The construction of the camp went unexpectedly smoothly. Since the road was built in Linton, materials and manpower have been continuously input into the gold mine camp. Of course, the gold ore in the gold mine warehouse is also constantly flowing in. Transportation begins outside.

Originally, Garsain was more worried that the enemy might come to harass and cause trouble. However, the actual situation was that there seemed to be no movement from the Glint army on the other side.

Garsain didn't quite understand what was going on, but in fact the difficulty on the other side was greater than they imagined. After Grint's side was defeated, although the situation was temporarily stabilized, the losses of the troops were huge. They had no choice but to report to the main city and ask for support again.

King Kovikla's eyes darkened after hearing the new battle report, and he really wanted to order the guy Materazzi to be chopped off on the spot. However, when Qi returns, the problem now is not to kill people, but what to do. It was impossible to give up the gold mine, it had to be recaptured, so he had no choice but to agree to Grint's request for support.

However, there are not many troops under King Kovikla now. After all, they are just a small kingdom. Unlike the St. Willand Empire, which can easily raise tens of thousands of troops, they have just dispatched 2,000 troops. He can't tell the difference between them. Oh, otherwise the main city won’t be defended? If there were not enough soldiers left in the main city, he was worried that the underground rioters might overthrow him without the help of Gasan's people.

So King Kovikla also tried his best to gather an army of about 1,000 people, and according to Grint, he probably still had an army of less than 1,000 people, which would at least equal the number of the opponent's troops. As for more, there is nothing King Kovikla can do.

In addition to the replacement of troops, what is even more important is supplies. Yes, this time it was Glint's army's turn to be short of supplies. Most of their supplies were left at the gold mine base, and that base was robbed. They didn't bring much supplies when they went to the rescue. They were rushing to rescue people. Now that they have encountered a supply problem, they can only transfer them from the main city.

King Kovikla gritted his teeth and moved some of the supplies, plus 1,000 support troops, to send to Glint, and ordered the other party to take back the gold mine. However, what no one expected was that this support force was attacked halfway.

It was not Gasein's troops who attacked them, because Gasein had no time to take care of them and did not know the march route of the enemy's support troops. This unit was originally worried that Garsain would attack them, so they deliberately chose a hidden path. However, what they didn't expect was that they encountered a wave of refugees.

This wave of refugees was originally heading towards the main city of Disorn. Because there was no food, they didn't know where to go. They could only blindly walk towards the place where they thought there was food, and the main city was naturally the richest. There is definitely a place to eat there, that’s all I can think of. However, what they didn't expect was that they met this support force head-on.

The refugees' eyes lit up when they saw the carriage transporting baggage. The carriage must be filled with food. Then of course there were riots, what did you say? army? Sorry, everyone is going to starve to death. Who cares who you are. I don't know who shouted "grab", and the whole scene instantly became chaotic.

In order to calm the situation, the leading officer directly killed several refugees, but it was of no use. The extremely hungry refugees surrounded them like zombies coming out of their cages. They did not fight the soldiers, but just pounced on them like crazy. Go to the baggage train, grab whatever you can, and run away.

The whole scene was chaotic. Although the sergeant wanted to stop the refugees, the number was ten times different. The number of refugees in this group was close to 10,000, and it was really impossible to stop them. In short, after an inexplicable bloody battle, the sergeant could only order the soldiers to flee the scene with the supplies they could bring. When they arrived at Glint to join forces, there were only more than 600 troops left, and there was absolutely no supplies left.

What else could Glint do? He could only send a letter to the main city for the third time asking for supplies. King Kovikla was really about to vomit blood, but what could he do? Settling accounts with refugees? It would be good if the refugees don't rebel now. Can we do without the gold mine? Of course not. So while vomiting blood, he could only raise new support.

Therefore, Grint and the others are currently unable to protect themselves and have no time to cause trouble for Gasan and the others. Compared to them, Garsain's work was really smooth. First of all, in terms of troops, after getting the money, Gasein's army quickly recruited another 3,000 people. There could have been more, but Gasein did not continue to expand, but began to recruit mercenaries.

The people sent to contact the mercenaries quickly recruited 4 mercenary groups with about 1,500 mercenaries. They are now heading here and are expected to arrive one after another. By then, Gaseon's troops will expand to 4,500 troops, this is already a terrifying number.

As for the coolies and miners, progress is also going very smoothly. They have captured about 1,200 people nearby, and hundreds of people have been sent from all over the empire. Many more are on the way. In short, there are about 2,000 coolies in the base now. labor. Compared with the coolies sent from his own country, Gasan felt that the prisoners he captured were more obedient. It seemed that they didn't need to be watched. They would work by themselves as long as they were given food, and they were very conscious.

Everything seemed to be going well, except... Linton didn't know what was going on here. Yes, the stronghold was renovated from the original stronghold, and I don’t know why Linton was the leader of the transformation work. At first, Garsain thought there was no problem, but then it started to get weird.

"What kind of official position is the battlefield honor exchanger?" Gasein couldn't help but ask. He asked Linton because he pulled a soldier and insisted that Gasein give him this position. Where did he get this official position? It was unheard of.

"I thought about it. In short, it is a stimulus policy. Isn't this a long-term confrontation? In addition to our own soldiers, there are other mercenaries in our army. They do not apply to the army's reward and punishment methods. They cannot I wanted to be promoted, so I thought about it and invented something called honor points, which are calculated based on the enemy's heads. After reaching a certain point, you can exchange for some supplies and the like. Some people even made a lot of meritorious services. We directly Wouldn't it be okay to recruit him into the army? (That is to exchange honor points for military rank)."

"That's it..." Gasein could understand. It was indeed a way to stimulate the mercenaries. "But isn't the name of this official position too strange?"

"No, no, no, for this official position, I think it's okay." Linton said.

"Okay, okay." Garsain waved his hand and signed the order. Linton also put a check mark in his small notebook.

I looked at the projects I recorded in my notebook. Most of them have been implemented. The next step is to wait for the completion of some buildings, and then I should be able to hand in the tasks. Although this is the first time to do a battlefield construction task, it seems that it is not that difficult now, but the requirements for forming a battlefield are relatively high.

The remaining buildings are expected to be built within a few days, and Linton has also begun to prepare for other tasks. Naturally, several tasks were completed in the past two days, but Linton was not very satisfied with them. The first is the construction task of a medium-sized city. Linton has done this task before and has experience, but he is not able to do it now, because most of the manpower in the territory has been pulled to the battlefield, and then let them pull them back to build it. Cities are more troublesome.

On the other hand, the most troublesome problem is the teleportation array. As mentioned before, the construction of the teleportation array is troublesome. The only people Linton can contact to build the teleportation array are the church people. But it is not appropriate to go to the church people now. I said before that Linton would go when he was preparing for the annual report meeting, and then he would reach a cooperation agreement with the church people.

In short, the task of building the city was put aside for now, and Linton did not take it up. A few days later, Linton received another task of building a level 7 dungeon. Linton looked at his list of buildings that could be redeemed. There was no level 7 dungeon at all, and the authority was not enough, so Linton didn't answer it again.

Then a few days later, Linton received the task of building a new village. This task can be completed now, but after looking at the task requirements, the time given to build five novice villages is only 30 cycles. Is this task too urgent? After thinking about it for a day, until the task disappeared, Linton still did not accept the task.

As for why he didn't take it, it was mainly because he was busy building a gold mine stronghold during this period. Linton said that the work was too hard. He had just finished his work and had to run five new village construction tasks. He was not too busy.

Then System Ji seemed to be angry, and not a single task appeared for three whole days. Until this morning, Linton discovered that a new task had appeared. It's just that this task is a very ordinary task. It only requires Linton to advance 10% of the detection rate in any world. The time given is actually 90 cycles.

This task is obviously easy to complete, and Linton estimates that the contribution value will not be too much. This kind of task was very common before, but as his permissions were unlocked, there were more and more demanding tasks, and Linton was I haven't seen a mission like this in a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Linton accepted the task. On the one hand, I really have no interest in doing construction tasks now. On the other hand, this task seems relatively easy, and it seems that I can take a break.

After waiting for another three days, all the buildings needed for the battlefield were completed. Linton quickly confirmed it and then clicked to complete the task. After submitting the battlefield mission, Linton was ready to set off.

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