There was a "pop" and blood flew everywhere. Regarding the long sword thrown by Hela, the dark Proxima here is actually prepared, but being prepared does not mean that it can avoid it. The speed of the flying sword is really too fast. Dark Proxima Centauri had reacted as quickly as possible, but she still evaded a little slower. A long sword was inserted directly into the side of her abdomen, and blood immediately flowed out.

Although he was injured, he did not hit any vital points. Dark Proxima took the opportunity to close the distance and slashed at Hela with a sharp sword. However, the blow was easily caught by Hela. Yes, Hela raised a hand and easily blocked the attack of Dark Proxima Centauri.

"So you just can't learn well, right?" Hela smiled slightly, and then hit Dark Proxima Centauri. The huge force shook Dark Proxima Centauri, and the long sword in his hand came out. Before she could react, Hela followed up with a kick, kicking Dark Proxima away and hitting the rock behind her.

With a "bang" sound, the entire rock exploded. Dark Proxima couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground without getting up for a while.

Hela wanted to continue to move forward, but a large number of vanguard guards nearby surrounded him at this time. Seeing the condition of these soldiers, Hela probably knew that these soldiers did not have any intelligence, and was not prepared to say anything to them. She waved her arms and threw out a few flying swords, directly nailing the rushing vanguard guards to death. on the ground.

At the same time, there was a loud noise in the distance, and the huge troop transport warehouse of the Thanos Legion suddenly exploded. The entire ship exploded from the bottom upwards, and then exploded into fireworks. A figure flew out of the ship's fire. This was naturally Thor.

"Thanos, where are you! Come out!" Thor shouted directly to the surroundings. His target at the beginning was not these soldiers, so he went directly towards the opponent's ship, but he didn't know it either. The spaceships seen so far are just troop transports, not Thanos' battleships.

In short, the appearance of these two siblings has reversed the situation of the battle. The coalition forces, which were already unable to withstand it, got some breathing space at this time, because most of the vanguard guards were heading in the direction of Hela and Thor. Getting closer, the opponent's formation was suddenly disrupted.

"Tribal warriors, charge with me!" Seeing this situation, T'Challa here also immediately ordered. The Wakanda warriors actually started to take the initiative to suppress them. Although they suffered heavy losses, there was no one left. He had the intention of retreating, but after hearing the king's order, he actually started to press forward.

"Everyone, Vision seems to be in trouble." At this time, the Falcon in the sky suddenly sent a message and said in the communication channel. He saw an explosion in the direction of the Wakanda laboratory from a distance. Although Su Rui and the others over there had no time to send a communication, it was obvious that they were attacked.

Yes, Su Rui and the others were indeed attacked in the laboratory at the rear. The person who attacked them was General Deathblade. He went around to the rear alone. While the battle ahead attracted everyone's attention, he sneaked into the laboratory in the city. After all, the mission given to them by Thanos was not to conquer the earth. , but the infinite gems, his move was a secret move.

Su Rui, who was suddenly attacked, was knocked unconscious by the explosion and had no time to sound the alarm. Fortunately, the Falcon high up noticed the movement and quickly reported it.

"Who can help?" The captain had just stood up from the ground and couldn't even move. He quickly shouted into the communicator.

"On the way." Wanda was not injured. When he heard this, he immediately knocked away a vanguard guard next to him, then directly drew a circle to open the portal and disappeared in an instant.

The portal appeared in the laboratory. As soon as Wanda came out, she saw General Deathblade pushing Vision to the ground and digging out gems from his head. Vision, on the other hand, was injured in the previous battle and did not seem to be a match for the Deathblade General. He seemed unable to fight back.

With a "boom", Wanda threw out a burst of red energy, directly blowing away the Deathblade General, and then rushed to Vision: "Is everything okay?"

"Thank you." Just as Vision was about to stand up, the Deathblade General next to him had already stood up again. With a wave of his hand, he threw out an electric whip-like thing, which directly wrapped around Vision, who was standing up, and then pointed in his direction. pull.

Vision, who had no strength left, was directly pulled over by the opponent. When Wanda saw this situation, she raised her hand and threw out another burst of red energy. But this time, the Deathblade General seemed to be prepared. When he saw Wanda taking action, he jumped and knocked open the glass window next to him. He held the immobile Vision in his hand and jumped directly.

"Oops..." When Wanda saw this situation, she also knew that the other party wanted to take away the Mind Stone and Vision, so she rushed to the window to take a look at the situation. Wanda also saw General Deathblade landing on the ground. The opponent obviously had no intention of continuing to fight with her. After landing, he pulled Vision and ran away.

"Can you run away?" Wanda waved her hand, and the portal next to her opened again, and the next second, she appeared directly in front of General Deathblade.

The Dead Blade General here naturally ran towards the location of their fleet without looking back. He had everything in hand and it was his mission to quickly send it back to the Lord. The woman who just appeared was obviously difficult to deal with, so he naturally He would not waste time fighting with the opponent, but what he didn't expect was that halfway through the rush, a light door suddenly appeared in front of him, and then Wanda stopped directly in front of him.

Seeing this situation, it was difficult to escape. Seeing this situation, the Dead Blade General felt that he had no choice but to take action and deal with the people first. At this time, Vision here has been temporarily controlled by his capture device. There is only one enemy. The Dead Blade General feels that he can still handle it, so he temporarily puts down Vision in his hand and holds his own heads with both hands. The war blade, one end of the blade pointed at Wanda in front.

Just as he was about to step forward, what he didn't expect was that Wanda here raised his hand, and General Deathblade was suddenly surrounded by a red force. He lost control and began to be slowly lifted up. . This red energy had huge pressure. It not only held down his body, but also began to crush his body. The armor on his body began to crack continuously, and his body also suffered huge pressure. The huge pain caused the Deathblade General here to moan in pain. He did not expect that he had no power to fight back in the hands of this little girl.

At this time, Wanda is indeed different from what she used to be. After being trained by Karma Taj's mage, her current abilities are among the best in the Avengers. After all, the chaos magic in her body can be said to be a bug type ability. Her original goal was not to become stronger, but to learn to control her abilities. So far, she is controlling it well.

With a little effort, the Dead Blade General here could no longer bear it. Now he couldn't even move a finger. The huge pressure coming from his body caused his whole body to bleed continuously. Just when he was about to be hit by this When the huge energy crushed it, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed.

Wanda's magic sensing ability is very strong, and she felt this change immediately. At the same time, Vision, who was trying to get rid of his restraints on the ground, suddenly stopped moving. Yes, he who owned the Mind Stone also felt it immediately, and he raised his head directly. Looking at Wanda: "He's coming."

Wanda instantly understood who Vision was referring to, and the next second she suddenly turned her head and looked in a direction to the side. Sure enough, right where she was looking, a blue wave appeared, and then converged into a gate. Soon, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of several people.

"Thanos." Wanda saw the other party for the first time, but still handed over the other party's name.

At the same time, on the other side, the fierce battlefield suddenly became quiet. Yes, the vanguard guards who were attacking frantically seemed to be far behind. They all looked in the same direction, that is, the forest to the north of the battlefield, and stopped for a while. attacked. The captain on the other side seemed to have a bad premonition and looked over there at the same time.

"Is he here?" Falcon landed directly next to the captain and asked.

"Gather and prepare to meet the enemy." The captain said directly.

There was a loud "boom". Just as the captain finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from the woods ahead, a huge purple light flashed, and the entire forest was suddenly completely destroyed by a huge energy. All the trees The trees and plants all disappeared in an instant, and in the firelight, a figure slowly walked out.

Needless to say, everyone knows that this person is Thanos. At this time, Thanos was carrying another person in his hand. When the captain saw it, he felt that something was wrong, because the person Thanos was carrying turned out to be Vision, and his goal was naturally the Infinity Stones.

Sure enough, the next second, Thanos here grabbed Vision's head with one hand, squeezed it gently, and heard a "bang" sound. Vision's forehead was crushed directly, and Vision's whole body seemed to fade. Generally lifeless, then slipped and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Thanos here picked up the gem and gently put it on his glove. With a "buzz" sound, a wave of energy filled his body directly, and he had the Mind Stone.

"Vision!" The captain here yelled and wanted to move forward. However, before he could run a few steps, a giant ax flew from the side and knocked him away. After smashing the captain away, the giant ax returned to Black Dwarf's hands along with the chain. He ignored the captain and knelt down directly in front of Thanos's position, shouting: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. , failed to complete the task."

"Thanos!" Before Thanos could speak, a voice suddenly came from the air. When Thanos raised his head, a huge ax with thunder and lightning flew directly towards his head.

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