I really can't control myself

Chapter 491 Encirclement and Suppression

"What's the current situation? Have you found the intruder?" Wright immediately asked his men at the door after getting off the car.

"The situation is not very clear. We divided into several teams and went up to look for people, but several teams have lost response. Now we only know that the other party is still in this building, but we don't know which floor it is on." said his subordinate. Really, they were a little panicked. The other party didn't seem to be someone they could deal with. Several groups of people had already lost contact. It was estimated that at least hundreds of people had been killed by the other party, and they were still the kind of people who didn't have time to contact them. Those who were killed were obviously killed instantly.

"You bunch of trash!" Wright couldn't help shouting, what's the use of just talking about being in the building? How can you find this building with hundreds of floors?

"So I have said that the other party is a professional criminal, and ordinary people can do this." Just at this moment, a voice came from the side. Linton and the others turned around and saw several cars arriving in succession. Yes, the people who came down from above were the same gang of killers from before, and they seemed to have followed them.

"Okay, bodyguards, etc., no matter how many people go up, they will die." The speaker was Jie Nuo. Beat the enemy guest, "If you understand, just take it here. Of course, if you want to die, you don't have to be disobedient. "

"Leave it to us to handle it." Another killer next to him also said, "I'll go first, and then everyone will depend on their own abilities."

"Mr. Wright, it's indeed more dangerous up there. You'd better go check on Miss Nyong first and wait for us on the lower floor." Kurapika also said to Wright, "I guess this auction may have to be canceled again. ”

"I understand." Of course Wright is afraid of death. He has no fighting ability, so naturally he can't stay in a dangerous place. He didn't come here in the first place, but after all, Nyong is his cash cow, and he must take her back.

So most of the gang bodyguards stayed on the ground floor, and several hired killers went upstairs to look for the invading brigade member.

Most of the killers chose to act on their own. After all, as a profession, the more capable people are, the more they like to work alone. As for finding people, they each had their own methods, and each of them disappeared quickly.

"With so many floors, it's impossible to search one by one. The other party can completely hide and seek with us." Kurapika said, "Let's go to the monitoring room to check the situation. Although the other party may destroy the monitoring, it should be possible. Find clues about the other party.”

"I guess the other people you thought of have also thought of it." Linton said, "Relying on surveillance is not very reliable. If you want to find someone, it is more convenient to just use scanning."

"Is it round?" Kurapika asked. Yes, one of the uses of mind is called circle, which is to release thoughts around oneself, so that all situations within the range can be detected. It is an advanced way of using mind.

Of course, Linton can indeed use the circle. Although he has defeated only two people since he came to this world, Wo Jin and Nobunaga. Both of them are strengthening types and the skills they use are very average, but Nobunaga can use It’s round. If Linton wants to buy it, he can just buy it in the store and use it. However, it is not actually that necessary. After all, the search ability of Kanwen Se is no worse than Yuan, but it also has distance limitations, and it is impossible to cover the entire building.

Of course, Linton had a solution. He mentioned scanning search before. When scanning, he would naturally scan line by line from top to bottom, so Linton and Kurapika went directly to the top of the building. Although Linton didn't specifically say what to do, out of trust in Linton, Kurapika followed him directly.

"It's not on the top of the building." Kurapika looked around and saw no one, "What should we do now?"

"Just sweep them over from above." Linton said, "Send someone."

After saying this, Linton also crossed his hands and "Shadow Clone Technique", and then heard a "bang", and after white smoke, a clone appeared in front of Linton.

"Is this also the ability of the eyes?" It's not surprising to create clones. After all, Kurapika also has a telekinesis user who can create more than a dozen clones. However, there are still no traces of telekinesis in the clones made by Linton, so Kurapika would ask that.

"From now on, when you see situations where you don't use telekinesis, it's all the ability of the eyes. I'm too lazy to explain them one by one." Linton said.

"You said from top to bottom, could it be that..." Kurapika suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, that's right, please!" After Linton said that, he directly kicked the shadow clone in front of him, and kicked the shadow clone off the roof of the building.

"This.Is.Sparta!" the shadow clone shouted directly.

"TND, don't steal my lines, I'm the one who shouted for kicking you down, okay!" Linton shouted to the shadow clone, but the shadow clone quickly fell and disappeared into the night.

After a while, Linton heard a slight sound of landing below, and then some information came from his mind, which was naturally the feedback of the shadow clone. Yes, while going down, the shadow clone also directly turned on the Haki of Insight and swept all the way down, and the result appeared directly in Linton's mind.

"Okay, this is not the case. Let's try again in another direction." Linton said.

Although the method is a bit strange, Kurapika can still understand it and probably understands Linton's method. In short, the two of them quickly kicked several shadow clones down on the roof of the building. They basically covered all angles, but they still couldn't find each other.

"Strange." Linton was also a little surprised. The scanning range basically covered the entire building, but he still couldn't find anyone. This was very strange. It seems that the original book didn't clearly explain which floor Chrollo ran to, or he didn't remember it, which was a bit troublesome.

"We couldn't find anyone, but we found a lot of corpses. The other party was indeed in the building, and even a few of the killers who had just gone up had been killed," Linton said.

"The killer was killed?" Kurapika was stunned. "Since he was killed just now, let's go directly to that floor to see the situation."

"That's fine..." Linton nodded. Just as he was about to leave, an idea suddenly struck him, "Wait a minute, does this building have a basement?"

"Basement?" Kurapika also reacted. Since it's not in the building, a basement seems possible. "Yes, there should be five floors underground. By the way, the auction venue seems to be in the basement as well. I just heard Mr. Wright mentioned it."

"Damn it, you should have told me about such an obvious situation earlier." Linton said, "Let's go to the basement."

Chrollo did go upstairs, but then went to the basement, otherwise it would be impossible to search. Linton and Kurapika immediately got on the elevator and went all the way to the basement. The basement had five floors in total, and several floors were parking lots, so it was very convenient to search.

The first thing to search was naturally the auction venue. As a result, the two of them had just approached and before they entered the door, they heard voices coming from inside through the door. Something is obviously wrong. Although this is a venue, the current situation seems to be that no one is inside, so they must have found the right one.

Sure enough, when they opened the door, they saw three people in the room, and they were still fighting. Two of them were the two people I had seen beating up the enemy's Hakka family before, Jie Nuo and Sheba. The other person was a handsome guy who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a suit and a headscarf on his forehead. The people who beat up the enemy and the guest family are fighting with this guy. It seems that this guy is from the brigade. Linton naturally recognized the other party, and it turned out to be the group leader Chrollo Ruxilu.

The arrival of Linton and the others also made the three people in the battle stunned for a moment. They probably didn't expect anyone to disturb them at this time. However, they did not hesitate for too long. After a brief glance, the three of them continued fighting. Currently, the three of them are basically engaged in hand-to-hand combat. The fighting speed is very fast and it looks very fierce.

"Is that a member of the brigade?" Kurapika asked.

"Not a member," Linton said. "He is the leader of the brigade, the culprit who ordered the massacre of our clan."

Kurapika's expression turned ferocious. Even though he was wearing contact lenses, Linton knew that his eyes had turned red. This is the enemy he has been looking for. After all, the other members of the brigade are just following orders. This is the real culprit.

After knowing the identity of the other party, Kurapika immediately wanted to take action. This was the best opportunity for revenge at the moment. However, just as he was about to go up, Linton stopped him with a hand. Although the anger made Kurapika lose his mind a little, Linton's dissuasion was still somewhat effective, which also shows that Kurapika really trusts Linton now.

"What's wrong?" Kurapika asked through gritted teeth. He now understood a little bit about Linton's character and felt that there was definitely something wrong with him stopping him.

"Don't worry, it's not that simple." Linton said. After speaking, Linton also shouted directly to the three people fighting in the middle, "Come on, come on, don't worry about us, you fight, you continue to fight, we will see Just play.”

"This doesn't sound very friendly." Jie Nuo turned to Linton and said, "After provoking you again and again, do you really think that we won't retaliate if we beat the enemy Hakka family?"

"Okay, let me make it clear then. You continue to act and make it look better." Linton said.

"What do you mean?" The three of them were stunned for a moment, then stopped. Jie Nuo asked Linton.

"Sorry, there is something I forgot to tell you before." Linton suddenly smiled and said, "You probably don't know yet, but I am actually the person sent by the Ten Old Men."

"What?" Jie Nuo was stunned for a moment, "I didn't know that the Ten Old Man invited someone else."

"Of course, does this let you know? After all... the Hakka family you defeated the enemy must have taken on another task now. The target of the assassination is the ten old men." Linton spread his hands and said.

"You..." The three of them were shocked.

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