What I mean now is that there are obviously other people from the Church of Cthulhu mixed in, and here are the top leaders of the Narcisse family, and everyone is looking at me and me at you. Yes, they were also frightened, wondering if there were really some spies from the Crusu Church.

"Lord Linton, what should we do now?" Pope Saint Reno asked.

This question suddenly made everyone in the Narcisse family nervous. What should we do now? In fact, it can be seen from the attitude of the Church of Light that they have absolutely zero tolerance for the XIE Church of Cthulhu. I am sure. They are solved one by one. Then they all know that they are not taught by XIE, but the problem is that they don’t know how to prove it, and they don’t know whether the people around them are. What should they do?

Everyone actually has a vague answer. What will happen if they encounter this situation? Of course, there is only one answer. It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go. This is the end.

"Your Holiness." It was obvious that Dorn here also understood. The Narcisse family was suddenly in danger. If the Church of Light really wanted to take action, could they resist? It was obvious that they couldn't resist. Several saint-level opponents were standing in front of them, and there were hundreds of high-level knight troops outside, enough to level their family. And there is no risk in razing them. After all, in one sentence, your family has a relationship with the XIE Church. Where can you reason?

Dorn reacted and of course wanted to prevent all of this from happening, but the question was how to say this? Donn didn't know how to defend himself, because he had just confirmed that there were XIE followers in his family.

Just when Dorn didn't know what to do, Linton spoke up: "Your Holiness, I have an idea. Regarding the investigation of members of the Church of Cthulhu in the family, why not leave it to me?" How about we take care of it?"

"Oh, does Mr. Linton have a way to identify church members?" Saint Reno asked.

"Of course there is a way." Linton nodded, "But it will take some time."

"need some time?"

"Yes, it will take some time." Linton nodded and confirmed, "As for the time of this investigation, I hope that the Narcisse family will stay with me for the time being."

"Huh?" Saint Reno was a little strange. Does that mean Linton was responsible for detaining the Narcisse family members?

"First of all, we can't stay here anymore. The world wall here is very thin. I hope the Pope can order the sealing of this place and absolutely not allow anyone to enter. In this case, the Church of Cthulhu will not be able to perform rituals here. At least Cthulhu’s servants can’t come here,” Linton said.

"This is natural." San Rino nodded.

"The Narcisse family members will temporarily live in my family's fief for a while. Lord Dorn, what do you think of this?" Linton asked.

What else can be done? Does Dorn say that he still has a choice? If you don't go, doesn't that mean you have to admit that you are related to the Church of Cthulhu? Linton has said that before. Are you trying to summon those servants of Cthulhu by staying here? Of course Donn didn't want to go, but there was nothing he could do now. He could only nod and said: "Then... I won't bother you."

Yes, this is Linton's plan. It is not to eliminate the Narcisse family, but to take away the entire family. Of course, there is no benefit in annihilating this family. The main value of the Narcisse family is not their property, but their connections and connections. Now that Linton has brought them back, he is naturally prepared to swallow them up.

Just imagine what would happen if the Narcisse family arrived on Linton's territory. Of course, they would be completely controlled by Linton and the others. Is there anything else you can do? You must know that you are not a member of the Church of Cthulhu now. It is just a matter of Linton's words. If Linton wants to touch you, then just say that you are a member of the XIE Church. And does the Narcisse family dare to resist? If you resist, the XIE religion will kill you at will.

Not only do they not dare, the Narcisse family must also please Linton and the others from now on. You will do whatever they ask you to do. You say no? Sorry, that’s just the XIE cult, and it doesn’t make sense at all.

Linton promised Garsain before that he would deliver his daughter to his door within a week, but now he has done so. You see, not only did he deliver his daughter to his door, but also the whole family. You can slowly pick your nephews later, and find whichever daughter you like to help you get rid of evil. You said you don't want to? Then you are not asking yourself, are you a XIE believer?

It's obvious that Dorn has some brains, and Linton probably knows what he has seen, but so what, if you dare not agree now, if you don't agree, you will kill a thousand people by mistake. Linton said it doesn't matter, you have to If you want to die, then your whole family will die.

Of course, acting requires a complete performance. Linton also pulled Saint Reno to the side a little, lowered his voice and said to him: "Your Holiness, actually at present, I have no way to distinguish the people of the Church of Cthulhu. If it is true, If it were that simple, I would have found it long ago."

"Then are you going to torture them one by one?" Sheng Rino, of course, guessed it and asked.

"There must be members of the Church of Cthulhu among these people, but all of them have the aura of darkness on them, and it's hard to tell. It would be okay to kill them all, but I, a living XIE cultist, are always better than A dead person is useful. And judging from the previous situation, these XIE believers are all dead soldiers. Even if they are caught, nothing will be gained. I brought them back to have a closer look and see if I can We can't find out the XIE believers among them and get some information about the Church of Cthulhu, after all, they are... too hidden," Linton said.

"That's it." Saint Reno agreed very much with this point. The concealment of this church was really too strong. After the incident on Divine Ceremony Day, the Church of Light was of course also looking for people from the Church of Cthulhu across the continent. However, the only people they could find were those in the copies that Linton had created before. Those were obviously minions, and they were refreshed regularly. After the church was cleaned up for a few days, it was discovered that some believers had gathered here inexplicably, and they didn't know where they came from. It feels like these XIE believers are everywhere on the continent, but there are no traces of them.

"The world wall on the other side of my fiefdom has been strengthened by me. Dark spells cannot be used to summon the servants of Cthulhu there, so as long as they are sent there, they will not be able to continue their plans. , and they will definitely be anxious, and then I will be able to observe their situation and get some information about the Church of Cthulhu." Linton continued.

"I understand." Pope St. Reno nodded, "I will send someone here to help you take care of them."

"Your Holiness, it's a good thing that they ran away, do you understand?" Linton smiled and said, "Who do you think can escape under my eyes? If they run away, of course I will let them go. Of course, Lord Pope, you really want to Send some people here to avoid suspicion, but don’t use too many people.”

"I understand what you mean." Sheng Rino nodded, not doubting Linton's words.

So the Narcisse family's solution was immediately decided. The entire family was packed and sent directly to the Meroway family's fiefdom. In order to avoid danger, for example, people from the Church of Cthulhu intercepted them halfway. Pope Reno waved his hand and once again prepared to use the teleportation array to send hundreds of members of the family there. Of course, the preparation still took some time.

Of course the Narcisse family doesn’t want to go, but is there any way? no way. Looking at the attitude of the people who helped the church, if you don't go there, you will die on the spot. Death is not bad. If you think that you are a member of the XIE church, you will have to face all kinds of torture and forced confessions. You can't imagine the church. How terrifying it is to torture someone to extract a confession.

At the same time, the church also sealed the entire Narcisse family's palace, prohibiting everyone from entering or exiting, and completely sealing it. Of course, the only people who can enter are the church people and Linton. Moreover, the Narcisse family's property has not been touched. Linton said that the entire courtyard was filled with a dark atmosphere and nothing could be taken out. The people in the church could not see any dark atmosphere at all, but they did not dare to take it out, in case something happened. Woolen cloth? But of course Linton can take it. After all... the right to interpret the dark aura is in his hands.

Of course, the Church of Light really looks down upon this little bit of family property. The Church of Light is not short of money at all. They are hungry for believers who can give them endless money. If they cheer up, their believers will hand over all their property to the church even if they starve to death. So they never worried about money at all, so it was obvious that the Narcisse family's property belonged to Linton, and the church people would not care about it.

As for the follow-up questions about the Narcisse family, first of all, there is no time limit for the investigation that Linton said. As for whether the church will ask about this matter later, Linton thinks that they are too lazy to care. Although the Narcisse family is a big family, it is nothing in front of the Church of Light. How could the Pope always care about their life and death? After that, Linton only needs to use other things to divert the church's attention. These Narcisse family members They will probably forget about it soon.

So what if the church really has been paying attention? It doesn't matter. Regarding the issue of the Church of Cthulhu, the people of the church can only rely on Linton, so even if they really find something, they will not break with Linton because of a family, even if they really find something is wrong. , San Reno would never fall out with Linton here, the Narcisse family does not have that much weight.

Linton also told Saint Reno to go back first to arrange the reception, and then quickly returned to the fiefdom.

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