I really can't control myself

Chapter 955 Deployment

After receiving some rewards from Yalan, Linton was ready to get started. There are two things to be done now. One is to grasp the public opinion in mainland China. Linton has prepared newspapers as a propaganda tool, but there are still some problems that need to be solved. The other thing is about this time. It’s about module promotion. Of course, these two things can be done together now.

Of course, it should be dealt with. You can just publish this matter in a newspaper and talk about how this dragon ball is useful. This is obviously not a wise approach. On the one hand, newspapers do not have such credibility now, and on the other hand, Linton does not have that much credibility now. Great credibility, so to do this well, Linton also needs to spend a little effort, which is simply to build momentum.

The promotion of newspapers must also be done in accordance with the mainland method. You cannot just ask everyone to read the newspaper. Coercive methods often only cause resistance. What Linton has to do is to arouse everyone's interest and make everyone feel This newspaper is useful, and it is naturally this incident that is used.

The first step is to let Yalan start getting newspapers first. Of course, the machines and the like are already ready. At present, the only raw materials for newspapers are trees, and the most indispensable thing in the main world is trees, so Yalan also quickly approved the establishment of a new newspaper factory in the woods west of the main city and began to produce newspapers.

Of course, the production of newspapers is still very simple after having machines. The problem is promotion. The residents here obviously do not have the habit of reading newspapers, and even the literacy rate of most residents is alarmingly low. The only news that makes Linton feel particularly good is that this main world does not know why there is a common language for the continent. This Suddenly the difficulty of promotion work is reduced by at least half.

Linton was actually not that worried about the literacy rate issue. What he wanted was not the sales volume of the newspaper, but the transmission rate of the information in the newspaper. As long as one of the ten people can read the newspaper, then he can tell the other nine people the information in the newspaper. Linton is not trying to sell them ten newspapers, so Linton does not need to advance too much education reform in this world. many.

In short, it was very fast, and the first newspaper was published within a few days after Linton returned. Linton was not too involved in this matter. Everything was left to Yalan to operate. After looking at the actual things, Linton was still a little disappointed. Most of the things introduced above were national policies. Reports about some nobles are simply content that has nothing to do with 95% of civilians.

In the end, the actual promotion situation was similar to Linton's guess. The first newspaper was only distributed in the main city and was not promoted nationwide. However, the ten newspaper sales points set up in the city sold only 155 newspapers on the first day. , you must know that the machine Linton brought back can produce and print 50,000 newspapers a day.

Of course, if you say the situation is bad, Linton doesn't think so. After all, this thing has no cost. The only cost is the tree. In the current world, it is free to cut down trees, so the cost is approximately zero. Linton didn't have such high expectations for the first issue of the newspaper. On the one hand, it wanted to let everyone know that there was such a thing. On the other hand, it also gave the people below a try to let them know how to do it.

After the first phase is released, the plan for the second phase is to transport these machines separately to major cities in the country, because the actual production efficiency of this machine is too high, and the centralized production will affect the release speed. It is shipped to various places and produced locally, and the typesetting content only needs to be transported by one person using the transmission array, which is much more convenient than directly delivering the finished newspaper. The transportation of the machine is also very convenient. After all, it is a capsule device, so you can just take it with you. The main problem is building the factory and recruiting people.

After the people below probably figured out how to do it, Linton of the second issue of the newspaper began to interfere with the content. The main content amendments proposed are two points. On the one hand, it is to add content on people's livelihood, which is the so-called people's livelihood section. It mainly writes about content that ordinary people care about, such as where taxes are reduced, where food is purchased, and where sales are made. How much is the price? On the other hand, Linton discovered that there is a huge group of people in the world who like to read newspapers, and that is mercenaries.

Yes, compared to civilians, the literacy rate of mercenaries is significantly higher. Each mercenary group must have at least a few literate people, and they are also very concerned about information issues. For example, where does a war need to be fought and mercenaries need to be hired? Where does a World of Warcraft appear and needs help? Which mercenary team has recently started to recruit people? What professional positions need to be recruited? This information was originally transmitted from person to person within the mercenary union, so isn't there a new way now?

So in the second issue of the newspaper, Linton ordered a special section to follow up on the situation of mercenaries, and also sent people to promote the mercenaries. The effect was very gratifying. The sales of the newspaper in the main city started from The 155 copies of the first issue increased to 4,600. At this time, the other four cities also began to establish newspaper factories, but they would not distribute local newspapers for the time being.

Linton felt that he no longer needed to remind himself of the following development issues. There was strength in numbers. Although the people here had never been exposed to such things as newspapers, Linton would definitely be able to develop in the future after he proposed a general direction. . And some things operate according to the rules of this world, and Linton's experience may not be useful. For example, regarding mercenaries, Linton didn't know that it would be more convenient to start with them at the beginning, and the people below reminded him. .

After a little paving the way, Linton decided to start something big. This time, he wanted to spread the news about newspapers and modules. Since we are going to cause trouble, of course the bigger the better, Linton’s newspaper wants to spread to the entire continent, so naturally this incident will also spread to the entire continent, so what Linton has to do is to spread the news to the entire continent. Get involved.

The first step of the plan is to offer auspiciousness. Yes, this trick can be said to be a common method of building momentum since ancient times. However, Linton did not arrange for people from his own country to do this. After all, he sent people to do it himself, which led to the final situation. That is to say, they are just enjoying themselves within the Holy Empire of Elan. Most people in other countries will probably not believe it. It is just a joke. This goes against his own purpose, so Linton chose to let this person The first step is to start with people from other countries.

The location is a small country called the Kingdom of Martonus. This country is not even bordering the Holy Empire of Elan. It is a small country to the west of the Yetis Empire. This country has a small land area, with a total population of almost 100,000. It used to be a buffer state for a large country.

On this day, the king of the Kingdom of Martonus suddenly heard a report from the minister below, saying that a small nobleman in their country had discovered a precious treasure and was preparing to present it to His Majesty the King. Of course the king was very happy when he heard this. Although this donation of rare treasures was probably done by this little nobleman in order to get his own reward, it was a good thing for the king's reputation, so this The king naturally refused to accept anyone who came.

So the king agreed to donate and summoned the little nobleman to come. Unexpectedly, this little nobleman was quite high-profile, so the donation team was so exaggerated that the whole city knew about it. The king didn't think it was a big deal. Maybe the little noble thought he would default on his debt and start a battle first? He won't default on his debts. If it's really a good thing, just give him more rewards.

However, what he didn't expect was that he was really shocked after seeing what the other party contributed. What the other party presented was a round ball, which was orange, translucent, and very hard. It looked like a gem. There seemed to be something flowing inside, and a red star could be clearly seen. Shape thing.

At first, the king thought that what the other party offered was an ordinary gem. However, he was a little confused when he saw this thing. Even he didn't know what it was. Although it was so obvious that it was a treasure, touch it. The feeling of going up is unusual.

Although he didn't know what it was, the king fell in love with this strange thing at a glance, so he accepted the treasure in public and directly gave a large number of rewards to the young nobleman to show his loyalty. And because he really liked this treasure, the king even held several small banquets to show the rare treasure he had just obtained to the arriving guests. Of course, the guests also sighed at this magical thing, which made the king very happy. .

Then he got into trouble. A few days later, the Holy Empire of Yilan suddenly announced that the treasure obtained by King Martonus was a lost national treasure of their Holy Empire of Yilan, and it belonged to their Holy Empire of Yilan. And soon, the Yilan Holy Empire also published their evidence in the newspaper, that is, there is this rare treasure in their palace. There are six gems of the same size, with 2-7 red stars inside, so It's obviously a set of treasures.

Taking this as evidence, the Holy Empire of Elan immediately notified the Kingdom of Martonus to hand over the lost national treasure of their country. If not, they will bear the consequences.

This sudden bolt from the blue directly frightened King Martonus, who had been a little angry recently. A small country like them could not afford to take revenge from the Holy Empire of Elan. Although he didn't know whether what the Holy Empire of Yilan said was true, and he was reluctant to part with this precious thing, but his arm couldn't twist his thigh, King Martonus thought about it and decided to hand it over.

However, before he was ready, something big happened again. The palace of the Kingdom of Martonus was actually stolen.

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