"How many cards are there?" Linton asked. After coming back, Linton found that he had made a mistake. He had uploaded the cards that he didn't have before, but now he found that he still lacked some thought. After all, the final No. 0 card requires collecting the other 99 cards to trigger the task. And because I don’t have a magic book, it’s impossible to trigger this mission, so the one who can trigger the mission is Xiaojie. If I want to get the No. 0 card, I still need Xiaojie to get 99 cards. I can wait until the No. 0 card is obtained. It’s not too late to upload.

However, it is too late to say this now. They have already passed it on. After all, I did not decide to collect all the cards at that time. Anyway, now let’s collect the extra cards and see how many there are.

"There are... 82 different designated cards." Killua said after calculation.

"82 pictures, exceeding expectations." Linton nodded.

"Didn't they say they have collected 96 types of cards?" Killua asked strangely.

"I took some of them for research," Linton said casually.

"So what kind of research is it?" Bisji asked.

"Research on the ability to manifest thoughts." Linton said casually.

Fortunately, several people did not continue to inquire further, but discussed how to collect the remaining cards. Killua here first proposed a solution: "We still have a lot of extra designated cards here. I think we can trade them with other players. After all, these cards are considered rare, and we should be able to exchange them for ones we don't have." card."

"But if someone discovers that we have collected 82 cards now, they will probably be jealous, so the three of us keep these cards separately, so that each of us will not be detected by other people's spells." Qi Ya continued.

"Trade." Linton nodded and grabbed it directly if he asked. Of course, trading was also an option, but he was too lazy to trade, so he left it to Xiaojie and the others.

"Then let's first check what's going on with the card we don't have, and try to contact the owner." Xiaojie said.

Yes, they got a lot of spell cards from the Bomb Demon trio, and they can also perform spell operations. I checked the general situation and found that the remaining cards were fine, except for one card that was a bit troublesome. Yes, this card is a ping of coastline. So far, the owner of this card is still 0, which means no one knows where this card came from.

"This is more troublesome. If you want to collect all the cards, the problem of this card must be solved." Killua said.

"Has no one ever gotten this card?" Bisji said. "Is it very difficult to get it? Or has the relevant task not been triggered?"

"Let's find someone to inquire about. Even if no one has gotten it, there may be people who have participated in the mission, but they just didn't complete it. We can try using cards to exchange information with them." Killua said, "Anyway, we have to exchange information with other people. Trading cards, you can ask them by the way.”

"Actually, I know the information about this card." Linton said suddenly.

"You know?" The three of them turned their heads strangely.

"Wait a minute, let's deal with the three people here first. You have got all your cards." Linton pointed to the three lying bomb demons. Weren't they been transferring cards before? Of course, these three people also Can't kill him.

"I've taken them all," Killua said. There were three people across from him. He and Gonjabisji were also three players. Naturally, they all took all the cards.

"Kill him?" Linton asked.

Killua didn't care, killing people was a common occurrence for him, but he looked at Gon next to him and asked what he meant. Xiaojie here thought for a while, then took out three cards from the magic book and handed them to the three people on the ground.

"Please don't enter the game again." Xiaojie said. The three cards handed to them were all leaving cards, which are cards that leave the game. It seemed that he wanted to let them go.

He's worthy of being the protagonist. To be honest, it's not beyond Linton's expectations. As I said before, Linton is completely indifferent to these three people. He has obtained the cards anyway: "The things here have nothing to do with you. If you enter the game again, I won't be polite."

Gan Shu and the other two nodded, saying that it was pretty good to be able to leave alive. Now that there was no more cards, they didn't plan to collect them from scratch, so they had no choice but to give up.

Soon, the three of them turned into white light and left the game. Linton and others were left to continue the previous topic.

"Actually, when I went to rob a few days ago, I did hear a player talk about the information about this one-ping coastline." Linton said. Of course, he actually knew it from reading the script, but if there is no proof, Linton can talk about it casually. "I just checked it using the name card. The hint for the No. 2 card is at Rabbi Shoufu. However, the reason why no one has gotten it yet is that triggering this task requires special conditions."

"What are the special conditions?" Xiaojie asked.

"A group of fifteen people need to use their companions to reach Shoufu Rabbi to trigger the mission." Linton said, "The person I robbed was a member of a player team. They accidentally triggered this condition. However, the mission is relatively difficult. , they just couldn’t finish it.”

"Is it more difficult? Fifteen people can't complete it?" Bisji asked curiously.

"It is said that we are going to have a duel with the designer of the game." Linton said, "The GM personally quits the game. It is really cheating."

"Game designer?" Xiaojie's first reaction was that his father was Jin, but he quickly shook his head because he had already heard from the person named Leza that Jin was not here and he should not lie to himself. Speaking of Leza, could it be that he...

"Could it be that person named Leiza?" Killua next to him also thought of this.

"It's possible," Linton said. "If it's him, I'll negotiate with the other party directly."

"Negotiation?" Bisji suddenly had a bad premonition, "What kind of negotiation method is to make the other party hand over the card or directly destroy the world?"

"You really understand me," Linton said.

"That's called coercion, not negotiation." Bisji said.

"It doesn't matter what you call it, I'm going to give it a try anyway." Linton said, "It just so happens that you should also contact other players and trade with them. I'm not a player here, so I can't help."

"I... okay, okay." Bisji held his forehead, Linton was really a headache, "But how are you going to go to Shoufu Rabbi? None of us have been there, and there's nothing we can do about it." Teleport to places you’ve never been before.”

"That's right." Linton nodded, "Is there a map?"

"Yes." Xiaojie took out a map and said. It can be bought in the store, so they naturally bought it. "As for Rabbi Shoufu, you can see it is right here."

"Then... it's probably in this direction, right?" Linton pointed to the direction and said.

"Probably." Killua nodded.

"Okay, you guys are busy. If you need anything, call me. I'll be right back." After Linton said that, a light flashed in his eyes, and Susanoo appeared directly behind him. He grabbed Linton and threw it towards the south. Linton Suddenly it turned into a flash of light and flew towards the south.

"..." Bisji was speechless as he looked at Linton leaving in this way. Isn't this guy afraid of falling to death? But thinking about it, a guy like Linton shouldn't be killed. "Anyway, let's start taking action and contact other players first."

"How about contacting Juez Juela and the others?" Xiaojie said, "They are a team hired by Batra. They should have a lot of cards. Can we exchange with them?"

"They are also our competitors. Maybe they will collect all the cards soon." Killua objected next to him, but then thought about it and said, "But it's good to contact them and test the other party's situation."

Xiaojie started working, and Linton also flew all the way south. Originally, Greed Island was composed of several small islands, and the area was not that large. After several air relays, Linton had almost seen the southern edge, and Rabbi Shoufu was actually at the very end of the island. On the southern coast is a port, otherwise there would be a one-ping coastline card.

After flying for a while, Linton also saw a city in the distance in the air. Judging from the nearby terrain, it must be Rabbi Shoufu. So he summoned Susanoo from the air, grabbed his body, landed next, and stopped at the gate of the town.

The huge Susanoo suddenly fell to the ground, and the eyes of everyone in the town were attracted. Although many people here are ordinary NPCs, they are still at least intelligent. When they see dangerous things approaching, they still react.

"Brother GM, are you here? It's me who's coming to find you this time." Linton shouted directly in the direction of the city. The sound was quite loud, but the city was also very big, and Linton didn't have the ability to increase the volume of the sound. I didn't know if Leza could hear it. Of course, Linton didn't know where Leza was, and the original script didn't explain it clearly.

After waiting for a while, no one paid attention to him. These NPCs seemed to have returned to normal and continued to mind their own business. Seeing this, Linton nodded, and then looked at a mountain behind Rabbi Shoufu.


Suddenly, Linton pulled back his hands to gather strength, and fired a Tailed Beast Cannon without any warning. A white beam of light passed directly through the sky above the entire city, and then hit the hilltop behind. There was a loud "boom", and the beam of light passed directly through the mountain, blasting the entire mountain into powder, and then continued forward until it disappeared into the sky.

Huge amounts of sand and dust kicked up, and soon a sand rain began to fall in the neighboring city of Shoufulabi, mixed with stone fragments. Fortunately, the city was mostly filled with NPCs, otherwise the whole city would have probably rioted.

"The next shot will blow up the city!" Linton shouted again.

"What do you want to do?" At this time, a helpless voice came from the side, and yes, Leza still appeared.

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