I really can't control myself

Chapter 600 Another attack

About two hours later, Tony had already set up a simple studio in his new home next to it. There is no one living in the villa next to it, which is good news. As for the equipment and other equipment, they were all rushed from the company. Tony and Peter worked together to build it quickly. At this time, Tony also discovered that Peter did have some scientific talent, at least he could follow the ideas he said. Of course, talent was talent, and he was still too young.

Potts has already gone to deal with the follow-up issues. After all, two houses exploded. Of course, the public currently does not know that it is Tony Stark's residence. Otherwise, the news has already exploded. Of course, what Potts has to do is not to let it go. The public knows. Of course, Potts also has a lot of bodyguards around him, and what Tony has to do is to quickly deal with this wave of people who are targeting him, otherwise he and Potts will be in danger.

"These people used to be members of the army." Tony had already investigated the information of the people who came to attack them. They were all from the army. But what is surprising is that these people have retired, and retired The reason is simple, disability. Yes, several of them had physical disabilities caused by the war, so they had no choice but to retire. However, it was obvious that the people who attacked them today were not lacking hands and feet.

"This virus can regenerate severed limbs." Linton directly explained the reason while lying on the sofa.

"So these people will work for this mastermind, right? Because he repaired their bodies." Tony nodded. The virus is still being analyzed, and body samples of these people have been extracted. Of course, the current equipment is relatively limited, and the analysis Maybe it takes a lot of time.

However, following this clue, Tony discovered a more troublesome situation. He investigated the information of several people in the army and found that there were several disabled soldiers who retired at the same time and for the same reason as them. Soon he found that the information of these people had been viewed recently. He continued to search and found that the reason was because of recent A series of terrorist attacks and bombings have occurred in recent times.

Yes, six similar terrorist bombings have occurred recently, with a large number of casualties. The common feature of these cases is that the same terrorist organization has claimed responsibility, and no explosives have been found in these bombings, let alone The source of the explosives. Of course, the police and the FBI are investigating these cases and have identified a lot of suspects, including several retired soldiers that Tony saw before. Several of them appeared at the scene and were caught by cameras. After that, they disappeared. It evaporated, so he might have been killed, but it might also be the person carrying the bomb, but the police didn't have any evidence and couldn't find any clues.

Now it seemed that Tony was almost certain that these people were the ones who caused the bombing, and he suddenly thought of what the undetected explosives were. Wasn't there a living person who was detonated in front of his eyes before? The tips are too obvious.

"So is this the shortcoming of the virus you mentioned?" Tony asked Linton.

"Yes, it seems unstable. It will cause self-destruction under certain conditions." Linton said, "These bombings should actually be created by them to cover up their real experiments and create a non-existent terrorist organization. Take the blame.”

"The police's attention was completely attracted by the terrorist organization." Tony nodded.

"Well...Mr. Stark, although I want to help, I have to go home now." Peter here suddenly said, "Aunt May is waiting for me to go home for dinner. If I don't go back now... "

"Jarvis, get on the phone," Tony said.

"Okay sir." After a while, the video call was connected, and May Parker appeared on the 3D screen next to her.

"Excuse me... eh? Are you Mr. Tony Stark?" Mei looked at the face that appeared on the screen in surprise. Of course she still recognized this face. After all, it was Tony Stark. Do you want to recognize him? All difficult.

"Hello, phew, you never said your aunt was so beautiful." Tony couldn't help but take a breath when he saw the beauty in front of him.

"Aunt May..." Peter rushed to the screen with a surprised look on his face.

"Peter? Why are you and Mr. Stark together?" Aunt May asked, of course, confused.

"Uh, that's right, Miss Parker." Tony said immediately, "Peter previously applied for our company's September Student Research Fund project and provided a design project on a Hall-type muscle tension transducer. After I saw I was very interested, so I invited Parker to come over and talk about the project.”

"Oh? Really? I've never heard of it, Peter, why did you hide it from me?" Aunt May asked.

"No, no... that... I just want to give you a surprise." Peter said quickly. Of course, he had never heard of this project, and now he could only follow Tony's words.

"Miss Parker, your nephew is very talented. I am very optimistic about him and want to have a deeper communication with him, so I invited him to my house as a guest, not only if I can borrow him for one night." Tony said.

Aunt May thought for a while, and of course it was a good thing. She had heard Peter talk about getting internship opportunities at large companies before, and specifically mentioned Stark Industries and Osborn Industries. See He had put it into practice without telling himself. Now that the project has been spotted, he has also been noticed by Tony. Isn't this a great benefit to future development?

But after Aunt Mei thought about it, there was no problem with academic exchanges, but...Tony was a famous playboy. He couldn't stay overnight because he wanted to lead his nephew into trouble. After thinking for a while, Aunt Mei asked: "Is it just an academic exchange?"

"Of course." Tony nodded immediately, "I promise."

"Okay, Peter, but you're not allowed to go out, let alone go to strange places." Aunt May said.

"Okay, Aunt May, I promise." Peter said immediately.

"Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Stark." Aunt May said.

"Mrs. An Xin."

After hanging up the phone, Peter looked at Tony confused: "Hall muscle tension transducer?"

"Our company does have this project, and then just put your name behind the participating designers." Tony said.

"But it's not my design," Peter said.

"This kind of gadget is not important at all." Tony said, "The focus is on the attack here."

"Well, Mr. Stark, what do you need me to do?" asked Peter.

"I have to investigate the virus explosion case here and I can't leave. I need you to go to the hospital." Tony said.

"Hospital?" Peter asked.

"This one-eyed man was attacked on the street in the afternoon." Tony waved his hand, and a photo of Nick Fury appeared on the stereoscopic screen next to it. A video was also playing next to it. It was a car being attacked by a lot of police and policemen. In the scene of the siege by the special police, "The people who attacked him pretended to be policemen and special policemen, but he escaped and successfully escaped. However, he was quickly assassinated again, shot several times, and was sent to the hospital. The current situation is still I’m not sure, I need you to go to the hospital to find out what’s going on.”

"This guy was attacked?" Linton stood up and asked a little surprised.

"I just found out the news. It happened almost at the same time as we were attacked." Tony nodded.

Linton was also stunned for a moment. He also knew about this. After all, it was in the original work, but it appeared a little early. Of course, Linton immediately figured out what was going on. The people who attacked Nick Fury were originally from Hydra. Since they had contacted those terrorists to attack them, of course they would not let others go. It seemed that I want to solve the problem once and for all. It seems that the advance of the plot really has something to do with me.

It seems that Pierce was wary of his words, and after he told Nick Fury about Hydra a few days ago, Nick Fury probably went back to investigate, and was discovered by Pierce, so Pierce He would not wait to take action, contact a terrorist organization to attack them both, and then his own people would deal with Nick Fury.

"Can you get in touch with the captain?" Linton asked.

"Why did you contact that guy?" Tony asked.

"It was the hospital he sent Nick Fury to," Linton said.

"Really?" Tony was stunned for a moment, he really didn't know this, "Jarvis, answer Rogers' call."

The phone rang several times, but no one listened. Tony looked confused: "I remember that old antique should have learned how to use a modern mobile phone."

"Try Natasha..." Linton said.


"Wait a minute." Linton suddenly interrupted, "Something has probably happened. Can Jarvis's ability escape SHIELD's detection?"

"Detection by SHIELD? You said SHIELD is tracking me in reverse?" Tony asked, "Why?"

"You have been in the laboratory these days. I forgot to tell you that SHIELD is now controlled by a group of guys called Hydra. They are probably the ones who attacked Nick Fury. I told you before They should also be the ones whose address was revealed," Linton said.

"So this organization called Hydra is the mastermind behind this, and he wants to kill a few of us?" Tony asked.

"No, the people who attacked us are not from Hydra. They should have their own goals. Hydra just used them." Linton said, "Handle things one by one. Let's deal with this group first. Besides, where is the guy we captured before?"

"He's tied up in the room over there, but he's not awake yet." Tony pointed to a camera nearby, which was of course used to monitor the room next to him. The other person was tied to the bed with several bundles of iron chains, and he obviously wasn't awake either. Of course, the reason why I don't put it directly in front of me is because this guy may explode, so I have no choice but to keep it away.

"There's no time to wait for him to wake up, I'll take care of it," Linton said.

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