At this time, a huge planet appeared in front of the spacecraft screen. The current spacecraft was flying in the direction of this planet. If I guessed correctly, this planet should be Titan.

Although they have approached the orbit of the planet, their spacecraft still seems to be maintaining its original speed. It doesn't feel like it is slowing down. What's even more troublesome is that the first problem they have to face now is not The problem is the collision with stars, but the surrounding space debris.

Yes, there is a lot of space junk in the orbit of this planet, which looks like the remains of some abandoned space stations. It is obvious that this planet once had a very brilliant civilization, but now these space stations have obviously become The waste products have all broken into garbage and the like, and their spacecraft will now pass through these space junk and rush into the planet. This is of course very dangerous.

"Did the autopilot fail?" Tony looked at the controller of the alien spacecraft and said nervously, "It doesn't look like there is any automatic landing device."

"What should we do, Mr. Stark?" Peter here was panicking to death. He had never encountered such a situation before.

"You control that side." Tony didn't know what button he pressed, and two things that looked like controllers stretched out next to him, one behind the other, like a driver's cab and a passenger's cab. He walked to the cab controller and asked Spider-Peter to control the passenger controller next to him.

"I don't know how to use this, Mr. Stark." Peter inserted his hand in a panic and said.

"Pull up!" Tony yelled quickly without having time to explain.

The two of them exerted their strength. When the spacecraft was about to hit the space junk, it suddenly raised its head and bypassed the huge debris in front of it. However, the entire spacecraft seemed to have lost its balance and spun in circles in the air. The interior of the spacecraft was also turned upside down. Linton and Strange had to hold on to the guardrail next to them to prevent themselves from being thrown out.

"Bang bang bang" sounded several times, and the spacecraft was followed by a vibration. Although it did not hit the largest space junk head-on, it also hit some other debris nearby. It was obvious where the spacecraft was broken. There was an explosion. Linton also clearly felt that there was something wrong with the spacecraft. It was probably an engine or something that exploded or something.

Even so, the speed of the missed spaceship slowed down. After all, it had hit something. Now the spacecraft spins in a circle and falls directly towards the planet below.

"Pull up!" Tony shouted directly.

"I'm doing it, Mr. Stark!" The little spider here fiercely pulled the control lever in front, "Ah, ahead... turn around..."

Yes, they had entered the surface of the planet at this time. In front of them appeared a huge mountain that looked like it was blooming. The stone pillars on the mountain looked like a flower. It was not known whether it was artificially or naturally formed. Now their spaceship is crashing into the mountain.

"Left!" Tony yelled, and Peter next to him also quickly pulled to the left. As a result, the spacecraft tilted to the left, but it still couldn't completely avoid it. There was a loud "bang" and one side of the spacecraft hit the mountain wall directly. On the aircraft, the huge impact caused the entire tire-shaped spacecraft to disintegrate.

At this time, Strange stepped forward directly, put his hands together, and an orange magic circle appeared around him. This should obviously be a defensive magic circle, protecting several people. There was also an explosion in the cab at this time, and there was a violent vibration. Peter here couldn't hold on to the controller, and was thrown out by the huge impact. When Tony saw this situation, he quickly went up and grabbed him. Peter.

The spacecraft immediately lost control. After breaking into three pieces, it spun several times in the air and hit the ground. The few people inside felt that after a while, the spacecraft finally stopped and completely disintegrated. If it weren't for the protection of Strange's magic circle, they probably wouldn't know what happened to them.

"Are you okay?" Seeing the spacecraft stop, Strange also stopped the magic circle and asked Tony next to him.

"It's really thrilling." Tony was fine. He looked at Peter next to him and saw that there seemed to be no problem.

"Are you here already?" Peter started to panic. After all, he was just a teenager. He had just followed him as soon as his head got hot. But now they have really arrived at the base of a cosmic demon king on an alien planet. He had no idea what and how many enemies were waiting for them, so of course he was a little panicked.

"Such a big movement has probably been discovered," Tony said.

"Let me make it clear in advance that if an alien or something jumps onto my chest and lays eggs and eats you, let me say sorry first," Peter said.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear any more about weird movies," Tony said.

"Someone... or something is coming." Suddenly Peter looked up. Yes, the spider sense allowed him to sense the danger, but the little spider was not very proficient in the spider sense now, so he could only give an early warning, or even I don’t know where the danger is coming from.

"What is it?" Tony was about to ask clearly when something like a ball rolled directly to his feet. Tony quickly put on the mask of the suit, and the next second he heard a "bang" explosion, Tony and Peter They were all blown away.

"Thanos! I'm coming!" At this time, several people rushed in from the side, and one of them shouted inside with a gun. Another strong man next to him saw Strange who was nearest and threw a flying knife at him. Strange also directly opened the magic shield and blocked the flying knife.

The strong man here roared and was about to rush forward to melee the mage. However, as he took a step forward, a black shadow suddenly flew past and kicked the strong man. Without saying a word, the strong man here flew up and hit the wall of the spacecraft next to him with a loud noise.

"Drax! Damn it, give it to me..." At this time, the gunman roared angrily, turned around and pointed the gun at Linton, who had just dodged and kicked the strong man away. However, in an instant, he recognized Linton. He was immediately stunned, "Is that you?"

"It's been a long time since I last saw you. Your temper has gotten a lot louder, Quill." Linton said with a smile. Yes, the group of people in front of them are naturally members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The leader is Star-Lord Quill, and the one who was just kicked away is Drax the Destroyer.

"Know?" Tony also flew over from the side. He was blown up just now but did not suffer much damage. Just as he was about to attack, he heard Linton hand over the other party's name, so he came up and asked.

"Why are you here? Are you a subordinate of Thanos?" Star-Lord still had a very deep impression on Linton. After all, the last meeting was really hard for him to forget. He still doesn't know who the other party is, but the other party can accurately tell all the information about him, including his father who he doesn't know at all. And it was later confirmed that these information are true, and the other party also defeated the opponent head-on using the power stone. With their abilities, he was a little afraid of Linton in every aspect.

But now Star-Lord can't control so much. After all, his lover was taken away by Thanos, and he has gone a little crazy. Although he knows how terrifying Linton is, if Linton is really Thanos's subordinate, he will not I won't care about that much.

"Thanos's men, we also want to ask if you are Thanos's men." Tony said immediately.

"I'm just asking you once, where is Gamora?" Star-Lord yelled.

"I have a better question, who is Gamora?" Tony said.

"Anyway, Gamora was captured by Thanos, right?" Linton had met Gamora before, and of course he couldn't pretend he didn't know her. The news brought by Star-Lord here can be regarded as good news. Gamora was captured by Thanos just like in the original work. This is of course a good thing for him. This means that the soul gem he is looking for is not found. Maybe Thanos has already acquired it and is preparing to send it to him.

"Where is she?" Star-Lord here asked immediately, "Tell me, where is Gamora? I know you know a lot of information. What you said about my father before is true. I don't know. How do you know that? All I want to know now is where Gamora is."

Linton really knows where Thanos and Gamora are now, but of course he doesn't want to tell Star-Lord, otherwise who will deliver his soul gem to him. I was just thinking about how to cheat, but someone next to me helped explain.

"Calm down and put down your weapons." Strange here said, "If you are also looking for Thanos, I think we should be able to cooperate. You should have seen this spaceship and thought we were Thanos' subordinates. Well, this is indeed Thanos's spaceship, which we snatched. His men previously set the destination of the spaceship here, indicating that he and Thanos should meet him here, so we only need to wait here. , you can meet Thanos.”

"Are you serious?" Star-Lord said immediately, "If you are lying to me, I swear I will break you."

"Of course what I said is true. I think we can cooperate." Strange said, his idea was very simple. There were originally insufficient manpower, so of course it would be best to find someone who can help.

"I object. This guy can't help at first glance." Tony who was next to him was very unhappy with Star-Lord and said directly.

"You said..." Star-Lord here was about to get angry when he heard Tony's words, but before he could finish his words, Linton next to him punched him in the face. Unexpectedly, Linton would take action directly. Without saying a word, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Huh?" The sudden move made Tony here stunned.

"I agree with your objection. These guys really can't be of much help. Let's forget about it and just use it as a warm-up before the decisive battle." Linton said.

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