I really can't control myself

Chapter 539 Emergency

A huge black cube rose from the ground, directly surrounding Xiaoyapufu. Xiao Yapufu immediately realized that something was wrong, and his clones dispersed and prepared to escape. However, it was too late. His vision went dark, and in the next second, countless blades poured in from all directions.

Not long after, the black coffin dissipated on its own, and Owl Yapfu appeared covered in blood, and then fell forward directly to the ground. Linton was also a little surprised when he saw Xiao Yapfu appearing in normal size. He thought that the other party would try to dodge by using clones. However, he immediately figured out that Xiao Yapfu's skills had a body, not just a few. It’s enough for the clone to escape, but the main body must escape. What if the main body cannot escape?

Xiao Yapufu's reaction was relatively quick, because he found that the main body could not escape, so he immediately chose to merge, because as the number of clones increased, the strength of the main body would become weaker, so if he could only be attacked, he chose to gather all His body resisted the attack, and because of this, he was still alive.

Not only alive, the battle is not even over yet. Yes, the owl Yapufu who fell to the ground was still unconscious. Although it seemed to be motionless, the end of the battle message did not come out. Linton knew that the other party was pretending to be dead and waiting for an opportunity. But what's the use of pretending to be dead? Battle Ji won't do this kind of trick.

Sure enough, the next second, Linton took action again, took a step forward and kicked the owl Yapfu on the ground. The owl Yapfu here obviously made some moves, but maybe he was too seriously injured. As a result, he didn't react at all. He was kicked away by Linton and hit the wall behind him while spinning.

There was a loud "boom" and a hole was blown out of the wall. Xiao Yapfu passed through the wall. At the same time, Linton also heard the system prompt: "The battle is over." Xiao Yapfu seemed to be seriously injured. With only the last bit of consciousness left, this blow completely eliminated him.

The fighting state was lifted, and Linton originally didn't bother to care about the unconscious Xiao Yapufu. However, unexpectedly, he subconsciously glanced at the hole made by Xiao Yapufu, and Linton came face to face with the guy inside.

The room Owl Yapfu crashed through was obviously the room next door, and this room was obviously cleaner than where Linton was now. There was nothing else in the room, but there was a protruding thing that looked like a throne in the middle. The person who looked at Linton was "that thing" sitting on the throne.

If Owl Yapfu and the others are still a bit human, this thing is completely a giant ant, so Linton also knew the identity of the other party at the first time, the queen of the Chimera Ant, it turns out The throne is right next door to this room, which saves a lot of trouble.

Although it was just an ant, Linton could see the anxious and fearful expression on the Queen's face. Of course Linton knew what was going on. At this time, the ant queen's belly had become very huge, and there was obviously some movement inside. It was trembling and trembling. If I guessed correctly, she was giving birth to the king. The current queen obviously does not have any fighting power, and may even have difficulty moving, so she needs the protection of the direct escort team. However, now Xiaoyapufu fell not far from the queen, and the queen also knew that Linton Even the intruders had defeated her escorts, so of course she panicked.

However, it was useless to panic, because she really couldn't move and could only watch Linton walking towards her. Soon, Linton walked to the entrance of the cave, and the Queen's heart was in her throat.

"Give you a chance." Linton said, "Do you know this person? Have you caught him or eaten him?"

Linton asked directly as he picked up a photo, of course it was Pyoern's photo.

The Queen calmed down a little. It was the best situation that the other party did not take action directly. She took a breath and said: "I have never seen it."

"Then you're useless." Linton said directly.

"Wait!" the queen said quickly, "I didn't go out to capture the food. When it was delivered, it was already processed meat balls, so I didn't know what they looked like before. If you want to find someone, I can Ask the arresting team for you."

Linton thought about it for a moment, thinking that the other party was trying to delay it. It seemed that it was a bit difficult to get these ants to cooperate with him: "Do you still need to come to ask other people's questions? It seems that you are of no use."

After hearing these words, the Queen also knew that something was wrong. The next second, she opened her mouth and let out a sharp howl. The sound was very loud and harsh.

Linton thought it was some kind of ultrasonic attack at first, but the automatic combat did not start. After thinking about it, according to the human situation, it might just be calling for help. It probably meant to notify other ants that the queen was attacked.

Linton's guess was indeed correct. At this time, whether it was the ants in the ant colony or the ants fighting with Nitro and others outside, they all rushed towards the room where the Queen was after hearing the cry.

"What happened to them?" Mo Laowu also used his pipe to smash the opponent in front to death, and then asked. Some of these ants did have good abilities and were very difficult to deal with. If the enemy in front of him hadn't been attracted by the cry, he wouldn't have been able to defeat him so quickly.

"It seems that Linton has found the queen." Nitro said, "Let's follow her quickly."

"It's so noisy!" Although it was not an attack, the cry was really harsh and disgusting. Linton raised his hand, and the fourth white thunder shot out from his fingers, piercing the queen's right hand with one blow. Finally the other party stopped shouting.

"Protect... the Guard!" the queen shouted, covering her right hand, regardless of whether the owl Yapfu who fell on the ground next to her could hear it. She had to give birth to a king. This was her mission.

Xiao Yapufu still fell to the ground without any reaction, but someone else heard it. At this time, the egg on the ceiling behind Linton suddenly vibrated, and a figure suddenly burst out of the egg. Without any hesitation, he headed directly towards Then Linton rushed over.

Yes, Meng Tu Tu Youbi, the last member of the King's Direct Guard, was born at this time. In fact, his birth time was already a little earlier. Perhaps the Queen's shouts awakened him in the egg, and his consciousness When the queen and the unborn king were in danger, Meng Tutu Youbi broke the egg shell himself and rushed out.

Linton didn't notice it at first. He just heard a noise behind him and subconsciously turned his head to check the situation. Unexpectedly, Meng Tutu Youbi was very fast, and he accelerated and rushed in front of Linton. However, although it was a bit sudden, it was not a problem for Linton.

"Hostile target detected, activate automatic combat mode."

Before anyone could see clearly, Linton's body had already started to move on its own. He raised his hand and punched the black figure rushing towards him. The opponent also raised his hand to strike, and the fists on both sides collided directly. To Linton's surprise, he actually flew out in the next second.

The strength was not that great. Battle Ji quickly turned over in the air, stepped into the wall behind with her feet and stopped, using chakra to stand directly on the wall. Raising his head, Linton looked at the enemy opposite.

This is an enemy that looks like a strong man with all muscles. He doesn't have many ant characteristics on his body, and it's not clear what animal genes it was created from. However, the color of his skin is a bit strange, it's actually red.

At this time, the other party had just pulled himself out of the wall. Yes, the blow just struck was not that the other party knocked Linton away, but that both of them flew out. Meng Tutu Youbi was also hit by Linton. He entered the wall behind him, but it looked like it was nothing serious.

Linton briefly recalled the situation of Meng Tutu Youbi. He probably remembered that he was a strength player. No wonder he was able to fight with him just now. His main ability seemed to be transformation or something. Like Frieza's transformation.

"You came just in time." The queen on the throne shouted at this time, "Your name is Meng Tutu Youbi, and you are the king's direct guard. He is an intruder, kill him quickly!"

"I understand." Meng Tutu Youbi was just born, and he should have been a little confused, but there seemed to be a sense of mission telling him that he should now protect the queen and the soon-to-be-born king, and eliminate the intruders. The intruder was naturally Linton.

"Haha" Meng Tutu Youbi suddenly shouted, and then his entire upper body began to shake, and his body began to undergo abnormal changes. His whole body swelled, as if it had grown bigger, and several pairs of new ones had grown on his body. arms, and what’s even more terrifying is that a pair of eyes sprouted from his body, all over his body.

Of course, these eyes are not meant to scare people, they can really see, which means that Meng Tutu Youbi can now see almost everything in all directions, which has improved his perception.

Meng Tu Tu Yubi is actually a monster mixed with the genes of various monsters. His ability is to transform his body into various forms. As long as it can optimize combat, he can transform at will. At this time, it was obvious that he had entered the fighting mode. The next second, Meng Tutu Youbi stepped on the ground fiercely and rushed towards Linton. This speed was much faster than before.

"Come on, don't hide, hit him head on." Linton said quickly when he saw that the fighting girl here seemed to be preparing to get out of the way. Fighting Ji here still obeyed the suggestion of fighting, her body posture changed slightly, she clenched her hands into fists, and blue fighting spirit erupted from her whole body.

"Eight-door Dunjia, seventh door, Jingmen, open." Linton shouted, and then Linton moved his hands forward, crossed his fingers and aimed at Meng Tutu Youbi who was rushing towards him.

"Day Tiger!" Following Linton's shout, the fighting spirit condensed into a huge white tiger and rushed towards Meng Tutu Youbi in front.

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