Relying on drones for precise positioning is a good way. Linton also accidentally discovered that this satellite is surprisingly useful. Linton is not very familiar with the situation in Academy City, so the portal can basically only be opened in places he has been to. It is quite troublesome to open a door in a place he does not know, but with a drone, he can do it. to long distance positioning.

At this time, a portal suddenly opened on the roof of the building. Linton walked out of the door, and then another door opened next to him. Kamijou Touma fell out and sat directly on the ground.

"Touma! Touma!" Index shouted happily when she saw Kamijou Touma appearing and being tied to the ground.

Linton paid attention to the surrounding situation. At this time, the top of the building seemed to have been slightly decorated by the middle-aged man opposite. There were many ropes around, and what looked like charms were hung on the ropes. . These ropes were tangled and connected to the water tank on the top of the building, looking like a magic circle was arranged.

Linton didn't know what the magic circle was used for, but the man opposite him seemed familiar. Yes, at this moment, Linton vaguely remembered that there should be this man in the original work. Obviously, he must have participated in some plot this time, but I can’t remember the specific plot content. Sorry, I still can’t remember it.

But as expected, there are benefits to staying with the protagonist. You see, you are finally seeing something familiar, right?

"Index!" Kamijou Touma here also saw Index next to him and rushed forward. At this time, Index was in the middle of the magic circle. Kamijou Touma didn't know what the magic circle was, but no matter what, he grabbed the rope in front of him with his hand. With a "bang" sound, the surrounding ropes suddenly exploded. When it opened, the rope connecting the top water tank broke directly, and the charm on it began to spontaneously ignite. The entire magic circle emitted a purple light, and then disappeared directly.

"It's really a useful ability." Linton also saw the protagonist's ability for the first time. Of course he knew Kamijou Touma's ability. Fantasy killer, whether it's super power or magic, as long as it's "not very scientific" Everything in the category can be erased directly. It is obvious that this magic circle is the same. It will collapse directly when it touches Kamijou Touma's hand.

"What?" The man opposite was stunned when he saw this situation. He obviously didn't understand why the magic circle he had arranged suddenly failed. It wasn't until Kamijou Touma began to untie Index's rope that he Come to your senses.

"Stop!" The opponent was a little anxious and directly aimed the hand crossbow in his right hand at Kamijou Touma, who was rescuing people. Although there were no arrows on the hand crossbow, as if he had forgotten to load it, Linton saw that the hand crossbow here automatically Wind it up, this could be a magic item.

Sure enough, the next second, there was a "crash" sound from the string. It was obvious that an invisible bullet seemed to be fired from the hand crossbow and shot directly towards Kamijou Touma. The "bullet" flew directly past Linton, and Linton could clearly feel the flow of air. It is estimated that the invisible bullet was something like "wind".

Kamijou Touma here also noticed the opponent's attack, directly pulled Index back, and then raised his right hand. The next second, something obviously hit his right hand, but it was eliminated by Fantasy Killer, leaving only a wave of majesty.

"What?" The man was stunned again, as if he didn't understand how Kamijou Touma eliminated his spell. But it seemed that this was not the time to worry about the opponent's ability. He couldn't let Kamijou Touma take his target away now. Under the current situation, the magic circle he had set up had been destroyed. He could only capture Index again and then continue his plan in another place.

As soon as he raised his hand, the man's body suddenly disappeared. Seeing this situation, Kamijou Touma said directly: "Is this the trick again? Index, hide behind me."

"Invisible?" Linton asked next to him.

"Yes." Kamijou Touma nodded, "He seems to be able to make himself and the things he comes into contact with invisible. This is how he kidnapped Index before."

"Hmm... Ordinary..." Linton spread his hands, and then suddenly swung a blow to the side. With a "bang" sound, a figure seemed to be punched out of the air alive and flew for more than ten meters. A short distance away, it directly hit the water tower on the top floor next to it. The huge water tower was knocked into a hollow. The man here spit out a mouthful of blood and was stuck in the iron sheet, unable to move.

"It's just invisible." Linton said, "Just use a circular swipe. If it's Obito, it's a little more troublesome, huh?"

Just as he was about to speak, Linton suddenly heard the reminder of valuables again. The hint of valuables that appeared now was undoubtedly the thing on the man who had just been beaten away by him. Unexpectedly, I was really lucky today and found two valuable items at random.

"All things are attracted by the sky." Linton raised his hand, and the man who was beaten and trapped in the water tower flew out directly. Linton raised his hand and directly picked him up. He looked at the other person's whole body and quickly paid attention. It turned to the crossbow in the opponent's right hand.

"It should be this." The other party had obviously fainted, otherwise there would be no reminder of the valuables. Linton also directly grabbed the other party's hand crossbow and pulled it out. Sure enough, this was the valuables Linton was looking for. , clicked to upload directly, but the score he got left Linton speechless.

"Thirty thousand? This is not as good as what I got in the afternoon." Although I was very happy to get the valuables, I didn't expect that I only had 30,000 points, which was too little. I didn't have a high score for repairing my body.

Although he didn't get many points, this second valuable item helped Linton make a little judgment. First of all, the first black stone blade is also a weapon used by the enemy, and so is this hand crossbow. The common feature of these two things is that they are both magic props. In other words, are the valuables in this world magic props?

"What is this?" Linton picked up the crossbow and asked Index next to him, mainly to verify his speculation, "Do you recognize it?"

"This is an Azusa bow, which is a sacrificial tool in Japanese Shinto. He should be a Japanese Shinto magician." Index answered accurately.

"Oh." Linton nodded, then took out the black stone blade and asked, "Do you recognize this thing?"

"This is..." Index took it and looked at it, "If I read it correctly, this should be a replica of the Tik Utori gun of the Traviska Gang."

"What is that?" Kamijou Touma asked next to him.

"Tachutori is one of the Aztec gods. Legend has it that he is in charge of Venus and destruction. It is said that the gun in his hand is made of the light of Venus and can kill anyone who is illuminated by the light of Venus. But the power of God cannot be used by ordinary people. This thing is just a replica. If you guessed it correctly, this thing can reflect the light of Venus and produce a decomposition effect." Index said.

"Hey, you are so reliable." Linton looked at Index with some surprise. He didn't expect that the heroine who he thought was a cute heroine would be so reliable. You can tell this at just a glance. the use of.

"How did you get this thing?" Index asked curiously, "Are you a priest of the Aztec sect?"

"No, in the afternoon there was a guy who tried to kill me with this thing, but I fucked him to death. I mainly wanted to find out who sent him, but I didn't recognize this thing. Remembering that you are a magician, So I wanted to visit you and ask about the origin of this thing, but I didn’t expect to encounter this," Linton said.

"I see." Kamijou Touma nodded, knowing why Linton went to his house.

"Replica?" Linton noticed that Index said this thing was a replica. No wonder it was only 80,000 points. After all, it was just a replica. But saying that, that is to say, if you get the original, It should also be a valuable item, and its points must be much higher than this replica.

Linton probably understood that what he was looking for was the magic props in this world. After thinking about it, he asked: "Then do you know where there are more of these similar magic props?"

"Huh?" Index was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "For similar things, various magic associations or forces are usually responsible for gathering them, or they were originally made by them."

"The forces of the magic side." Linton nodded slightly. If he remembered correctly, the world seems to be divided into two forces, the science side and the magic side. The Academy City where he is currently is obviously the strength of the science side. , which means there is nothing you want here? It is true that the two valuables discovered now were brought in by outsiders, which means that if you want to increase your points, it is best to find outside forces to increase your points.

"Speaking of which, what are the names of the largest forces in the magic world?" Linton asked.

"Huh?" Index thought for a moment, "The Roman Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, and of course our English Puritan Church. In addition, there are many magic associations..."

"Are they divided according to belief?" Linton probably understood, "Are you a magician from the British Puritan Church? Do you have many magic props there?"

"Of course, our Puritan religion is very powerful." Index said immediately.

"Where is your headquarters? Is it really in the UK?" Linton asked.

"Of course." Index nodded.

"Then you can reserve a seat for me..." Linton was halfway through his words when suddenly his cell phone rang. Linton frowned and looked at the call, only to find that it was his nephew Accelerator's call.

"Where are you? Can you give me your glasses?" Accelerator asked anxiously after picking up the phone.

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