I really can't control myself

Chapter 931 Big Problem

Vegeta here was still gathering his energy confidently, imagining Linton's surprised expression after he unleashed all his fighting power. However, what he didn't expect was that the next second, a terrifying aura came from the front. When Vegeta raised his head, a burst of red steam spurted out from Linton's body in front of him. The muscles in his body seemed to be tightened, and a breath of death spread directly towards him.

"This... this is impossible!" Even though he had never seen this move, Vegeta felt this terrifying aura. The difference was too obvious. For a moment, his aura was like standing in front of Linton. A child in the presence of giants. Is this Linton’s true strength? Although I had felt before that Linton didn't use any force when dealing with Naba, he didn't expect that the other party could actually have such an aura.

"No...I don't admit it, this is all false!" Vegeta yelled directly. He is the only genius among Saiyans. How could there be someone stronger than him? So all this is happening in front of him. It's all just an illusion. But as soon as he finished speaking, Linton suddenly disappeared in front of him.

Vegeta was stunned for a moment, and in the next moment, Linton appeared directly in front of him. I actually didn't see Linton's actions at all. What speed was this? There was no time to think, because Linton's fist was already imprinted on his abdomen. Vegeta felt as if his internal organs were about to spurt out of his mouth at the same time. With a "wow" sound, he spat out a mouthful of blood and launched his whole body on the spot. , rushing directly into the sky.

His consciousness seemed to be a little blurry for a moment, but his powerful fighting talent still brought Vegeta back to his senses. Even in this situation, his eyes immediately looked for Linton's figure, wanting to fight back, but he still didn't look. Upon seeing Linton's movements, he felt a powerful aura appear behind him.

With a loud "bang", Linton's hands hit Vegeta's body again. Vegeta's body turned into a meteor and fell from the sky, sweeping a huge ravine on the ground.

While still gliding, Linton's figure appeared directly above Vegeta again. The speed of flying out could not keep up with Linton's speed. With a sudden punch below, a large pit with a diameter of dozens of meters appeared on the ground. Vegeta was lying in the center of the pit, feeling as if his body had completely lost its response and could not move at all.

While vomiting blood, Vegeta looked into the air. A figure appeared in his field of vision again, "Ye Kai!" With a blood-red light, the entire ground suddenly exploded, and Linton and Vegeta both People rushed directly towards the direction of the alien city. The huge shock wave directly penetrated the entire city, and then penetrated the huge mountain wall behind the city. Everything around was blown away by the strong wind, and in the end, only a line like a line dividing the earth was left. General ravine.

With a "boom", the huge mountain wall next to the city collapsed directly, and Vegeta's consciousness was also interrupted at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, but Vegeta suddenly woke up here and subconsciously wanted to get up, but he found that there was severe pain in various parts of his body, and his limbs were unresponsive and could not move at all. Vegeta couldn't help but let out a "hum", but saw Linton next to him stretched his head over.

"Awake up so soon? It seems that Saiyans are in really good shape." Linton said, "But what's a bit confusing is... why is there a tail?"

Yes, Linton is worried about this now. After defeating Nappa and Vegeta, Linton's system store was naturally updated with a new bloodline, the Saiyan bloodline. This Saiyan bloodline is naturally invincible, and of course the points required to purchase it are exaggerated.

The most expensive thing Linton bought before was not worth mentioning in front of this Saiyan bloodline, because the initial D-level points required for this thing were 1 million, which made Linton a little unable to play anymore. Because according to the system's consistent behavior, each increase is ten times the points, which means 10 million for C-level, 100 million for B-level, and 1 billion for A-level.

What the hell is one billion points? So far, the most I have ever had is more than 20 million points in my pocket, okay? Even if 100 million Linton felt that there was still some hope, maybe he could still make it up, but one billion directly made Linton have no idea.

So the question is, should we redeem it or not? Of course, it was still redeemed. This score also proves that this thing is really awesome. Before, Linton often joked that he wanted a Saiyan bloodline. Now that it is placed in front of him, there is no reason not to redeem it. .

So Linton spent 11 million points to exchange for C-level Saiyan blood. Of course, Linton didn't know what the difference was between the C chicken bloodline and the A-level bloodline. Is it the upgrade speed or the upper limit difference? Maybe both. Can this C-level bloodline turn me into a Super Saiyan?

Before he could realize how strong this bloodline was, Linton immediately encountered his first problem. Yes, after exchanging his bloodline, Linton's body experienced some changes. The first change was that his hair suddenly became very, very hard, as if several pounds of hairspray had been applied on it, and the whole thing was set. Stationed. Linton was quite confident about his hair quality, but to suddenly be in this situation, he was really not used to it.

But this is still a small problem. The biggest problem is that Linton suddenly found that he had a tail, and the TN was something he could control. Then this problem is really serious.

At this time, Linton also remembered this setting. It is true that Saiyans have tails, which is the biggest difference from humans. Linton didn't even notice when he saw Nappa and Vegeta before, because both of them had their tails wrapped around their waists, like woolen belts, and he didn't even notice. Now it's my turn to grow, which is a bit of a headache.

To be honest, the tail is really... too ugly. Of course, Linton doesn't want it at all. More importantly, how do you explain your sudden long tail? He already has a wife, how can he explain this tail thing to Yalan?

And this tail seems to have a side effect, that is, it will turn into a gorilla on a full moon night, which is another very bad situation. It is said that when Goku transforms into a gorilla, he will become violent and unconscious, destroying everywhere. The one he bought is Vegeta's bloodline. In theory, he should not lose consciousness like him, but... it's bad enough.

But if you want to say that this tail is completely useless, it’s not true. After all, in the future, super four and the like will have to be transformed into a giant ape, but that will be very later. Linton feels that he should first Don't think so far ahead, get rid of this tail first.

But the problem soon came. At present, he really has no way to deal with this tail. This is not a problem that can be solved by cutting it off, because there is a self-healing factor directly, and the body can automatically regenerate. This tail will grow long after it is cut. He's tried them all. The ones hanging next to him were all just cut by him, and they were ready to be woven into ropes. This was really frustrating.

"Calm down and think about it..." Linton said, "How was this trouble solved in the original novel?"

Linton soon came up with a solution. Yes, in the original work, Wukong and others had similar troubles. There was no way to solve this trouble once and for all, and that was the gods on earth. Of course, this god is not a real god, but a Namekian. He seems to know some strange spells, including taking off his tail, and the effect can last for a long time.

Thinking of this, Linton naturally had his next goal. Learning that spell by himself should be able to temporarily solve his current troubles. Of course, a Saiyan's tail can regenerate itself, and God's magic cannot control it all the time, but once you learn how to do it, you can cut it yourself, so the trouble shouldn't be that big.

Of course, what if it doesn’t work? After all, Linton's situation is different from that of ordinary Saiyans. He has a self-healing factor. If that's the case, Linton still has a final solution. Yes, this is the world of Dragon Ball. Isn't there a solution to everything? Dragon Ball.

When that didn't work, Linton decided to collect a wave of dragon balls and then make a wish directly. Although the dragon balls were not omnipotent, it should not be beyond its ability to solve the problem of his own tail.

Just when Linton was thinking about how to solve the tail problem, Vegeta woke up next to him. Linton couldn't help but admire the physical strength of the Saiyans. He opened the eight gates to fight to death, but he didn't expect Vegeta to survive. Although he was obviously seriously injured, he was still pretty good.

Vegeta, who had just woken up, also happened to see Linton twirling his tail. He was a little doubtful before he didn't see Linton's tail, but now that he has seen the tail, he naturally believes in Linton even more. Although there is a high probability that what Linton said is true and he may indeed be his uncle, how could Vegeta give Linton a good look?

"You won't kill me?" Vegeta asked through gritted teeth.

"Why? I've already said that you are my nephew. How can I really kill you if you give me a lesson?" Linton spread his hands and said. Of course, he had never thought of holding back before.

"You will regret it." Vegeta said, "I will not be grateful to you for letting me live. Once I have the chance, I will kill you immediately."

"It's okay, it's okay. I've dealt with arrogant people like you a lot." Linton said, "You can take revenge if you want, but before that, I have something to ask you."

"Whatever you want to ask, just ask." Vegeta said. He actually had a lot of questions to ask Linton. After all, the other party seemed to know a lot. Of course, he didn't want to die. Anyway, he would cooperate first. .

"There seems to be someone else in your team, where is Raditz?" Linton asked.

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