I really can't control myself

Chapter 828 Investigation

"Saten-san doesn't know anything about non-metals." Uiharu Shiori put down the phone and said to several people.

"I felt a little strange from the beginning." Shirai Kuroko suddenly said, "It may be true that I forgot about Misaka Mikoto, but... who are you? I suddenly felt that you were the one who attacked us. Huh? You have been asking us about things that are not related to the metal. Do you want to know the progress of our investigation or something like that?"

"It is indeed a good thing to be vigilant, but if I were to do it, I would not do this kind of memory tampering." Linton said, "I, Linton, Misaka Mikoto's boyfriend."

"Uh... boyfriend?" Shirai Kuroko's reaction was quite interesting. If Linton had said that before, the other party would probably have applied for a one-on-one challenge with Linton, but now she doesn't remember it, but her expression is a little strange. When it comes to Linton, most people still have doubts.

"You are still sitting in a wheelchair. Do you remember how you were injured?" Linton asked.

"Of course the prisoners were injured," Shirai Kuroko said.

"The prisoner you captured is named Yubio Danxi. You were not her opponent who was seriously injured, or Misaka Mikoto found me and we both rescued you." Linton said, "If you are in doubt, go directly to the hospital. Ask, I don’t believe that the person who modified your memory can replace the memories of everyone in the hospital."

"You..." Shirai Kuroko really can't remember how he was rescued. He just remembers that he has never tied a knot. Is what Linton said true?

"Are you still doubting it now?" Linton said.

"Damn it, how could I be saved by a guy like you." Shirai Kuroko said through gritted teeth.

"Found it." Suddenly Uiharu Shili next to her said. When Linton and Shirai Kuroko were talking, she had already come to the computer and started searching for something. "I restored the search history on the computer and found that I really searched I have never been involved in metal-related things. It seems that what Linton-senpai said is true. Not only the two of us, but even Saten-san was attacked and forgot about it."

"What, the computer records were deleted?" Shirai Kuroko asked.

"Maybe I did it." Uiharu Shili said, "Maybe the other party controlled me and deleted the records. The place where we were attacked may be in the branch office."

"Huh?" Shirai Kuroko was a little surprised.

"I see, did I go out on patrol yesterday?" Gufa Meiwei said next to him. "I was busy and didn't come back yesterday. It seems that it was because of this that I was not attacked and lost my memory."

"Can you find out who the person who attacked us is?" Shirai Kuroko asked.

"It should be possible." Shiri Uiharu thought for a while, and then started operating on the computer, "There are several surveillance cameras at the door of our branch. If we can call up yesterday's video, we should be able to see who has been to our branch. No one has ever been here in my memory, and now..."

Uiharu Shili started to play the video as he spoke. There were three surveillance probes. Although they were not all facing the branch's gate, they could still see the people coming on this road. There are a lot of people here. Several people are responsible for various surveillances and start browsing the videos quickly.

Not long after it started, Linton suddenly saw something and said directly: "Pause, here."

Uiharu Shili stopped the video, and Linton pointed directly at a girl who appeared in the video: "Is it her?"

"Do you know him?" Uiharu Shiri asked.

"I do know him," Linton said, "I just met him yesterday."

"Shouhou's analysis?" Shirai Kuroko next to him also recognized the other party.

"Who is it?" Gufa Meiwei asked.

"Another eldest lady in our school has organized a large support group in the academy and is considered a popular figure." Kuroko Shirai said, "She is also the fifth-ranked superpower in the academy, and her nickname is Psychological Mastery …Wait, psychological control?”

"Huh? That means her superpower is a spiritual superpower, right? It's also a LEVEL5 superpower, which means..."

"She is the one who attacked us." Shirai Kuroko said immediately. Although he was still a little suspicious of Linton, the surveillance was now in front of him. Shokuhou Analyst did come to their branch. However, no one remembered this incident. This was already Decisive evidence. It seems that Linton did not lie.

"This time..." Linton looked at the time displayed on the surveillance camera. Yesterday, he had met Shokuhou Caoqi, but the other party came here not long after they separated from him. Unexpectedly, this non-metal incident actually had something to do with her. Relationship, the attack on Sister Misaka is probably related to this. Unexpectedly, the two things merged into one thing.

Of course, it is much more convenient to deal with one thing than two things. Now that both things are focused on Shokuhou Caoana, all he has to do is ask her about the situation, which is quite simple.

"I investigated about the non-metal thing." At this time, Uiharu Shiri here was still following up. She should have investigated again what she investigated yesterday, "About this website that introduces the non-metal, currently It seems fake."

"Fake?" Several people were stunned for a moment.

"This is an automatically generated website." Uiharu Shiori said, "I just took a look, and since yesterday, a lot of these automatically generated fake websites have popped up on the website, basically introducing some urban legends. Things, including the urban legend of not being in metal, the entire article was automatically generated and introduced some information that has no source at all, that is to say..."

"Someone is trying to create a large amount of fake information in order to cover up one piece of real information." Linton immediately understood what was going on. In fact, the reason is very simple. If an information is leaked, one of the ways to deal with it is to create a large amount of similar false information. 100 pieces of false information cover up a piece of real information. In this way, the real information will be difficult to find. Everyone has investigated a lot of it. After receiving some false information, you will naturally feel that the true information is also false.

"Yes." Shiri Uiharu nodded, "But under the current situation, it is difficult to know which information inside is the information they want to cover up. However, I have a way to investigate the website that generates these false information. From If you start there, you should be able to find out who is releasing this false information."

"You are indeed a superhero communications soldier. Do you have full hacking skills?" Linton said.

"What is that?" asked Kuroko Shirai next to him.

"Uh... I forgot that you forgot what happened yesterday, even the plot." Linton said, "Okay, you can investigate here first. If there are any results, please call me directly."

"Where are you going?" Shirai Kuroko asked.

"Of course I have to go to the real owner and ask." Linton said, "Since we know that this matter is related to Shokuhou Kaoana, why don't we just ask her directly."

"By the way, you just said you met Shokuhou Kaoana. Do you know where to find her?" Shirai Kuroko asked.

"I don't know now, but I will know later," Linton said.

Naturally, the method Linton mentioned is still the old method. Wasn't this the method used to find Shokuhou Caoana yesterday? After leaving the Discipline Inspection Commission branch, Linton also directly took out the crystal ball. Rita Iisu has Linton's Flying Thunder God mark on her body, and Linton can easily see his situation using the telescope technique.

At this time, Rita Iisu was shopping with several of her companions, all of whom had been beaten by Linton before. While walking, her three companions were still complaining: "Why is it that only the captain has the job?" , we haven’t received any work for a long time since we were defeated by that guy last time, and I won’t even be able to eat ice cream if we continue.”

"Damn that guy, if I see you again, you must take revenge, right? Captain." Here, Tsukuru Mu Mingyu clenched his fists and said angrily.

"Well, yes, you must report..." Rita Iisu just said that she had work yesterday, and did not tell the three of them that yesterday's work was to find someone for Linton. After all, the person who assigned the work was sent by the chairman. Man, the other three didn’t know it was Linton’s job. Of course Rita Iisu still wanted to talk about revenge, but before she could finish her words, suddenly an orange portal opened behind him, and he stretched out a hand to directly pick up Rita Iisu, and then the surrounding scenes As soon as she changed, Iisu Rita directly saw Linton appearing in front of her.

"I heard you want revenge?" Linton said with a smile.

"No, no, no... I didn't say that." Rita Iisu was of course frightened to death when she saw Linton. He was watching the situation of Lidovia yesterday, and this fight was even worse than theirs. A few of them were much worse. Although they were dug out from the rubble by the people of the academy and sent to the hospital, they still didn’t know whether they were saved or not. Rita Iisu didn’t want to end up like that.

"Really?" Linton smiled, "Anyway, do you want to go to the hospital again? The hospital bed is big and comfortable. I slept on it for nearly a month. I am doing this for your own good."

"Please forgive me." Rita Iisu said quickly. Linton probably heard the previous conversation and admitted his mistake quickly anyway.

"Okay, since you are still of some use," Linton said, "I said girl..."

"Um...I'm a man." Rita Iisu interrupted suddenly.

"What?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "No, you are a man, you... forget it, anyway, now I have to find someone again, and this time it may be voluntary labor, without any subsidies from superiors, why?"

"Do it." Iisu Rita nodded quickly. I have said this before. I don't need to send you to the hospital. How can I not nod?

"That's alright, that's very interesting, young man." Linton nodded and said, "It's the same woman named Shokuhou Caoqi from yesterday. I have something to do with her."

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