I really can't control myself

Chapter 822 Tool Man No. 2

With a loud noise, Orianna's body was smashed to the floor again. According to the standards of a magician, Orianna was really resistant to beating, but it was just resistant to beating. As mentioned before, Orianna is the most magician Linton has ever seen. She uses conventional magic such as attribute magic, but these only counterattacks cannot cause any harm to Linton. , with a few punches, the opponent was knocked to the ground.

"Reminder of valuables?" As soon as Orianna fell down, Linton got a reminder of valuables. Linton was also slightly delighted. Could it be that this sign that seemed to have been distorted by him was really the so-called spiritual equipment?

However, Linton soon became disappointed. Yes, according to the direction of the prompt, Linton quickly discovered that the real valuable item in the prompt was the pad-like thing in Orianna's hand, and this thing uploaded After getting it, I only got 90,000 points. It was obviously not the S-level item I expected, just an ordinary magic item. It was now obvious that the thing that had been knocked askew later was indeed not the spiritual equipment they were looking for.

"Hey, you're going too hard this time." Steele, who had recovered somewhat from the magic backlash, also hurried to the side of the fallen Orianna and checked her injuries. The only thing we can say about the other party's condition is that except for the fact that his face can still be seen, every other part of his body is covered with injuries. His right arm and left leg have various comminuted fractures. If he is still awake, he will probably die from the pain. Of course, the other party is already gone now. He was in a deep coma, and his life was in danger.

"How can you call it too heavy a blow? I'm already at the lightest level, okay?" Linton said that it was too difficult to get the Fighting Girl to keep her hand, although Linton had always been on good terms with it. The opponent is still useful, but Battle Ji didn't reply to Linton. With the fight like this, I don't know if he is holding back his hands in the battle, or if he doesn't want to use force at all.

"Obviously the spiritual equipment is not in Orianna's hands. How can I ask questions now that the situation is like this?" Steele said.

"Well... let the all-powerful doctor take a look first?" Linton thought for a moment and said. Basically, the people who were disabled by him were the doctors called Underworld Chasing Souls who looked after him. In this situation, Linton is also the first Time thought of this doctor.

"If the injury is like this, it's probably a question of whether he can wake up within a few days." Motoharu Tsuchimikado said next to him.

"It seems that we can only use soul torture...wait a minute..." The first thing Linton thought of was the torture method of knocking out the opponent's soul first, but that method is not actually a method, because soul torture There is a problem, that is, you cannot use methods similar to illusion hypnosis. You can only make the other party speak by hitting the other party's soul. Therefore, if the other party really refuses to tell you, or simply gives wrong information, Linton cannot judge.

Judging from Orianna's previous situation, the other party's original purpose was to interfere with them, so it is very likely that in order to continue to interfere with them, they may also give more wrong information. What Linton wanted now was not torture, but obtaining information similar to reading the other party's memory, and this made Linton think of something.

"If you are a person with mental superpowers, can you read the memory in the other person's brain when the other person loses consciousness?" Linton suddenly asked.

"This...I'm not a superpower," Steele said.

"It's okay." Motoharu Tsuchimikado next to him replied, "Are you planning to borrow someone else?"

"No, there is no need to find Aleister this time. I know a psychic superpower who seems to be the best. Just bring her here." Linton said.

"Who?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu asked.

"What's your name? Shokuhou Misaki, by the way, that's the name." Linton said.

"Shouhou Misaki? The one ranked fifth among LEVEL5?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu said in surprise, "You are familiar with her?"

"I'm not very familiar with her, but I know her. It shouldn't be a problem to ask her to help me." After Linton finished speaking, he moved his hand to the side. Rita Iisu next to him took off directly on the spot, and was directly caught by Linton. "You know Shokuhou Misaki, please go to her directly this time. When the time comes, I will have a tool person on my left hand and a tool person on my right hand. I will be invincible."

"Um, don't you know him? How about calling him directly?" Rita Iisu asked in a low voice.

"You don't have a useful phone call yet? Do you want to know what the consequences will be if it is of no use to me?" Linton pointed at Orianna who was beaten to a state of disgrace on the ground, "You want to be like her? "

"I'll look for him right away." Rita Iisu had suffered a loss at the hands of Linton. She didn't dare to argue with Linton at all, so she immediately closed her eyes and started looking for someone.

"You send this guy to the hospital first and wait. I will bring someone to meet you later." Linton said.

"Okay, I understand." Steele and Tsuchimikado Motoharu nodded. No matter what, Linton's suggestion was a good one. After all, they really wanted to know what was going on.

The two of them quickly left with Oriana, while Linton and Iisu Rita stayed where they were to search for Shokuhou Misaki's location. Iisu Rita's ability search still took some time. Lin Dan waited for a while before Rita Iisu opened her eyes, but she shook her head.

"Not found." Rita Iisu said.

"Not found?" Linton asked.

"My ability is not omnipotent. If the opponent is hiding in a building or underground, it will be difficult to find. And although the sunlight is now blocked, it still has some impact on my search ability. The current search range is limited, maybe The other party is not within the surrounding area." Iisu Rita said.

"Is there still a range?" Linton raised his head. He thought that the other party's search ability was quite useful before, but now it seems that he just found the person at the right time, the right place and the right people, and the other party happened to be very cooperative. When you appear in an easy-to-find location, you immediately spot the person.

Of course, if you think about it, it is true. After all, Rita Iisu is only a LEVEL3 powerful person. Can she still directly monitor the entire world? That possibility really only becomes possible when you reach LEVEL5 or above. But although it can't reach that point, in Academy City, it can be covered in about four searches, and Linton leads the other party to open the portal search, and he can quickly search the entire city.

So Linton and Rita Iisu immediately took action and planned four locations in the academy to prepare for coverage searches. However, Linton was also a little worried that it would be very troublesome if the other party stayed in the building. Just as he was thinking about other methods, Rita Iisu, who was searching here, suddenly opened her eyes.

"Found it." Rita Iisu said.

"Have you found anything? You are very useful." Linton said as he took out the map on his mobile phone, "Where is it?"

"In the alley nearby, a little next to this building, but..." Rita Iisu seemed to have something else to say.

"What is the other party doing in this alley?" Linton was also a little surprised, "What did you see?"

"The situation is a bit complicated. Shokuhou Misaki is staying with another foreign man, and Misaka Mikoto, the third-ranked superpower in the academy, seems to have fallen in front of them..." Rita Iisu said.

"What?" Linton was stunned. Shokuhou Misaki and Misaka Mikoto were fighting? What's going on? Although judging from the situation in the morning, the two of them seemed to be having some fun, but they really didn't expect to start fighting directly. Besides, Misaka Mikoto fell to the ground? Lost? Didn't she herself say that Shokuhou Misaki's mind control ability has no effect on her? The opponent's most proud skill was useless. How did he lose? Could it be the ability of another foreign man or something?

Since the situation was urgent, Linton directly opened the portal, picked up Rita Iisu and appeared in this alley. Sure enough, as soon as he came over, he saw Shokuhou Misaki, a tall and thin adult man who was obviously a foreigner next to him, and Misaka Mikoto lying on the ground.

Of course, because Linton had never been to this alley, the location of the door was estimated. It appeared directly in front of Shokuhou Misaki and the others. Linton, Shokuhou Misaki and the foreign man next to him suddenly appeared. They were all stunned.

"Is that you?" Shokuhou Caoqi recognized Linton immediately. After all, they had just met in the morning.

"Know?" asked the foreign man next to him.

"It seems to be Bilibili's boyfriend." Shokuhou Misaki said. After speaking, he suddenly looked at Misaka on the ground, as if thinking of something, and quickly said, "Wait, don't get me wrong, she is not Bilibili. Well, we were not the ones who hurt her."

Obviously Shokuhou Misaki felt that Linton's appearance at this time might be because he misunderstood that Misaka Mikoto was attacked by him and came to protect her. It was indeed not her fault. There was no need to take the blame.

"No?" Linton looked at Misaka Mikoto on the ground, "Then...is this Misaka sister?"

"Miss Misaka is really a good name." Shokuhou Misaki said, "You also know about the ability user cloning plan? That would save a lot of trouble. Yes, this is one of the clones, and the person who attacked her is also It’s not us, we just happen to be here.”

"What a coincidence?" Linton asked, "Then how did she fall? It seems there was no external injury. Wasn't it caused by your ability?"

"It should have been attacked by military nanorobots." The foreign man next to him said, "By injection."

"That's it." Linton used the circle to directly sweep Misaka's sister on the ground, and actually found tiny pinhole marks on the other party's legs. If it weren't for the circle, it would not be visible at all.

"If it was me who was attacking, you wouldn't need to use that at all, right? These clones are not as powerful as Bilibili, who can block my mind control." Shokuhou Misaki said, "Can you believe me now? "

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