I really can't control myself

Chapter 733 Military Camp

"Mr. Grom, I feel really great. I seem to have endless strength." At this time, Sieg had completed the Black Panther ritual, and his physical fitness had improved. Of course, the two of them were marching faster. a lot of.

"If you have the strength, then go faster." Linton continued to urge, "We don't have time to rest now. The Holy See of Light has sent a large number of pursuit troops. They are all professional and will follow our movement trajectory. Catch up, we must send you back before the other party catches up."

"Okay, Mr. Grom." Sieg here nodded. After gaining strength, he naturally believed Grom's words even more, and quickly followed Linton through the woods.

Linton had actually seen the map of the woods here once before when the Church of Light was discussing the route, so he basically knew the route. As long as he followed the right direction, he would soon reach the boundary of the orcs. Of course, Linton also continued to add settings to Sieg along the way, because he was not going to go back with Sieg to face the Shaman Council later. His current identity was that Sieg, a man who had never seen the world, had no problem, but If you really meet someone from the Shaman Council, the secret will basically be exposed, so the job of explaining is left to Sieg here.

The two of them walked in the woods like this for two days. By the third day, they had arrived at the border close to the orcs.

During these two days, the two of them had very little time to rest. Although Sieg here has been strengthened, he can't bear such an intense march and is almost exhausted. However, his will is still very strong and he has been following Linton's footsteps.

Of course, the two of them did encounter magical beasts, and of course they were all dealt with by Linton. It was really difficult for these magical beasts to pose any threat to Linton, and they did not require any special skills. They could just cut them with a knife. Zig originally wanted to try his current skills, because he really felt that he had improved a lot, but Linton said that all his physical strength should be used on the road.

In this way, the two of them reached the border of the orcs. At this time, Linton, who was standing on the tree canopy, could already see the plains in the distance, which meant that they were about to leave the woods. On a mountain in the distance In the middle of the room, Linton seemed to see some buildings, probably the villages or cities of the orcs. Seeing this, Linton quickly jumped down from the tree and called out to Qi who was lying down and resting. grid.

"Get up quickly, the enemy is catching up!" Linton said anxiously.

"What?" Sieg was also a little panicked. They all ran away so hard, but the enemy could still catch up with them? It seems that he was the one who slowed down the speed. Linton has been talking about it these days, but he did try his best. "Mr. Grom, what should we do now?"

"We can already see the plain ahead. We are about to walk out of the woods and reach the boundary of the orcs. There is a village on the mountain in the distance." Linton pointed ahead and said.

"Then let's speed up and rush out?" Sieg asked.

"Even if they reach the territory of the orcs, they will not give up the pursuit." Linton said, "There is only one way now. You continue to walk in that direction, and I will lure the enemy away and let them chase to the other side."

"What?" Sieg was stunned for a moment. He knew very well what Linton meant. Didn't this mean sacrificing himself? Sieg immediately panicked, first Thrall, and then Grom. As a slave, he didn’t know anyone. These two people saved him, and they were the only ones who were kind to him. As a result, the two How could he accept that they all lost their lives trying to save themselves?

However, before he could speak, Linton here said directly: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for the parliament. The secrets on you must be brought back. This is information related to the safety of the entire orc clan. If If you really want our sacrifice to have some value, then promise me that you must bring this information to the Parliament."

"I...I promise you." Sieg here also showed some true feelings and cried directly.

"I believe you." Linton nodded, "But there is no time now. You go directly in this direction. I will wait for them here and lead them over there. You must not look back. What happens next? , I can only ask you, young man."

"I...I know." Sieg nodded.

"Remember, don't look back. You can't do anything now, but as long as we bring the information back, our sacrifice will be valuable. Do you understand?" Linton said seriously.

"I know." Sieg said.

"Okay, let's go now." Linton slapped Zig and shouted.

Sieg nodded again, took a few steps in that direction, then looked back at Linton again: "Thank you, Mr. Grom." After saying that, Sieg rushed forward without looking back.

"This should be no problem." Linton stood there and waited for a while, then took out the crystal ball and looked at Sieg's situation. Sure enough, he didn't look back and rushed towards the distance. Linton looked at it and saw that the time was almost up, and immediately made the seal.

"Wind Release. Vacuum Continuous Wave." Linton directly threw out a Wind Release Ninjutsu, which had no target. It just knocked down a few surrounding trees. Of course, the noise was so loud that Sieg, who was running in front, also heard it. It was indeed the direction they came from before. It seemed that the enemy had already caught up.

Of course, Sieg still cared about Grom, but after standing there and thinking for a moment, he accelerated again and rushed forward. Seeing this, Linton nodded. The task here was finally completed. According to the current situation, Sieg should be able to complete the task. After all, the book of seals has been given to him. He has to cheat The Shaman Council shouldn't be that difficult.

The task here was completed, and Linton also used the crystal ball to look at the situation on the other side of his shadow clone again. Yes, the shadow clone is made from one's own chakra. Of course, it can also be viewed using the telescope technique. Although this skill is easy to detect, don't others understand chakra? Only Linton's shadow clone It can be felt that as soon as Linton used the skill, he saw his shadow clone turning his head and waving to the camera.

"Lord Linton, what happened?" Melissa asked next to the shadow clone.

"It's okay, it's too hot, just fan yourself." Linton's shadow clone said. Naturally, nothing happened on their side. Although the shadow clone was relatively fragile, they didn't need him to fight. Although they also encountered Warcraft, there were more than thirty elite-level knights and a sword master nearby, so Lin was still needed. He suddenly took action to kill monsters, so there was no danger of being exposed at all.

The only person who might know that Linton used a shadow clone was probably Gu Yi. Linton didn't know what method the other party used. Maybe it was through soul magic? Of course, it was impossible for Gu Yi to expose Linton. Linton didn't say hello to her about what he was doing here, but she didn't ask much.

Linton knew the approximate location of the shadow clone, but Linton did not go back to join the church's troops now. He had other things to do. Now the people from the Shaman Council should be observing their actions, but Linton also has one more thing to do besides this: drag the orc troops into the water, otherwise why did he choose this location.

The location where they were operating was very close to the orc troops, and there was a possibility of being discovered by the orc troops. I had considered this when planning the route before, so I was already thinking about taking a slight detour. Linton wanted them to be discovered now. Of course, Linton didn't know whether the orc troops had noticed this, so he would give them a reminder just in case.

Without the burden of Sieg, Linton moved very quickly. Flying around with Thunder God throwing stones, it felt like he was moving as fast as using the Phantom Pearl in MC. It didn't take long for Linton to arrive at the southern part of the forest.

The orc army is still very easy to find. Such a large army, with more than 200,000 people, can't be found. Linton easily found the opponent's military formation and then sneaked in.

Don't get me wrong, this time Linton really sneaked in, using the second-generation Tsuchikage's Dustless Confusion, which is basically a skill similar to invisibility. The Sharingan hypnotic infiltration method I used before is not so useful in this world, because the people I met before were just ordinary people, scum with a combat power of five, but people in the other world generally have stronger physiques, not to mention this It is still an orc tribe, and it is an orc tribe's army. The Sharingan can indeed hypnotize, but with so many people, the pupil power required is different, and the other party may still realize it after waking up.

In short, it is a matter of physical constitution and different resistance to illusions. Linton has not tried it to see if it works, but it is better not to take risks now. Linton entered the military camp to inquire about the current war situation.

After a little inquiring, Linton probably knew the current situation. The orc troops are still attacking the Rosegg Fortress in the south. This border fortress is too strong. There are tens of thousands of ethnic defenders inside. Although it is smaller than them, tens of thousands of people are more than enough to defend this kind of fortress. , it is really not easy for the orcs to capture it.

What about the Raoguo Fortress that went over the mountains and ridges? The generals of the orcs are also considering it, but it is too troublesome. The number of people is small, but how can they defeat an army of more than 200,000? And now I heard that the human race has declared war accordingly, and tens of thousands of human reinforcements are on their way to Rosegg Fortress. The orc generals are indeed having a headache.

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