I really can't control myself

Chapter 915 Gathering

"Well... the more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes..." At this time, Linton and Yalan were already on their way to the host venue of the Continental Congress. Now from a high position, the surrounding scenery is naturally very magnificent, but Yalan is still I haven't come back to my senses, I always feel like... there's something wrong.

"What's the problem?" Linton asked.

"This wolf..." Yalan pointed to Xif below.

"I tried this before. The scales on the dragon's back were too many and very hard, making it uncomfortable to sit on. This wolf is just the right cushion," Linton said.

"But this should be a battle pet...it seems to be a pretty high-level monster." Yalan said.

"Oh, I probably understand what you mean." Linton nodded, "It is true that battle pets should be used for fighting."

"Yeah, yeah." Yalan nodded.

"I immediately peeled off the skin. After all, the cushion only needs skin," Linton said.

"Woof?" Shiv, who was hanging there, quickly turned his head when he heard Linton's words, and then immediately looked over with big tearful eyes.

"Wait a minute...that's not what I meant." Yalan saw Shiv's eyes and said quickly.

"Madam, all I need to do is make a cushion. This is my lifelong wish. Please make it happen, madam." Shiv said quickly.

"..." Yalan looked at Shiv without saying anything for a long time. Although she didn't recognize this Fenrir wolf, the other person who could talk was at least an eighty-nine-level monster. According to Linton's situation, he probably caught A ninth-level monster is one that is stronger than the holy level. So this is what happened to the legendary ninth-level beast? How badly he was beaten by Linton.

"Speaking of which, where is the Pan Peng Yanhu from before?" Yalan asked. Previously, she heard from Garsain that Linton went to find the Pan Peng Yanhu that escaped. It is estimated that the wolf and the dragon met at that time.

"By the way, I'll give you something that is said to be quite valuable." Linton said as he took out a huge fire magic crystal and put it in Yalan's hand. "This thing seems to be set on the staff. It can increase the magic power a lot."

Yalan looked at the level nine fire magic crystal in her hand and nodded silently, probably guessing why the wolf here was so humble.

After thinking about it, Yalan felt that it was better not to ask about the wolf and the dragon, mainly because she really didn't know how to ask. There is another more important issue now, which is the issue of the Continental Congress. Because the two of them had never met before, Yalan didn't know what Linton was planning to do at the Continental Congress. Although she always felt that Linton would be uneasy, it was better to ask first to at least be mentally prepared.

"I don't know what to do." Linton spread his hands and said, "The main thing is to see who will jump out. If they dare to invite me, they will at least have some trump cards. Let's see what they come up with first. Let’s play cards.”

"Kings from all over the mainland will attend the meeting. Is it possible that it is aimed at the situation in our empire?" Yalan thought for a while and asked.

"Who knows, but even so it doesn't matter." Linton said, "You don't have to worry too much. As I said, even if these countries unite, they are not a whole, so the situation is not as severe as you think. I am the backing of Lan Holy Empire. As long as I don’t fall, these people can’t stand up. At most, they will only stumble behind their backs.”

"Do you also think that the person who assassinated Garsain was not a member of the Black Hand Guild?" Yalan asked. Yes, Garsain naturally mentioned the Black Hand Guild when he talked to Garsain before, and Garsain said that he didn't either. He felt that the person who assassinated him was from the Black Hand Guild, but Yalan didn't know Linton's attitude yet.

"It seems that the people from the Black Hand Guild may want to join me now." Linton said, "Judging from their attitude, I don't think they are murderers, and they should also participate in the Continental Congress. Maybe Then we will find the person who is looking for trouble."

"People from the Black Hand Guild want to join you?" Yalan was stunned for a moment, "Can they be trusted?"

"I don't know if it's trustworthy or not, but it just works." Linton said, "As I said, they don't dare to make waves as long as I'm here."

"Well..." Yalan nodded, "The current situation can only be supported by you. If the entire human empire could be unified earlier, things would be much easier to handle."

"How is the situation in the Tomulian Empire?" Linton asked.

"Speaking of which, I heard that the Tomlian Empire also sent people to participate in this Continental Congress, but I don't know if it is true." Yalan said, "The Tomlian Empire has not yet sent people to participate in the Continental Congress." We have no way to send troops there for the time being. The uprisings there are very frequent and the territory is in chaos, making our investigation very difficult. I even doubt..."

"What do you suspect?" Linton asked.

"Have some royal families in the empire hidden their identities and used the name of the rebel army to carry out activities?" Yalan said, "If you don't come forward, you won't be able to sign the surrender letter, and you won't be directly targeted. Maybe they are Waiting for an opportunity? Maybe it’s this Continental Congress?”

"If we don't come forward, once we have reorganized the Yetis Empire, the troops will be able to go and occupy them, so we can't wait forever." Linton said, "I'm a little curious about the people sent by the Tomlian Empire. Who is it? It seems that someone has indeed prepared something for me, otherwise they would not do this."

The place where the Continental Congress was held this time was the city of Tirador, the capital of the Kingdom of Tirador. The Kingdom of Tirador is a neutral country with a very small territory. Its approximate scope is the capital city of Tirador and a small area around it. In fact, the king of the Kingdom of Tirador can also be said to be the lord of Tirador City, and his jurisdiction is limited to this city and several surrounding villages.

The Kingdom of Tirador is mainly due to its relatively good location. It is in the middle of the continent and borders the Holy Empire of Elan. The distance from the Imperial City is not very far. And this neutral country only exists as a buffer zone for a big country. Since it has no army at all, it is an eternal neutral country.

The capital city of Tirador is a famous commercial and entertainment city in the mainland. The most famous thing in the city is the DU Arena. Because it is in a peaceful zone and has eternal neutrality, the city is very peaceful, has a prosperous population, frequent commercial circulation, and a large city scale.

It is not the first time that this place has been the venue for the Continental Congress. In fact, it is said that the first Continental Congress in the entire continent was held here. Rumor has it that it happened thousands of years ago. Of course, the Continental Congress in this world is not a permanent meeting. It is only held when important things or serious crises occur on the mainland. The location is not fixed and it must be here. The last time the Continental Congress was held here, , probably a hundred years ago.

Although there has not been a meeting for hundreds of years, the venue where the meeting was held is still there. Located in the conference square in the center of the city, there is a hall called the Eight Gate Auditorium. This hall is called the Eight Gate Auditorium because there are two gates on the top, bottom, left and right, making a total of eight gates. And this Eight Gate Auditorium is the place where the Continental Congress was held for the first time thousands of years ago.

Of course, this place has gone through several rounds of renovations. Although no meeting has been held here for a hundred years, it is still a very good tourist attraction. Every time the Kingdom of Tirador comes to power, it begins to renovate this palace. Do you know if it is a traditional performing arts? The last renovation started when King Tirador ascended the throne. It was just completed about ten years ago. Now the hall is very beautiful and it is indeed a very suitable place for meetings.

At this time, it was very close to the start of the Continental Congress, and representatives of all parties had basically arrived. But now there was a more serious problem, that is, Linton, who was destined to be the protagonist of this conference, was still there. not here. Seeing that the time was approaching, everyone was a little anxious. After all, it would be quite troublesome if Linton really didn't come.

"No... really don't come." The person who spoke was Toliman, the person in charge of the Holy Association that Linton had met before. This Continental Congress was originally led by the Holy Association, but it was actually aimed at Linton. If the other party really didn't come, he didn't know what to do.

Next to him sat a middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties. This man was very strong, at least 2 meters tall. He had strong muscles all over his body and his red hair stood up. Just sitting There was a special momentum there, which even Toliman next to him seemed to be suppressed by him.

The seats in the Eight Gate Auditorium are divided into front and back seats. The most important people naturally sit at the front. Some of the seats at the back are too far away. It is probably that the people sitting there are just listening. And now this red-haired strong man is sitting in the middle of the front row, even further in the middle than Toliman, the leader of the Holy Association.

At this time, many people had already arrived, and most of the people seated looked at the person sitting in the middle, and most of them showed respect. Yes, although the other party rarely appears in front of the public recently, most people can still recognize his identity immediately. His name is Tommen Iglis, and he is called the Dragon Lord. In most people's perception, , he is the strongest person on this continent.

The person Toliman was talking to at this time was Iglis, but Iglis just sat quietly with his arms folded and did not respond to Toliman's words. In his eyes, Toliman is just a junior, because Iglis is 142 years old this year. Even though Toliman looks older, he is two generations behind Iglis.

"Lord Toliman..." Just when Toliman was thinking about what to do, his disciple rushed in and said to him, "It's something serious. According to reports from people below, someone saw a The adult dragon is flying towards Tirador City from the east."

"What?" Toliman was stunned, "Dragon?"

"Dragon?" Iglis, who was sitting quietly next to him, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

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