I really can't control myself

Chapter 495 Trapped Beast

Accompanied by the "boom, boom, boom" explosion, the entire auction building gradually began to tilt. The gangsters who are still in this building are the gangsters. Although there was an announcement that there would be an auction in the evening, because all the auction items were robbed, no one said it could be held as scheduled, and no one who participated was there.

Now these gangsters have also noticed that something is wrong. Those who can escape have already escaped from the building. They all want to leave here. However, the red barrier that appears outside blocks them, and many people try to break through. However, the barrier is in vain. No matter whether it is hit by a car or bombarded by a rocket launcher, it has no effect.

Seeing this situation, the people in the brigade who were mixed with the gangsters also had a headache. Yes, they had all changed into gangster costumes. They were originally planning to escape among the gangsters, but after seeing this red barrier Only to find out that this matter is not that simple.

"Is it Nian?"

"Although I don't feel the memory, it should be something similar, a barrier or something, but such a large-scale barrier is too scary." The person who spoke was Madge, and Linton guessed it right, Ku Lolo was indeed rescued by his companions. There are currently six people around Chrollo, namely Madge, Feitan, Xiaodi, Finks, Kubi and Hisoka, and several others are still there. They were destroying all over the city. They came here to meet up according to Chrollo's plan. They didn't expect to encounter such a situation when they first arrived. Fortunately, they were able to temporarily rescue him according to Chrollo's arrangement. Originally, they wanted to directly Retreating, however, doesn't seem to be that easy.

"What now?" Madge asked.

"Generally speaking, if you want to break the barrier of Nian, you need to kill the Nian capable person." Feitan next to him said, "But that Linton is really a bit abnormal."

With a "boom", while a few people were talking, the building next to them suddenly made a loud noise again. This time it was not an explosion, but the foundation of the building finally collapsed. After all, it is a building with hundreds of floors, and the weight above it is already exaggerated. After a series of explosions below, the weight of the building above became the straw that broke the camel's back. As the foundation collapsed, the entire building began to plummet downwards. The ground dropped one level, and then the entire building above fell to one side.

"Get out of the way!" Seeing the whole building collapse, the gang members below panicked, but they couldn't run away if they wanted to. Soon the entire tilted building hit the red barrier on the outside, but it was still blocked. The parts in contact began to burn. The building stuck to the barrier, and then began to collapse layer by layer from bottom to top, falling apart into Various building fragments and huge smoke and dust filled the surrounding area. This hundred-story building was reduced to a pile of ruins in an instant.

The smoke and dust from the collapse of the building almost obscured the view of everyone below. Because of the barrier, the smoke and dust could not get out at all, causing the bottom of the entire barrier to be basically covered with smoke and dust. The gang members had become a mess, and those who were lucky enough to survive had turned into frightened headless flies, running around. Countless people were killed by falling stones, or they directly hit the barrier next to them and were burned. Death, of course, some people were choked to death by the smoke before they could even run away. The smoke in the sky was full of solid particles, which could be fatal if inhaled into the lungs.

The surroundings soon became quiet, and the previously chaotic sounds gradually disappeared. Listening to all this, the brigade members also became a little panicked. Yes, they have the ability to read Qi after all, so there is no problem in blocking the falling stones and smoke. However, the problem now is not this.

"If the barrier has not disappeared, that means... that guy is still alive, right?" Feitan said.

"This is really bad." Hisoka said with a smile.

There was a "boom", and suddenly the whole ground shook violently, and the smoke and dust all around were rolled up by a strong wind. Because these smoke and dust are originally solid particles, they will also be burned when they hit the barrier next to them. So the vision became much clearer in an instant. When the people in the brigade looked up, they saw a huge black figure crawling out from the ground where the building had collapsed.

"It's that guy." Feitan, who had seen Susanoo, said immediately, "This is the black giant I mentioned before."

"If we set up this kind of formation, we are not going to let us go. We can only fight." Finks said next to him, "I'm ready."

"Hey, do you want to fight a guy like that? I really can't beat him." Xiaodi here said.

"You have so little confidence. Why did you destroy your own prestige before even fighting?" Finks shouted.

"But that meteorite..."

"The opponent should not be able to use meteorite attacks." Feitan next to him said, "This barrier not only prevents people inside from going out, but also prevents people from outside from coming in, so meteorite attacks should be impossible to use."

"I see." Xiao Didi nodded, "Then I'm not afraid anymore."

"Don't be so optimistic, that guy is..." Before Feitan could finish his words, Linton's voice came from above.

"I found you." Linton turned to a few people and said, "Sure enough, a lot of people came, but most of them came as gifts. I think you have also discovered that it is impossible to defeat me without defeating me. If you can get out, this is a veritable fight to the death."

"Is it really the only way to go?" Feitan said.

"Then come on, I can't wait for a long time." Finks here said that he had already taken off his coat, then stretched out his right hand and began to turn it clockwise. As he turned, he said, "Look at this situation. Let’s try 20 laps first.”

Finks' Nen is also of the strengthening type. It mainly strengthens the body. There are no special skills. The only move he uses is called Kaiten, which is certainly not the one in Naruto. To put it simply, this skill is like winding up. After the arm is rotated, it can increase the power of the punch. The more times it is rotated, the greater the increase in strength. However, Finks also inherited the careless character of the reinforcement type, and he himself may not be good at it. The number of turns, 20 turns, is already the largest number of turns he has ever made. Because each turn requires a large amount of telekinesis, and it is not infinite, it can be said to be the maximum output he can activate at present.

As the only reinforcement type currently present, Finks also knows that he should be at the forefront, blocking Linton's attacks and creating opportunities for his teammates. Of course, he also knows Linton's strength, so he is ready to fight desperately from the beginning. . His own body had to bear a lot of impact from the 20-turn attack, but now was not the time to think about injuries.

Of course, just as Finks was accumulating power, Linton was also preparing to go out. The target was still Chrollo, because no one else had attacked Linton yet, and the current situation of Battle Ji would only target Chrollo. Chrollo, who had attacked him, attacked.

Still using the old method, Susanoo directly grabbed his body, pulled it back, and threw it in the direction of several people. With a "swish" sound, Linton flew directly in the direction of the brigade.

"Up!" At this moment, Finks here was also ready. He stepped on the ground with both feet, rushed forward towards Linton, and punched Linton back.

The automatic battle is naturally triggered directly. Linton shouted directly to the battle girl: "Fight back from the front!"

Battle Ji obviously listened to Linton's opinion. She suddenly changed her posture in the air, folded her right hand and placed it directly on her waist. Seeing this posture, Linton also knew that Battle Ji was preparing to use Garp's peak weapon attack. . The instantaneous power of this blow is comparable to the power of all eight doors, and it really doesn't hold back.

I don’t know what kind of trick the Fighting Girl has set up, but the time to charge up is faster than Garp. When Finks arrived in front of him, Linton had already finished charging up. The opponent punched Linton in the head. Linton punched out instantly and hit the opponent's fist.

"One serious blow and I'll die!" As Linton shouted, the fists on both sides collided directly. In just a moment, the winner was determined by the collision. Linton's fist actually hit him directly with one blow. Finks' right hand was shattered, and then huge force rushed straight into his body along the arm. The next second, the opponent's entire body exploded.

The people below only saw a contact between the two sides, and then Finks' whole body exploded, while Linton passed through a blood mist and rushed towards several people without slowing down at all.

"Get out of the way!" Chrollo shouted directly before he could lament Finks' death. The remaining people immediately reacted and evaded in all directions.

With a "boom", Linton hit the ground directly, and there was another huge explosion. A big hole was directly smashed into the ground, and a huge pit sank into it, but Linton felt as if he had missed someone. Although he was heading towards Chrollo, for some reason Chrollo here suddenly seemed to teleport and disappeared directly. Linton said that he really couldn't remember what Chrollo would do. Those moves, because his ability is to steal other people's abilities, so it's not surprising that he really has the ability to teleport, but this ability should have limits, otherwise he would have teleported out of the barrier long ago. .

The teleportation distance shouldn't be too far. Linton was just about to use his knowledge and knowledge to find the opponent's location. The new automatic battle here was triggered again. A figure suddenly appeared on Linton's right side. Linton's body moved automatically. , raised his hand and grabbed the weapon that the opponent hit. It turned out to be... an umbrella. Turning his head, he saw that the person attacking him was Feitan, and his expression seemed a little angry.

"The one I just broke was your friend, right?" Linton thought of something and asked.

"I'll die!" Feitan roared angrily.

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