"What's wrong?" Just when the space aircraft carrier just took off, a man walked in from the bridge door and asked. This is a man who looks very sunny at first glance. He has a face that makes people like him. He has a strong body, a dignified appearance, and a sense of righteousness. Although it is the first time they meet, Linton probably guesses the other person. identity.

"We have discovered Loki." Nick Fury said, "We are heading to the target point. Let me introduce you to Steve Rogers."

"I didn't expect to actually meet the protagonist in the comics I read when I was a kid." Tony here said.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark." Although Tony's tone was a little sinister, the captain didn't say anything and just stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

Tony also shook hands with the other party: "Nice to meet you, Captain."

"You should be Mr. Linton Stark, right?" The captain walked up to Linton again and asked, "Nice to meet you."

"Me too." Linton nodded, then shook hands with the other party, and patted the other party's shoulder, leaving a mark of the Flying Thunder God. After all, he was one of the protagonists, so Linton still left a mark on him. Of course, the captain here didn't notice it at all.

"I think we don't have time to say hello to each one now." Nick Fury said next to him, "If the aerospace aircraft carrier flies over, the other party may have already left. The Harrier fighter plane is faster. Captain, please help me."

"Yeah." The captain nodded.

"I'm going to see him." Sol said next to him.

"Then let me go too." Linton said.

Soon the capture team was formed, including the captain, Tony, Thor, Linton and Natasha who was in charge of flying the plane. Soon the Harrier fighter jet took off from the hangar and rushed directly to the target.

On the other side of Stuttgart, Rocky appeared at a high-end social dinner. He first attacked a military executive and obtained his iris data. However, after getting the thing, he did not leave immediately, but continued to attack others. Guests, use clone skills to surround them.

"Kneel down!" Loki waved the scepter in his hand and directly knocked away a police car that came for reinforcements. Everyone was so frightened that they could only listen to his words and kneel down.

"Isn't this very simple? You humans should be born like this. The temptation of freedom has deprived you of the happiness in life. You long to be dominated and enslaved by others. Although you crazily pursue power and status, your bones are full of You will surrender to your ruler sooner or later." Loki kept talking about his strange theory to the kneeling crowd. When Linton's plane arrived, they saw this scene.

"I think it's better to completely wipe out Asgard." Linton held his forehead and said, "This race is full of people..."

At this time, an old man in the crowd suddenly stood up and said to Loki: "But it won't be someone like you."

"I am the supreme god." Loki said with a smile.

"I've seen too many shameless people like you." The old man said calmly.

Loki was a little unhappy and raised his scepter. Seeing that something was wrong, the captain fell from the sky without waiting for the plane to descend to a safe height. At this time, Loki also fired a light. The captain stood directly in front of the old man, raised his shield, and with a bang, the light was reflected back, knocking Loki away instead.

"Are you that soldier?" Loki quickly stood up again, looked at the captain in front of him and said, because he captured Hawkeye, he already knew part of the information, "an outdated guy."

"I think you're not talking about me..." As soon as the captain finished speaking, there was a "boom" next to him, and a person hit him directly. Even the captain was startled.

"I wonder if I should also make you a suit of armor..." Tony slowly landed from the side and looked at Linton on the ground and said.

"Forget it, landing casually is one of my characteristics..." Linton stood up and dusted off the dust on his body.

"Is it you?" The others were fine, but when they saw Linton appearing, Loki's expression changed slightly.

"Come on, I am a kind person. I will count to three. Kneel down and surrender, otherwise I will tear apart a supreme god with my hands again." Linton said directly.

"Loki!" As soon as Linton finished speaking, Thor also fell down.

"Brother?" He was also stunned when he saw Thor Loki, "Why are you here?"

"I want to ask you the same question," Thor said. "Loki, what do you want to do?"

"One!" However, while the two were talking, Linton started counting directly.

Everyone understood what Linton meant. Thor looked at Linton and then subconsciously took a few steps towards Loki.


With a "plop", Loki in front immediately knelt down, put down his scepter and raised his hands.

"It's... so cooperative." Tony said.

"It seems that after the explosion in the whole family, you can still understand some people's words." Linton spread his hands and said.

Of course Loki was immediately put on the plane, but it was obvious that he did not carry the Cosmic Cube, and the Hawkeye and some researchers who were captured by him before were nowhere to be seen, and this guy has not been there since the beginning. No matter what he said, he just looked at the others with a smile on his face, and it was obvious that something was wrong.

Thor gave him a brief introduction to the current situation in Askid. Loki really didn't know much about this. He was also surprised to hear that there was still a person on the ship alive, and he said that Odin was also alive. Perhaps while still alive, Loki was slightly agitated.

The captain and Tony studied the current situation. They both felt that Loki surrendered too easily. Even if Linton was present, the other party would give up too easily. If his purpose of coming to Earth to cause trouble was for Linton, then he would have at least resisted a little bit. However, the other party surrendered directly without any resistance, which was obviously wrong. Of course, more importantly, where are the Cosmic Cube and the arrested people? There's obviously a conspiracy.

Linton had no time to care about Loki at this time. He was studying Loki's scepter. Yes, there was a Mind Stone in it. However, what made him feel strange was that this thing was not shown as a valuable item.

Linton couldn't understand this. So far, no other valuables have been found in this world. All Linton could guess was the infinite gems. Is there anything else special? But the question is...why doesn't the scepter show its valuables once it's in hand?

After thinking about it, Linton felt that what he was thinking was probably right. How could this thing not be uploaded? The only explanation for the current situation is that the ownership of this thing has not been transferred yet. Yes, I have encountered this situation before. For example, in the Bleach World, the opponent's Zanpakutō can be uploaded, but it must be defeated first. If it cannot be touched, it can be uploaded directly. The current situation may be the same. This thing is The ownership of Loki's weapons naturally belongs to Loki. And he was not defeated by himself. He surrendered before the fight. Maybe this is the reason why it cannot be judged as a valuable item.

"Is there anything special about this thing?" Tony walked over and asked. After all, Linton had been studying this scepter from the beginning.

"It's very special," Linton said. "It's so special that I suddenly want to kill this guy."

"Huh?" Tony was a little confused. What does this thing have to do with your desire to kill Loki? Do you really want to take it all away?

"Calm down, we haven't found the Cosmic Cube yet." Natasha next to her said immediately. She was really worried that Linton would suddenly kill Loki. It would be okay to kill this guy, but now the Cosmic Cube Its location is known only to Loki.

"Loki, hand over the Cosmic Cube and come back with me first." At this time, Thor said over there.

"Go back? Asgard has been destroyed, hasn't it?" Loki said.

"We still have people alive, and our father is still alive," Thor said.

"It's your father," Loki said. "Have the Askidians become that guy's servants now? Have you surrendered to him too?"

"No, I have a way to defeat him. I need your help. Come back with me. As long as you join forces with me, we can win." Thor said.

"You have a way?" Loki smiled. It was really ridiculous for Thor to say that he had a way. After all, in his opinion, his brother was just an idiot with a head full of muscles. What could he do? "Sorry, I think I’d better use my own way.”

"What's your plan?" Thor asked immediately. Of course, if Loki's plan was really reliable, Thor might have to go with him.

Loki was really speechless. Although he also knew that Thor might want to join his side if he asked this, but he is here right now. Do you want him to reveal his plan now? He is indeed a hopelessly stupid brother.

"His plan is almost as stupid as yours." Linton walked up to the two of them with a scepter and said, "In my opinion, it is nothing more than looking for reinforcements. I guess someone agreed to say Help you avenge, or help you restore the country, and then you believe it, can you use your brain? Now that Asgard has exploded, what else is worthy of others helping you? What do you think in this universe? Are there any kind of good people who just want to help others without asking for anything in return?”

"..." Loki looked at Linton in surprise, "Maybe you are right..."

"So you also know that the other party will not help you restore the country at all, but just wants to lure people to the earth to cause destruction, right." Linton nodded, turned around and said, "So now I propose to take Ah Is there anyone who objects to the genocide of the Sgardians?"

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