"What kind of technique is it?" The red wall that appeared outside made Yanis a little nervous, but of course these people had never seen Linton's ninjutsu before. When she was fighting Kanzaki Kaori, Index in the back wanted to help Kanzaki Kaori by interfering with Linton's ninjutsu, but she couldn't understand Linton's technique at all. So it can't be done. I can't even understand the catalog of forbidden books. What can these nuns understand?

"Go on, catch him." Seeing that the people next to her couldn't answer, Yanis pointed directly at Linton. If she couldn't solve the spell, she would kill the person who released the spell. Upon hearing the order, all the surrounding nuns picked up their weapons, and the first few had already rushed towards Linton.

"You're in good spirits." Linton said lightly, then waved his hand, and suddenly several black flying swords flew out of his hand. The five nuns who were rushing in front were directly pierced through the chest by the swords, and were instantly killed. Crucified to the ground.

"What is this?" It's another technique that I've never seen before. I have to say that Linton brought a lot of surprises, but in this situation, it's better to be frightened.

Taking down five people in an instant seemed to calm the nuns at once. Seeing the hesitant attitude of these people, Linton took a step forward: "If you don't come up, then let me do it."

As he spoke, Linton had already begun to form the seal: "Fire Escape. Great Fire Extinguishment!"

A huge flame burst out from Linton's mouth, and the temperature in the entire church began to rise rapidly. A group of nuns standing in front of Linton were directly reduced to ashes by the flames, and their entire bodies and even their weapons were sublimated into gas.

Seeing the huge flames in front of them engulfing their teammates, the nuns in the rear naturally retreated quickly. A nun next to the wall saw that something was wrong, so she pressed directly on the wall of the church next to her and pasted something that looked like a charm. Then there was a loud "boom", and a hole was blown out of the church wall here. When the nuns who were close saw this situation, they quickly jumped out of the hole, because the inside of the church was simply hell.

There was a "bang", this time the sound of glass breaking. Yanis also jumped out of the church. She broke the window of the church and jumped out. Looking at the church that had been filled with flames, Yanis was still frightened. She had seen similar flames and similar spells before, but she had never seen such an exaggerated one. Burning down a cathedral in an instant was too exaggerated.

Looking around her, there were quite a few nuns jumping out like her, but at least half of them were not here. In other words, the other party just wiped out half of them with just one blow?

There was a "boom", just when Yanis was still looking at the loss of her team members, the church here suddenly made a loud noise, and then the wall on one side collapsed directly, and the entire church collapsed directly. half. Yes, the entire church cannot withstand such a fire and has already begun to collapse.

"Oh, this guy was almost burned to death." Suddenly a voice came, Yanis raised her head, and Linton's figure appeared in front of him again. At this time, the other party had just walked out of the collapsed church, carrying a nun in his hand. Yanis took a closer look and saw that the person on the other side was none other than Orsola Aquinas, but at this time Orsola seemed to have fainted and there seemed to be some burn scars on her body.

Orsola might be of some use, after all, she was the interpreter of the Book of Laws, so Linton naturally brought her out first. But now Orsola is indeed unconscious, and there are still some burns on his body, but Linton took a quick look and found that it should not be life-threatening.

"Not every soldier carries a magic item. You are not as rich as I thought." Linton looked at the nun who escaped in front and said. The tall nun who was killed before was carrying a magic item. , Linton thought that the Roman Orthodox Church was rich enough to equip each person with a magic prop. That thing before was worth 50,000, and there were 200 people here. Didn’t he give it away? However, it is a pity that the ones I just killed did not indicate valuables at all. Although they all had weapons in their hands, they did not seem to be magic items. I guess the one I killed before was an elite?

"Line up!" Suddenly Yanis stood up and looked at Linton and shouted. The nuns next to her also stood up at this time, picked up their weapons and stood next to Yanis, and lined up to face Linton again.

"Oh, I underestimated you." Linton was a little surprised. He killed nearly half of the nuns with one shot. The other party actually organized themselves again so quickly and didn't feel scared. This was indeed a bit surprising to Linton. Expected. Wasn't it because I was worried that the other party would run away, so I set up a barrier, but the other party didn't run away.

"Emphasis on attack, ignore defense, be prepared to sacrifice and annihilate my lord's enemies!" Yanis shouted directly.

"So that's it, is there a bonus to religious brainwashing?" Linton nodded, forgetting that the people in this world who claim to be magicians are actually religious elements. As for the nun team, all members are probably fanatical believers. It seems that there is no morale. Talk about collapse. Although these people are flesh and blood, they are actually similar to the skeletons summoned by the Necromancer. They have given up the ability to think for themselves.

"It's a pity. Some of them are quite good-looking." Linton sighed, "Looking at you, I really feel a little pitiful. Well, as a good person, I'll see if I can save a few. Just one."

"Come on!" Yanis ignored Linton's words and said with a wave of her hand. The surrounding nuns were not afraid of Linton at all, and rushed towards Linton with weapons in hand. Before, the space in the church was limited and we couldn't come up together, but now outside, a group of people gathered around, preparing to besiege Linton.

Linton naturally had nothing to fear. Facing the hundreds of people surrounding him, Linton stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, everyone kneels down first."

Suddenly, a huge pressure fell from the sky, directly knocking all the surrounding nuns to the ground. Although I didn't see anything at all, there was a special power that seemed to squeeze out the souls of all of them. Faced with such power, all the nuns were knocked down directly. They wanted to get up but were completely unable to do so.

Yes, Linton was using spiritual pressure. Although the overlord color seemed to be more convenient for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers, Linton didn't want these people to faint now. Even with his spiritual pressure, Linton didn't use all his strength, otherwise he would probably be able to crush the souls of these people alive.

"It's...what..." Yanis in the back was also directly pushed to the ground, and it was a technique she had never seen before. The huge pressure directly shocked her heart and soul. It was very difficult to move a finger, even so. , she still raised her head stubbornly and wanted to get up, but she couldn't. Agnes is the more powerful of these nuns. She can still move a little while the other nuns can't even raise their heads.

"Yes." Linton nodded, looked at the nuns kneeling in front of him, and said, "Then listen carefully. As a heretic in your mouth, if I beg for mercy, I will undoubtedly say this to you. The betrayal of the Lord, right? As a servant of your Lord, how can you beg for mercy from the humble pagans? However, the problem now is that if you don’t beg for mercy, you will die.”

"Who would ask for mercy from you, you damn infidel!" Yanis here shouted directly.

"Oh, I can still speak." Linton nodded, "Don't worry, I know that most people here have been brainwashed since childhood and are hopeless. Although I said I want to save people, but for those who have given up on themselves, There is nothing I can do about these people. The most I can do is send them to see the Lord they love so that you can serve your Lord in heaven. This is considered a good thing, right? I know that the brainwashing ability of religion is really strong. You won't give up your faith just because of a few casual words. Those kind of people have been internally purged long ago, and all that remain are die-hard loyalists. If I want to save people, I can only try to see if I can use biological instinct to inspire them. You have your own will, so get started."

Linton said, walked directly in front of a kneeling nun, looked at the nun with her head lowered, and said: "Count to three, beg for mercy...1, 2, 3."

The nun here did not react at all. Linton did not hesitate. A flash of sword light flashed, and the head of the nun in front of him flew out directly, and the headless body fell directly to the ground.

Linton's expression did not change at all. He took a few steps to the side, walked to another nun, and repeated: "Count to three, beg for mercy...1, 2, 3."

With a "swish" sound, another head flew out. After two people, the remaining people suddenly understood what was going on. This was a queue for execution.

There is no doubt that this method will gradually increase the pressure on the people in the rear. The few people in the front died before they even realized what was going on, while the people in the rear really have to endure the fear of approaching death. Sensational person.

Usually when encountering this kind of situation, the people in the front and behind will have a mental breakdown. Linton has encountered this before when he was leading troops, and he didn't even need to use this method, but this time the nun team was particularly special. Linton was so strong that he chopped down more than twenty people in a row, but no one responded. Linton didn't mind either, and lined up one by one like a machine.

"You... give up, we have already decided to dedicate everything to the Lord, even our own lives." Yanis here looked at Linton and gritted her teeth and said, "There will be no one here. …”

"I...I beg for mercy..." Before Yanis could finish speaking, a nun's voice suddenly came, "Please...please spare me."

"You..." Yanis' face changed, "You traitor!"

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