Linton almost couldn't breathe after seeing the credentials handed over by Garsain. The king of the Kingdom of Kowikra stated in his credentials that they had found Linton's illegitimate daughter, had rescued her safely and were preparing to return her, and hoped to sign formal peace terms with Duke Merowe.

Although the Kingdom of Kowikra had agreed to hand over the Etonwall area before, the treaty had not been signed, and no one from Gaseon had gone to hand it over, so it is estimated that this time it is preparing to formally send a mission to sign the treaty. It seems that after seeing the situation on Gasain's side, King Kovikla really found out that the Meloway family was preparing to raise troops this time. It seems that they definitely meant that they were not ready to fight and wanted to cease the war. But the problem is... where What kind of illegitimate daughter is here?

"I don't think I really have a cousin." Garsain here looked at Linton in confusion.

"Where did the cousin come from? Didn't you just watch me make it up?" Linton yelled, "Even if there is really such a thing, how could it be such a coincidence that she was actually playing on the border and then disappeared."

"Even if you really mean it, you want me to be mentally prepared first?" Gaseon asked.

"Suppose, suppose you understand? No good?" Linton shouted.

"Are you sure?" Gaseon asked, "Even if it is true at your age, it is normal. Do you think about it again? Look, King Kovikla has written it in his credentials..."

"Of course..." Linton originally wanted to say sure, but halfway through he suddenly felt a little unsure. After all, he is not the real Linton Mellowe. He just stepped in halfway. Linton has no memory of the past. Who knows if this guy has done anything.

"It can't really happen, right?" Seeing Linton hesitate, Garsain immediately said, "When did it happen?"

"How do I know? I can't remember it at all, okay? Doesn't that mean sending people here? Where are the people? Bring them to me and see what they are playing." Linton said.

"Originally I didn't believe it, but when I saw your reaction, I suddenly became a little curious." Gasain said here, "I will reply to the letter right away."

So soon Gasain replied to the letter to King Kovikla, and two days passed before the envoy from the Kingdom of Kovikla arrived. As the lord, Garsain naturally summoned them immediately.

"Come on, come on, I wonder what my cousin looks like." Gasein said while rubbing his hands.

Of course, Linton also came. Originally, Linton was too lazy to participate in this kind of official work, so he could just leave it to Garsain to do the work. However, this time he was really curious, when did he really have a daughter? .

Soon, the people from the mission entered the hall, preparing to meet Gasein. There were not many people in the mission, and the guards accompanying the mission were naturally blocked outside. Only five people came in. One of them, an old man with a white beard, should be the civil servant leading the mission, and he was always walking at the front. Behind are two other civil servants, one who looks like a high-level warrior, and the other is a girl who looks to be twenty years old and has long blond hair. Strangely, she does not look like He's from the mission, so it's a bit strange to appear here.

"Greetings to the Duke." Several people also saluted when they saw Gasain sitting above him.

"Where is my cousin?" Garsain asked immediately.

Several members of the mission immediately looked at the girl next to them, and the girl looked at Gasein above, and said timidly: "You...are Cousin Gasein?"

"What?" Garsain and Linton stood up at the same time, looking at the girl below in confusion.

"Ah..." The girl seemed a little frightened and took a small step back, "Um...what's wrong?"

"Um...your daughter looks a little anxious." Gasein looked at Linton next to him and whispered.

"Yes, you are more anxious than me. It is simply a miracle of mankind." Linton held his forehead.

"Um... you are my cousin, what is your name?" Gaseon asked.

"The name my mother gave me is Susan." The girl here who calls herself Susan said. Because she is an illegitimate daughter, of course she does not have a surname. Only if she is recognized by the Mellowe family can she be named Mei. Luo Wei's family name.

"Um... let me confirm, you said you are my uncle Linton's daughter, right?" Gasein said, holding his forehead.

"Yes...yes, that's what my mother told me." Susan nodded.

"What about your mother?" Garsain asked.

"Mother... was killed by bandits..." Susan here began to burst into tears, as if she was mentioning something sad.

"No, what are you still playing..." Linton next to him held his forehead.

"It's quite interesting." Garsain whispered, "I just want to see how long this guy can continue to act."

After saying that, Garsain turned to Susan again: "So do you have any tokens of proof?"

"Yes... yes." Susan said.

"Huh?" Garsain was a little surprised, "What is it?"

"This... this..." The other party weakly took out a black object, and it was hard to see what it was from a distance. A soldier next to him also took it directly, stepped forward and handed it to Garsain. Gasein picked it up and looked at it. It was a black iron thing that looked like a badge. Gasein looked through it carefully, frowned, and said to Linton next to him: "It's really... The emblem of the Mellow family..."

"What?" Linton looked confused, "Are you sure? It's fake."

"I can't tell it's fake. Why don't you let Second Grandpa and the others take a look?" Gassen said.

"This... this is the only thing my father left to my mother." Susan said at this time, "Can I... see my father?"

"..." Garsain stared at Susan without speaking.

"Does the Duke doubt me? My father will definitely recognize this thing. Please ask the Duke to invite my father to come out and see it." Susan said.

"Very confident." Garsain nodded, then turned to Linton next to him, "Do you know this thing?"

"Do you see the word 'know' written on my face?" Linton said.

"She's quite beautiful. Why don't you just admit it." Gasein said.

"You think you are choosing a concubine? Is this acknowledging your daughter?" Linton shouted.

"Reputation doesn't matter..."

"Now it's not a question of reputation at all, okay? Now it's a question of species, okay? Does my TN reproduce through mitosis?"

"Um... Your Excellency the Duke." After hearing the quarrel between the two people above, Susan below felt something was wrong and couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that your father is not here?"

"Come on, come on, cousin." Garsain said with a smile, "You haven't seen your father, have you?"

" mother only told me about this recently." Susan said.

"Then you can be forgiven for not recognizing him. Let me introduce you to the man next to me. He is your long-lost old father, my fourth uncle Linton Mellowe." Garsain said while suppressing a smile.

"What?" Everyone in the Kowikra Kingdom's mission exclaimed.

"I said...can you do a little investigation on your fraud?" Garsain turned his face, slapped the armrest of the chair and yelled, "I don't even understand how old my uncle is. You are just kidding me." me?"

"No, no, no... this... how is this possible?" The leader, the white-bearded man, looked confused, "This... what... is going on?"

"What the hell is going on! Where did this badge come from!" Garsain roared.

There was really no way to quibble with this, so several people quickly explained the situation. It turned out that a few days ago, after King Kovikla received a letter from Gasein for the second time, he indeed realized that Gasein should really raise an army this time, otherwise he would not be able to cause trouble like this. The current situation in the Kingdom of Kowikra is in chaos, even worse than what Gasein and the others know. Of course they don't want to fight, so in order to avoid war, the king must find a way. Since the other party said that there was such a thing, the king immediately sent someone to investigate first.

What he didn't expect was that this question really happened. About ten days ago, border patrol soldiers discovered a carriage that had been attacked and found eight dead people. Two of them were dressed as nobles, and several others looked like hired mercenary guards. After all, the person who died might be a noble of his country. The border general investigated the matter carefully, tracked down a group of bandits, and killed them all.

After that, the general at the border reported this matter. Of course, it also appeared on King Kovikla’s desk not long ago, but King Kovikla didn’t see it at all. The country is in chaos now, and he has no time at all. Take care of these things. But now after checking, he has a headache.

They quickly sent someone to inquire about the specific situation. According to the accounts of the captured bandits, the people they attacked claimed to be members of the Meloway family. They originally reported to their families to protect themselves, but the bandits never heard anything. The Meloway family just killed people directly.

Then this matter would be troublesome, because the place where the carriage was attacked was within the territory of their Kingdom of Kovikla. If Gaseon had to find trouble, he could definitely use this excuse to send troops. Just when King Kovikla didn't know what to do, a counselor came up with an idea for him. They could send someone to fake it. So they found someone who looked similar to the girl who was killed, and took the certificate they found from the bandits to pretend to be Linton's daughter.

However, the problem is that they really don't know Linton's age. On the one hand, Linton is Garsain's uncle, and on the other hand, Linton is a saint, so how can he be a young man. Then the girl who was killed and claimed to be from the Gasserine family was probably twenty years old. Their habitual thinking was that Linton was a middle-aged man. How could this make sense.

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