I really can't control myself

Chapter 513 Administrator

"This guy doesn't look like a good person when you look at his face." Linton looked at the man in his hand. He did look like a bad guy. Linton exerted a little force and the man was pinched so hard that he couldn't even scream. It sounded like his neck was about to break in the next second.

"I know him." Bisji suddenly said next to him, "Danoto is a bounty hunter, but he is also a wanted criminal on the run. He likes to eat human flesh, especially girls in their twenties."

"It's really just rubbish." Linton said, "Then I'll crush him to death..."

"Wait, maybe it's still useful." Bisji said suddenly.

"Oh?" Linton nodded when he heard this, then directly picked up the dagger Nuotou and swung it in Bisji's direction. Deng Nuotou here reacted quite quickly. He didn't even take a breath. He wanted to adjust his body and land directly. His goal was to directly restrain Bisji. After all, the opponent looked like a little girl. He didn't dare to deal with it. Linton took action.

However, it was obvious that there was something wrong with his target selection. Bisji suddenly raised his hand and punched Deng Nuotou, who was still in the air and had not yet landed. The punch was so fast that the opponent could not even see it. Deng Nuotou was hit directly in the abdomen. After spinning twice in the air, he fell heavily to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Did you see clearly?" Bisji asked Gon and Killua behind him, "My movements."

"I only saw the last moment." Xiaojie replied.

"Me too." Killua also nodded.

"Yeah." Bisji also had a rough idea of ​​the two's level. After all, he had only been following them for two days, and his current level of the two was only an estimate. After saying that, she looked at Deng Nuotou again, "Can you hear what I said clearly? I will give you a chance. Within two weeks, you will fight against these two people and avoid their attacks. If you are attacked by them, If the attack makes you unable to stand up or unconscious, I will kill you. If you can survive, then I will let you go."

Deng Nuotou was not a fool. In just a moment of the fight, he had already understood that Linton and Bisij were both people he could not afford to offend. He was seriously injured now and could not run away, so he could only cooperate. He wiped the vomited blood slightly and asked, "Is it enough to just avoid the attack? Are there any other rules?"

"You can't leave the scope of this pit." Bisji pointed around and said. They were indeed standing in a small pit. He turned to Gon and Killua and said, "The same goes for you."

"Then... what about killing them?" Deng Nuotou asked.

"In that case, you can also leave." Bisji said.

"I understand, and what I like is a twenty-two-year-old woman." Deng Nuotou said.

"Do you like other people? You are greedy for their bodies, you are despicable!" Linton yelled directly.

Bisji looked at Linton speechlessly, not knowing what Linton was suddenly doing.

"Sorry for having to read the lines, please continue." Linton said.

"Let's get started." Bisji said directly.

"Understood." Gon and Killua nodded. This seemed very familiar. After all, they had only been beaten for three days before, but now it was just a different person. He couldn't be more perverted than Linton's shadow clone. Although the other party was a brutal murderer, the two of them were not afraid.

The two were just about to get on when Bisji suddenly waved his hand: "Wait a minute, someone else is here." After saying that, Bisji looked directly in the direction of the sky, and several people also looked up, and saw a bright spot heading directly towards They flew over here.

"That's a spell card!" Killua said immediately, because they had already encountered such a person when they first entered the game, and the person who came should be a player.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a figure landed directly in front of everyone. This is a middle-aged man who looks very strong. The muscles on his body look like that of a fitness instructor. He has short hair and squinted eyes. At first glance, he looks a bit like a soldier.

Linton had some impression of the other party. He should be a character who appeared in the original work. Linton still remembered the relevant plot, but he couldn't name the other party for a while. Fortunately, the other party introduced him immediately.

"It's you." The strong man here said, "I didn't expect to meet Jin's son."

"Huh? Do you know my father?" Xiaojie asked immediately.

"My name is Leza, and I am one of the producers of this game." The strong man, also known as Leza, said, "I am mainly responsible for the design of releasing the kinship, using spells to move and attack targets."

"One of the game producers?" Xiaojie and the three of them were stunned, but of course Linton had already remembered.

"Then do you know where Jin is?" Xiaojie asked immediately.

"I don't know. Anyway, I'm not here." Leza said, "Let's ignore Jin's matter for now. I'm not here to find you, but to find him."

Leza pointed directly at Linton, paused, and continued: "Sir, you are probably not a player."

"Not a player?" Xiaojie and the three of them were stunned for a moment.

"If you mean that I didn't come in through the game console, that's true." Linton nodded.

"What?" The three of them were stunned again, and Killua couldn't help but ask, "Wait, you didn't come in through the game console? Then how did you get here?"

"I just locked Xiaojie's position and teleported here." Linton said, "Although this looks like a game, it is actually a place that exists in reality, so as long as you know the location, you can get here directly. "

"That's it." Bisji nodded next to her. It seemed that she had already made a guess, but Linton confirmed it.

"Is that so?" Killua and Gonjie were very surprised.

"Anyway, I'm sorry, I have to ask you to leave here now." Leza said here.

"I'm sorry, it's useless even if the GM is here. I can go wherever I want, and no one can stop me." Linton said directly.

"Then...failed." As Leza said, he took out a card and said to Linton, "This is a special spell that can only be used by the game manager. It can only deal with people who suddenly break in. I can use special props.”

"No..." Gon and Killua both felt that they were in trouble. This was definitely a spell that would make the intruder leave directly. But here, the spell was sure to hit and could not be avoided. They had already learned this.

"I hope you can enter through the normal method next time. As a player, I still welcome you." Leza said and raised his card at Linton, "Excluded."

Suddenly, a burst of white light directly enveloped Linton. Before Linton could react, his body flew directly into the distance at high speed.

"Don't worry, I just teleported him away." Leza said to the remaining three people, "You are not illegal..."

"Okay, I'm back again." Before he could finish speaking, Linton's figure suddenly appeared in front of him again. The three of them have not recovered from what happened before, and they are even more confused now.

"Hmm..." Leza was a little confused when she saw this situation.

"So I've said it all, I can go wherever I want, even if I'm banned from GM, it won't help." Linton spread his hands and said, "What other tricks are there, just use them and see."

Leza didn't say anything. He took out another card and waved it at Linton: "Exclude it."

A "whoosh" white light flashed on Linton's body. There was no animation of flying out. Linton directly moved one meter and continued to stand in front of Leza.

"Alright, you continue." Linton said.

Leza really didn't believe in evil, so he took out a card again, but the result was still the same. A white light flashed, and Linton was still where he was. Yes, Flying Thunder God doesn't have any cooling time anyway. Linton said, come on, it depends on whether you have more GM cards or I have more magic points.

After trying it several times, Leza also found that it couldn't deal with Linton at all. This guy should have teleportation-related telekinesis abilities. Anyway, he could come back instantly after being sent away, making it as if it was ineffective. Since he couldn't send it away, Leza had no choice but to use the last resort.

"Since sir is unwilling to cooperate, I can only force you out of here." After saying this, Leza directly clenched his fists. Yes, the last resort was to use force to drive you away.

"Look, if the GM's authority is invalid, he will just go out and fight. You, the administrator, are too immodest." Linton spread his hands and said, "Okay, if you want to fight, I can easily kill ten thousand of you." "

"You don't need 10,000 people, 14 people are enough." Leza said, and suddenly there were a few people who looked like clones around him. However, unlike the clones, the clones he created with his mind power did not look the same as him. In terms of body shape, There are big and small. In terms of quantity, it’s really 14.

"Nian beast?" Bisji said next to him, "This person... is very strong."

"Aren't your standards too low?" Linton couldn't help but said, "Okay, you go ahead."

Leiza here obviously wanted to have sex, but just as he was about to take action, Linton suddenly said: "I have changed my mind. There is no point in winning against someone like you. You are the GM, right? You want to I'm leaving, right? I think we should try the other way round, now you get out of here, that would be more fun."

"Huh?" Leza was stunned. "You want me to leave? Why should I listen to you?"

"That's a good question." Linton nodded and said, "Let's put it this way, if you insist on taking action, then things will be really big. Once the war starts, I will not simply beat you into a fool. question, I will blow this entire island directly into the sea, and the years of hard work of you and all your colleagues will be reduced to ashes in an instant."

"You..." Leza looked confused, wondering whether Linton was crazy, but Linton seemed to have anticipated what the other party was going to say, and pointed directly to the side, and continued: "See the wasteland next to you. Yet?"

They were surrounded by wastelands and stone forests, and they didn't know what Linton meant.

"Heaven hinders the earthquake star."

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