that place. It was popular for a while, but it was just a rumor. There is no proof. And there are many such rumors and they exist everywhere." Yalan next to me explained.

"The treasure has a use. Let's have a barbecue party over there." Linton said, "I didn't eat dragon meat last time, so I must enjoy it this time."

"Is there a dragon over there?" Garsain was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, Vecna ​​said that." Linton nodded.

Vecna ​​is the name of Linton's dragon, and Garsain naturally knows it. From this, it is quite possible that there is a dragon there. I didn't expect that there would be a giant dragon in such a remote place. When he heard the news, Garsain suddenly became excited.

Yes, he has just broken through to the Saint level. Now Garsain is actually quite excited. After gaining strength, he naturally wants to find someone to practice with. But if you say you want to find someone to practice with, it's not appropriate. Two Saints can fight together. It was a sparring exercise, and the damage was huge. He didn't have a suitable partner to spar with yet, and with this dragon appearing now, it wouldn't be a good time to test his abilities.

So quickly, a group of five people made some preparations and set off directly for Bandrarar. Of course, when they knew that this trip was about riding a dragon, Fulla and Jorah here were excited. After all, there are not many people in this world who have ridden a dragon. Although Garsain here has been helping Linton take care of him recently. The dragon was already used to seeing Vecna, but he soon discovered that the way Vecna ​​looked when she saw Linton was not like a dragon at all.

Yes, Linton left Vecna ​​with Gasein for him to look after, and Gasein naturally helped take care of her. Normally, Vecna ​​would not give anyone a good look, and no one dared to get close. If they were displeased, they would throw Longwei over. Vecna ​​was quite happy to see these people crawling away. The only one that can get close to it is Garsain, and it is also very arrogant towards Garsain.

However, the dragon shrunk into the shape of a kitten when it saw Linton. Linton waved his hand, and the Fenrir wolf Sif next to him consciously walked in front of the dragon's head, and Wei here Kerna directly pushed up Shiv and hung it around her neck.

It was also the first time that Fulla, Jorah and Garsain knew that the Fenrir wolf was used in this way, and what happened before they could even react after sitting on it. After all, Yalan next to her had met him once before, and she behaved relatively calmly this time.

"So you and your wife usually travel in this realm?" Looking at the calm Yalan, Fula couldn't help but ask again.

"So I've said it, can you not use the word realm?" Yalan held her forehead.

"It's okay. This cushion is big enough for five people to sit on." Linton next to him patted Shiv with satisfaction and said.

"Yes, Master, I have been taking care of my fur very seriously recently." Shiv immediately said below.

"I see, there is another benefit." Linton nodded, "If I peel off your skin, you won't be able to take care of yourself, right? It seems that me keeping you alive is really useful."

"So do you think this is a conversation at the same level?" Fulla pointed at Linton next to her and said.

"Ignore me, I have a headache." Yalan held her forehead directly.

Soon, Vecna ​​took off smoothly and flew towards the south. The people who were flying on the dragon for the first time were naturally very excited. They were really excited to see the things on the ground getting smaller and smaller as they flew higher and higher. However, the excitement did not last long. There was still some distance between here and the destination. Linton did not ask the dragon to speed up, otherwise the wind pressure would be too strong.

After the initial excitement, several people also started talking on the dragon's back. The content of the conversation at the beginning was still about national affairs, mainly Yalan and Gasain talked about the recent situation. Of course, Garsain also knew about the Dragon Balls before, but he just didn't have time to come back to participate in the ceremony. In those few days, he happened to be making a Saint-level breakthrough.

The government chatted for a while, and the topic soon turned to the upgrade of Garsain. After all, it was a good thing that there was an extra holy level in the country, and this holy level was not ordinary. Yes, the saints before Linton were basically martial arts idiots. You can't reach this level without being crazy. Generally, only people who have been practicing martial arts all their lives can become saints.

However, the saint level of Garsain was raised with medicine, which is basically the same as Linton's situation. Therefore, after he becomes a saint level, it is basically impossible for him to be like other saints and directly semi-reclusive and not care about the world. Yalan also asked Garsain if he wanted to continue to serve as a military officer. After all, his current status was a bit troublesome. Once he participated in the war, the scale of the war would directly become a holy-level war.

Of course Gaseon doesn't want to retreat to the palace to protect himself. When he is 25 years old, he will go back to take care of himself? He was quite excited when he made the breakthrough, but now that he thinks about it, he actually feels a little troubled. Yes, what should I do now? Before him, there was no such person who broke through to the Saint level at such a young age, and was still serving in the military. There was no reference at all. The only reference was Linton, who reached the Saint level at a younger age.

"Have you heard the motto of our Meloway family?" Linton said directly when he saw Garsain looking at him in confusion.

"Are we going to add another item to our family's rebellion record?" Gasein raised his forehead, "I'm ready, just tell me."

"The prince and general Xiang Ning... ahem, that's not what you said. Listen to the rebel notes you mentioned." Linton said, "Be the one who makes the rules, and don't be the one who is customized by the rules. I, Mei, No one can stop what the Luo Wei family wants to do."

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