I really can't control myself

Chapter 917 The meeting begins

Under the demented eyes of everyone in the conference square, the blue-purple dragon fell to the ground with a loud noise. Then the level nine monster Fenrir Wolf jumped off the back of the giant dragon, landed next to the dragon, lowered his body, and two people got off the back of Fenrir Wolf and stood in front of them.

What kind of magic operation is this? Everyone is confused. Does this giant dragon have an owner? What's going on with the Fenrir wolf on its back? Can you still play like this?

Looking at the two people who came down from above, Yalan is easier to recognize, because the clothes she wears have the royal crest of the Holy Empire of Yilan, which can undoubtedly confirm her identity. To them, Lin I haven't seen it before, but I can guess Linton's identity when I see Yalan holding Linton's hand. So this is the Linton they will deal with later?

This appearance was so cool that it frightened everyone. No matter how hard they imagined, they would never have thought that these two people would actually appear directly riding a dragon. Seeing this situation, many people even retreated. Most of the people here were originally targeting Linton or the Holy Empire of Elan, but in the face of such gods, is it really good to go against them?

Iglis, Toliman and others also fell to the ground at this time, but everyone's eyes were focused on Linton and Yalan, and it felt like they were ignored. Seeing this situation, the two I can only frown, things are already a little difficult to handle now.

"Lord Linton." Just when everyone was stunned and didn't know how to react, someone took the initiative to say hello in front of Linton. Linton took a look and found that it was Pope Saint Reno. People from the Church of Light naturally came to attend this meeting, and it was Pope Saint Reno who came in person. Now that he was the first to come up to say hello, he should also have some indication. I mean attitude.

The attitude of the Church of Light was not beyond Linton's expectation, because Saint Reno had already stated his attitude when dealing with the Yetis Empire. Now it seems that he also supports the re-merger of the three major empires of the human race, and This is also one of the important issues of the Continental Congress, and San Reno is also making their position clear.

"This giant dragon is..." Sure enough, San Rino asked about the dragon first. Of course, the people around him also quickly quieted down to listen to what was going on.

"This is a good vehicle," Linton said. "I almost want to rename it Ferrari."

"Transportation..." Sure enough, the corners of the mouths of the people around him twitched when they heard Linton's words. While they were still worried about the giant dragon entering the city and treating it as a natural disaster, Linton had already used this thing as a means of transportation. Is this fun? However, most people were relieved when they knew that this giant dragon was not in danger. After all, they were not saints. If a real dragon attacked the city, it would be terrible.

"Then..." Saint Rino also wanted to ask Fenrir about the wolf, but at this time Toliman came over and interrupted the conversation between the two. Linton could not continue to pretend here. After it has passed, you can tell by looking at the expressions of the people around you that they are also panicking. If this continues, all their arrangements will fail, so they should interrupt immediately.

"Sir Linton, it's almost time. Do you want to go in first?" Toliman interrupted Linton for a formal reason. The meeting time had been set long ago and it was indeed about to start.

"Then let's enter first." Saint Reno here also nodded. Linton didn't mind either and walked towards the venue with Yalan. As for Vecna ​​and Shiv, they definitely cannot be brought into the venue and can only wait in the square at the entrance.

The shocked people also recovered a little at this time, and then slowly returned to the conference hall. Linton and Yalan followed Toliman and others to the front of the hall. Others began to take their seats. Toliman pointed to the seats on the right and said, "Please take your seats first." .”

Linton looked at the position pointed by Toliman. It was on the right side of the center of the hall, which was also the front row. But when he looked at the middle where Iglis was sitting, there was still a gap. No need to think that Linton also knew what these people were planning.

However, it is really reasonable for these people to do this. The reason is very simple. In terms of status, Linton really cannot sit in such a front. In addition to the identity of Sword Master, Linton's other identity is that of the concubine of the Queen of the Holy Empire of Yilan, so it seems reasonable to arrange it a little to the right of the center.

However, Linton could get used to this. He looked at Toliman here with a smile. Linton pointed to the seat over there and said, "Yalan, take your seat first."

After speaking, Linton walked directly to the center of the conference hall, where he sat in the front row, similar to a podium. Everyone who saw this move was stunned.

"Um... Lord Linton, what are you doing?" Toliman frowned and asked.

"According to the procedures of the meeting, the person who raised the issue needs to come to the center to speak, right?" Linton said.

"Yes, but the meeting hasn't started yet, please take a seat first." Toliman said.

"I looked at the topics at this meeting, and most of them seem to have something to do with me." Linton said, "And now I want to be the first to raise the topic, or I can speak directly here."

It was obvious that Linton did not abide by the rules of the meeting. He felt like he was preparing to cause trouble from the beginning. Toliman frowned. Just when he was thinking about how to operate, Linton suddenly pointed at him and said: "Sir Toliman, too." Don’t take your seat yet, because my first topic is related to you.”

"Me?" Toliman was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, come up." Linton said.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. It has something to do with Toliman, that is to say, it has something to do with the Holy Association? What is Linton planning to do? Are you ready to make big moves right from the start?

"Everyone seems to be seated, so I will start the first topic." Linton said. In fact, the meeting had not yet been announced and the process was somewhat irregular. However, everyone was curious about what Linton wanted to say, and for a while no one stopped Linton from starting the meeting without permission.

In fact, Linton did not give them a chance to stop him and continued directly: "The first thing I want to say is about the assassination of my nephew. I think everyone should have received the news. My nephew Garsain was assassinated. As for why this matter was mentioned in this Continental Congress, it is because I now suspect that this assassination was arranged by the Holy Association."

"What?" Everyone present exclaimed. Let's not say whether this matter was done by people from the Holy Association. Someone actually dared to directly accuse the Holy Association. This was indeed a big start.

"Lord Linton, what are you talking about?" Toliman here said immediately, "How could our association be involved in the assassination? This is simply nonsense."

"Of course I don't say this without purpose." Linton said, "Although my nephew Garsain is not very capable in my eyes, except for the saint, no one can hurt him. In this regard, I think everyone here Everyone should know this."

It is true that many people know about this matter. Gasein's reputation for bravery is still very strong. In the past few wars, Gasein has defeated several famous knights and warriors. Linton said that he is invincible below the holy level. Hands, indeed, is not an exaggeration.

"Then what does this have to do with us?" Toliman no longer pretended to be polite to Linton at this time, and said angrily, "As far as I know, your nephew was assassinated by someone from the Black Hand Guild. "

This is what Linton was waiting for. The news that Garsain was assassinated by the Black Hand Guild is probably known to everyone present. If Toliman doesn't say it, there are probably others who will tell him. Of course, Toliman himself is the best. . So Linton looked directly at the audience and asked: "Oh, what you said makes sense, so are the people from the Black Hand Guild here and want to give me an explanation?"

"People from the Black Hand Guild? How could they come?"

"Yeah, how could these rats appear here so openly."

It was said before that the members of the Black Hand Guild were wanted across the continent. No one thought that this group of people would appear at the Continental Congress. After hearing Linton’s words, many people even laughed out loud. However, before they could laugh for a while, the people in the main hall A voice came from behind: "I'm the leader of the Black Hand Guild, Dane, what do you have to say, Lord Sword Master?"

"What?" Everyone immediately turned to the location of the voice and saw a man in black robe standing there. They had no idea when the other person came in. In theory, the entire venue was surrounded by their guards. Who was this suspicious guy? How did you get in?

"Really...really here?"

"How is it possible? How can people from the Black Hand Guild come here? Just say you are?"

"Wait a minute, if he can enter the venue silently, he might actually be from the Black Hand Guild."

While everyone was still discussing whether this person was from the Black Hand Guild, Toliman on the stage directly helped him prove his identity. Yes, Toliman knew the leader: "Dane? How dare you come here?"

"Why don't you dare." Dane spread his hands and said as he walked towards the stage, "Lord Linton, the assassination of your nephew has nothing to do with our Black Hand Guild. Someone deliberately framed it, and according to our The person who investigated and framed us is the Holy Association."


"This is impossible, how could the Holy Association do such a thing?"


As soon as this statement came out, naturally most people immediately expressed doubts. Toliman here also nodded when he heard the doubts around him. Just as he was about to reply, Linton next to him said first: "You can't say what you say. What evidence is there?”

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