I really can't control myself

Chapter 778 Satellite

A little time passed, mainly because Accelerator who had recovered here was undergoing physical tests. It was obvious that he had also noticed the changes in his body. Accelerator was still unable to use his superpowers. The injury to his brain did not seem to have recovered. As long as he performed calculations, his mind would become a mess. But the injuries in other parts of the body seemed to have healed, and all functions were improving rapidly.

Without using his own ability to accelerate, Accelerator's running speed is beyond the average human level. The 100-meter test can be easily entered into eight seconds, which has exceeded the theoretical limit of the human body. After all, for ordinary people, the body will collapse at this speed, but His body has been strengthened and has probably reached the level of a physical superpower.

"This is impossible..." Yoshikawa Kikyo looked at Accelerator who was jumping up and down with a look of surprise. The current situation was indeed beyond his biological scientist's knowledge. Just now, something like a ritual that he couldn't understand at all could be done. Even if Accelerator was cured, now it seems that he has gone too far. Now Accelerator has not only recovered from his illness, but his body seems to have mutated. Can this easily turn a person into a Superboy?

"So, as I said, science has its limits. Magicians like us are simply unreasonable, do you understand?" Linton spread his hands and said, "It's a small scene, don't slip away from the basics, sit down."

"Magician?" Fangchuan Kikyo looked at Linton strangely.

"Is this incomprehensible? There is magic in this world. I still remember some of it." Linton said, "The heroine must be a magician. I am talking about the little nun I just saw."

"Uh..." Yoshikawa Kikyo expressed that she was a little unable to follow what Linton said.

"Have you finished jumping? Come quickly and study the satellite launch." Linton said directly to Accelerator in the distance.

"Tch..." Although Accelerator here was unhappy, he still came to Linton's side, "There are really a lot of strange things here, so is the satellite thing also real?"

"I won't lie casually. It's unnecessary, right?" Linton said. "If you say you are my nephew, it is true. If you say you have satellites, it is true."

"What about the satellite?" Accelerator asked.

"Wait." Linton said and found the satellite directly from the package. The next second, a huge thing appeared directly in front of the three people without any warning. This is a truck-sized metal thing that looks a bit like a container. It is painted in bright red. Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is not an ordinary object.

"Material teleportation?" Accelerator said with some surprise as he looked at the red metal block that suddenly appeared.

"No, it's like a space ring. Haven't you read the novel? It's the kind of magic prop that can store things." Linton said.

"Magic is really magical." The scientist Yoshikawa Kikyo next to her felt like she was about to give up thinking.

"So how are you planning to launch this thing up? It sounds like you are not planning to use conventional means." Accelerator asked.

"Then I really don't have a rocket, but it doesn't matter. As a magician, isn't it too cheap to rely on a rocket to throw a satellite into the sky? So I came up with a way." After Linton finished speaking, he picked up the satellite on the ground. A piece of stone, and then continued: "That's it, I'm preparing to create two portals to connect to each other."

Linton said again, and two orange haloes appeared in front of him. Linton put the stone in the middle, and then let go: "I threw the stone in, and because of gravity, the stone fell into the magic below. circle, and then appear again from above. If it cycles like this, it will enter an infinite free fall and continue to accelerate.”

As he spoke, the stones in front of him began to accelerate continuously. After falling into the portal below, they reappeared from the portal above, and the cycle continued.

"Then after reaching a certain speed, I suddenly turned the direction of the portal above and pointed it towards the sky." After Linton finished speaking, he snapped his fingers and saw the portal above suddenly change, and a stone flew out from above it. , shot directly into the sky with a "swish" sound, and disappeared from the sight of several people.

"In short, there should be no problem with the effect. It's just that I don't know how much acceleration is needed to escape the gravity of the earth. Could you, a scientist, help me calculate the acceleration time?" Linton said.

"You...wait a minute, you just said something very scary in an understatement, a space portal? And then used it to launch satellites?" Yoshikawa Kikyo said with a confused look, "How did you do it? "

"Don't ask, asking is magic." Linton said, "Do you think I am someone who can explain the principles of magic here to you?"

"Magic is really amazing." Yoshikawa Kikyo said it was better to give up thinking.

"The acceleration of gravity is 9.8M/S. If you want to reach the first cosmic speed away from the earth's gravity, you need to accelerate..." Accelerator next to him quickly began to answer Linton's question, but before he finished the calculation, He was interrupted by Yoshikawa Kikyo next to him.

"Although there does seem to be no problem in principle, from my perspective, the current situation cannot be successful." Yoshikawa Kikyo said.

"What's the problem?" Linton asked.

"First of all, how much acceleration can your satellite resist? Without a transmitter package, it would fall apart during the acceleration phase alone, let alone the need to penetrate the atmosphere..." Kikyo Yoshikawa said, "And according to your launch It is impossible to put the satellite into orbit around the earth. When the rocket is launched, it needs to undergo multiple orbit changes to get the rocket into the correct orbit. It is not an operation that can be completed by shooting directly into the sky.

"Uh...really?" Linton really hasn't learned anything about rocket science. In his opinion, he can just throw it into the sky to a certain height. However, it is obviously not that simple. Fortunately, he found a scientist. Asked.

"If you really want to launch, you need to at least calculate the launch orbit..." Yoshikawa Kikyo said, "Obviously you didn't design this thing, so you don't know the specific situation of this thing, right?"

"Oh, so science is troublesome." Linton spread his hands and said, "As a magician, I really don't understand this. Tell me what to do."

"If possible, could you let me study your satellite first? After determining the parameters of this thing, I might be able to find a suitable launch method." Yoshikawa Kikyo thought for a while and said.

"Take it, take it, I don't know much about it anyway," Linton said. As he spoke, Linton took out a pair of glasses and said, "This should be a controller that can communicate with satellites. I'll authorize it first."

As he spoke, Linton put on his glasses directly. This was also the first time he used these. A light screen quickly appeared in front of him, and a startup page popped up on it. A voice asked in Linton's ear: "You Good sir, welcome to Edith."

"Can you connect to the satellite at the back?" Linton asked.

"Of course, as long as sir gives you authorization."

"Give authorization, and then enable the administrator qualification for the lady next to you. You try to cooperate with her in research." Linton said.

"Yes sir," Edith replied.

"OK, you can study it yourself." After Linton finished speaking, he handed the glasses directly to Yoshikawa Kikyo, "It's best if it can be launched. If it doesn't work, forget it."

After saying that, Linton looked directly at Accelerator next to him: "It's okay, even if you really can't use your superpower, it doesn't matter. Your ability is not particularly awesome anyway. It's just a good time to train yourself while you can't use your ability now. Follow me and practice casually, and you will probably surpass your original level soon."

"You mean to let me learn magic from you?" Accelerator asked.

"Yes, our family has always been a magical family. As my nephew, what kind of superpowers do you have to make me very embarrassed? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to meet people from the magical world in the future? Hurry up and learn magic from me. What are you giving up? Let’s take the path of science,” Linton said.

"Aren't you worried that after I learn your abilities, I will use them against you?" Accelerator said, "I have not forgotten what happened between us."

"It's okay, it's okay. If I really get serious, I can just blow up the earth. If you can accept that level of battle damage, you are welcome to seek revenge from me." Linton spread his hands and said.

"You...can't be serious." Yoshikawa Kikyo, who had just put on her glasses, looked at Linton again with a confused expression.

"I've already said that I'm not very good at joking," Linton said. "Can I show you a show in front of you?"

"No need..." Shen TN's performance shattered the earth, and Yoshikawa Kikyo couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

"Anyway, your body has recovered now. Let's start practicing magic directly. Just start with simple thoughts. Things like vitality are easier to understand than ghosts and the like." Linton said. Yes, now that Accelerator has been transformed by the heart-shaped herb, his vitality should be very strong, and there should be no problem if he directly opens the sperm hole.

"Start now?" Accelerator was not that disgusted. In fact, he was still a little curious about the magic and other things Linton mentioned.

"Of course, I have some other things to be busy with. I'll teach you the basics first, and then you can practice by yourself. I also want to go around and see if I can encounter other plots. Anyway, let's start now... Before Linton finished speaking, there was a sudden loud "boom".

It was obviously the sound of something exploding. The three of them turned their heads when they heard the sound. The direction of the explosion happened to be the direction of the hospital where they were before.


"It seems something has happened. Let's go and have a look." Linton said first.

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