Diamond Mikihito was really a little panicked. If he was alone, he wouldn't be so worried. To be honest, if he had five minutes, he could drag Linton out and take the opportunity to escape. But now it's not his problem alone, his sister Diamond-shaped Leech Mei is right next to him.

Although the diamond-shaped leech has been resurrected in his eyes, the resurrection is not very complete. There are many wires and pipes connected to her body, which can be regarded as providing energy for her, because now part of the diamond-shaped leech The body is also connected to the machine, which makes it difficult to leave. What's more important is that my plan is already going to succeed, the data over there has almost been transferred, and all the data is here now. If I leave here, it means that all the research will start from scratch. After that, how could he accept this?

For the sake of my sister, I can’t leave now. Diamond Mikihiya is really anxious now. The attack just now is more than enough to destroy a school district. The only way to bet now is whether Linton dares to destroy the school district. After all, this is Academy City's territory, but the problem is Diamond-shaped Mikihiya doesn't dare to gamble at all.

"Ding, the data transfer is completed." At this moment, a prompt message suddenly appeared on the computer in front of him, waking up the chaotic diamond-shaped Mikihiya. Looking at the display above, it turns out that the transfer has been completed, which means that nearly 10,000 death records have now been sent to me through remote transmission. As long as I use my own formula and then transfer it to the body of the diamond-shaped leech, I can complete it. of the test.

Seeing this situation, the diamond-shaped Mikihigu here immediately decided what to do. Now that all the experiments have been prepared and the final data has been obtained, the next steps can be completed by myself. In other words... the only thing I can do to help my sister now is to delay the time. .

"LEVEL6..." Rhombus Mikihiya gritted his teeth. Now he can only hope that his sister can successfully upgrade to an absolute ability user. To be honest, he doesn't know what level an absolute ability user at LEVEL6 can reach. According to deduction, it is indeed an ordinary impression. If it can really reach that level, then there is no need to worry about Linton's threat. This is the only thing that can be done now.

Having made up his mind, Rhombus Mikihigu quickly began to make arrangements. The first step was to start the evolution experiment, allowing the "Rhombus Leech Demon" here to enter the evolution cabin and begin to transcribe the death code. On the other side, the two mechas started to operate. Taotie, who could use the ability to transport matter, rushed back directly, while Chaos, who was carrying the final work, turned back and came to Linton and Accelerator.

At this time, Linton was still arguing with Accelerator, which made Accelerator a little nervous. Just as he was talking, the Taotie in front of him suddenly flew away. When Accelerator saw that something was wrong, he immediately prepared to continue the pursuit. After all, the last work was still in the opponent's hands. But just as he was about to leave, another mecha in the distance suddenly appeared from stealth, and the last work was here. In the hands of a mecha.

"Hostage? Thank you for stimulating the other party." Accelerator said.

"There are still people who want to die so much, so there is nothing we can do." Linton said and a white light flashed all over his body, and he entered the six-path mode again.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, the diamond-shaped Mikihigu's voice came from the Chaos Mecha opposite. Linton was not prepared to pay attention to him. He probably wanted to threaten him with hostages, so Linton simply didn't want to. Too lazy to pay attention. However, what he didn't expect was that after Rhombus Mikihigu finished speaking, the mecha here landed directly, and then directly put down the last work in his hand.

"Oh?" Unexpectedly, the other party took the initiative to release the hostages. Lin was a little surprised, but this time he stopped immediately. The mecha here made a voice again: "Five minutes are not up yet."

"Really plan to come over? You are very flexible." Linton said, "Okay, I will give you a chance when I say I give you a chance, but five minutes means five minutes. There is still one minute left. The time is up. I I don’t care whether you return the hostages or not.”

The Taotie Mecha that had just flown away was probably going to pick up someone, but Linton calculated that the time was not enough for a round trip, so he probably wouldn't be able to catch up.

"I'll be right over." Rhombus Mikihiya said.

"There are 30 seconds left." Linton said casually.

"Kid!" Accelerator next to him also ran up to take a look at the situation of Last Work. At this time, Last Work should be in a coma, muttering something all the time. Linton didn't hear it clearly, but Looking at this situation, it seems that the problem is not that big.

"Anyway, let's take him to the hospital first." After Linton said that, he waved his hand, and a teleportation array appeared directly under Accelerator's feet. The two of them disappeared directly, and of course returned to the hospital.

"There are 10 seconds left." Linton turned to the mecha and continued, "9, 8..."

Just when Linton started counting down, there was a sudden "swish" in front of him, and a man suddenly appeared in front of Linton. Linton was stunned for a moment. The other party should have teleported directly over. After thinking about it, he guessed it was the material transfer ability of the previous mecha called Taotie. I had seen it transfer human bodies before, but I didn't expect it could be done from such a distance. Use it.

Of course, Diamond Mikihito's ability to come here now is indeed due to Taotie's transfer ability. Originally, even a LEVEL5 ability could not teleport such a long distance. However, Diamond Mikihito's side has been optimized for ability users. Taotie's side is The Chaos Mecha here uses vision sharing to determine the location of the teleportation. This is equivalent to enhancing its ability in disguise, so that the diamond-shaped Mikihigu can be sent over in time.

Looking at Linton in front of him, the diamond-shaped Mikihigu took a deep breath. At this time, the evolution experiment over there has begun, and it will take some time for his sister to become LEVEL 6. He has to wait for time. Even if he confesses to being here, he is willing to do so. All the diamond-shaped Mikihiya needs now is to attract Linton and not take action. As for the last work he just handed back, it was also to paralyze Linton. After all, the death information he wanted has been obtained, and the last work has no special effect. What he needs now It's just time, just a few more minutes.

"Diamond-shaped Mikihiya?" This was the first time Linton saw the other party face-to-face, but he quickly determined the other party's identity. The other party even had an identity tag hanging on his chest with his photo on it, dressed like a researcher. "You have 3 seconds to kneel down, 3, 2..."

"Plop!" Before he finished speaking, the diamond-shaped Mikihigu kneeled on the ground, leaned down, and said: "I'm sorry, I apologize to you."

"Unexpected cooperation." Linton was a little surprised. He had just threatened casually, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually cooperate very cooperatively. This is the BOSS. But after thinking about it for a while, Linton probably understood the purpose of the diamond-shaped Mikihigu. This was not the first time that the other party was stalling for time.

"You still think your plan can come true?" Linton said. Although he knew that the other party was stalling for time, Linton was not in a hurry. Although Linton couldn't remember the original story about this artificial god-creation plan, no matter how nonsense he heard it, there was no way it could be true.

"My research will definitely be successful." Although the rhombus-shaped Mikihiya did not stand up, he still said firmly.

"According to your theory, a person can gain god-like power after dying ten thousand times? Then why haven't these clone sisters become gods yet? Are the records of these deaths always in their minds, or are they? Based on the information shared, it stands to reason that these girls should all become gods." Linton spread his hands and said.

"That's because I don't have my formula." Rhombus Mikihiya said.

"So you mean that as long as you import the formula into your sister's network, you can create tens of thousands of gods in an instant?" Linton said with a smile, "No, it's really getting more and more nonsense. I want to Are you laughing me to death?”

"If my research is correct, it should really be possible. No matter who you are, you can become LEVEL 6." Rhombus Mikihiya said.

"No matter how correct the theory is, it is impossible to succeed." Linton said, "Before, I thought there was a slight possibility that your plan would actually succeed, but now, it has been confirmed to be nonsense. Although I don't remember the plot. , but I can still accept the appearance of one artificial god in this animation. If ten thousand appear at once, the animation will not be able to continue. Do you understand? So your research is 100% wrong."

"This is not an animation..." Rhombus Mikihito said, standing up on his own, holding things like mobile phones in his hands, and suddenly laughed, "Whether it will succeed or not is not up to you. Yes, the evolutionary experiment has been completed, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

After saying that, Mikihiko laughed and took out his mobile phone and showed it to Linton in front of him. There was indeed a "Complete" prompt on it, and the progress bar had reached 100%. It was obvious that Diamond Mikihigu's plan was successful. Linton had been held back for this period of time, and his mission was completed, so naturally there was no need to pretend.

Of course, Linton is still not nervous. Let alone whether this artificial god can be achieved. Even if it can be achieved, will Linton be afraid? People like Kaguya Otsutsuki, Sosuke Aizen, and Thanos have all done this kind of thing where they want to make themselves gods at every turn, and you are still missing.

"So your toys are finished? Where are the things?" Linton asked.

There was a loud "boom". As soon as Linton finished speaking, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the city ahead. Along with a ball of fire, Linton saw a huge figure rushing out of the ground.

"Successful! Successful!" The diamond-shaped Mikihigu next to him shouted excitedly, "Leech Mei finally became LEVEL6. My research is completed!"

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