I really can't control myself

Chapter 940 Dragon Ball

What appeared in front of Linton was a big cat, the cat fairy who lived on Kalin Tower. Of course, this cat is really weird. After all, some weird things often appeared in the early stages of the original work. The reason why Linton came to find it was also very simple, naturally it was for the fairy beans.

However, it is a pity that, just as Linton expected, the current fairy beans seem to have been affected by the trimming and balancing bug, and the output has dropped rapidly. According to the Cat Immortal, the yield of fairy beans was amazing in the past. However, in recent years, the survival rate of fairy beans has dropped rapidly, to the point that no one can be cultivated in a year, and the previous fairy beans cannot be stored permanently. Yes, there is a possibility of rotting if it is not eaten completely. Under such dual effects, there are currently only a dozen fairy beans left.

Before, Klin and the others came to the Neko Immortal to ask for fairy beans, but the Neko Immortal had already given them half of them, and there were only seven left in their hands. Of course, these are all in Linton's hands now, there are only thirteen in total. By the way, Linton also used Tsukuyomi to knock out the Neko Sento. The only useful skill of the opponent was the skill of cultivating sensu beans. However, first of all, this skill is not affordable at the moment. Secondly, it takes a year to cultivate sensu beans, and it is possible. Culture failed and no grains were harvested.

This bug thing gave Linton a headache. It was a pity that he came too late. If he had come earlier in the plot, he would have had a tank of fairy beans at that time, which would have been invincible.

Of course, when talking about this, Linton thought of Hongjun. Yes, since he was a senior, it should be similar to what he thought. Linton didn't believe that there were people here who didn't count the fairy beans, so Hongjun should have some in his hands. A lot of fairy beans? It's a pity that the investigators must keep such expired things in their own packages, because they can be stored forever, so it is probably impossible to get Hongjun's inheritance.

After getting all the fairy beans, Linton had basically done what he wanted to do. There is no need to go up to the temple above yet. Linton is waiting below for Vegeta to come back. During this time, Linton also asked Bulma about Hongjun.

Of course, Bulma is still confused now because she really can't keep up with Linton's rhythm and doesn't know what Linton means. However, she has no intention of hiding anything about Hongjun. I don’t know why Linton cares so much about Hongjun. Does he also feel that Hongjun is a threat to him?

Yes, according to Bulma, if Hongjun is here, he is a stronger existence than Sun Wukong. First of all, he is the senior brother of Sun Wukong and Linton, and is also the first disciple of Turtle Immortal. This is of course easy to understand. If Linton comes to this world in the early plot, he will also go to Turtle Immortal, whether it is for exploration. It is also necessary to learn skills.

Secondly, Hongjun has won the championship of the world's best martial arts competition twice, and both of them stepped on Wukong, so in fact, everyone thinks that Hongjun is the most powerful person they know. Bulma and Hongjun knew each other earlier. It is said that he himself directly found the Bulma family company. The two talked about the Dragon Ball, so they started looking for the Dragon Ball together. After going back and forth, the two of them got along well.

Although the two were lovers, Bulma didn't know about Hongjun's past. Just as Linton expected, Hongjun would disappear for a period of time, saying that he was going to retreat. He disappeared more than a year ago. Hongjun said that he was going to retreat, and then he never appeared again.

Although he had often gone into seclusion before, the time he disappeared this time was really long. Bulma was a little worried and looked for him, but there was no clue at all. And this time the Saiyan crisis, the other party did not show up. This really gave her a bad feeling. After all, Hongjun always appeared when he encountered big problems before, but this time it made her feel a little strange.

Yes, Bulma came here. To be honest, she wanted to see if Hongjun would come. She hadn't seen him for more than a year. Bulma still missed him, but unfortunately he still didn't see him. Although Bulma was a little nervous when talking to Linton at first, but as she spoke, it turned into complaints. From asking questions to finding someone to complain to, after all, Bulma was not the same age as before. She was getting older. She was still a little girl when she first fell in love with Hongjun, so of course she could afford to wait, but now that Bulma was an adult, she couldn't stand this pattern anymore.

The actual situation is that her best friend Qiqi has already been married, and even the child is over four years old. Can Bulma not be anxious? Hongjun was nowhere to be seen here, and Bulma was certainly feeling very uncomfortable.

Just when Linton was feeling a little dizzy, Vegeta finally came back. Yes, he collected the Dragon Balls very quickly. After all, no one on earth was his opponent. It was like flying over, grabbing them, and leaving, and no one could stop him. After running around for a while, Vegeta had already obtained seven Dragon Balls.

Of course, Vegeta didn't actually know how the Dragon Balls were used. The seven Dragon Balls glowed after being put together, but he didn't know what to do next. After thinking about it, Vegeta brought the Dragon Ball back. He had thought about making a wish after getting the Dragon Ball and using it to deal with Linton. However, he didn't know how to use it now. Linton probably knew this too. He was just asked to collect it, so he was probably on guard. This thing shouldn't be able to deal with Linton.

It is true that Shenron cannot deal with Linton. After reaching the level of Super Saiyan in the original work, Shenlong can be said to have no choice. Even if everyone makes a wish to teleport the then Sun Wukong back, Shenlong must obtain the other party's consent before it can be carried out. Yes, Sun Wukong refused directly at that time. Therefore, it is impossible for Vegeta to use him against Linton, even if he knows how to use it, so Linton can rest assured to let him run errands.

Soon seven beads appeared in front of Linton. Linton looked at these legendary dragon beads and found that they were exactly the same as he had imagined. Of course, there is no hint of valuables now, but it is not surprising that Linton arrived, because these dragon balls now belong to his nephew Vegeta, which is why Linton asked Vegeta to get them, otherwise he would open the door one by one. It's okay to get them, but the issue of ownership of the Dragon Balls is very troublesome. And now, Vegeta has already grabbed them, so you can just snatch them from him.

With a "pop" sound, Linton directly penetrated Vegeta's abdomen with one blow without any warning, and penetrated the opponent's body directly with one hand. The sudden blow stunned Vegeta and Bulma next to him. No one expected that Linton would take action at this time. Vegeta had already relaxed his vigilance at this time, and he did not expect that Linton would suddenly come like this. one time.

However, after Vegeta fell, Bulma next to him saw Linton taking out a fairy bean and feeding it to him. Bulma couldn't understand. She knows the fairy beans, so what are you going to do? If you want to kill people, you definitely don't need fairy beans. Is this a waste of fairy beans?

Of course, Linton didn't explain anything to Bulma and picked up the dragon ball on the ground again. Yes, the Dragon Balls were indeed marked as valuable at this time, so Linton naturally chose to upload them directly.

"Successfully uploading valuables, you have earned 50,000 points."

"You found a new module, current progress (1/7)"

"I wipe it?" Linton was stunned for a moment when he heard the prompt. 50,000 points. Did he hear it correctly? Yes, this dragon ball is not omnipotent, but it is still a dragon ball after all. Why is it only 50,000 points? This is much less than Linton expected.

Although Linton had thought before that this thing would not be too exaggerated. After all, a universe-destroying infinity stone costs about 2 million, but only 50,000 is too little. After thinking for a while, Linton felt that it was still impossible to have so few, but he did think of a possible reason, that is... this thing may have been uploaded by someone.

Yes, this world has been explored by others after all, and the exploration progress is inherited, and Linton estimates that valuables such as Dragon Balls can also be regarded as inherited. Bulma had already said before that the man named Hongjun had started collecting dragon balls a long time ago and had successfully collected them, so of course he had uploaded them. As for the valuables that have been uploaded, Linton also knew that the points obtained would be very few. This is what may happen now.

Then this is a bit uncomfortable. I didn't expect this to be the case. Linton was quite happy when he saw that these dragon balls were indicated as valuable items, but the points had already been taken away by his seniors. This is the first time Linton has encountered this situation. After all, in the world he took over before, Linton didn't find any valuables. He didn't expect to step into this pit now. Sure enough, there are still some disadvantages in the world he took over.

I uploaded all the remaining Dragon Balls, and sure enough, Linton only got 350,000 points, which was really too few. Now that Linton officially needs the points, it's so uncomfortable. But the good news is that the task of the new module here is completed directly. You know what the module is without asking. However, there is no actual point reward for this module, and it cannot be loaded until you go back.

"The Dragon Balls on Namek have probably not been uploaded yet." Linton said suddenly. Yes, the Dragon Balls on Earth have been preempted by seniors, but the other party has probably never been to Namek. Since the Dragon Balls on Earth are valuable, the ones on Namek must be as well. If they had not been uploaded, Linton would naturally get a lot of points, but... Linton was really not sure whether the other party had ever been to Namek.

Yes, Linton, who knows the plot, actually has a way to go directly to Namek. There is a spaceship on the earth. It was the spaceship that Celestial God and Piccolo took when they came to the earth a long time ago. Then there is a way to go there. Meike's method. The question now is, did senior Hongjun use that one?

Linton thought about it and felt that although it was possible, it was not very likely. After all, the Dragon Balls on Namek were also protected sacred objects. Frieza also spent a lot of effort when he sent people to snatch them. , and the Namekians' combat capabilities are not ordinary, and they cannot go there without certain abilities, but... after all, the temptation is too great, Linton said that he might also take a gamble.

Of course, no matter what, Linton, the Dragon Ball of Namek, will definitely get it. I just hope that the seniors here can give him a drink.

While Linton was thinking about these things, Vegeta woke up next to him. The first time he woke up, the other party looked at his punctured stomach in surprise, but now it was naturally completely repaired. The next second, the other party stood up and directly felt his own Qi. Sure enough, it strengthened again.

"Is this the healing item on Earth you mentioned?" Vegeta did not go to Linton to settle accounts without thinking. He seemed to understand what Linton meant, so he thought it was Linton who demonstrated the effect to him, "Sure enough, there are some magic."

"Just understand." Linton nodded. Bulma next to her didn't know that Saiyans would become stronger when they were about to die. She looked at the two people in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"Now that I have the Dragon Balls, how should I use them?" Vegeta asked.

"Just make a wish, and after a little training, we will go find Frieza." After Linton finished speaking, he placed the seven dragon balls on the ground, raised his hand and shouted, "Appear, Shenron!"

Suddenly the sky turned black and the day turned into night. A burst of intense light emerged from the dragon ball and slowly condensed into an entity. It was a huge green dragon. Although the color was indeed a bit strange, it was indeed the eastern giant. The shape of the dragon looks quite friendly to Linton.

"I see. Is this how to use the Dragon Balls?" Vegeta nodded. It turns out there is a spell. Bulma next to her was surprised as to why Linton knew about this, but she didn't ask.

"You two, don't talk, don't think about causing trouble, because I will definitely kill you before you finish speaking." Linton warned, after all, Vegeta and Bulma really wanted to cause trouble. But Linton does have this confidence.

"Say...your wish." At this time, the dragon in the sky also looked at the three Lintons on the ground and said.

"Hmm..." Linton touched his head slightly. To be honest, he originally wanted to wish to control the length of his tail. After all... it was too ugly, but it was somewhat useful, but now, it is not necessary. . So what do you wish for? After thinking for three seconds, Linton said, "Can you give me one billion points?"

"What is that?" Shenlong asked a little confused.

"..." As expected, there was no reaction. Linton thought for a moment and then asked: "Upgrade my Saiyan blood?"

"This is beyond my ability. Please tell me your next wish." Shenlong thought for a while and said.

"Fuck, what's the use of you?" Linton said that it was really difficult to make a wish, "Okay, okay, let's change it to something simple. Can you please give me a warehouse of fairy beans?"

Sorry, there is only one chapter today

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