On this morning, the morning sun was particularly strong, and the red sunlight shone on the Black River, seeming to dye the entire river red. However, such strange scenery did not attract the attention of a group of soldiers by the Black River. This was a huge army, the regular legion of the Yetis Empire. Unlike the conscripts, the soldiers of these legions all wore uniform uniforms. The armor looks extremely elite just by looking at it.

The troops of the Yetis Empire had no time to appreciate the scenery of the rising sun, mainly because most of them were a little tired. Yes, after entering the territory of the Holy Empire of Yilan, they did not set up camp or anything like that. They just repaired on the spot several times and spent most of the time marching. It had been a day and a night. Of course, the soldiers were very tired.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of march is quite dangerous, but this time the situation is different. The leading marshal does not have to think about whether it is dangerous or not. What he cares about is to meet the prince quickly. As for rest, he will get over there. Just go into town and rest.

At this time, the troops had arrived at the Lascello Bridge, which was the largest bridge on the Black River as mentioned before. Of course, anyone with a little experience in leading an army knows that crossing a river is very dangerous, even if there is a bridge on it. It is impossible to deploy a formation here. If you are really attacked by the enemy, something big will happen. Under normal circumstances, the marshal of the Yetis Empire would definitely be more cautious, but this time, the marshal just waved his hand and asked the soldiers to rush over in batches.

Yes, how could they be alert? Although the soldiers below did not know it, several senior officers knew very well that they sent troops this time to help Thomas Heihe seize the throne. However, this Thomas Heihe was actually them. Prince Marcus.

Now the people in the entire northern land basically support their prince Marcus, and the prince's cronies have also informed them that Mercedes Road City is ready, and now they are waiting for you to come and set off. Of course, he would rush over with his troops in a hurry, so as not to ruin the empire's plan.

The marshal was so relieved that he didn't even send a reconnaissance unit to conduct reconnaissance in front of him, because there was no need at all. The city of Mercedes-Benz was in front of him. You said he was attacked? Attacked by whom? Their prince? You should think of a reason why their prince wanted to attack his own troops.

In short, the Yetis Empire quickly began to cross the bridge in batches. After all, the carrying capacity of the bridge was still limited, and a large group of people were afraid that it would collapse immediately. The troops who cross the bridge first will form a team on the spot and wait for all the people behind to cross the bridge before setting off. Of course, these soldiers were very tired because they had been marching for a day and a night. Most of them sat on the ground to rest during the whole team. The non-commissioned officers did not stop these people because they also knew that there was no danger.

But the danger is coming. Suddenly, a rapid drum sound came from the calm river valley, and along with the drum sound came a rain of arrows.

The sudden situation made the soldiers of the Yetis Empire completely unable to react. Of course, all the generals also looked confused. Was they ambushed? But who is the problem? This is impossible.

At this time, a large number of soldiers were even sitting on the ground without wearing armor. The weather was very hot. Some of them took off their armor to rest there, and no one stopped them. As a result, a round of arrows rained down, and many soldiers directly Nailed to the ground.

"Enemy...enemy attack!"

"What? Enemy attack?"

"How is this possible? What's the situation?" In an instant, the troops of the Yetis Empire were immediately confused. This was too sudden. Although they were now within the territory of the empire, most of the soldiers felt that they should not be affected by it now. As for the attacker, you didn't see how relaxed those sergeants were, so... why were they ambushed?

The troops in the front were still being attacked, and suddenly there was a fire in the rear for no apparent reason. Yes, the Lascello Bridge in the middle of the army suddenly caught fire. This was of course arranged by Linton and the others. They arrived here last night and had one night to prepare. Of course they were very well prepared.

The Lascello Bridge is a bridge that is half wood and half stone. It is very solid, but after all, there is a wooden structure in the middle. So Linton and the others also poured kerosene on the bridge piers, and then used magic props to ignite it. Of course, there was really a lot of oil poured on it. In fact, if the other party was a little defensive, he could smell it. However, the other party was not prepared at all and did not detect it at all.

At this time, most of the Yetis Empire's troops had crossed the river, and a smaller half were in the rear, including most of their baggage troops. The bridge here was on fire, and the troops were directly cut into two halves, with the rear army and the front army The army was completely divided and became even more chaotic.

Finally, the marshal opposite came to his senses at this time. He still doesn't know what kind of troops attacked them. Although there are still some nobles in the north who have not been summoned by their prince, those nobles can only bring a few if they want to do more. An army of a hundred men, do you think they might attack an army of 100,000 men?

He didn't know who the enemy was, but the marshal hurriedly dealt with it first. At this time, many people in the chaotic troops wanted to retreat. How could they retreat? The bridge behind them was on fire. If you ran backwards, wouldn't you jump into the river yourself? So the marshal directly shouted: "The troops who have crossed the river go forward and rush out of the river valley area."

The troops behind who have not crossed the bridge cannot be controlled for the time being. Let them find a way to cross the river on their own. The front troops can be controlled now. After hearing the marshal's order, the surrounding generals immediately came to their senses and began to pass orders to the surrounding soldiers.

At this time, many soldiers had fallen on the ground, all shot to death by bows and arrows. The enemies were all hiding high, and it was hard to see how many there were. To be honest, the troops of the Yetis Empire are worthy of being regular troops. Such a chaotic situation was immediately brought under control under the continuous control of the non-commissioned officers. Some soldiers began to raise their shields as a whole team to resist the surrounding bows and arrows and cover the troops' advance. However, Soon, there were a lot of shouts of killing on both sides of the valley ahead, and then two troops, one on the left and one on the right, attacked the Yetis Empire troops.

With the river behind them, it was obvious that there was no place to run, and the only way out was forward. This force obviously wanted to block them, and the marshal of the Yetis Empire also thought of it. Seeing the number of enemy troops, the marshal just felt a headache. Where did so many troops come from? But now is not the time to talk about this. The troops on both sides are really engaged in battle. The troops in the front begin to form formations to fight, and the archery troops ambushing on the opposite side also begin to target the troops behind them.

Although there are many troops in the Yetis Empire, as mentioned before, it is impossible to form a formation in this place. Everyone is squeezed into a line. Only the people in front can engage with the enemy. The people behind can't go up at all, so they can only Hit by bows and arrows. There are at least 60,000 to 70,000 troops crossing the river now, but the numerical advantage is not reflected at all. Instead, they are still being suppressed and beaten by the opponent.

"Formation! Formation! Counterattack! Counterattack!" The sergeants of the Yetis Empire shouted at the top of their lungs, but the results were still there. The confused soldiers gradually found their positions amidst the shouts of these sergeants, and launched a surprise attack. It was very effective, but the initial panic was slowly passing. After a group of people died, the Yetis Empire's troops seemed to gradually stabilize.

The main reason why they can gradually stabilize is naturally because they are elite enough, because they are regular legions, professional soldiers, well-trained, and this legion has also fought all kinds of tough battles. The Yetis Empire sent them to actually target the First Legion of the Holy Empire of Elan. In order to deal with them, because in order to help Prince Marcus ascend to power, they must attack the Imperial Capital, and the First Legion is to guard the vicinity of the Imperial Capital.

On the other hand, Linton's troops are all conscripts, and some of them are peasant rebels. Yes, the conscripts have some combat effectiveness. After all, they have to find time to practice military formations when they are not fighting. All of them have been on the battlefield, but the rebels are really farmers, not even soldiers. Although they have created a perfect opportunity for them, what about their combat effectiveness...

The surrounding troops were unable to compress the opposing battle formation. Although they were still pushing against the opponent, they were unable to push the opponent back. As for other archery units, some soldiers were unable to shoot the enemy accurately even in this situation, and there were even farmers who could not draw their bows. It was a waste of arrows for them to attack.

Speaking of arrows, there was also a problem. They didn't prepare that many arrows. After all, there were too many enemies. It was impossible to shoot all of them directly. And because they are regular troops, the enemy's equipment is extremely well-equipped, all wearing armor, and their effective protection is very high. Just calculating the number of arrows is not enough.

After looking at this situation, Linton probably knew the result. Of course, if there was a real fight, Linton had many other better ways, but... it was simply unnecessary. He was not the real Thomas Heihe, and he couldn't get too involved in the drama.

Linton did not direct the whole battle at all and let them perform on their own. So what was Linton doing? He was directing a group of people to pile stones and then draw pictures on the ground with black paint.

"Your Majesty, the situation seems to be favorable to us." At this time, a noble looked at the battle situation below and said happily when he saw so many people fell on the opposite side.

Linton was speechless. Is this advantageous? The opponent will probably start to counterattack soon, after all, they are starting to gain a foothold. Of course he didn't speak.

"Your Majesty, what is this?" Although there was no answer from Linton, the nobleman continued to talk, probably because he wanted to look familiar in front of the emperor Linton.

"Reinforcements." Linton said calmly, "It's a piece of evidence."

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