I really can't control myself

Chapter 563 New Ability

"Lord Linton, I received an order from the church and must go back immediately to report what happened here." After a while, Melissa found Linton again, probably using a special method to contact people from the Church of Light. After that, I guess the church side was also confused, so I asked Melissa to go back first.

"Oh, I know, I wish you good luck." Linton said.

"Master Linton, won't you go back to the church with me?" Melissa asked.

"The church's report will only start at the beginning of next year." Linton asked, "I will visit the church at that time, but I still have some things to deal with now."

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" Melissa asked.

"Actually, it doesn't hurt to tell you." Linton said, "People from the Church of Cthulhu would choose to perform the summoning ceremony here, which means that this is an area relatively close to the intervention position of the world where Cthulhu is located. In addition to being easier to summon, In addition to projection, the probability of cards appearing nearby is also relatively high. After all, those things are also products of that world, but they have just changed into another form after arriving in our world."

"I see." Melissa nodded, "Does that mean there is a greater chance of finding cards in this city?"

"Yes." Linton nodded, "So I'm going to search here."

Melissa looked at the almost destroyed city. The search was too difficult. Melissa thought for a while and said to Linton: "Sir Linton, could you do me a favor?"

"Please tell me," Linton said.

"I will explain the situation of the Sealed Book to the Holy See when I go back this time, but I am worried that some people within the Holy See will question it. Currently, my Sealed Book only contains the cards of the sealed Godzilla. Can you give me a few of them? A card that can show the power of the Sealed Book." Melissa thought for a while and then added.

"That's true. If it can't be accepted within the church, the congregation won't be mobilized, right." Linton said, "That's okay, but the interest here is very high."

"I understand, sir." Melissa nodded.

"Let me take a look." Linton also opened his sealed book and searched for it for a while. "I'll give you this card. It's a potion."

"Potion, could it be last time..." Melissa immediately thought of the card used by Princess Yalan before.

"No, no, no, this is a weakened version of that potion. The cards for that potion are so precious. Even I only got one for my fiancée to use. The effect of this potion is similar to that one, but it cannot take effect permanently. It can only Last for a while." Linton said, yes, this is the simple potion I bought on the black market last time to deceive the church. It was very cheap when I bought it, and Linton found that using the card function to copy it was cheaper than buying it on the black market. Cheap and not worth the money at all.

Melissa looked at the results card and saw that the bottle containing the potion in the picture was basically the same as the one last time. Of course, it was also a bottle shape that did not exist in this world.

"The ingredients of the potion are not found in this world. You can ask the church pharmacist to analyze it. After all, it is something from another world." Linton said, "By the way, if you want to use it, hold the card in your hand and recite it silently. 'Restore' can turn it into a potion, but of course, don't try it now."

"Yeah." Melissa nodded, and then put the card into the sealed book.

"I'll give you this card again." Linton said and took out a card with a picture of what looked like a creature on it, but Melissa had never seen it before.

"This is a creature from the world of the Sea of ​​Dilac, and of course it does not exist in this world. Please be assured that the creatures summoned through the Book of Sealings, except Crusu's servants, all other creatures will listen to you, So this creature can help you fight, but its combat power is relatively limited," Linton said.

"Is the red dragon that you summoned before also like this?" Melissa asked.

"Yes." Linton nodded, "Just for display, these two cards are enough."

"Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Linton. I will try my best to explain this matter to the church." Melissa nodded. The two cards Linton gave were obviously not good things, but she didn't expect it. What particularly powerful card could Linton give her?

"If that doesn't work, I will personally go to the church when the report is given at the beginning of the year," Linton said.

"So I will be waiting for you at the church." Melissa said.

After Melissa finished speaking, she was about to leave, but after thinking about it, she turned back and asked Linton to ask questions in a low voice: "Sir, I have another question. What will happen to the Sealed Book if I die?"

Melissa's question obviously meant whether the Sealed Book would be snatched away. She should have tried that others could not directly take the Sealed Book, but could she obtain it if she was killed? This is of course a good thing, which means that Melissa at least believed what Linton said.

"I really don't know. After all, I haven't died before." Linton smiled and said, "But based on my guess, the Sealed Book may choose another owner."

"I understand." Melissa nodded, "Thanks for letting me know."

Soon Melissa left with her knights. Judging from the current situation, Melissa should have believed what he said. Although I don’t know how she would report it to the people in the church, most of the meaning should be will be communicated to the church. From now on, Linton just needs to create some things in various places, release a few monsters, and then throw some cards, and the church will gradually believe in this matter, and of course, the card matter will be popularized. All in all, it seems that this scene was performed well so far.

"Sir." Just as Linton was planning what to do next, Ellie's voice came from the side. Linton turned around and saw that Ellie and others had also come to Linton's side: "I'm sorry, sir. disappointed."

"I didn't expect that the Book of Sealing would actually choose people from the church." Linton said, "But this is not a bad thing. Now that the people in the church also know about the Cthulhu Church, it is also good for us. It's like having an extra ally. But... people from the Church of Cthulhu are pervasive. I estimate there are many members in the church, and they may even be very high-ranking beings in the church. So even if you are a member of the church, you can't fully control it now. Believe it. That Melissa is the one chosen by the Book of Sealing, so there should be no problem, but if there are others, you must be vigilant."

"Yes, sir." Several people nodded.

"This battle also exposed some problems." Linton said, "Although I know you have worked hard, the speed of becoming stronger is still not enough. Now the first servant of Cthulhu has arrived, and then the invasion The speed will intensify.”

"Please rest assured, sir, we will definitely work harder to become stronger." Thordra said immediately.

"Well..." Linton thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Actually, I have a way for you to quickly learn new abilities, but there is a certain danger..."

"I'm willing to try!" Thordra said immediately before he finished speaking.

"I'm willing too!" Ellie and others next to her said immediately without hesitation.

It seems that several people were really hit this time. They didn't seem to be of any help in this battle, and even distracted Linton to save them. This made them very regretful, so after hearing Linton's words, He said it without hesitation.

Linton has already experienced the loyalty of these people. At present, it seems that they are definitely die-hard fans, so Linton doesn't mind making them stronger, and of course he also does an experiment by the way. So Linton nodded: "Then let's go back first."

"Sir, didn't you say that the cards here have a higher probability of appearing?" Thordra asked.

"In the situation here, it's not easy to find the cards. It takes too much time. On the contrary, if it can make you stronger, it will be more helpful to me." Linton said.

"Sir..." Several people were moved, "Sir, please rest assured, we will definitely train with all our strength."

So soon, Linton used the "accompanying" card again, and several people quickly returned to the Duke's Mansion. Without resting or anything, Linton quickly led them to the secret laboratory that Garsain had prepared for him. This laboratory is still very safe. Because he is worried about the "Necromancer" being exposed, Gaseon also ordered that no one is allowed to come near this place.

Speaking of Garsain, Linton hasn't seen his nephew since he came back this time because he went out to do errands. He is a duke after all, and Gasein is quite busy now, especially when he has just taken over the territory and is full of things to do. But before leaving, Linton left a message for him and told him.

However, just after returning this time, Linton and others happened to meet Garsain. They must have just returned from doing something. Maybe they came back early because of the news of Linton's return.

"Didn't you go to complete the church's mission with the priest of the Holy See?" Garsain was also a little surprised to see Linton.

"It's done," Linton said.

"So fast?" Garsain was stunned for a moment, "How's it going?"

"The city exploded," Linton said.

"What?" Garsain was confused.

"Don't worry about that for now. I'm going to use secret techniques to improve the strength of a few of my men. Do you want to join me?" Linton asked.

"The one that eats SHI?" Gasan asked.

"No, that's just a trick on you." Linton said.

"You have admitted it now!" Garsain shouted.

"This time it's more serious. It's a new ability called 'reading'. Would you like to try it together?" Linton asked.

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