I really can't control myself

Chapter 834 Evolution

"Iron-headed kid?" Accelerator looked at Sogiita Junba here, "It sounds like the name of a loser."

"You look very spineless." Sogiita Junba here also retorted.

"What did you say? Do you want to die?" Accelerator said, staring at Sogiita Gunba.

"Okay, let me see your backbone." Gunba Soita said directly with his fists clenched.

"Wait a minute..." I didn't expect that the two sides would start fighting when they met. I have to say that the compatibility of these two tool men didn't seem to be very good. "Can you please take a look at the current situation first? If you want to fight, , can you guys find a place to sort it out after the matter is over?"

"So what is going on now? What's going on with that woman over there who is glowing all over?" Of course Accelerator also noticed Misaka Mikoto standing over there, but now Misaka Mikoto's body was covered with a "coat" Even Accelerator, who had seen Misaka's sister countless times, didn't recognize it as an ordinary thing.

I don't know the specific situation. In short, she was probably controlled by someone. Now she just ran away. Let's subdue her. Linton said simply.

There was a loud "boom", and just as Accelerator was about to speak, a huge thunder and lightning flashed next to him, directly hitting where he was. However, after the smoke and dust, Accelerator still appeared intact. Of course, the attack was released by Misaka Mikoto here. Seeing this attack, Accelerator frowned slightly: "Is this guy the third-ranked railgun?"

"You just recognized it?" Linton asked.

"That's it." Accelerator said, "I probably know what's going on. The kid seemed to be saying something like someone invading the network before."

"The last thing?" Linton asked, "Did something happen to you too?"

"Anyway, just deal with this guy." Accelerator said, "Let's finish it as soon as possible."

After saying that, Accelerator suddenly stepped on the ground, and a pile of giant cement blocks flew up and hit Misaka Mikoto in the distance. Misaka Mikoto raised her head slightly, and a large number of black particles suddenly appeared around her body, covering her whole body. The flying cement blocks hit it and were crushed directly.

"Iron sand?" Accelerator has seen this trick before. Misaka Mikoto has used it before, but now the scale of the iron sand he can control is several times larger. "It seems that the ability has improved, but...it's useless! "

Accelerator stretched out his hand, and something like a powerful whirlwind suddenly appeared around him, colliding head-on with the iron sand on the opposite side. The strong wind pressure directly blew away the dancing iron sand around. It is true that Misaka Mikoto's ability has improved, but now Accelerator's ability is not comparable to before. Using vector operation to control the air flow is basically better than some using air. People with super powers are even stronger.

"Good opportunity, come, assist with the attack." After Linton said this, he suddenly waved, and the Sogiita Army Tyrant behind him suddenly flew towards Linton inexplicably. Before the opponent could react, Linton grabbed the opponent's arm. The collar was suddenly swung forward, "Iron-headed boy flashes."

"At least say something." Sogiita Gunba roared, then changed direction in the air and aimed at Misaka Mikoto in front, "Strong punch!"

As the surrounding iron sand was blown away by Accelerator, Sogiita Gunba directly approached Misaka Mikoto, waved his hand and hit Misaka Mikoto directly on the head. However, just when his fist was about to hit, there was a sudden "bang" With a loud bang, Soita Gunba flew back the same way he came, passing by Linton and bouncing all the way into the building behind him.

"New trick?" Accelerator frowned. Yes, a white fence-like thing floating in the air appeared next to Misaka Mikoto. I don't know what it is. This thing is somewhat similar to the material that makes up the white "coat" on her body. Like, just now this thing suddenly knocked away Sogiita Gunba, and now it is surrounding Misaka Mikoto.

With a "bang", a figure jumped out from the ruins behind Linton, and landed next to the two of them. Of course, it was the Sogiita Junba who was knocked away. Although he seemed to have been beaten quite badly before, there was no feeling of any injury on his body.

"It's so careless. It's really embarrassing." Soitata Junba brushed off the dust on his body and said, "It seems that his appearance has changed a bit."

"You are quite durable." Accelerator said.

"That's why he's called the Iron-Headed Boy," Linton said. "It's okay, but he resisted all my attacks. This doesn't mean anything."

"Looks like I have to show some backbone." Sogiita Gunba yelled after saying that, slammed his feet on the ground, and punched forward hard, "Super punch!"

His fist directly released a beam of light, flying towards Misaka Mikoto in front. However, Misaka Mikoto stretched out a hand directly, and a black sphere appeared in front of her. The beam hit the black sphere and suddenly disappeared, as if It is generally absorbed.

"What?" Sogiita Junba was stunned for a moment.

Before he could react, Misaka Mikoto waved her hand, and the black ball of light hit Sogiita Gunba directly. Sogiita Junba here felt that this black ball was a bit strange and wanted to avoid it, but the injuries on his body hindered his movement.

"It's really troublesome." Accelerator next to him suddenly took a step forward and rushed directly towards the black ball that was shot towards him. He seemed to be preparing to help Sogiita Junba block the black ball's attack. However, as soon as he took a step forward, this A white light flashed from the side, and the white fence that had surrounded Misaka Mikoto suddenly flew out, suddenly knocking Accelerator away as he started.

With a "boom" sound, Accelerator also crashed into the ruins of the building next to him. The black ball here had already arrived in front of Sogiita Gunba. The moment it hit him, another force suddenly came from the side and sucked Sogiita Gunba directly in.

After reacting, Sogiita Junba was already in Linton's hands again, and of course he avoided Misaka Mikoto's attack. Linton didn't care about the situation of Sogiita Junba at this time, but turned to the other side, the direction Accelerator flew out, and asked: "Hey, nephew, are you okay?"

"It's interesting..." Accelerator's voice came, and soon his figure stood up from the ruins. Linton took a look and saw that Accelerator was actually injured. There was a cut on his head, and blood stayed directly on his face. Of course Linton was a little surprised, after all, this was a bit unbelievable.

Yes, Accelerator was actually knocked out by that kind of attack, and he is actually injured now. Isn't this able to reflect all attacks? So the only way to explain it is that the white fence is not something as simple as iron sand or lightning, but should be made of some substance that Accelerator cannot understand.

Fortunately, Accelerator's physique has also changed significantly now. The enhancement of the heart-shaped herb, as well as the practice of nen and chakra, have helped him improve a lot of physique. Even if he cannot reflect attacks, The damage caused to Accelerator would not be so fatal.

Misaka Mikoto on the opposite side seemed to have noticed Accelerator getting up. She raised her hand again, and the black lightning formed a black ball of light and hit Accelerator again. It was obvious that this was not an ordinary lightning. It's not like Accelerator couldn't block it casually.

"It's only third place, don't be too arrogant!" Accelerator suddenly laughed wildly, and two black wings suddenly appeared behind him. Then the two wings moved forward directly, "hugged" the flying black ball, and headed towards He flicked it to the side.

With a "boom", the black ball here directly penetrated the building next to it, and Accelerator perfectly blocked the attack.

"What is that?" Sogiita Gunba looked seriously at the black wings that appeared behind Accelerator, "It looks like something from another world."

"I'm not sure." Linton has seen Accelerator use this ability, but it seemed to be used unconsciously before. Can he trigger it on his own now? It seems that he has grown a lot.

"Hahahaha..." Accelerator here laughed wildly and rushed forward, his wings suddenly accelerated behind him, and then smashed in the direction of Misaka Mikoto. With a loud noise, two huge wings hit Misaka Mikoto's position, but Accelerator suddenly stopped and looked forward in surprise.

At this time, the smoke and dust in front slowly dissipated, and Misaka Mikoto's figure appeared again. However, there were some changes on her body at this time. The upper part of her body began to disappear, and the entire coat was dyed black, and there was something like She could still see the starry sky. The whole person stood there like a node connecting different time and space, and Accelerator's wings were actually twisted around her, as if they were blocked by some force and could not get closer.

"This place also looks like something from another world." Sogiita Gunha said.

"So they are all cheating, why don't you open one?" Linton said.

"As long as my words have backbone, it's enough." Sogiita Gunba said.

"Then if you don't open it, I'll open it first." After Linton said that, he put down Sogiita Junba, walked a few steps forward, and came to Accelerator's side.

"Is this guy evolving towards LEVEL6?" Accelerator seemed to feel something at this time, and turned to Linton and asked.

"It doesn't matter if he is a god or not." Linton said as he clenched his fists. A purple light suddenly erupted from his body, instantly dyeing his whole body purple, and a powerful force surged out. "Kill him down first and then talk about it."

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