I really can't control myself

Chapter 484 Encirclement and Suppression

After getting the location of several people, Linton and the others immediately drove to their destination. Along the way, they kept receiving the latest news from other gangs.

I originally thought that due to the huge bounty, people from various gangs would choose not to disclose the information and prepare to collect the bounty alone. However, they may have seen that the situation of these thieves was not simple. Not only did they disclose the information, they also directly contacted the ten old men. Request the support of the special forces Yin Beast.

The Ten Old Men are the leaders of the entire gang world, and the Yin Beasts are the most elite assassination organization under their command. It is said that there are ten people in total, all of them are telekinesis users, and they all have at least the ability to weigh one against a hundred. Of course, the "hundred" here refers to ordinary people, and Linton didn't know what to brag about.

Linton did have some impression of this Yin Beast Troop. The reason why he only had a little impression was because according to the plot, they were all wiped out by the brigade. It seemed that no one was even introduced, and many of them didn't even have names. If you stay, you will receive a box lunch. Even if there is a name left, it will be some unlucky name like a porcupine or a sick dog. If you choose such a name, you will receive a box lunch.

"They are surrounded." Dazuo Nie, who was driving in the front seat, said, "They are not far ahead."

"Pull on purpose." Linton said suddenly.

"You said they did it on purpose?" Kurapika came back from his trance. He was probably thinking about what Linton just said about eyes. He only came back to his senses now after hearing this.

"According to the capabilities of the brigade, there is absolutely no problem if they want to leave. Being surrounded can only be said to be intentional. I think they are too lazy to run, so they are ready to destroy the chasing group." Linton said.

"You mean the troupe?" Dazuo Ni was stunned, "Do you mean... the phantom troupe?"

"Yes, the enemy we face this time is most likely the Phantom Troupe." Kurapika said.

"A-level wanted criminal organization..." Dazuo Nie has obviously heard the name of the brigade, "but what they have to face is the entire Youke Xincheng gang."

"What's that?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Ordinary people don't have fighting power here at all. They can just be killed in seconds."

"Then...but the Yin Beast troops should also be on their way, don't they know?" Dazuo Ni said.

"I know, but Yin beasts and the like are just miscellaneous fish with a better name and are slightly stronger than you." After Linton finished speaking, he said to Kurapika next to him, "So don't worry, don't worry about them grabbing monsters. , the people in the brigade still need us to solve it."

"Almost there." At this time, the vehicle had already driven near the encirclement point, surrounded by gangster cars. There were obviously many people in the valley not far away, and as soon as they approached, they heard gunshots, as if A fight has begun.

Several people also got out of the car quickly, found a position and looked towards the valley below. At this time, a large number of gangsters blocked the entrance to the valley, but the only person blocked by them was a very strong man.

"There is only one person on the other side?" Da Zuo Ni said in surprise.

"No, there are more on the hillside." Linton pointed to the hillside behind him, and sure enough, there were several people sitting on it. Kurapika also took out his telescope and took a look, and found that several people on the hillside were actually playing cards. Yes, although they were surrounded by a large number of gang members, these people were not nervous at all. They sent one person to deal with the gang. The others were still playing cards on their own. This was exactly what Linton said. I don't regard these gangsters as human beings at all.

There was a "boom". Just as he was talking, a big explosion suddenly occurred on the strong man here. Several people quickly took a look at the situation. Someone from the gang below actually used an anti-tank gun to attack the strong man.

"What...what?" Just when everyone thought that this guy should be dead now, the smoke slowly dissipated, and the strong man appeared in front of everyone again without any trouble.

"It hurts a bit." The strong man rubbed his neck, "You guys actually used that kind of thing to hit me. No one can escape!"

After saying that, the other party rushed directly into the crowd in front, knocking several people away with a wave of his hand. These gangsters couldn't stop the attack of the strong man, and guns and other things had no effect on him, and the bullets hit the opponent's body. Not even the skin can be broken.

"This guy is too exaggerated!" Dazuo Ni looked panicked. This guy is basically invincible. How can he fight like this?

"You can tear someone apart with your bare hands. If I don't catch a guy like this, I'm going to die." Another person next to him said.

"I give up too." The uncle named Basho also said, "I am no match for this kind of person."

"So I've said that you are just trash." Linton said, "Are you ready, nephew?"

"Of course." Kurapika nodded. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He continued to practice in order to seek revenge from the spider, and of course he would not give up at this time.

"What? Are you still going up? There's a monster over there." The man next to him said in surprise.

"Same here." Linton said casually, but just as he was about to step forward, Melody suddenly said: "Wait, there is an extra voice."

Sure enough, as soon as the melody finished speaking, the surrounding ground suddenly bulged, and something seemed to be drilling towards them in the ground. With the sound of ground breaking, a strange-looking tall man appeared in front of everyone.

"I am the earthworm of the Yin Beast, you are..." the earthworm asked.

"The Leeds family, Mr. Nosla's bodyguards." Dazoane here replied.

"I see. Although you can also use reading, it's better not to take action." Earthworm said.

At this time, several other voices suddenly came from the side: "They are not ordinary thieves."

"When." Everyone turned their heads and found that three more people suddenly appeared behind them, and they didn't feel it at all.

"Leave it to us Yin Beasts to handle it." These people ignored Linton and the others, said a few words casually, and walked towards the battlefield.

"Is this the Yin Beast? It seems very strong." Dazuo Ni said.

"It's just a death squad." Linton spread his hands and said, "Don't worry, they can't grab the monsters, so I don't bother to care about them. Let's go, nephew."

"Yeah." Kurapika nodded.

"Kurapika, be careful!" Melody said at this time.

"I will." Kurapika nodded.

The two of them approached the battlefield directly. At this time, a large number of gangster corpses had fallen on the ground. The scene was extremely tragic. Linton took a look and saw that the strong man from the brigade in the middle of the battlefield was fighting the Yin Beast people. He was still the only one. The other brigade members were still watching the show. Sure enough, they didn't feel that these so-called elite killers can threaten them.

"Let's go." After Linton finished speaking, he walked forward directly, but Kurapika said, "Wait a minute, let the Yin Beast people fight him first, and we'll see what happens."

"No need. As long as I'm here, just face them head-on." Linton said, "Tactics and other things are based on the opponent being on the same level as you. We don't need it."

"Are you confident that you can defeat this big man?" Kurapika asked.

"Do you think he can catch the meteorite?" Linton asked, "I don't want to defeat him, I just want to find someone to demonstrate his skills to you, just like he doesn't take these people seriously, I I didn’t take him seriously either.”

After saying that, Linton walked up directly. Kurapika thought about it and followed him.

There was a "boom". At this time, the strong man in the middle, Wo Jin of the brigade, had already solved a Yin beast. The guy called Earthworm could use the ability of burrowing. He grabbed Wo Jin's arm and tried to kill him. Pushing into the ground, Wojin punched the ground directly, creating a hole in the ground and squeezing the earthworms to death.

"Come together!" The remaining three people were a little nervous when they saw that their companion was dead, and they were ready to besiege Wojin together. The first ones to go up were the porcupine and the leech, while the sick dog was accumulating strength and preparing to give the opponent a fatal blow.

However, just as he was about to accelerate, a voice suddenly came from behind: "It's blocking the road."

The sick dog was stunned. He honestly didn't expect anyone would dare to come close at this time. He was just about to turn around to see who it was, but suddenly a fierce punch hit the side of his body, and various bones exploded. The sick dog flew out in a straight line, hitting the mountain wall hundreds of meters away with a loud "boom".

"What?" Everyone was stunned, especially the leech and porcupine who rushed forward, but before they could figure out what was going on, two fists from nearby hit their faces.

With two "bang bangs", the two of them were directly smashed into the ground. Of course, it was not Linton who moved this time, but Wo Jin on the opposite side. After all, Wo Jin was distracted during the battle, and Wo Jin certainly would not give them a chance. However, Wo Jin didn't bother to care about them at all. The moment Linton appeared, his eyes were already fixed on Linton.

"Originally, you don't know how to grab monsters, and I don't bother to care about you, but if you block the road, you are seeking death." Linton sighed and said, "Go down early to get the lunch box."

"Who are you? It doesn't look like you belong to the Yin Beast organization." Wo Jin looked at Linton and asked, "You probably didn't use all your strength in that punch just now, right?"

"In Lower Linton, I came here specifically to trouble you." Linton said with a smile.

Wo Jin touched his chin, then suddenly pulled up the leech on the ground and punched him in the stomach. There was a sound of bone cracking, and the leech here vomited a mouthful of blood and flew out directly. It was actually in the same direction as the sick dog that Linton had shot away. However, Wojin's blow did not make the leech fly to the mountain wall. The opponent began to fall halfway. Of course, the leech that landed on the ground did not respond.

"Sure enough, you are more powerful than me." Wo Jin said excitedly, "Finally, someone interesting comes here."

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