I really can't control myself

Chapter 751 Taking Over

Before the strong rise of the Melowe family, there were four grand dukes in the empire. These four dukes were all families that existed in the empire a long time ago. These four dukes include the Duke of Rennes, the Duke of Royen, the Duke of Minottier, and the Duke of Norbury.

Still, the situation is obviously different now. Among the four Dukes, the Duke of Rennes was executed because of the failed coup, and his position was replaced by the new Duke of Meloway, namely Garserne. Duke Minotier had already launched a rebellion before. Yes, it was also this year. Not only did he declare independence and break away from the Holy Empire of Elan, he also received support from the Yetis Empire. For this reason, the two countries even fought a war. , Linton also participated in it, and it was at this time that Garsain became famous in the army.

Perhaps it was because so many dukes had accidents this year that Duke Norbury felt a crisis. The four great dukes of the empire had not had a good relationship with the emperor before. When Wigley first came to the throne, the four great dukes all united to put pressure on him. Now things are happening one after another. No matter how you look at it, it seems that the emperor wants to settle accounts with his wife. .

There is another big driving factor here, which is the rise of the new aristocratic Meloway family. The Merloway family has risen rapidly, and has clearly sided with the emperor in the previous coup. This will of course make Duke Norbury even more nervous. Originally, the situation in the empire was that four dukes jointly suppressed the emperor. Now two of them have fallen, and a new duke has emerged to help the emperor. Isn't this a crisis?

The last straw that broke the camel's back was probably the wedding of Linton and Princess Yalan. Originally, the Noble family was the only one among the four great dukes to be married to the royal family, but now the Meloway family is also married. Isn't this a signal sent by the emperor?

Listening to Princess Jorah's analysis, several people felt that this was indeed the case. If they were Duke Noble, they would definitely be anxious. After all, it looked like the emperor wanted to take action against them, and We have already dealt with the two dukes. If we don't take action, it will be their turn now. No wonder Princess Jorah would wonder if Duke Norbury did this. There is indeed some truth to it.

So what did the emperor think? Linton felt that the emperor might not have thought so much. In his opinion, the rebellion of Duke Rennes and Duke Minottier was basically their own fault. It should not have been Weig's. Li took the initiative to promote it. After all, the emperor himself was critically ill during the Duke of Rennes' time. Could this have been arranged by himself?

What's more, according to Princess Yalan, Emperor Wigley has not taken any measures to restrict the Dukes in recent years. According to normal thinking, when you ascended the throne, you were unable to withstand the joint suppression of these four dukes, and there was nothing you could do to compromise. But after you ascended the throne, shouldn't you slowly start to settle accounts after you secured the throne? But Wigley didn't do that. In the past ten years, he basically had no intention of provoking these few. You see, these Dukes have started to rebel unscrupulously. This is not what Wigley is used to.

Linton felt that this was because Wigley was too cowardly. He had always avoided touching the line. The same was true for previous declarations of war. He was always timid. Once the emperor is not tough enough, the powerful ministers will come out one after another. The Duke of Rennes is even bold enough to directly cheat the emperor, which is no one else.

Of course, escaping will not solve the problem. Now that the Empire Duke is experiencing one after another, Wigley must also bear a large part of the responsibility. If Linton hadn't led the Meloway family to rise at this time, the empire might have split or changed its banner.

After what Princess Jorah said, several people also felt that Duke Nobrey was probably the mastermind behind this incident. So since they are responsible for the crown prince's affairs, they must be prepared for Princess Fulla's ascension to the throne. As Linton said, once Princess Fulla succeeds to the throne, there will definitely be no Meloway family without them. It’s time to think about eating good fruit.

Originally, Garsain just thought that Linton was looking for trouble for him, but after listening to Princess Jorah's words, Garsain also felt that this matter must be seriously considered, otherwise the consequences waiting for them would definitely be undesirable. After thinking for a while, Garsain asked: "So you mean we take action to deal with Duke Nobre?"

"The solution must be solved." Linton thought for a while and said, "Now that we have entered the game, there is no reason to sit still and wait for death, but I still have to ask, do you... do you want to take over?"

"No...why did you come back to this topic again?" Gasein held his forehead.

"If you can take over, this matter will be much simpler." Linton said. "If you don't, it will be difficult to operate. You must seriously consider it, and there may be hidden dangers."

"How do you say it specifically?" Garsain asked seriously this time, because he felt that Linton was not making fun of him.

"Does the son of Princess Fula and Duke Norbury have any heirs?" Linton asked.

"Yes, yes." Princess Yalan next to her nodded and said, "Dilas, my nephew, is 4 years old this year. Miranda, my niece, is 1 year old this year."

"If we cause trouble for Duke Nobre, even if we defeat him, have you considered what we will do next?" Linton turned to Garsain and asked, "After all, we are nobles in the empire and can be considered our own. We always We can't kill, burn, and plunder. Why are we fighting a war that has no benefit? If we want to fight, then what we need is his territory. But it is impossible for us to get his territory. We need a right to claim it. If you take it With this plate, this matter will be convenient.”

After a pause, Linton continued: "Look, after you take over, Princess Fulla will be your wife, and of course her son will also be your son. This four-year-old child named Dilas is the eldest grandson of the current Duke of Noble. He has the right to inherit the dukedom, right? Then as his stepfather, there is no problem in helping him manage the land until he comes of age. Do we have a reason to take over? Furthermore, if Princess Fulla wants to inherit the throne , as the emperor’s husband, it’s okay for you to help run the country. Will our family rise to the top in one fell swoop? We control two duchies, and we have the emperor’s wife as our backing.”

"Uh..." Garsain was really confused. After saying this, he really took this deal for the sake of his family.

"And my wife said that she really wants to stay with his eldest sister." Linton added.

"Huh? Did I say that?" Princess Yalan next to her was stunned for a moment.

"Why don't you have a tacit understanding? You are my wife now, okay? Now you have to help me smooth things over, understand?" Linton said.

"Oh, that's what I said." Princess Yalan nodded.

"I said so." Princess Jorah next to her raised her hand directly.

"You're not my wife, why are you joining in the fun?" Linton said.

"But I really want to see my eldest sister, but the current situation is obviously impossible." Princess Jorah said. Yes, she does miss her eldest sister very much. Her relationship with Princess Fula is similar to Yalan's. Although they haven't seen each other for a long time, their relationship has not faded.

It’s just that under the current situation, it is impossible for Princess Jorah to see him. After all, Princess Fulla still doesn’t know if he is one of her own. It is not good to expose her current situation to her without telling her in advance, but to expose it to Duke Norbery, Otherwise, the Linton and Meroway families would definitely be killed. Although Princess Jorah wanted to see Fulla, of course she would not do so now.

"Do you really want to do this?" Garsain didn't worry about Linton's reasons. He was used to it anyway, so he still considered it from the family's perspective. "If we really want to do it, how should we do it?"

"Just find any reason to start a war with them and kill them," Linton said.

"Just looking for a reason? This won't work, what if His Majesty the Emperor intervenes?" Gaseon asked.

"He's so cowardly that he can cause trouble for us?" Linton said. "If Wigley hadn't been too weak, would this have happened?"

"But what if he did intervene?" Garsain asked.

"What can intervention do? It can't help Duke Norbury over there." Linton said, "Don't think too much about this matter. You see, Wigley's foresight and hesitation led to this situation. You still want to leave?" If his route doesn’t work out, just take action when you see the opportunity.”

"Hmm..." Garsain nodded slightly. Although he still had some doubts, he also knew that although Linton often made trouble for him, he generally would not really harm him and his family, so there should be no problem.

"So you decided to take over?" Linton asked.

"Didn't you ask me to do this?" Garsain shouted.

"That's indeed a good thing. Princess Fula is also quite beautiful, and she gave her a son and a daughter for free. She is happy to be a father..."

"I..." Garsain took a deep breath. It was Linton who asked him to do this. Now it was Linton who was trying to persuade him with these words. Is this a personnel matter? But after all, it wasn't the first time. He was used to tricking Garsain. He thought about it and said, "If that's the case, when will we take action?"

"No matter how anxious you are, you have to wait." Linton said, "After all, the crown prince is not dead yet. If it is just the territory of Duke Norbury, it will not be attractive."

A duchy is not very attractive either. I have to say that Linton's appetite is really big. Gasain holding the forehead indicates a headache.

"Anyway, Princess Yalan and I will go to the palace to see the situation first. Over there..." Before Linton could finish his words, a soldier came in and knocked on the door and shouted: "Your Excellency, someone from the palace is in an emergency. Let the Third Princess and Lord Sword Master go to the palace immediately to meet with His Majesty."

Linton and the others looked at each other directly, thinking that something might have happened.

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