I really can't control myself

Chapter 768 Inquiring

"Why isn't your cat afraid of the electromagnetic waves emitted by my body?" Misaka Mikoto was a little concerned at first that the electromagnetic waves released unconsciously from her body would make Matariu uncomfortable. However, after a little observation, she found that Matariu was really He was not afraid of her, so of course he started sucking it happily.

Linton said he couldn't explain it. To be honest, in the eyes of this cat, you are just a being who can kill hundreds of people with just one paw. Is it afraid that you will become a ghost? Of course, Misaka Mikoto is not that weak, but she doesn’t know what kind of LEVEL 5 superpower the other party is. She also can’t sense energy other than chakra, so in her eyes, Misaka Mikoto is just an ordinary female middle school student. That’s all.

Matata's expression is really disgusting now. I didn't expect that a tailed beast like me would be played with by two girls in turns. However, this is the expression of an animal like a cat. The more disgusting the expression becomes. It seems to be more interesting.

"Anyway, have you found Kamijou Touma's address?" Linton directly changed the topic and asked.

"I have asked my friend, there should be news soon." Misaka Mikoto said, the person she asked was naturally Uiharu Shiri. Although she knew Shirai Kuroko better and they were in the same dormitory, If this guy knew that he was asking for that bastard's address, he would definitely be in trouble. Misaka Mikoto didn't bother to explain, so she'd better leave it to someone else.

Just as he was talking, Misaka Mikoto's cell phone rang. When she opened it, it turned out to be Uiharu Shiri's phone: "Moxi Moxi, oh, did you hear that? Huh? Fire? Uh... It's like this. No wonder that guy was so angry. The sky is shouting about misfortune, and it is really unlucky. So now he...oh, I see, thank you Chuchun, um, don't worry, there is something else..."

Speaking of this, Misaka Mikoto suddenly distanced herself slightly, as if she didn't want the two people in front of her to hear what she was saying, but Linton's hearing was very keen now. Although Misaka Mikoto spoke very quietly, But Linton probably heard the other party's conversation. The main content was that Misaka Mikoto asked Uiharu Shiri to help investigate the password that Misaka's sister mentioned before. Of course, it was to track the situation of this experiment.

"Have you found it?" Linton asked.

"Well...but it seems something happened." Misaka Mikoto said, "It seems that there was a fire in the apartment where the guy lived ten days ago, which caused the corridor of the apartment to be burned down. It has not been repaired yet, so he is not there now. He lives there, and according to the information my friends investigated, he doesn’t seem to have many friends now, so he went to stay at his class teacher’s house.”

"What's the point of staying at the homeroom teacher's house?" Linton said that he was worthy of being the protagonist. His style of doing things was different from ordinary people. Who would normally go to the homeroom teacher's house for a while, unless the headteacher was a super beauty or something like that, uh... no That's it, "Then the address of his class teacher is..."

"Room 203, Apartment 39, Fourth Street." Misaka Mikoto replied.

"Understood, thank you." Linton nodded. The protagonist's current location is known. Of course, the next step is to visit the other party, at least to become familiar with him, and to see if the other party is suitable to be his nephew. But now the heroine is in front of him, which is of course also very important, and Linton is still a little concerned about some secret experiment at night, and he doesn't know if it is a plot or something.

After thinking about it, Linton decided to pay attention and leave a mark on the heroine's body, so that he would not be afraid of anything happening. He would go to the hero's side first to check the situation. While thinking about it, Linton observed Misaka Mikoto in front of him, thinking about how to leave a mark on her body. As a result, Misaka Mikoto, who was sucking the cat, suddenly looked at her with vigilance as if her sixth sense had exploded. Linton.

"What do you want to do?" Misaka Mikoto asked alertly, because she felt that Linton seemed to be preparing to do something to her. This was probably the so-called woman's sixth sense. She could inexplicably detect it after being watched.

"Uh...it's okay." The other party was suddenly alerted. It was a bit difficult to touch and leave a mark on the other party. After all, the other party was a female junior high school student, and Linton couldn't do it forcefully, right? After thinking about it, Linton suddenly looked at Sister Misaka next to her. This person here seems to be easier to attack and has a lower alertness. Moreover, Misaka Mikoto said before that she would follow Sister Misaka in order to answer her research questions. The person who caught the person who cloned her means that the two of them acted together after that. If this is the case, the same thing will be engraved on her body. Misaka Mikoto just waits for the opportunity before taking action.

"In that case, I'll leave first." Linton suddenly stood up when he thought of this, and gently patted the shoulder of Sister Misaka next to him, because the current sister Misaka has been watching Misaka Mikoto playing with her cat. She seemed to be a little distracted, and when Linton patted her, it felt like he was just calling her, which was very natural.

"Huh? Uncle, are you leaving? Misaka asked a little disappointed."

"Are you still disappointed?" Linton said.

"The main thing is that if the uncle leaves, Tokugawa Ieyasu will also leave. Misaka looked at the smart uncle and immediately corrected him."

"Who is Tokugawa Ieyasu? Why are you here?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"The name of this four-legged animal." Sister Misaka pointed at Matatsuki and said.

"Why do you want to name my cat, and why is it such a strange name? You see, this cat is not good." Linton couldn't help but said.

"Hmm...it seems to be your cat. So what's the cat's name? Misaka asked curiously."

"Traveling again." Linton replied honestly.

"Misaka thinks it's not as nice as the name she chose. Misaka answered readily."

"I agree..." Misaka Mikoto on the opposite side couldn't help but said, "Why don't you call her... Guotai-chan?"

"Onee-sama's ability to choose names cannot be complimented, Misaka said with a sigh."

"I'm so sorry." The hair on Misaka Mikoto's head jumped up and down, obviously unhappy.

"So why do you want to change the name of my cat? After all, I raise it. At least I still have the naming rights." Linton said.

"Are you going to find that guy now?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

"Yes, now that we know the location, of course we should go and meet her first. Maybe he is really my nephew." Linton said, "You want to follow her, right? Do you need my help? I may be there later tonight. null."

"No, I will handle it myself." Misaka Mikoto here refused directly. Compared to Misaka sister, she is more alert. She will still pay attention to whether a man like Linton, whom she has just met for a while, has sex. What's the intention? It's naturally not a suitable time for men and women to meet at night.

"Understood, I'll leave first." Linton said again. Of course, it was not Misaka Mikoto's decision whether he should go or not.

"Okay." Misaka Mikoto nodded, then reluctantly let go of the cat in her hand and pushed it in front of Linton. Linton could clearly detect Misaka Mikoto's reluctance to give up, which was not enough.

"Okay, okay, let this cat stay here first." Linton said suddenly.

"Huh?" Misaka Mikoto looked at Linton in surprise, "What did you say?"

"If it's okay, let the cat here for now. When it's enough, let it go. It will come back on its own," Linton said.

"Hey, hey, this is so irresponsible." Misaka Mikoto yelled.

"It will really come back on its own." Linton said. This is no joke. If it gets lost, it can be summoned back by psychic skills. It can also be lost. "It's okay. Just suck it up. After all, it can be regarded as a help." Got me."

"Hey, who's sucking..."

Before Misaka Mikoto could finish her words, Linton directly picked up Mataru on the table, pulled her in front of her and said, "Listen up, follow this woman for the time being and don't expose yourself, do you understand? If you need anything, use chakra to contact me."

After saying that, Linton didn't care what Misaka Mikoto said, he just threw Matabuki at her and turned around and left.

"Hey, hey." Misaka Mikoto here saw Matari being thrown over and quickly took a few steps forward to catch it, almost falling down. When he looked up again, Linton had already taken a few steps out.

"This guy..." Misaka Mikoto looked at Linton unhappily,

"Why don't you, onee-sama, adopt it? Misaka strongly suggested."

"No, you can't keep pets in the dormitory." Misaka Mikoto lives in a student dormitory, and the dormitory naturally has regulations. She can't keep pets and travel. "Damn it, what is this guy going to do...I..."

"Guest, you haven't paid the bill yet..." Misaka Mikoto was about to catch up when the waiter next to her saw the two of them leaving first and immediately came over and said.

"Huh?" Misaka Mikoto looked at the pile of eaten food plates on the table in surprise, and then looked at Misaka's sister who was already burping next to her. She suddenly felt as if she had been tricked, "Damn you guy , more hateful than that guy!"

It is true that the appearance of Misaka Mikoto helped Linton solve the problem of paying the bill. Then there is a fee for sucking cats, let alone tailed beast cats. There is no business fee for this? Linton left early because he was worried that it would be awkward if he ran out of money to pay the bill. In short, he quickly asked for directions while looking for the location provided by Misaka Mikoto, and soon came to the door of a dilapidated apartment.

"Room 203... such a shabby place." Linton looked at the house number. It read Yue Mai, which should be the last name of the head teacher. I clicked the doorbell, and after a while, a primary school girl opened the door.

"Here, please tell me..."

"I'm here to see Kamijou Touma. Are your adults here?" Linton asked.

With a "bang", Linton clearly saw a hash sign appear on the head of the primary school student opposite, and the other party became angry for no reason.

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