I really can't control myself

Chapter 899 Ability Use

This move naturally shocked everyone on the ship. At this time, everyone on the boat still had the same expression as when they saw the ground rumbling before, but now the object of shock and fear was changed to Linton.

Yes, this blow is beyond their cognitive scope. Although there are relatively surreal things like the power of giants in this world, other aspects are still relatively scientific. Killing giants also relies on physical methods. , so Linton's current situation is simply unheard of. It can almost be understood as the shock of seeing magic suddenly in reality, and it feels as if the entire worldview is about to collapse.

"What... what is this?" Of course, the most surprised person was Liang Shiyin. After all, she already had the person she admired the most in his eyes, but in her eyes, Linton, a guy who just seemed arrogant. The gap between her and His Majesty was of course as big as heaven and earth. What Linton said about how to solve the rumble of the earth was naturally just a casual boast to her. However, just one blow made her whole body feel bad.

Looking at Linton standing next to him on the Susanoo, who was like a god, Liang Shiyin really couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time. This isn't a slap in the face anymore, it's just that she can't understand it at all. You said she could understand what was going on when Linton suddenly took out individual Gundams and the like. And what the hell is the current situation?

"Oh!" Suddenly a burst of cheers sounded. Liang Shiyin looked to the side, and the cheers were from the soldiers nearby. Yes, of course they couldn't understand it, but after being stunned, they let out a burst of cheers. Just a few minutes ago, they were experiencing the most desperate moment in their lives. They saw the docks of the Marais Empire being instantly destroyed by these terrifying giant legions. They naturally felt the same and knew that their home would be next. In the face of this terrifying power, everything will inevitably turn into nothingness, and the world will be destroyed.

However, one minute later, Linton's blow suddenly pulled them back from the abyss of despair. This is the thing called hope. The seemingly invincible super-large giant army was directly penetrated by Linton's blow, which means... there is still hope. For those who have experienced despair, no matter whether they can understand it or not, now Obviously they still have a chance to fight back. Can this not make them excited?

And just after this blow, the super-large giant army that had been pushing flatly before finally stopped. After all, these giants are manipulated by others. They could ignore the previous counterattacks of the Marais Empire, so they ignored them. However, Linton's attack directly penetrated the entire formation of super giants. , such an attack is obviously impossible to ignore.

Although there was still a long distance, Linton felt a huge head turning towards Linton. It should be the super-large monster behind him that was scanning this direction. It is relatively simple to find the source of the light emitted by Linton. It is estimated that the other party has already seen their ship. Of course, when he looked at Linton, he probably did not know what it was.

At this time, Linton also saw those super-large giants gradually turning towards the direction of Linton and the others. It seemed that they had definitely felt the threat and had targeted him. This made everyone on the ship Danger was felt. They had seen the hope of preventing the end of the world before, but now they were the ones being targeted.

"Prepare to attack!" The person who spoke was naturally Asuna. After all, she was a robot. When such surprising situations appeared before and after, her reaction was the smallest, or she didn't really understand what surprise was. At this time, her voice was accurately conveyed to everyone's ears, yes, they must start fighting.

Linton's blow pulled them out of despair, but also gave them hope of victory. Although the group of super giants in front of them was terrifying, they now began to believe that they had a chance. With such a god-like person standing by their side, they could fight and must fight, even if there was only a little help.

"I'm on the move." Liang Shiyin reacted from the shock, reported to Asuna next to her, and rushed directly to the Gundam's cabin. Mikasa and others next to her also knew that she was about to attack, and immediately said: "Please let us join."

"If you want to go out, go over there and deal with those who are alone." Linton suddenly pointed to the location of the super giants that had landed over there, "First of all, don't approach the main battlefield casually. Otherwise, when the fight actually breaks out, I won’t have time to care whether I accidentally injure the people on my side.”

"General Liang, go deal with the stray enemy troops on the left side of the battlefield." Asuna here also ordered very cooperatively. She probably noticed that Liang Shiyin and Linton were really difficult to deal with, so she directly ordered Military orders save her from making trouble. However, Liang Shiyin did not show any rebellious attitude this time, she nodded directly and continued running towards the cabin. Mikasa and others also followed directly, but Linton also noticed that Mikasa obviously still had some thoughts of her own. After all, the super-large monster over there was Ellen. I guess she wouldn't just clean up those monsters next to her. It belongs to the lonely giant, but Linton said it and didn't care what she thought.

At this moment, the super-large monster on the opposite side seemed to have determined that the previous attack came from Linton and the others. Maybe it felt threatened. The monster here suddenly raised its head and opened its mouth. , suddenly a huge monster-like roar of "WRYYY" sounded, and the next second, the whole world trembled.

Yes, just shouting caused a situation that was difficult to understand. Linton didn't know whether it was a warning or a form of attack. In short, the sound wave caused by this was like an attack, moving directly towards the surroundings quickly. Spreading out, the sea surface was washed away by these sound waves.

This huge sonic attack quickly rushed towards the battleship, hitting the hull like an air cannon. In an instant, several soldiers on the deck suddenly spurted blood from their ears and lost consciousness and fell to the ground. The entire hull seemed to have also I was shaken by the impact, and various "click-click" metal collision sounds were heard, as if the metal was twisted somewhere.

The sound was vibration. I don’t know if the sound of the hull was caused by the shouting causing resonance or something else. In short, it was obvious that the attack still caused damage to the battleship. There was an obvious alarm sound coming from the ship, but it is not yet clear where the damage was. , and they had no time to care about this, because at this moment, a huge wave was already coming towards them.

This huge wave was also caused by the previous cry. With the super-large monster as the center, a circle of waves spread in all directions. The Marais Harbor next to it was also implicated, but the city had already been almost destroyed. . The battleship on the sea was like a small boat at this time, about to face the impact of big waves.

"Everyone hold on to the fence!" Asuna immediately shouted. At the same time, she turned her feet into steel nails and inserted them directly into the deck. She was not very worried about her situation. After all, no robot could Drowned, but this boat...

The surrounding soldiers heard the order and immediately grabbed whatever they could. However, despite this, facing the big waves in front of them, they seemed to have no choice but to resign themselves to fate. If it was swept into the sea, it was basically impossible to find it.

But at this moment, Linton next to him suddenly used Susanoo's hand to reach towards the battleship next to him. Seeing Linton's actions, everyone was excited. Linton was going to save them. After all, Susanoo can fly. They all saw this. Could it be that they wanted to hold the boat and fly up to avoid the impact of the huge waves.

However, under everyone's confused eyes, Susanoo here just gave the battleship a slight push. Of course, the battleship was still pushed and moved slightly to the side. Everyone was confused. This... …what's the situation.

Before they could react, huge waves hit them directly, and there was a loud "bang" sound. Everyone desperately grabbed what they could grab to resist the impact. They just hoped that the boat would not capsize. However, something surprised them again. The ship... did not move.

Yes, if such a huge wave hits the ship, everyone can imagine the result. Even such a huge battleship cannot withstand it. The best situation is that the ship can not capsize. However, the current situation is that the boat does not move at all. The entire wave hits it as if it is hitting a wall. But the problem is that they are not a wall. This is a boat. How can it not shake?

Once again, something they couldn't understand appeared. Everyone was surprised and looked at Linton next to them again. They had just seen this situation that went against common sense once. Could it be another miracle caused by Linton? But how it is done is beyond comprehension.

The only person who can see something at this time is Asuna, after all, she is a robot. She keenly discovered that the boat was not moving, but was slowly moving backwards. The source of the movement was Linton's gentle push before. It was obvious that Linton used some kind of ability, but Asuna didn't analyze the specific ability.

"Oh, it can really be used like this." Linton did use the ability, mainly for testing, and the ability he used was...absolute constant speed, which was obtained from the previous lottery in the forbidden world. Linton had also tested this ability before. As long as he adds a force to the thrown object, then within the scope of his ability, the object will definitely move forward at this speed.

Linton had just exerted a force on the ship, causing the ship to slowly retreat. As long as this ability was activated, the ship would definitely maintain this speed, and it could continue to move even if there was interference from huge waves. . Because it moved very slowly, the effect was as if the ship was frozen in the direct space. This effect surprised Linton.

The main thing Linton tested was not the effect of this ability. After all, he had already tried the effect before. Linton's main test was whether his Susanoo could use this ability. Yes, Susanoo is really magical. It feels like an extension of his own limbs. Linton has been letting Susanoo use weapon colors, and even the power of the Power Stone can also be used by Susanoo. Coming out, Linton also tried to see if Susanoo could activate this ability. Under the current situation, it was obviously possible.

Some people may wonder, why should you try this? Is there any difference between starting it yourself? The actual situation is naturally different. After all, the goals of exerting force are different. The most obvious difference is...Linton can activate this ability on himself.

There is a classic paradox that the omniscient and omnipotent God cannot lift himself, but this does not seem to be difficult for Linton. Since Susanoo can activate this ability, it seems that if he is thrown out in the future, he will not have to worry about slowing down or landing. From another perspective, in a sense, he seems to be able to fly forever, but he can only fly in a straight line. sports.

On the other hand, the test found that when an extremely slow speed is applied, this skill can be used almost as a spatial fixation, which is also a very good way to use it. This is equivalent to drawing a prize and gaining two abilities. Linton Said it was quite profitable.

Moreover, Linton unexpectedly discovered that when Susanoo uses this ability, the range of the ability seems to have expanded, but it has not yet been tested to see how large it is. However, it seems that the magic value consumed will also increase. After all, when I tested this ability on my own body before, the magic value did not decrease at all, and the mana regeneration speed was faster than the consumption. But this time, if I continued to maintain it, the magic value began to decrease, but With Linton's current huge magic value, he doesn't have to worry about consumption at all.

"It seems like it's another ability that suits me well. I can use it so easily for the first time." Linton nodded, then looked at the super-large monster over there, "I'll do some testing later. Let’s do it, finish the simple work here first.”

Obviously, the super-large monster on the opposite side also noticed that the battleship here was okay, and it seemed that it was targeting them. A lot of super giants around them seemed to have turned their targets here, and some had already turned around and were coming towards this direction.

"It's coming this way, what should we do? Do you want to retreat?" Asuna shouted to Linton, probably asking Linton if the battleship wanted to move back.

"Why retreat?" Linton looked at it and said, "It's a lot, right? Don't say anything else. Let's wash the ground with meteorites first, and let you see. It's the same world-destruction, but there is still a gap in terms of fashion value. of."

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!" Linton crossed his index fingers, and there was a burst of white smoke around him, and then a lot of Susanoo appeared in the air.

"Smash it for me." Linton waved his hand directly to the group of super giants in front and said.

Sorry, there is only one chapter today. I was revising the manuscript earlier, so sorry.

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