"It's really... troublesome enough." A week has passed since Linton showed up at Pim Technology Company. Now Linton is drinking tea and watching on the top floor of a temple in Kama Taj. watching news on tablet.

The trouble Linton was talking about was naturally the trouble caused by the Pym Company incident. Because of Linton's participation, there were some differences between this incident and the original work. The main reason was... the issue of justice.

Yes, in the original book, Darren did do evil things, trading with Hydra, selling dangerous goods, etc., but what ultimately caused his accident was that he inexplicably attacked Scott's daughter after putting on the armor. There are also some civilians. However, this time was different. Before Darren could do this, he was solved by Linton.

Although it is easy to deal with the other party, things will be very troublesome after that. Darren's identity is the director and CEO of Pim Technology Company. The CEO of such a large technology company was killed and the company was bombed. This is simply a terrorist act.

The more troublesome thing is that this matter is still unclear. In order to eliminate all the information about Pym particles, Dr. Pym not only eliminated all the data on the server, but also blew up the entire building. All of Darren's criminal evidence has also disappeared, so the bad things he did before are basically undetectable.

What's even more troublesome is that the identity of the person he was dealing with still has a formal identity. Yes, although Linton and the others know that they are Hydra members, as a spy organization, of course they have official identities. Officially, they were people from another technology company, and they came to do transactions with people from Pym Company. They were regular transactions, but now they are all dead suddenly. Now there is no way to find out whether they are Hydra or not.

So the current situation is really troublesome. At least from an outsider's perspective, another wave of terrorists broke into Pim Technology Company and killed their boss with a bomb. At the same time, there were still a few people who didn't escape. If his business partner behaves like this, then it is a crime.

The suspects were quickly revealed. Dr. Pym and Hope were on the list, and their motives were very clear. Dr. Pym was originally the founder of the company, and then he was kicked out, and he designed this scheme. The person in question was Darren, and he also robbed Dr. Pim's research information. There have been many more disputes and even fights between them. They can easily find a hundred witnesses to prove that they have a grudge. And Dr. Pym also happened to appear at the scene. So do you think the police can avoid suspicion? As for Hope, Dr. Pym would definitely not be able to install a bomb in the company. After all, everyone knew that security had been upgraded that day. The police suspected that there was an insider. Is there anyone more likely to be an insider than Hope?

In short, when Linton saw the news before, Dr. Pym and Hope were only invited to the police station to assist in the investigation, but now the news he sees is that Dr. Pym and Hope have escaped. Yes, this is The two of them are now fugitives, so since they ran away, they are basically admitting their guilt. Linton doesn't know what happened. Anyway, it seems that the charges of the two of them have been confirmed now. Linton even saw the wanted warrants for the two of them. .

As for Scott, he was lucky. Because he was originally a infiltrator, Scott was not discovered, so the incident has not affected him yet. However, the police still investigated Scott, and Linton probably found similar call records. Anyway, Scott did have contact with Pim and Hope at the time, but he hasn't been arrested yet, so there should be no evidence.

As for Linton, that's not clear. Yes, there was no report in the news that this matter had anything to do with Linton, but Linton felt that the news of his appearance there might not have been concealed, because it was obvious that Linton found out about Soko who was discussing before. The Via Accords seemed to speed things up a bit, that's what Nick Fury told him.

As for why Nick Fury told Linton, he may have guessed that this matter has something to do with Linton, and the government may also have received some reports, probably eyewitness records of Linton's presence at the scene, but there is no choice. Announced to the public. Linton was not very surprised by this. After all, he sneaked in through the gate. Although he hypnotized everyone who saw it, there was nothing Linton could do about the machine. Although the company building was completely blown up, the surveillance outside might have captured something. It was just that the police were not allowed to do anything. If they really wanted to investigate, they would probably be able to find out.

Of course, Linton didn't feel that the government affairs were a threat at all, and he didn't care about it at all. The problem now was that it might affect the civil war. After all, the time for the formulation of the Sokovia Agreement had been moved forward a lot. But after thinking about it, this might be a good thing. After all, after the civil war here is resolved, Linton can try to see if he can go to Xandar or Vormir. If not, he can quickly go back and advance the time of the next world. After all, my mission time is really too late.

As for now, Linton is mainly cultivating a relationship with Gu Yi and the little beauty Wanda. The main reason why he can't leave now is because Gu Yi's death is really close, because just yesterday, Linton had met Si Strange.

Yes, when Gu Yi came to Linton with a big beard, Linton really didn't recognize him. Strange's current appearance is so decadent, it's like he has been picking up garbage under the overpass all year round. The kind of homeless man whose beard made him look more than ten years older, I really didn't recognize him for a moment. But Strange did recognize Linton, after all, he is still quite famous now.

"So you are also a mage here?" Strange asked. As a doctor working in a New York hospital, he also experienced the New York War. At that time, he stayed in the hospital for three days and 72 hours. He continuously treated the wounded and also saw members of the Avengers team on TV.

"Oh, no, I'm her friend." Linton pointed at Gu Yi and said, "I'm waiting here specifically to collect her body."

"Then... it's really a special relationship." Strange said and looked at Gu Yi next to him, "So what kind of terminal disease do you have?"

"None of the terminal diseases you know of can kill me." Ancient One said, "But there are people who can."

"Human?" Strange asked.

"This matter has nothing to do with you now, doctor, didn't I come here to treat my hand?" Gu Yi said, obviously wanting to end this topic.

Of course Strange doesn't care. He came here to heal his hand. It's obvious that he doesn't know his mission yet.

In this way, Strange began his magic practice. Linton also stayed in Karma Taj for the time being. On the one hand, he read the magic books here for fun, and on the other hand, he also spent time with the little beauty Wanda. He was quite happy.

However, the good times did not last long, and more than a month passed quickly. During this period of time, Strange's learning journey here has been smooth sailing. When he first came here, he was very uncomfortable. He seemed to have no talent at all. He couldn't even draw an ordinary magic circle.

Linton probably knew that, after all, he was studying medicine, and this guy probably believed in science very much, so he was really not used to facing magic series things that he couldn't understand at all. According to Hua Xia, Kama Taj's magic is a very idealistic thing. You believe you can use it, which is completely contrary to science. Therefore, in his heart, he seems to have been resisting this kind of thing that he does not believe in at all. thing.

However, after Ancient One arranged a life and death test, Strange seemed to have clearly understood. So from that day on, his learning process seemed to be a mess. Not only did he learn everything Gu Yi assigned him, he even started to speed up on his own.

He began to borrow books from the library and practice on his own. Even if he just read books without guidance, his magic level was still rising. In just one month, he had surpassed Wanda, who came before him, and most of the students. .

Although Ancient One has been warning Strange about this, he has not issued a ban or anything like that, and has no intention of driving him out. In fact, it is a kind of laissez-faire. It was obvious that all this was within Gu Yi's original expectations.

Linton only occasionally paid attention to Strange's affairs. After all, he was used to calculate the time of Gu Yi's death. But now Linton must leave for a while, mainly for two reasons. One of them is that he is almost giving Vision a green thumb now.

Yes, Wanda's training here is relatively smooth. Although it is not as exaggerated as Strange's cheating, it is about the same speed as most of Ancient One's disciples. Within a month she was able to use magic circles and portals.

And as her magic power progressed, her body was slowly repairing. It was a completely pseudoscientific repair. She actually stood up again after suffering a spinal injury. Although he can still only walk and cannot run, and his range of motion cannot be too large, it is obvious that everything is getting better.

After she stood up, Linton also clearly felt that Wanda was starting to have thoughts about him, especially thoughts. But on Linton's side, he couldn't quite tell what he thought of the little beauty, but he was going to get married when he returned home, so he couldn't be such a scumbag.

Of course, this is still a small problem in Linton's eyes, because there is a second important reason for him to leave for a while, and that is... the Viana Conference is about to begin, which means that the Sokovia Agreement may have already The formulation is complete.

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