I really can't control myself

Chapter 943 Snatching

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Vegeta couldn't help but said. The current situation is like this. Since Frieza did not arrive, the two decided to get the dragon balls first and tried the dragon ball radar. Sure enough, they detected the reaction of the dragon balls, and one of them was not far from them. In this case, Vegeta naturally took off directly to get the Dragon Balls.

However, the problem is Linton's flying speed. Linton did take off, but his flight was almost like a balloon floating. At first, Vegeta thought Linton was trying to do something again, but the reality was that Linton... really couldn't fly.

That's right, Linton has also learned the air dance technique. In theory, he should be able to fly. Moreover, Linton also spent some points to upgrade this skill to B level. According to the previous situation, he should be Can be mastered directly. But the problem is...he can still only float in the air.

If you want to ask the reason, Linton himself doesn’t know why he can fully understand other skills immediately, but why he can’t seem to do anything about flying skills. After spending a lot of points, the result Linton got now is that he had to activate the six forms before to float, but now he just doesn't use it, and there is no actual improvement at all.

Vegeta next to him also looked confused. He felt that he had basically spent no effort in learning the flying skill. Why could someone like Linton, who was more experienced than him, not be able to do this? Are you sure you're not kidding yourself?

"Who is teasing you? No one is more miserable than me, okay?" Linton couldn't help but said.

"Hmm...it turns out there are things you're not good at," Vegeta said.

"My TN can teleport, okay? Do you understand teleportation? There is no need for flying or anything like that." Linton waved his hand and said.

"It doesn't sound like it's unnecessary," Vegeta said.

"Shut up! You're just a nephew, you dare to talk at this time, look for dragon beads or something, is that what I do? As usual, you should go run errands, I will wait for you here." Linton waved.

"Tch, useless guy." Vegeta said, and then took off directly towards the direction of the Dragon Balls. Yes, it is naturally better for Vegeta to collect the Dragon Balls. Again, the handover of ownership is more convenient. If Linton remembered correctly, the Dragon Balls on Namek were kept in the villages of several elders of the Namek Presbyterian Church. There were many Namekians in the village, and the issue of the ownership of the Dragon Balls was quite complicated. , so it’s easier to wait for Vegeta to grab it and then grab it from him.

After Vegeta left, Linton still practiced flying with some persistence. After all, this is Wu Kong Jutsu. In theory, it is the simplest flying skill. Even people with a combat power of less than 200 can master it. He has already exceeded 100 million. Isn’t it too embarrassing after I don’t know how to do it? Even if the compatibility is bad, it can’t be this bad.

After practicing for a while, but there was no obvious progress, Linton gave up a little bit. I felt Vegeta's breath. After knowing the opponent's breath, this breath perception was still very clear, as if tracking was turned on.

Linton found that Vegeta had left the place where the Dragon Balls were found before, but did not come towards him. Instead, he went in the other direction where the Dragon Balls were found before. He was probably preparing to collect all the Dragon Balls as before. come back. After looking at the Dragon Ball Radar, it turned out that the Dragon Balls were moving with Vegeta.

This nephew is unexpectedly quite obedient and quite good at getting things done. No wonder Frieza is reluctant to silence him, he looks so arrogant and seems quite useful. Originally planning to continue waiting, Linton suddenly saw a few meteor-like things appearing in the sky on the right.

Immediately, a sense of breath was released, and Linton clearly felt the breath. It was obvious that what landed was not an ordinary meteor, but something like an aircraft. The people who would come to this planet at this time were obviously Frieza and the others.

"Already arrived?" Linton felt it carefully. Although the distance was relatively far away, Linton's feeling was vague, but he could still feel that the other party's aura was not very strong, and it was probably not Frieza himself.

After thinking about it, Linton probably understood that Frieza should also know about his existence now. Of course, what he said about Super Saiyan, combat power exceeding 100 million and so on, even if he really heard it, Linton guessed It is impossible for the other party to believe everything, but Frieza is a relatively cautious person, so he probably sent a lot of people this time. Frieza's men were originally scattered across various planets to launch an invasion, but if they are gathered now, the people will arrive in batches, arriving early or late. These few may have arrived early, and Frieza himself should still on the way.

After thinking about it, Linton's side flashed with white light, and a flying thunder god came directly to Vegeta's side. At this time, Vegeta happened to land near the village where the second Dragon Ball was located. He was just about to take action when Linton flashed beside him and appeared directly beside him.

Vegeta already knew that Linton could teleport. Of course, he didn't know that Linton had placed the Flying Thunder God's talisman on his body. He was not surprised by Linton's sudden appearance: " What's wrong? Do you want to do it yourself too?"

"Frieza's people are here, they seem to be the vanguard." Linton said, pointing in one direction, "That way."

"Hmm... I did feel some relatively strong energy, stronger than these Namekians." Vegeta felt it and said, "Huh? It seems to be coming this way, and he should have spotted the two of us. Bar."

"Although I have controlled my breath, it's still quite high." Linton nodded. He didn't know what his combat power was now. His breath concealment had not reached the highest level. After all, the highest level still required 10 As for 10,000 points, I have very few points now, so I can save as much as I can.

"Let them die on their own," Vegeta said.

After speaking, Linton also looked ahead. There happened to be a small Namekian village in front of him. The Namekian village is quite unique. The people live in oval-shaped huts. I don't know what kind of plants are planted in the fields next to them, but they look a bit like small trees.

At this time, all the Namekians in the village had come out, and they had obviously discovered the arrival of Vegeta and Linton. After all, the Namekians knew magic, and seemed to be able to sense goodwill or malice. Of course, it was obvious that they felt that the two men were not good-natured.

Linton scanned it and found that there seemed to be no young people in the village. They were all Namekians who looked older, or they were children. This seemed to be a normal phenomenon among the Namekians. Maybe young people People in their prime will go to the city for training, and when they get old, they will go back to the village to take care of their children. Among them was an elderly Namekian wearing a robe and holding a cane, presumably the village chief, since everyone else was crowding around this man.

"Are you the alien that just attacked the village where the Seven Elders are?" the Namekian who looked like the village chief said to Vegeta. It was normal for the other party to recognize him. After all, Vegeta was holding a huge dragon ball in his arms. The Dragon Balls on Namek are several sizes larger than those on Earth, and holding them is like holding a basketball.

"Give me the Dragon Ball." Vegeta here also said directly, "Those people just refused to hand over the Dragon Ball, and I killed them all. If you don't want everyone here to die, just hand it over."

"Evil guys, I will never hand over the Dragon Ball to you." The village chief here said, "You are late. We know that someone is robbing the Dragon Ball. We have already moved the Dragon Ball and called the combat team. They are already here, you just wait to be arrested and punished."

"Transferred?" Vegeta took out the Dragon Ball Radar, clicked it, and then smiled, "Haha, you still want to lie to me, the Dragon Ball is here, let me take a look, it turns out that's it, you just hid the Dragon Ball, It's...in that lake, right?"

Vegeta pointed to the lake next to the village and said, and upon hearing this, the face of the village chief changed drastically. Hearing the other party's accurate location of the Dragon Ball, the village chief immediately realized that the thing on the other party's hand seemed to be able to detect the location of the Dragon Ball. The next moment, the other party gritted his teeth and suddenly launched an attack, reaching out and sending out a beam of light. Hit Vegeta directly, and his target is not Vegeta, but the device in his hand that can detect the Dragon Balls.

Although the village chief's attack was sudden, Vegeta here was not hit. He just turned sideways to avoid the village chief's attack. Then he raised his hand and followed up with a Qigong wave, which directly hit the village chief here. long. With a "boom", the village chief here exploded and turned into a pool of blood.

"Oh?" The moment Vegeta killed the village chief, Linton got a system prompt. Yes, it was a prompt that valuables were found. It seems obvious that the owner of the Dragon Ball here should be the village chief, and he died, resulting in the valuables now having no owner. If Vegeta gets it, the ownership will be transferred, but now Vegeta still If he didn’t get it, Linton could just get it directly.

Raising his hand to fish it out, Linton took out a dragon ball with three stars inside from the nearby portal, and of course he clicked to upload it directly.

The system prompts: "The valuable items were successfully uploaded and you received 750,000 points."

The system prompts: "You have found a module upgrade module. Do you want to load it and overwrite the original module?"

"Upgrade module? Hmm... coverage." Linton thought for a while and nodded.

System prompt: "The upgrade module has started loading, and the current progress is 1/7."

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