I really can't control myself

Chapter 481 I am your uncle

"Lost...lost?" Everyone around looked at Linton and the boy opposite with some surprise. After all, this boy had defeated more than a hundred people. He didn't expect to lose suddenly, and the movement just now was so loud. , even the table collapsed, which was a bit beyond their imagination.

"You actually lost?" The man with eyes here was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out, "Now we're in trouble."

"How did you do it?" The young man here didn't look unhappy at all, but asked Linton curiously.

"How did you do it?" The white-haired boy next to him also came up and asked, "I still didn't see him using any Nian."

"Because I'm useless." Linton spread his hands and said, "It's just physical strength."

"Really?" the white-haired boy said in disbelief.

"You've been watching, haven't you?" Linton said with a smile.

"Then let me try." The white-haired boy rolled up his sleeves and said, seeming to be very confident in his wrist strength.

"What are you betting on?" Linton asked with a smile.

"Yes, we lost the diamond." At this time, the protagonist boy suddenly remembered something and shouted.

"You just realized it." The white-haired boy rolled his eyes and said.

"What should I do... Now we are further away from the goal." The protagonist boy sighed and said.

"Don't worry, I don't really want your diamonds." Linton spread his hands and said, "I came here specifically to find you, Gon, Killua, right."

"!!??" Both of them reacted instantly and acted vigilantly. It was obvious that they did not know Linton, so the other party knowing their information would most likely not be a good thing.

"Don't worry, I'm not causing trouble for you." Linton said, "Let's find a place to talk first."

The two looked at each other intelligently, exchanged glances briefly, and then seemed to agree. He looked at the uncle next to him, that is, Leorio, who immediately reacted and said to the people around him: "Oh, I didn't expect to lose. There is no way. There is only one prize, and it can only go to this little brother. It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone.”

"It's a pity. I wish I had gone earlier."

"Didn't you see that they smashed the tables? You probably went up there to give away money." When the people around saw that there were no prizes, they dispersed as they spoke. As the crowd dispersed, the three of them tidied up a bit and left quickly. We didn't walk too far and found a small restaurant nearby. A few people found an empty seat with no one around and sat down.

"Who are you?" As soon as he sat down, Killua, the white-haired boy here, asked directly.

"My name is Linton." Linton replied, "You don't need to introduce yourself. I have already investigated you."

"Why are you investigating us?" Xiaojie asked next to him.

"Actually, I'm not investigating you specifically. The person I'm looking for is Kurapika. While investigating him, I found out that you and he participated in the same hunter exam, and they seemed to have a good relationship, so I investigated him by the way. You guys. I haven't found his person yet, but after receiving the news of your appearance, I came directly to you to ask about the situation," Linton said.

"Are you looking for Kurapika? Why?" The two of them did not deny their relationship with Kurapika, but they asked directly without giving any other information.

"Oh, actually, I'm his uncle." Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" The three people on the opposite side made surprised sounds at the same time.

"Wait a minute..." Killua was the first to react, "Isn't this right? Kurapika's family should be gone."

"Yes." Xiaojie next to him also said, "I heard him say this too."

None of the three disclosed any key information, and they obviously still doubted Linton's identity. Linton also smiled and continued: "The Kuluta clan has indeed been exterminated. However, I only learned about this recently. Our family This branch left the tribe very early, but the blood is still one. I originally thought that everyone in the tribe was dead, but recently I heard about Kurapika. According to seniority, he should be considered Although I have never met my nephew, I also want to find him."

Linton directly told the story about the Kuluta clan, which made the three of them believe it a little more, but there was still a lot of doubt in his eyes. Seeing that the three of them were still judging the truth or falsehood of his words, Linton of course prepared the easiest way to make them believe it.

"I know you are doubting me, but it is very simple to prove it." Linton said with a smile, "Since you are Kurapika's friends, you should have heard about the most obvious characteristics of the Kuluta clan. Look at me s eyes."

The three of them were stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered something and looked up at Linton at the same time. Linton also smiled slightly and opened his Sharingan. Instantly his eyes turned blood red, and of course there were three magatama spinning inside.

"It's the flaming red eyes." Xiaojie said immediately.

"No, it seems a little different." Killua immediately discovered the difference and said.

"Well..." Linton nodded slightly, "I know you have different meanings, but this is the secret of our Kuluta clan. The eyes of our clan have some special powers. Kurapika probably hasn't awakened yet. My ability is just an ordinary flaming eye, mine is slightly more advanced than his."

"Special ability?" The three of them looked at each other again. Although they were still a little suspicious, the element of suspicion was obviously reduced a lot. Yes, these eyes were indeed very powerful evidence. Apart from the Kuluta clan, they didn't know anyone else. There are other races that can change their eye color. Moreover, Linton also knew a lot about the Kuluta tribe, and he made it up very well, and he really fooled the three of them.

"So, are you looking for us to find Kurapika through us?" Xiaojie asked after thinking for a while.

"Yes." Linton nodded, "After all, the information I investigated said that you are friends, so there should be some contact information, right?"

"We can indeed contact Kurapika." Killua said next to him, "But we also want to hear your purpose of finding him."

"First, as I said, we are the only one left in our clan. After all, he is my nephew, so I must take care of him." Linton said, "Second, there is something that I must find him to do together. , this is what we, as the Kuluta clan, must do.”

"What's the matter?" Xiaojie asked.

"Revenge." Linton spread his hands and said, "Kill the spider."

The three people on the opposite side were immediately silent. Yes, of course they also knew that one of Kurapika's targets was exactly the same as what Linton said. At this point, the three of them became somewhat convinced. After making eye contact, the three of them nodded at the same time.

"We can help you contact Kurapika. Can you wait here?" Killua said.

"Okay, it's best if you can help me make an appointment with him." Linton said.

Killua did not choose to call directly in front of Linton, but walked to another corner nearby. Gon followed him, while Leorio chose to sit across from Linton, as if looking at him. Of course, even though they deliberately hid it, Linton could still see their actions through observation.

The first time I dialed the phone, it rang a dozen times, but the person on the other end didn't answer the phone and hung up automatically soon after. However, the two of them didn't seem to be very surprised, so they called a second time. This time, after a few rings, the call was connected.

"Xiaojie, what's the matter? I'm working." Kurapika's voice sounded from the other side.

"I am Killua." Killua said, "There is indeed something more important here. There is a person here who claims to be your uncle, and he wants to find you now."

"I don't have an uncle." Kurapika said calmly, "That's it."

After saying that, he obviously wanted to hang up directly, but Killua quickly said: "We saw that his eyes turned blood red."

"Huh?" Kurapika on the other side was suddenly startled, "Really?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have contacted you." Killua said. Hearing that Kurapika was listening, he simply repeated what Linton said before, and then continued, "We can't judge him either. Whether what he said is true or false, we did see his eyes, which had the same change in eye color as yours. Although it seems to be slightly different, I think it may have something to do with you. "

"He wants to see me?" Kurapika asked.


"Give him the phone." Kurapika thought for a moment and said.

Killua nodded, then walked back to his seat and motioned for Linton to answer the phone. Linton also directly picked up the phone and said: "Nephew, I miss you so much!"

"Are you really a Kuluta tribe member?" Kurapika asked.

"Of course, it's still your uncle." Linton said.

"In that case, let's meet up and talk about it." Kurapika said, "But I'm working now. If I want to meet up, how about next to the pool in Central Park in an hour?"

"No problem, I'll go over now." Linton nodded.

"Okay, see you soon."

There was no obvious change in Kurapika's tone, but Linton knew that things about the clan and the Phantom Troupe would make him very excited. He probably wasn't as calm as he sounded now.

Just as Linton thought, Kurapika was not calm now, it could be said to be very chaotic. Are there other tribesmen? A branch that was separated? He had never heard such news, but that didn't mean that it didn't happen because he hadn't heard it. After all, Xiaojie and the others had said it and saw each other's eyes, so they shouldn't lie to him.

"What's wrong? Your heartbeat is very unstable." Melody asked next to her.

"I need to leave for a while, it's nearby, okay?" Kurapika said, "If you need anything, please contact me immediately."

"It should be a very important thing, I understand." Melody said, "I will be responsible for keeping track first."

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