Vegeta, who returned to his own body, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, Linton's method still worked. He first crushed his soul into a ball and then forcibly poured it into his original body, and then used the fairy beans to cure it. Injury. In general, Linton saved him again, but...why did he still want to hit someone so much?

Yes, only when he returned to his body did Vegeta realize how serious his injuries were. He couldn't move his whole body, and Linton actually deliberately delayed the time, obviously letting him suffer a little longer. What do you think? How excessive is this.

"Isn't this for your own good? You see, isn't this the result of your own arrogance and underestimation of the enemy? I'll give you more memory so that you can remember it in the future." Linton said righteously. Although what he said seemed to make sense, Vegeta always felt that the other party obviously wanted to mess with him because he had not been obedient before.

"This laboratory is good. Your wife is really useful." Just as he was thinking about it, Linton started to say strange things again. Vegeta said that he had no time to argue with this guy and quickly tested his own combat power.

Resurrected from a near-death state again, Vegeta's combat power has naturally been enhanced again, but despite his efforts, it seems that he still has not been able to reach the Super Saiyan state. Vegeta doesn't know what his specific combat power is now. After all, the latest combat power detector can only detect the level of 500,000, and he doesn't know how far he is from being a Super Saiyan.

Linton didn't care about Vegeta. After knocking Vegeta down, of course the ownership of the last dragon ball in the opponent's hand also changed. Of course, Linton directly chose to upload it and got all the dragon balls.

Now that he has some points, Linton has slightly improved his skills. First, the Turtle Style Qigong has been directly upgraded to level A. The obvious reason for this skill upgrade is the conversion rate, that is, the conversion of magic value into attack. The ratio of strength and the like, and then the breath concealment skills, Linton directly mentioned the A level. As for the breath detection, I am not in a hurry, it is almost enough now.

As for the time-stop skill, the points required to upgrade this skill are much unexpected. Currently, Linton only has entry level D, which already requires 100,000 points. Linton spent 1 million to upgrade to level C. After a little trial, the duration was extended and the scope of influence was also wider.

Yes, this skill has an impact on the range. When time stops, it does not mean that the entire universe stops, only the time within the range stops. Of course, Linton also tried whether he needed to hold his breath before releasing this skill, because in the original animation, this skill requires holding his breath, but in the comics, it does not need to be. In the actual test, he did not need to hold his breath, and the time of stopping was changed from before. 5 seconds turned into 9 seconds.

"This is really JOJO." Linton couldn't help but said after trying it.

After finishing all these, Linton looked at the remaining 3 million points. He thought about it and decided to practice again, because he always felt that he was about to reach the next level. He wanted to see if he could take advantage of this time to practice directly. To Super Two. Of course, if Linton really wants to level up now, he can just use fairy beans to level up. However, he cannot regenerate the fairy beans at present. It is easier to obtain points, and the fairy beans can be used by others. Linton After thinking for a while, I decided to spend points instead.

"Since we have collected all the Dragon Balls, why don't we summon Shenron?" Vegeta suddenly asked.

"No way." Linton spread his hands, "These Namekian dragon balls seem to have some special summoning spells, do you understand?"

"A special summoning spell?" Vegeta nodded, and then said, "Then we can find out if we catch a few Namekians and ask them?"

"You have to do it yourself, I'll go and practice a level." Linton said.

"Then if I ask, can you make a wish?" Vegeta asked, "Make me immortal."

"As you wish," Linton said.

After getting Linton's consent, Vegeta here became more energetic, so he quickly went out to find the Namekians. Linton really didn't bother to care. First of all, the Namekians were not that easy to help. Secondly, Linton really didn't like the wish. Finally, anyway, the Namekian dragon could make three wishes at a time. Vegeta really If he gets it done, Linton will only give him one wish, and he will pick up the other two for free.

A day passed very quickly, and the Vegetas disappeared without knowing where they were. They haven't come back yet. They were probably looking for the Namekians everywhere. Linton had finished his leveling practice and was just sitting down to rest for a while when suddenly a powerful aura came from the sky.

Linton looked up and saw that there were a lot of meteorite-like things falling from the sky in the distance, like a meteor shower. Seeing this, Linton probably knew that it must be Frieza. arrive. Frieza's aura is very obvious among these people. The others are probably his subordinates, so the aura can be ignored.

Although I don't know where Vegeta is, he must have felt this aura, and he is probably heading that way now. Linton thought for a moment, put away the dragon balls on the ground, and opened the portal directly to where the opponent landed.

After a rough judgment, the opponent landed on a large plain, next to the sea, and the terrain was low. At this time, the opponent had not yet landed. Linton waited for a while, but the first person to come was Vegeta.

"Is it Frieza?" Vegeta asked directly when he saw Linton.

"Probably." Linton nodded. After all, Frieza's men were really too weak, so this powerful energy could only be Frieza himself.

"Is it only to this extent?" Vegeta said with some disdain.

"So we said he would transform." Linton spread his hands, "How is the matter of summoning the dragon?"

"Tsk, these Namekians are really troublesome," Vegeta said. Of course Linton knew what he said. It was probably these Namekians who refused to obey, so what can you do? I guess Vegeta's threats and other methods have been used, but nothing gained.

"It just didn't work out. Your ability assessment has dropped to another level." Linton spread his hands and said.

"You..." Vegeta was very unhappy. Linton's words were just a roundabout way of calling him a loser. He could still understand this, but he seemed unable to reply. After all, it really didn't work. .

Fortunately, there wasn't much time to make any noise. Just as they were talking, a lot of spaceships landed in front of them. This time, there are not only small spaceships, but also larger ones. Although they are also round, they obviously contain more people.

The first was a small spaceship. After landing, a large number of soldiers in armor quickly walked out. They were of all races and looked strange. Then the hatch on the large spaceship opened, and a strange-looking purple alien came out in a small aerostat with a group of people.

Although it was their first meeting, Linton also recognized the other person's identity, Frieza. After all, he is the current overlord of the universe, and he still has some momentum. The other party had obviously noticed Linton and Vegeta. As soon as they came down, they looked in the direction of the two.

"It's Vegeta and that guy named Linton." A human-looking lieutenant behind Frieza said to Frieza.

"Go over there." Frieza waved his hand, and his team gathered together and surrounded Linton and the others. Of course, Linton and Vegeta had no intention of running away, and just stood there, After a while, he was surrounded by the other party's people.

"Vegeta, how dare you, a traitor, appear in front of me?" Frieza said with a smile, "I heard that you defeated Team Ginyu, and you have become more capable, but you think you can fight with me this way?" Did I resist? Those dragon balls should be in your hands, hand them over and I can spare your life."

"Traitor?" Vegeta smiled, "Frieza, you were the one who destroyed Planet Vegeta."

"Since you already know, I won't hide it anymore." Frieza said with a strange smile, "You are right, I destroyed Planet Vegeta, and I also wiped out the Saiyans, leaving you behind , it’s just because you are a waste and you pose no threat to me at all.”

"You guy!" Vegeta said angrily, clenching his fists. Although he had already heard Linton say it once, he still couldn't control his anger when he heard Frieza's words. But after being angry, Vegeta also smiled and said: "You destroyed Planet Vegeta because you were afraid, afraid of the legendary warrior, Super Saiyan, I am right."

"Super Saiyan? That's just a legend." Frieza waved his hand and said, "Even if a Super Saiyan really appears in front of me, I will not be afraid of him. The destruction of Planet Vegeta is just because They are a threat to me, and anything that is a threat must be destroyed, that’s all.”

"Really? Then today I will let you see how powerful we Saiyans are." Vegeta said.

"How dare you speak to me like this? Are you forgetting my horror?" Frieza said, "I will let you remember it carefully."

"Wait a minute, Lord Frieza, Vegeta doesn't need you to do it yourself." Suddenly the human-like adjutant behind him suddenly said, "Let me, Sabo, help you deal with this traitor."

"Please let me join in." Another short, fat purple alien next to him said.

"Yeah, I understand." Frieza nodded, "Dodoria, Sabo, it's up to you to take down this traitor."

"Yes." They both nodded at the same time, then took a step forward.

"Are you two losers?" Vegeta said, crossing his hands on his chest, "I'm too lazy to do anything."

"I'll leave all the soldiers to you," Linton said suddenly.


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