I really can't control myself

Chapter 753 Acceleration

"What do you want to do?" Gasein asked here. Yes, after talking to the emperor, the two naturally returned to the mansion again, and then quickly explained the situation to Gaseon and Princess Jorah. Prince Damian has passed away, and the emperor seems not to be prepared to interfere in this matter, so naturally he is ready to take action.

Naturally, the majority of the people here were still Linton, so the first one was naturally to listen to Linton's opinion. However, when Garsain shouted, Linton actually seemed to be distracted and did not answer.

"Hey, are you still thinking?" Garsain patted Linton and said.

"Huh? Oh, I accidentally got distracted." Linton was indeed distracted, but it was not because of Duke Norbury's matter. The Duke of Norbury didn't take Linton seriously at first. Although to ordinary people he was an imperial duke and a behemoth from a family, but to Linton he was really nothing.

The reason why Linton was distracted was, of course, due to the mission. Yes, as I said before, Linton was not going to continue working on tasks before getting married. Now that he is married, of course he still has to continue working and cannot always take wedding leave. So on the way back, Linton took a look to see if there were any suitable tasks. He planned to pay attention to them in the past few days and pick up tasks while going on his honeymoon. After all, suitable tasks are not always available. When can he pick them up? Let's start working when the time comes.

However, Linton soon found himself in trouble. Yes, there are indeed several tasks in his task list. One of them is a construction task, which is to build a medium-sized city. Linton has done this before, so he has experience. Originally, this mission was quite suitable. I could spend more time with Yalan while building the city, and I could also complete missions at the same time. However, the problem I encountered now was... I didn't have enough points.

Yes, to build a city, you need to advance points to buy buildings. Each building is not cheap. Although a part of the points can be returned after completion, that is after completion. Before that, the points have to be spent first. Linton had reserved nearly 10 million points to prepare for this. However, the problem now is that the scene he performed with Gu Yi before cost him a lot of points. For example, the weakened version of the Time Stone, such as the Ten-Blade Balegang, all of which cost a lot of points to produce. Yes, with this use, Linton is not enough to build a city.

There are not enough tasks to build the city, and there are not enough to build other things. Yes, now that Linton's position has become higher, the tasks he has received have become more and more advanced. Just like the dungeons are now level 6 dungeons, those first-level dungeons The two-level dungeon missions are no longer available, and high-level missions require a lot of points in advance.

In this world, Linton hasn't found any way to earn points yet. If he wants to get points, he can only cross the border. In short, it seems that Linton can no longer build the city slowly. Not only that, but he also seems to have to start work early, because just on his way back, Linton has already taken over a task.

The requirements for this mission are not difficult at all. Explore a new world and complete 30% of the progress. It’s just that the time given for this task is not long, only 60 cycles. During these times, it is still very troublesome to complete 30% of the exploration progress, but it is difficult to complete suitable exploration tasks. Since Linton saw it, he took it easily, and the task does not start from the time of traveling to the new world. , but the time will start to count next, and the time has already started.

Since it was a mission to explore a new world, Linton wasn't sure. After all, he didn't know anything about the new world. If the first world fails, he must come back immediately and refresh a suitable world, so although there are still 60 cycles left, he cannot continue to be idle.

Linton is thinking about this matter now, so he is a little distracted. Of course, although the task is very tight, Linton will not just leave, but he needs to deal with things here a little faster.

After thinking about it, Linton said: "Stop talking nonsense and just do it."

"Oh, then what reason is used to declare war?" Gaseon asked.

"Don't declare war." Linton said, "Wars take too much time. Within three days, I must send Duke Norbury's family to the West."

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

"It's just a little Duke. I'm too lazy to spend time on him. I still have the task of defending the entire continent against Cthulhu's invasion." Linton said.

"What is that?" Princess Jorah asked strangely.

"We'll talk about that later," Garsain said. "This war is none of your business. You can't participate in the war. It will indeed take a lot of time, but you don't need to participate."

Yes, Linton cannot join the war casually after the war is declared. After all, he is a saint and cannot participate in ordinary wars, unless you can prove that Duke Norbury is a rebel or something. But judging from the current situation, there is no such thing. If the other side files a complaint to the Saint-Level Association, it will definitely be very troublesome for Linton.

"I just thought about it, and there is a good solution to this matter." Linton said, "If we really declare war, I can't participate properly, but if we don't declare war, then I can just hack the opponent's whole family to death? "

"Hey, your idea is even more dangerous." Garsain said quickly. Linton is getting more and more messy. He has participated in the most investigations of the War Saint Association. If you just hacked the opponent's whole family to death, it is no longer a matter of investigation. Doesn't this holy association want to expel you directly and declare you a public enemy of the mainland?

"What do you say? Do you think I am really stupid? There is no reason for me to hack his whole family to death?" Linton said, "Although there is indeed no reason now, I won't help him find a reason. If it were them The Noble family provoked me first and made trouble for me. Is it too much for me to hack his whole family to death? I am a saint."

"How could they mess with you?" Garsain said immediately, "No one would be stupid enough to actively provoke a saint, okay?"

"That's why I asked him to help him find a reason." Linton said, "It doesn't involve family interests, it's just a pure personal vendetta. So what's wrong with me taking action?"

Garsain finally understood what Linton meant, but immediately asked: "What's the personal grudge?"

"For example, if someone from the Noble family inexplicably maimed an important member of my family, can't I settle the score with them?" Linton said.

"Important family member?" Garsain shook his head directly, "This matter is difficult to handle. If we are members of the Merlowe family, the other party will definitely see through it immediately, let alone the princess. It is impossible for anyone to touch her, except Besides, you don’t have any important family members, right?”

"Of course there is, but not many people know about it." Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" Garsain was stunned for a moment, "Who?"

Linton stood up directly and spoke to the maid at the door, asking her to call someone. Soon, a little old man appeared in front of several people.

"Meet the Duke, Your Highness the Princess." The little old man here said. Of course, he didn't know Princess Jorah and didn't know how to call her, but he still saluted and greeted her.

"Uh...this is..." Garsain really didn't recognize who the other party was.

"Your Excellency, the old servant Eke, one of the housekeepers in the family." The old man here named Eke saw that Garsain had forgotten him, so he reintroduced him without much care.

"Eke." Linton went up and patted Eke on the shoulder and said, "I haven't seen you for a while. How have you been lately?"

"Master, the old servant is living a good life now." Ek said with a smile. It seems that he is quite satisfied with his recent life.

"Let me introduce, this old man Ek is one of my very important relatives." Linton said, "When I was a waste, I was exiled to a poor town by my family, and the people who followed me were There is only this Uncle Ek, and we can be said to be dependent on each other..."

"It is an honor for me to take care of the young master." Ekko said immediately. Although he was very happy, he did not dare to overstep anything.

"In short, in my heart, this Uncle Ek is simply one of my dearest relatives, closer than any dead dad I have ever seen. I now recognize you as my seventh uncle. Linton said.

"Master, this old servant doesn't dare to climb high..." Ek said immediately, "I'm very relieved to see your current achievements. I don't expect anything too much..."

"It's who you are." Linton interrupted directly, "In short, you are one of my dearest people now, do you understand?"

"Uh..." Ek began to feel something was wrong.

"I'm talking about Ek. ​​Recently, I, the young master, have been very unhappy with a family and want to kill his whole family. Are you willing to contribute some of your strength to me?" Linton said with a smile.

"Uh... Of course I am willing, young master." Ek nodded, thinking in his mind who was so stupid that he would offend Linton. Now Linton is a saint, so he is probably not a fool. Could it be that the young master was too lazy to pay attention to this family and let himself take action, "Master, which family did not have the foresight to offend you?"

"Duke Norbury." Linton said calmly.

Ek's heart skipped a beat. Of course he knew the name of Duke Nobre, the most powerful official in the empire. Could it be that the Meloway family is going to take action against the Noble family? But for such a big matter, what can I do if I am the butler?

"Young... Young Master, although I want to help, I am just an old servant. I will definitely complete whatever you ask me to do. I am just afraid of delaying the Young Master's affairs... I am weak but not strong enough." Ek said.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not asking you to go out and kill the enemy." Linton said with a smile.

"That's good..." Ekko whispered.

"I just asked you to be responsible for being beaten." Linton added immediately.

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