"They are Chaos, Qiongqi and Taotie." Esther here looked at the three mechas that appeared in front of him and said, "The simulated souls made by the four evil talismans made by our Rosenthal family have abilities beyond ordinary. Simulate the power of the soul several times..."

"Oh?" Linton next to him looked at Esther in surprise, "How interesting, I was actually listening to a European speaking Chinese in Japan."

"Is this TN the key point?" Accelerator couldn't help shouting below, "Why do you notice strange things every time?"

"This is indeed interesting." Linton said, "Anyway, do you need any help?"

"Hurry up and help!" Accelerator shouted directly. He didn't want Linton to help at first, but in the current situation, the last one was caught. Of course, he became nervous and couldn't care so much.

"No problem." After Linton said that, he directly raised his hand and pointed at the blue mecha Qiongqi that had just appeared in the distance, "Broken Path No. 88. The flying dragon attacks the thief and the sky-shattering thunder cannon."

A huge thunderbolt "boomed" flew directly to Mecha Qiongqi in the distance. The sudden attack made the opponent stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted, and a barrier appeared in front of Mecha Qiongqi. Yes, Qiongqi's superpower is telekinesis. Originally, this corpse only had telekinesis at LEVEL3, but with the technical blessing of Diamond Mikihigu, the superpower level is now close to LEVEL5. This telekinesis level is very powerful.

However, what surprised everyone was that after a loud noise, Linton's blast directly penetrated Qiongqi's telekinesis barrier. With a huge explosion, Qiongqi's entire upper body of the mecha was blown away, leaving behind The lower half also lost control, and the huge machine fell directly to the ground, causing a shock.

"What?" The diamond-shaped leech who controlled these mechas remotely couldn't help but be surprised. She didn't pay attention to Linton at first. After all, Accelerator next to her was the number one in this academy. Linton There is no information at all here. But just now the other party discovered Chaos' surveillance, which made her a little alert, but it was just alert. What she didn't expect was that this guy actually destroyed one of the Four Evil Mechas with a casual blow. Who is this guy? Looking at the lightning attack just now, could it be a railgun? But the railgun is a girl, and the opponent is not Misaka Mikoto at all.

"Look, this is the gap." Linton ignored the confused diamond-shaped leech behind him and said to Accelerator, "Learn from me, uncle. Isn't this kind of rubbish just easy to shoot to death?"

After speaking, Linton raised his hand again and pointed at the purple mecha Taotie on the other side: "The second one."

"Hey, hey, do you want to blow up that little one too?" Accelerator shouted directly.

"Oh, I forgot that the other party still has hostages." Indeed, the last work was still in the other party's hands. Linton touched his head, "Forget it, if you blow it up, I will use necromancy to pull it up for you and that's it... "

"You guy..."

Before Accelerator could curse, the two remaining mechas suddenly reacted, igniting the jets behind them at the same time, then turned around and flew towards the distance. Yes, the Diamond-shaped Leech Mei regained consciousness and directly controlled the two mechas to start evacuating. Linton's situation was not clear at all, but it was really too dangerous. Judging from the previous situation, these two mechas were definitely no match for him. It was better to evacuate quickly now. After all, what he wanted was already in hand.

"Damn it, do you want to escape?" Accelerator saw this situation and had no time to argue with Linton. He directly tapped his left foot to accelerate and chased in the direction of the two mechas.

"What should we do, Mr. Linton?" Esther asked anxiously when he saw the two mechas escaping. There was nothing she could do. The two mechas were still flying very fast, and there was no way she could catch them.

"It doesn't matter if he ran away, it didn't trigger the automatic battle anyway. The opponent should have returned to the base. If he chased him all the way, he wouldn't have to look for it," Linton said.

"Aren't we going to catch up?" Esther was really worried to death. His last work was taken away. Why was Linton so calm?

"Didn't my nephew catch up? Just send a representative to chase him." Linton said.

"Huh?" Esther was confused. What the hell was going on when he sent a representative to chase him.

"Linton!" Before the two of them could finish speaking, an angry voice suddenly came from beside them. Linton looked over following the sound and saw Aiho Yomikawa, wearing a hospital gown, rushing over to hold the wound. She must have gotten up from the hospital bed after hearing such a loud noise.

"Hey, you really don't take your body seriously." Linton said, "This wound is going to open again."

"What did you do again?" Yomikawa Aiho asked, looking at the messy hospital. Half of the ward here was blown up by Linton before. It hasn't been repaired yet, and it's now like this again. I have to say that the hospital that admitted Accelerator was in bad luck.

"Hey, you can blame me for this. Although I am really good at causing trouble, you can't blame me this time." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Who did that?" Yomikawa Aiho asked.

"Just now a girl drove three Gundams and came over to make trouble..."

"Did you just make it up casually from the beginning?" Yomikawa Aiho interrupted directly.

"No, what I said is the truth, you ask her." Linton pointed to Esther next to him and said.

"That...what is Gundam?" Esther asked.

"Don't you watch cartoons? I remember the cartoons about mechas here." Linton said.

"You know it's something from the anime." Aiho Yomikawa yelled directly.

"What is animation?" Esther asked again.

"...Well, as expected of a necromancer, he also lacks ordinary common sense. No wonder you couldn't understand when I said that I could resurrect the dead. Is it really a cognitive defect?" Linton said.

"No, that is indeed not common sense." Aiho Yomikawa said next to her.

"Why do you want to help complain?" Linton said.

"Anyway, what is the situation now? Where is the enemy?" Aiho Yomikawa also knew that Linton would not blow up the building casually. He probably met the enemy, but the hospital was blown up like this. I guess Linton "went too far." It was caused by "fighting back". After all, Linton has a criminal record. Although Linton really didn't do it this time, it was useless to say anything. Yomikawa Aiho recognized it, but after getting used to it, she didn't pursue it too much. .

"One was shot down and two were lost. Now my nephew is chasing me." Linton said simply, "Inform your people to deal with the shot down Gundam. I'll go check on my nephew's situation. .”

With a "swish" sound, Linton disappeared with a flash of white light after saying this.

"Are you leaving a bunch of things and running away again?" Yomikawa Aiho said unhappily. After speaking, she looked at Esther next to her, "Are you injured? Do you need to get checked out?"

"No, I... have more important things to do, so I'll leave first." Esther said suddenly.

"Hey!" Yomikawa Aiho was a little worried that Esther would be in danger and wanted to call him out, but Esther turned around and left. Yomikawa Aiho does have some physical problems now. It took her half a day just to walk from the ward to here. She would definitely not be able to catch up. Now she can only notify the subordinates of the security team to help.

"Why do these children like to bear it alone..." Aiho Yomikawa sighed.

On Linton's side, a flash of white light appeared directly next to Accelerator. Accelerator was chasing Accelerator, moving very fast. Linton also landed directly and accelerated, keeping up with Accelerator's speed.

Looking up, he saw one of the mechas flying at high altitude not far in front of him. The other one couldn't be seen, but Linton also knew that one would be invisible, so he scanned it with a circle, and sure enough, it was right in front, on one side. Tong Xing did not lose track.

Linton's appearance did not surprise Accelerator. He turned around and said, "Where is that woman?"

"Esther? Why is she here? To hold her back? She stayed in the hospital." Linton said, "Do you want to follow them to find the opponent's stronghold?"

"We are already calculating the approximate location of the opponent's stronghold through the opponent's escape route." Accelerator said, "This direction is probably the 16th school district."

"You're right." While they were chatting, a mecha suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, blocking their way. Yes, the purple mecha suddenly turned around, while the earthy yellow mecha was still speeding forward at full speed with its last work.

At this time, the voice of the purple mecha that stopped the two people changed. It was not the female voice heard before, but this time it was replaced by a man's voice. Of course, if you guessed it correctly, it should be the diamond-shaped Mikihi Valley.

"I didn't expect to work hard to this extent. You are really interesting, Accelerator." The diamond-shaped Mikihiya here said, "To reward you, I will return this clone to you intact."


"You have really changed a lot, Accelerator. Isn't this guy just a clone created just to kill you? To put it simply, he is the same as a guinea pig. In order for them to be able to catch them... Here, of course I have to reward you." Rhombus Mikihiya said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, Zayu, I just want to smash your face." Accelerator said through gritted teeth.

"Hahahaha... But I'm not joking." Diamond Mikihito said, "Anyway, what I want is not her life. What I need is just the record in her mind."


"Regarding the death records, yes, they are the death records that you killed 9981 times." Rhombus Mikihiya laughed and said, "Accelerator, I also want to thank you for your help."


"It's time to explain." Linton said next to him, "Now I'm starting to think you are the big boss. Come on, continue."

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