Linton didn't use any thoughts. The reason why Nephipido felt threatened was mainly due to his wild intuition. The moment they looked at each other, they felt like prey being targeted by a hunter, so they made alert movements. However, when she looked at Linton seriously, she could not feel that he was releasing the aura of reading that she had just learned. Even so, Nephibid did not dare to relax at all.

"Who are you, this guy's companion?" asked Nephipidus.

"Is it really too late?" Linton looked at Kate's head next to him. All the blood had dried up. He had probably been dead for some time and it was too late to save him. However, I vaguely remember that this Kate is not dead, and she used some special will to survive. I can’t remember the specific circumstances, but it’s pretty amazing that she survived even after her head was chopped off.

"Are you here for revenge?" Nephibid asked.

"Not really, I haven't seen this guy before." Linton was not joking. He had indeed never met Kate. The first time he met Kate, he saw his severed head. "I came here to ask Let me ask you, have you caught a human female recently who looks like..."

As Linton said this, he rummaged around in his clothes for a while, and then took out a photo. Yes, Linton and Pyorn had not seen each other before, so it was more troublesome to find it. Ask the president Nite Luo asked for a photo: "That's this guy."

"I don't know." Nephipido said as he had never seen it before.

"Can you help me ask your ant companions? If they can help, I will consider sparing your life." Linton said with a smile.

"So what you're saying is that you can kill me anytime you want?" asked Nephipidou.

"That's exactly what I meant. There's no problem." Linton nodded.

"Are you considered a strong person among humans?" Nephibido asked again without any change in expression.

"Forget it." Linton nodded.

"What are the levels among humans of the one I just killed and the two who escaped?"

"Oh, it's rubbish." Linton spread his hands, "I'm not targeting anyone, it's all rubbish in my opinion."

"As long as I defeat you, I should be considered a very strong person, right?" Nephibid said.

"It's not a question of being very strong. Beat me? You are going to heaven." Linton said with a smile.

"I understand." Nephibid nodded, and then suddenly made a deep squat movement. Seeing and hearing Se Baqi told Linton that the other party was going to take action.

Sure enough, in the next second, Nephipido's legs suddenly hit the ground, and his body shot toward Linton like a bow and arrow. He stretched out his right hand and slapped Linton on the face with a claw.

However, before Nephebido could rush to Linton, Linton suddenly took a step forward and pressed a hand directly on her face. Suddenly Nephipido felt some confusion up and down. When he noticed it, he had been lifted up by Linton and smashed directly towards the ground.

There was a loud "boom", and Nephipido's head was hit directly on the ground. The ground sunk and a big crater appeared. However, Nifepido didn't seem to be seriously hurt. At the same time as she was hit, the other party took action directly and slashed Linton's right hand, which was grabbing her face, with a hand knife.

Nephipido's claws were very sharp, and the hand knife formed cut off Kate's right hand in an instant. Linton also retracted his right hand the moment he was attacked, dodging the attack.

Nifepido's hands suddenly pushed to the ground, he flipped back to his feet, spun his body, and launched a roundhouse kick towards Linton's head. The attack speed was unimaginable, but Linton just raised his right hand and directly caught the opponent's kick. This right hand was as if he was waiting for Nephipidou to kick at that position, as if the opponent had not made a move, Linton Immediately she knew her attack route.

"Hey, why did you stop just now?" Linton said suddenly.

Nephibido was slightly startled when he heard this, and his movements were also stagnant.

"I didn't tell you, just keep fighting." Linton continued, of course he was talking to Battle Ji, "It doesn't matter if this hand is broken, it will be over if it grows another one. Your inexplicable withdrawal of hands makes me feel like It’s like you’re scared, do you know how to play, you won’t let me come.”

Linton's situation made Nephibido a little confused. Who are he talking to? There must be no one else around here at all. Although Nifepido cannot continue to open the circle due to the need to fight with all his strength, but after just reconnaissance, there is no one else around here.

Don't you know what Linton is doing, pretending that his companions are around to confuse him? Nephibid was not prepared to ignore Linton's inexplicable interference and launched another attack. She also noticed Linton's previous actions, as if he had predicted her own actions. This time, Nephebido stretched out his left hand directly, with his five fingers together in a knife shape, and thrust it straight into Linton's heart. However, this blow was just a feint. If the other party could see her actions, Nephebido's blow was just to attract Linton's attention. Her right hand shot out at the same time, sweeping sideways and hitting Linton's head. The strike was faster than the attack from her left hand.

However, what she didn't expect was that Linton raised his hand and accurately grabbed her right wrist. However, unexpectedly, Linton seemed to ignore the obvious feint with his left hand.

Yes, in order to attract Linton's attention, the attack movement of her left hand was very obvious, mainly to hide her killing move. However, Linton received the killing move with her right hand extremely accurately, and the feint attack with her left hand...

With a "Pfft" sound, under the surprised eyes of Nifepido, his left hand actually penetrated Linton's chest directly and inserted it into his heart. This was completely different from what he expected.

"Ahem, cough, cough, you are too vengeful..." Linton said while vomiting blood, "You really don't want to hide anymore."

"What?" Nifepido was really confused, but before she could figure out what was going on, a sudden blow hit her directly in the abdomen. Nephipido spit out a mouthful of blood, and then she realized that Linton's right knee had kicked her. To be honest, Nifepido also realized that she had been careless, because she had pierced Linton's heart and should have reached the heart. She did not expect that Linton would suddenly launch an attack at this time.

"Not good..." Nifepido suddenly realized something. Like himself, the knee attack was just a feint attack. It was not Linton's killer move. He raised his head slightly, and Nifepido found that Linton's right hand was flashing, as if Is holding a shining ball. I don't know what it is, but it's definitely not a good thing.

Following the force of the previous knee strike, Nephibido immediately wanted to retreat. However, as soon as he exerted force, he found that his right hand was tightly grasped by Linton and could not be pulled out at all.

"Immortal method. Dayu Rasengan." The next second, the ball of light on Linton's right hand expanded rapidly, and the Rasengan hit Nefepido in the abdomen. Nefepido screamed, and his whole body spun. One side flew out in a straight line toward the rear. After crashing through several big trees with a "bang bang", it disappeared from Linton's sight.

"Huh..." Linton breathed out, mainly because he had vomited a lot of blood and it was stuck in his throat. I looked at the injury on my chest. It was still healing, so it probably wouldn't require points to repair it.

Raising his right hand, Linton found that he was still holding Nephipidou's hand. It seemed that he had broken it when he held it too tightly and knocked the opponent away.

"Can you just throw that thing away?" Linton said. "The battle is not over yet, which means the opponent is still alive, right? Is the mark on it?"

Battle Ji also threw away the severed arm in her hand and replied: "It has been marked."

"It's really tough." Linton said, "Speaking of things like ants, they still have very strong vitality. It seems that there is nothing wrong with amputating arms and legs. If you die, don't be polite to me, prepare... …”

"Linton!" Just as he was about to set off, a sound suddenly came from behind him. Linton looked around and found that Nitro, Mo Laowu and Nobu had arrived. This was very fast. It seemed that they came here with all their strength. They probably came here after hearing the fighting here when they arrived nearby.

"Has the war started yet?" Norbu noticed the severed hand next to him, "Where are the enemies?"

"I knocked him away, but he doesn't seem to be dead yet," Linton said.

"How is the strength?" Nitro asked.

"Just... so-so..." Linton thought for a while and said.

As soon as Linton finished speaking, a huge stream of thought energy suddenly spurted out from the front, and the expressions of the three Nitros changed at the same time. This thought energy was not only huge and scary, but also accompanied by an indescribable ominous aura. This thought field alone had frightened the three of them.

"This... this is impossible, what is this..." Nobu was completely confused. Although he didn't know what was on the other side, but... it was definitely not something they could match. His body couldn't help but tremble. I got up, but before I could fight, I was already mentally exhausted.

"This is... too exaggerated." Nitro, who was next to him, was fine. Although he was still smiling, his heart was "thumping". Has the disaster developed to this extent?

Soon, the owner of Nian Qi also appeared. Nifepido's whole body exuded a terrifying aura, and she walked back step by step towards Linton. It was obvious that she was a little angry now, and she didn't care at all about the addition of three human beings. Her murderous intention had been concentrated on Linton. On Dun’s body.

At this time, Norbu suddenly noticed that the opponent's right hand was broken. He looked at the broken arm on the ground and suddenly realized something: "Wait, are you fighting such a monster? How did you do it?"

"Just..." As soon as Linton said a word, Nephipido appeared in front of Linton as if teleporting, and slapped his paw on Linton's head. The three of them had no time to shout out if they wanted to remind them. However, Linton still looked at the three of them. He raised his right hand and hit Nephipido's face with a punch. "Just hit him a few times."

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