"What are you interested in?" Linton looked at Aleister in surprise.

"I heard that you are somewhat interested in magic spiritual equipment. I just recently got a piece of news in this regard. I wonder if you are interested." Aleister said.

"You know a lot." Linton was a little surprised that the other party actually knew that he wanted magic props. Although he didn't mean to hide it, he didn't seem to have told anyone about it. It seems that Aleister has good intelligence gathering ability, or is it calculated?

"Then tell me." Linton said directly. It doesn't matter if the other party sees through his purpose. Linton doesn't care, or it might be a good thing. Didn't the other party take the initiative to send the message? This is more convenient than finding it yourself.

"I wonder if you have heard of the 'Book of Law'." Aleister asked.

"Book of Laws? I haven't heard of it, but it sounds like something good, right?" Linton said.

"The Book of Law is a magic book. It is a magic book made of secret codes that no one in the world can decipher." Aleister said.

"So what's the use of writing something like this that no one can read?" Linton held his forehead.

Aleister paused for a moment, because the author of this book was Aleister himself. Yes, this book of law was written by Aleister in 1903. Later, due to some reasons, it fell into the hands of the Roman Orthodox Church.

"Although it is full of secret codes, once someone is able to decipher these secret codes and decipher the grimoire, it is said that they can gain extremely powerful power." Aleister continued.

"Strong power?" Linton asked, "How strong?"

"It is said that it can directly declare the end of the world controlled by the Christian religion." Aleister said.

"It sounds like nonsense. After all, no one in the world can interpret this book, right? How did you get this result? It couldn't be a random guess," Linton said.

"Although it is just an inference, the magic book does have powerful power." Aleister said, "And now, a person who can interpret this book has appeared."

"I'm afraid this person is not from another world. Even people from this world can't understand it," Linton said.

"Who knows, I haven't seen her after all." Aleister said, "This person's name is Orsola Aquinas, a nun of the Roman Orthodox Church. But now, whether it is the Book of Law or this The nuns have all been kidnapped.”

"Abducted?" Linton nodded, probably understanding Aleister's purpose, "Who robbed him?"

"Judging from the current situation, it may be the Amakusa-style Cross Sect that did it." Aleister replied.

"So what you want now is to let me help you get your things back?" Linton asked.

"Can you do me this favor?" Aleister said with a smile, "If you can get the Book of Law back, then all previous debts will be written off. If you are interested in the Book of Law, I can also grant you research s right."

"This thing is so valuable." Linton touched his chin, "I'm starting to think this might be a really good thing, it's 10 trillion. But what if I don't pay you back after I get it?"

"That... doesn't matter. As I said just now, this is a book that no one can interpret. To be honest, I don't really believe that this new interpreter can really interpret this magic book, even if it is Really, then...it's not a bad thing for me. I'm not the one who's anxious, because I'm not a Christian," Aleister said.

"Oh, that's it." Linton nodded. It's true that this guy is on the science side. He just said that this magic book seems to be only for Christianity, which is the magic side of the book. Indeed, it doesn't seem to be a big problem for Aleister. . Aleister's purpose may be to interpret the book himself, so he let himself get it back?

After thinking about it, Linton felt that he should accept this task. Although he had not thought about paying back the money, it was not about money now. What he wanted was the Book of Laws. This thing should be worth a lot of points, because it sounded true. Very cool. Of course, after contributing points, this book is of no use. Linton doesn't care whether this thing can be interpreted or not. If Aleister wants it, it will be over for him.

"Okay." Linton nodded directly after thinking of this, "Where are the book of Dharma and the interpreter?"

"Thank you so much for your help." Aleister said, "I will find someone to contact you regarding the specific situation."

The meeting with Aleister ended like this. To Linton's expectation, this guy seemed to be quite easy to talk to. Linton went to find him with the purpose of solving the debtor, but in the end, there was no fight. Linton I actually think this guy is of some use and I'm not ready to take action anymore.

Yes, Aleister's purpose may be to use himself as a gun user. The Book of Law is definitely not an easy thing to get. I guess many people are worried about it, but the problem is that Linton doesn't care about this. Aleister It can provide him with a lot of information, especially information about magic props. How could he have gotten the information about the Book of Laws if it hadn't been for him. Judging from the current situation, he may be particularly good at this aspect, and he probably knows a lot of similar information.

The other party used him, and of course Linton used him in turn. Taking advantage of each other is cooperation. In short, Linton accepted this job, and it was regarded as establishing a good relationship with the other party, as a meeting gift for the cooperation between the two parties. After that, of course, he could put forward conditions and ask him to provide him with information about magic props.

After waiting for a while, Linton also waited for the so-called connector, a big man who was half a head taller than Linton. He was wearing a black robe. He didn't look like someone from the academy, but like a magician. Linton also noticed that the opponent's hands were covered with rings. Magicians in the main world also like to do this. After all, every ring is a magic prop and can amplify magic.

"Steele Magnus, from the English Puritan Church." The tall man here said proactively, but his tone was a little cold.

"British Puritan?" Linton was stunned for a moment when he heard the name. He had already guessed that the other party might be someone from the magic side, but he didn't expect him to be a member of the British Puritan Church. Then... wasn't he his enemy?

"Linton." Linton said simply, "Have you heard my name?"

"I've never heard of it. It's probably the first time we've met today," Steele said.

"Fuck..." Linton scratched his head. The Puritan Church hasn't received the news of the declaration of war yet? It seems like it's been a few days since Shirley went back. Why haven't you brought this news back yet? Or is this Steele unaware of the news because his level is relatively low? Linton thought for a while, and happened to ask about the situation. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him if the Puritans were not prepared.

"Anyway, let's start working quickly." Steele here was quite anxious and said as he walked.

"You look a little familiar." Linton said as he followed Steele. Yes, he vaguely remembered this person. He might be a character who appeared in the original work, but he probably wasn't an important character.

"There is no time to get close now." Steele frowned and said, "The Roman Orthodox team has already sent them to the meeting point, and now they are going to rendezvous."

"The Roman Orthodox Church sent us a meeting place?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Why do you want to meet them?"

"Is this...what's so strange?" Steele looked at Linton strangely, "The Book of Law is collected by the Roman Orthodox Church. Naturally, they came to take back the Book of Law. Of course, the interpreter was originally from Rome. The orthodox people are naturally here to rescue them."

"I'm not here...wait..." Linton was about to say that he wasn't here to snatch the book of law and give it to the chairman. When he thought about it, it seemed that Fatir didn't know about it. Indeed, he was a member of the British Qing Dynasty. The people who teach are not from Academy City, which means that Aleister means to follow them and grab the books directly, right?

I guess what Aleister told these people was that Academy City was willing to cooperate with them in retrieving the Book of Law, and entrusting him to retrieve it was a private mission. Now it seems that this matter is indeed difficult to handle. If he snatches the book, He directly offended people on both sides of the English Puritan and Roman Orthodox churches, and it seemed that he was indeed using himself as a weapon.

Of course, this has nothing to do with it. The British Puritan Church has declared war and is already offended. As for the Roman Orthodox Church, didn't Index say before that this family has the deepest wealth? Linton originally wanted to rob...and get things. Sooner or later, he would be offended. Was Linton still afraid that they would come together?

"The Roman Orthodox Church is here to take back the Book of Law. I can understand that, but what does it have to do with you, the English Puritans?" Linton suddenly asked.

"It's just assistance." Steele hesitated and said, "We received a request from Academy City to help the Roman Orthodox Church retrieve the Book of Law, that's all."

Although Steele said that was all, Linton saw that the other party seemed to be hiding something. It seems there is some other reason. It's a pity that Linton still doesn't quite remember what the incident in the Book of Laws was. He can only say that he has some impressions, and it may have something to do with the main plot.

"It's so annoying not being able to be a prophet." Linton spread his hands and said, "I can't even pretend to be cool, it's uncomfortable."

"What did you say?" Steele looked at Linton strangely.

"Nothing, where are we going to meet now?" Linton asked.

"Before we can join together, we still need to find someone," Steele said.


"One of my companions, Index, you should know about him." Steele knew that Linton was the person sent by Aleister to assist them, so he should know about Index.

"That little nun? Why are you looking for her?" Linton asked a little surprised.

"Why don't you know?" Steele looked at Linton even more confused. Are you really here to help?

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