Linton didn't know much about the Church of Light, but he probably knew that it still had a great influence on the mainland. Basically, every city in the empire has a church. Even the Novice Village town built by Linton before has a small church. One can imagine the influence of the Church of Light.

To be honest, Linton didn't want to have anything to do with such a blasphemous organization. After all, he himself did not believe in religion. In the eyes of non-believers, all religions are basically organizations that deceive people. Linton heard the light So was the church's first reaction. This problem is particularly serious for people in this world. With almost no development in science, almost everyone is a supporter of the church. This results in the church almost controlling all the guidance of public opinion. In other words, what it says is Whatever is black is black, and whatever is white is white. Linton is still very disgusted with this.

Even the royal family does not want to mess with the church. Linton also heard old man Klose talk about this matter. The church is also a very powerful force in politics. Although it does not directly govern, it can influence politics. , when Rennes rebelled, they also considered the influence of the church.

Of course, if the other party really wants to confront you, Linton said that he will confront you head-on, but it is really unnecessary. What will you gain by knocking down the Church of Light? Linton's most important task at the moment is not to do tasks to gain contribution points, nor to unplug feudal superstitions. In this regard, there is really no need to confront the church, but it will affect his own construction tasks.

This time the church sent someone here, but they didn’t know what the purpose was. Linton guessed. On the one hand, it was possible that his research on "necromancy" had been reported. After all, Linton was not very covert. On the other hand, it may also be related to the affairs of the Cthulhu Church. After all, the influence of this matter is also expanding now. Of course, I hope it is the latter, so that Linton does not have to directly deal with the church.

While thinking about it, Linton also returned to Moon Lake City, of course through the method of teleportation by Flying Thunder God. With a flash of white light, Linton appeared directly in the hall of the Duke's Palace. It seemed like a banquet was being held here. Linton also appeared directly next to Garsain who was dining.

"So, as I said, can you show up normally next time?" Garsain also ate the food in his mouth unhurriedly, and then said, he was almost used to Linton's sudden attack.

Linton glanced around and saw that there were many people in the banquet hall, but not many people were sitting at the dining table. The first person sitting in the main seat is Gasein. The other guest seat is the third princess Yalan who has not been seen for a long time. Behind her is also an old acquaintance, the captain of the Maple Leaf Guard, Barry. It seems that this time the three princesses are not here. He didn't sneak out, he was followed by guards.

Next to Princess Yalan is a girl she has never seen before. She looks very young. She is probably about the same age as Princess Yalan. She has very conspicuous long platinum hair and is wearing a gorgeous white robe. She seems to be exuding... Like a holy light. Linton looked behind her. There were several knights wearing gold-rimmed armor standing there. They were obviously guards, so if he guessed correctly, this girl might be from the church.

In addition, there are two people slightly further back who are obviously dressed as civil servants. They are both old men of some age. Linton still has some impressions when looking at them. They should be ministers of the palace. They should have been during the coup. Saw it in the palace.

"Linton." Seeing Linton appear, Princess Yalan here stood up and said hello happily, but the girl from the church next to her was much calmer. She first put down her knife and fork, picked up her napkin and wiped it elegantly. Wiped his mouth, then stood up, held up his long skirt and saluted, saying: "This is the great Sword Master Linton Mero, right? The church priest, Melissa Teoduro Paulino Sobu Reno, on behalf of the Church, greetings.”

After Melissa saluted, several church knights behind her also bowed their heads slightly toward Linton, naturally out of respect for the saint. From the current point of view, there is no obvious hostility among the people. Linton also pressed his hands and said: "Sit down first."

After saying that, Linton directly pulled out the chair next to him and sat down. Garsain waved to the servant next to him. The servant here was naturally preparing to serve Linton dinner.

Seeing Linton take his seat, several people also sat down again. Linton naturally asked about the purpose of several people's coming here. Of course, the first person to ask was the third princess Yalan.

"This time I come here mainly to express my gratitude to you on behalf of my father." Princess Yalan said. Sure enough, Linton had guessed the purpose of Princess Yalan coming here. After all, Linton had helped the emperor a lot before. Not only did he solve the problem of the coup, he also helped the emperor get the Dragon Blood Sword Grass and solved the problem of the royal family. The emperor must express his gratitude for the family's health problems.

However, it is really troublesome to find Linton. Not only his whereabouts are unknown, but Linton himself is too lazy to talk to the emperor, so the emperor has not seen Linton until now. Naturally, when Princess Yalan came here this time, she had just inquired about Linton's whereabouts. Linton had been busy with construction in the territory these days, and finally showed up. The emperor who heard about Linton's whereabouts also sent Yalan The princess is coming.

Princess Yalan also said that although Emperor Wigley wanted to express his gratitude in person, he was really busy with official duties and couldn't get away from it, so she could only express his gratitude on behalf of the royal family.

Of course, expressing gratitude was just one thing. Princess Yalan quickly talked about another thing, that is, Emperor Wigley hoped that Linton could return to live in the imperial capital.

"Go back to the Imperial Capital?" Linton was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Generally speaking, for a family with a fiefdom like the Melowei Family, family members would stay in their own territory, but the Imperial Capital would also generally stay. The next few family members are, on the one hand, to facilitate contact with the royal family, and more importantly, they are also hostages. If you rebel, members of the imperial capital will naturally be detained. But this is an unspoken rule between the nobility and the royal family. Does the emperor mean that he will serve as a hostage in the imperial capital? It doesn't seem right. After all, he is a saint. How can there be a saint as a hostage? He should probably ask himself to go back and take charge. After all, it is quite strange for a saint to stay in a fiefdom of the empire.

Seeing that Linton didn't seem to understand for a while, the minister sitting slightly behind coughed a few times and gave Garsain a look. Garsain also understood. He stood up and walked to Linton's side. He pulled Linton over slightly and whispered.

"Master Kermit over there just said hello to me. The reason why I want you to go back this time is mainly about your marriage." Garsain said.

"Marriage problem?" Linton was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked at Princess Yalan here.

"Understood, if you go back to the imperial capital, it will be more convenient for the two parties to contact you. After a while, I will make a marriage request to His Majesty on behalf of the family, and the wedding can be completed smoothly." Garsain said.

Linton finally understood that if an ordinary princess married into a minister's family, it would be a down-marriage. If the emperor liked the person, he could just issue the decree directly. However, Linton's situation was different. He was a saint, so the emperor couldn't say to marry off the princess. Wouldn't this be a slap in the face of all saints? So the emperor couldn't directly issue an order, and of course he couldn't take the initiative to give away his daughter. The result of the discussion was that the Melowei family proposed a marriage, and the emperor agreed without any loss of face.

This time someone came to the palace, and the princess expressed her gratitude on behalf of the emperor, and these ministers came to discuss the marriage with the Merowei family. It seems that the emperor is also a little anxious. A person like Linton who was promoted to the holy level in his twenties is simply a best among people. He has also been a great favor to their royal family. Both in public and private matters, he must be tied to the royal chariot as soon as possible. It just so happens that he and Princess Yalan have a good relationship again. Isn't that a good thing?

After understanding this, it would be convenient. Linton also looked at Princess Yalan again. Princess Yalan here obviously knew what the two were whispering. She lowered her head with a slight blush and avoided Linton's gaze. Of course, Linton was not a fool. He understood immediately. Princess Yalan obviously also knew about this matter. If the girl didn't object, she would naturally agree.

"Getting married..." To be honest, Linton had not considered such a far-reaching thing. Although he boasted that he would marry the most beautiful woman in the country, it was not just talk. Now that this happened, Linton still didn't know what to do.

Of course, Princess Yalan is really beautiful and a nice person. The problem is that Linton hasn't figured out who he is yet, and he always feels that now is not the time to get married. However, looking at the situation on Yalan's side, although the other party avoided my gaze, he kept peeking at me. He was obviously waiting for his answer. To be honest, it was so cute like this. It didn't matter at all. There is no way to refuse.

"Uh... It's okay to go back, but I still have some things to deal with here." Linton thought for a while and said.

"You have something to do with yarn." said Garsain next to him. "After all, what have you been busy with recently?"

Of course Garsain knew what Linton had done, but he just couldn't understand it. He was wandering around nearby cities for no reason, and then he opened an alchemy materials store. What was going on? Brother, are you a saint-level person? Are you planning to change your profession to a businessman?

"Anyway, I have some things to do. I will go to the Imperial Capital after I finish my work." Linton waved and said, then directly changed the subject and said to Melissa next to him, "So what does Miss Melissa do here? "

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