In an abandoned building in a slum, Linton and Kurapika met Hisoka. This is also an important character in the original work, and Linton naturally knows him. The other party's appearance is indeed easy to recognize. He is dressed like a clown, which can be said to have a lot of personality.

The first time they met, Hisoka stared directly at Linton. The other person's eyes made Linton uncomfortable. It was the kind of look that he had found a new prey, or a new toy. After thinking about this guy's character, according to the original book, this guy is a fighting maniac. It seems that the only purpose of living is to fight with strong men. The purpose of joining the brigade is to fight with the leader, so the opponent's current The look in his eyes seemed very clear, and it seemed that he was attracted to him.

Judging from the current situation, the few people who escaped from the brigade should have reported the situation to the group leader, and Hisoka learned about his strength and came to him specifically to have a fight.

"Don't worry, I don't want to fight you yet." As if he had read Linton's thoughts, Hisoka said with a smile.

"Tell me the information you know." Kurapika said directly.

"There are thirteen people in the brigade. Everyone has a spider tattoo and a number. If you kill the active members, you will be eligible to join the brigade. This is how I joined the brigade." Hisoka said.

"I already know all of this, tell me some information that I don't know." Kurapika said.

"I replaced No. 4 and joined the brigade two years ago. The purpose was to fight with the captain, but I never had a chance. They were very defensive and had at least two people following them at all times. It was really impossible to attack." Hisoka said, "And every time the mission ends, he will disappear directly and no one can be found at all, so this is a rare opportunity, isn't it?"

"So you mean..." Kurapika asked.

"What I mean is, let's cooperate." Hisoka said, "I will tell you the information about the brigade members, although I only know seven of them. As for the purpose, I hope you can put more pressure on the brigade, and finally So that their people can leave the group leader, so that I can find opportunities."

"Just tell me where they are now, and I'll just push them straight away," Linton said.

"Even if I tell you now, are you sure you can take them all down?" Hisoka said, "I know you are very strong, but you just let go of several people by mistake."

There was nothing wrong with what Hisoka said, and Linton had to think about it. The more troublesome problem was that there were more people in the brigade. It would be quite troublesome for him to run around. What is even more troublesome is that if the opponent triggers automatic combat and then runs away, it will be more trouble than trouble. It is best to have some way to force them to fight with themselves.

Kurapika's purpose is also to eliminate the brigade. The best thing is to kill them all in one go. Of course, it is best to do it by himself, but it is not impossible for others to do it, so he prefers to agree to Hisoka's request for cooperation. The other party's purpose If it is the group leader, it is not an unacceptable situation to leave it to him to resolve. It would indeed be a good idea to have someone inside to provide them with information.

However, there is still a question, that is, can Hisoka be trusted? To be honest, Kurapika doesn't trust Hisoka too much. After all, this guy is very talkative and is still a member of the brigade. Although he said that he wanted to duel with the group leader, who knows if it is true.

Just when Kurapika was still considering whether to trust him, Linton suddenly said: "I suddenly thought of a way to prevent the people from the brigade from running around. As long as they gather together, I can trap them." Live them."

"Really?" Kurapika asked.

"Yes, you can understand it as a special ability that can trap people within a certain range." Linton said. Of course it's not nonsense. Linton suddenly thought that he also knew how to seal. If you think about how Orochimaru trapped the third generation during the chunin exam, Linton used the same method, but he had to spend some points to buy it. .

"Really? Do you still have such an ability?" Hisoka looked at Linton with a smile, not sure whether he believed it or not.

"In short, now I just need to make sure that the other parties are gathered together, and then I will directly use my skills to trap them." Linton said, "Don't you want to cooperate? Then you will be responsible for this. After entering, you will see the brigade's If everyone is here, just send us a text message and I will activate the skills."

"This is a little different from the cooperation I want." Hisoka said, "It sounds more like you want me to be your subordinate and let me do things."

"Of course not. You see your purpose is to duel with the captain, isn't it? You are also worried that the captain has run away, right? If he runs away this time, there is a possibility that he will not be found for several years, so I am confused. Isn't it a good thing to live with them? And I will also trap you in it, and then I will kill everyone except the group leader. Then you can challenge the group leader to a duel, and he can't run away. , isn’t it just right for you?”

"Then how can I be sure that you don't want to kill me too?" Hisoka said.

"I do," Linton said, "But isn't that what you want? Why, don't tell me you don't want to fight me."

"I see..." Hisoka smiled, "I finally understand what you mean."

"How is it?" Linton asked.

"It sounds interesting." Hisoka said, "I can promise to help you, but when you trap the people in the brigade, our cooperative relationship will be cancelled. At that time, I can attack you at any time. Is this okay?"

"No problem." Linton said.

"Then take us to the brigade's base now." Kurapika said next to him.

"Don't worry." Hisoka said, "The people in the brigade have not gathered yet. It is time for free movement. When I left, some people were already dispatched. They should... go to rescue people."

"Rescue?" Kurapika was stunned for a moment.

"When I left, the group leader told me to come back before six o'clock tomorrow afternoon. That would be the gathering time. It should be about what we are going to do tomorrow night." Hisoka said, "If you want to take action, then do it at that time. alright."

"Wait, if you want to save people, could it be that..." Kurapika suddenly had a bad premonition, and at this moment, his cell phone rang. When I picked up the phone, it turned out to be a call from my companion, and I was very anxious when I heard the voice.

"Kurapika, something bad happened. The man from the brigade escaped." Melody said anxiously.

"Escaped? Did he escape on his own?" Kurapika asked.

"No, it was his companions who pretended to be gang contacts. They should have arrived when the captain called. Now the captain may have been killed. When I and others heard that something was wrong, we escaped quickly. , now heading to location B." Melody said.

"I understand, I'll come back to gather now." Kurapika said.

"Did you really succeed?" Hisoka said, "These people are not easy to deal with."

"Can we track them?" Kurapika said, looking at Linton next to him, because Linton had previously said that he had done something to Nobunaga's body. According to Kurapika's understanding, he had placed some kind of hidden tracker or something. of.

"Well, you can find it if you look for it, but since we have a new plan now, there is no need to alert the snake now." Linton said, after all, he marked Nobunaga, not the leader Chrollo, and now the leader is obviously different from Nobunaga. If they don't stay together, even if he flies over and kills Nobunaga and the group of people who rescued him, it will only make it easier for Chrollo to escape and disappear.

"The other party has obviously planned something. Let's wait until six o'clock tomorrow afternoon to see the situation." Linton said, "I think the other party will not give up so quickly. After all, they have already planned it. If they really give up, , then please send me a notice, Mr. Traitor, and I will rush over right away. You don’t want the leader to run away, do you?”

"You do know how to take advantage of people." Hisoka said.

"Just in case, I'd better leave a mark on you. After all, they have found my mark before. If they find the mark on Nobunaga, they might be prepared for something like that, so I'll leave you one as well. Insurance." Linton said suddenly.

"Mark is just a tracking idea, right?" Hisoka asked.

"Absolutely." Linton said, "Any questions?"

"No problem." Hisoka agreed quickly, but Linton felt that the other party was probably only superficially agreeing, and would probably cover his body with a "thin and thin illusion" so that the mark could be removed at any time. . Of course, Linton was indifferent to this.

Anyway, after leaving a mark under Hisoka's clothes, Linton and Kurapika left temporarily.

"Do you believe this guy?" Kurapika also asked after coming out.

Linton said that he would only believe it after reading the original work. Under normal circumstances, who would believe such a suspicious guy? It is normal for Kurapika to be suspicious. But now that he has read the original work, Linton of course pretends to be a prophet: "Don't worry, this guy's purpose is indeed what he said. Just from his eyes, you can see that the other person just wants to fight."

"Really?" Kurapika nodded slightly. He still believed Linton's words. Since Linton solved a group of people, Kurapika now has great trust in Linton.

"At six o'clock tomorrow?" Kurapika murmured, "What is the brigade's plan?"

"Then we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Don't worry. No matter what they want to do, we just need to seize the time when the other party gathers." Linton said.

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