I really can't control myself

Chapter 631 Welcome Ceremony

At present, I have done all the tasks I can do to promote the card. The only thing left is to wait for the news to spread slowly. There is still a lot of time for this task. There are still nearly two months until the wedding in the imperial capital. Of course, Linton cannot wait forever, so of course he still has to do a mission. After all, if he does a mission, he should have enough contribution points to upgrade.

At present, Linton has encountered many problems that have not been upgraded, especially the buildings that are not required for missions. Of course, upgrading is also extremely important to him.

However, in addition to the task of promoting the card, Linton now has another task. This task is the task he received when he came back before. However, the content of the task is a bit strange, so Linton wants to study it carefully. .

The requirement for this task seems very simple, it is called opening a new module. Of course, the task requirement is to start a new module, but the problem now is... I don't know anything about the module at all.

Yes, the last module was mainly about collecting cards, which is easy to understand, but Linton has no idea how to start a new module later. However, when he saw the 4/6 prompt in the mission information, Linton suddenly understood what module the system wanted him to activate.

Yes, it is obvious that there are six items in total and four of them have been uploaded now. It seems that the system thinks that the Infinity Stones can be uploaded as a module? After thinking about it, Linton thought it was possible. After all, last time he was collecting cards, and this time he was collecting gems. It seems that the module may be related to collecting things.

In this way, Linton probably understands the situation, and he should also pay attention to the collection matters in the future. For example, if it comes to the world of Dragon Balls, collecting Dragon Balls may trigger a dragon wishing module or the like.

Of course, regarding the infinite gems, Linton originally wanted to collect them all. He was joking about 2 million points each. Why can't he live with money? So this task was meant to be completed. The only difference now is that the task stipulates a time to be completed within 180 cycles. This time is quite broad.

Linton has a pretty good understanding of the situation in the Marvel world. If you say that the detection rate will reach 100% within 180 days, Linton is still a bit false. But he only touched six gems in 180 days. Linton thinks this task should be nothing. Problem, after all, I have completed 4/6.

But Linton is a little curious about what kind of module this is. According to the thinking of online games, it is probably similar to a server-wide artifact, which collects six legendary parts and then triggers a server-wide reward or a server-wide major event. This sounds like something from an online game. Linton had heard of an online game that had similar tasks, such as collecting six divine swords.

No matter what, it seems that this task must begin now. Although the 180 cycle time is not short, the countdown has begun after all. In order to prevent this task from disappearing, Linton had taken it in advance, and now five days have passed.

Linton wanted to wait for a few days and also wanted to wait for other tasks to be cleared, so he did it together. Yes, obviously you can take on many tasks, so it’s certainly a good thing to be able to complete them at the same time. For example, the last mission I received was to advance 10% of the plot. Although the reward was not much, if I could still receive it this time, I would not be able to complete it incidentally.

But it's a pity that Linton has been waiting for a suitable task in the past few days when he was planning the church affairs, but no suitable task has been obtained so far. Although a few other tasks have been spawned, most of them are not suitable. For example, some construction tasks, and tasks of exploring new worlds and taking over the worlds of other explorers, these are not suitable.

As mentioned before, Linton found that there were fewer and fewer seemingly simple tasks. For example, the 10% exploration task he received last time seemed to be obtained only by good luck. The requirements for the tasks that have been completed these days They are all quite high.

After a few days of brushing, Linton gave up. After finishing the things here, Linton was still ready to start the mission directly. Of course, the world he chose was Marvel.

In a flash of white light, Linton appeared directly on a street. There were many passers-by around. Seeing a person suddenly appear, they naturally looked this way.

Linton also looked around. What was strange was that the faces all around looked like Asians. This surprised Linton. This is... China? Is this China in the Marvel world? He really didn't expect that he would appear here. Just when he was about to find someone to ask, a scream suddenly came from behind him.

Hearing the sound, Linton turned his head directly, and even Linton was a little shocked when he saw the situation in front of him. Yes, what appeared in front of him was actually a train, rushing towards him.

"Is this okay?" Linton was really speechless. If he were standing on the railway track and saw a train hitting him directly, he would recognize it. At least it would be much better than last time, right? Last time He was standing directly at the impact point of the meteorite, but the problem was that he was clearly standing on the road now. Linton lowered his head to confirm that it was indeed a road. There were no railroad tracks at all. How could he be hit by a train?

Of course, he was surprised. It was just a train, and Linton was not afraid at all. Thor's hammer failed to kill him last time, so what else does this train want to do? But every time I come to Marvel, the welcome I receive is a bit too intense. The first time I met a mugger, then a meteorite, and now a train. This world is really full of malice. .

The road where Linton is located is not wide, there is only one road, and there are houses next to it. This train crashed directly into it, and it looked like there was no place to hide. However, Linton was too lazy to hide. He was just about to stop the train when something unexpected happened. Linton suddenly saw a person getting off the train. His speed was astonishing. As soon as he got off the train, he rushed directly to the front of the train. You must know that the train was still running wildly. This guy was actually faster than the train. quick?

Obviously, the other party came to save people. As soon as they got off the train, the other party came directly to the front of the train, picked up a passerby who was standing in front of the train and had no time to run, and then threw him forcefully into the shop next to him, and then again Moving forward, he pushed away another pedestrian standing on the road, and then the third one, and he ran towards Linton.

It was obvious that the other party wanted to save Linton, because Linton was standing in the middle of the road, as if he was frightened by the sudden appearance of the train. However, in fact, Linton certainly didn't need help at all, but the other party didn't know it.

Linton also saw the other person's face clearly at this time. He was a young-looking young man with platinum-blond hair and a mustache. Seeing the other party's ability, Linton probably guessed the other party's identity, but he didn't remember the current time for a while.

But there was no time for Linton to think about it now, because Quicksilver Pietro on the opposite side had already opened his arms and hugged Linton. Although he knew that the other party wanted to save him, Linton did not want to be held in the arms of a man.

Kuaiyin's speed is naturally very fast. Even Linton can only see a trajectory. However, the Sharingan and Sensei are not vegetarians. They quickly calculated the opponent's movement trajectory, and Linton lowered his head. , the next second, a hand passed directly over Linton's head.

"Huh?" Kuaiyin here was stunned. He originally planned to grab Linton and throw him to the side of the street. After all, Linton looked like an Asian face. He really made Linton Dun thought he was a stunned passerby. However, what surprised him was that Linton lowered his head and avoided his hand? In this situation, it is impossible for the other party to see through his movements. You must know that since he gained this ability, not many people can see his movements clearly. He obviously didn't believe that Linton saw through it on his own initiative. He probably lowered his head by chance.

No matter what, he would definitely save the person anyway. Although he was a little surprised, Pietro still turned around and came back. There was still some time, and he should still be able to push Linton away.

Fortunately, Quicksilver didn't have any ill intentions towards Linton, because this was not judged as a hostile triggering battle by Battle Girl. After Linton avoided Quicksilver, he didn't care about Quicksilver behind him. After all, the train in front of him had already rushed into his face.

Just when the train was about to collide head-on, a black light flashed behind Linton, and the huge Susanoo rose up from the ground, stretching out one hand to hold down the hitting locomotive.

Susanoo suddenly appeared and flew the quicksilver top that had returned directly, landing directly on the ceiling of the store next to him. However, because the ceiling was soft, it absorbed most of the impact and did not cause him too much impact. Big damage.

On the contrary, the train here suffered a bit. The train was originally moving very fast. Linton hit it directly. Of course, he didn't take a step back, but the locomotive was directly hit and dented.

At this time, Captain Rogers was at the front of the train. He didn't see Linton clearly, but when he saw the huge Susanoo, his first reaction was to raise his shield and put it in front of him.

With a "bang", the captain was directly knocked out by the impact. The carriages behind him also swayed due to the huge momentum. The last carriage even tilted up and flew out. The connection was directly broken by the huge force, and the entire carriage turned sideways. Fly away.

At this moment, a red light surrounded the flying carriages, but Linton also discovered that this only slowed down the speed of some carriages flying out. It seemed that the intensity was not enough, but the next second, Linton waved his hand directly, Use Magneto's ability to freeze the entire carriage in the air.

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