I really can't control myself

Chapter 472 Incubation

The sudden appearance of Groudon certainly attracted everyone's attention. Of course, no one knew what kind of monster it was, but just by looking at it, they knew that this thing was not easy to mess with.

"Is it Lord Sword Master's battle pet?"

"It's a monster I've never seen before. It looks very strong."

"Of course, after all, he is Lord Sword Master's battle pet. It seems that Lord Sword Master is too lazy to deal with these barbarians and just let his pets deal with them."

"That's natural. These people don't need Master Sword Master to take action, but it seems that Master Sword Master's sword skills are beyond their control."

Of course, the people from the Tsogla tribe outside have never seen Groudon. Although it looks very difficult to mess with, there are more than 5,000 of them, so how can they be afraid.

"It's just a battle pet. Although I haven't seen it before, it doesn't matter. Brother, I will kill it myself." Marvin picked up the big ax next to him and said.

"Okay, come on." Gerudo didn't pay attention to him. After all, his brother was very skilled and he should have no problem dealing with one or two monsters, so he waved his hand and said.

"Okay, let me kill it with an axe." Marvin said and rushed towards Groudon.

Of course, Linton didn't care about Marvin's situation at all. Groudon was also a little confused at this time. It was obvious that he was confused about the current situation. Linton also waved his hand and said: "Cliff Sword Warning."

"Ouch!" Although he didn't know what was going on, Groudon heard Linton's words, so he opened his mouth and let out a long roar, and then a beam of energy was injected into the ground. Suddenly the whole earth began to shake. Along with the violent shaking, a large number of Stone spikes broke out of the ground like spears and spread toward the barbarian troops ahead.

"What?" Before the Tsogla tribe troops on the opposite side could react, the stone spears had already exploded in the opponent's troops. The spears that suddenly rushed out of the ground directly knocked away a large number of barbarian warriors, although the spears were not very sharp. , it did not pierce the person directly, but the impact was not something that ordinary people could withstand. A row of spikes swept past, and everyone along the way was knocked over after being hit. Almost no one who was directly hit could stand up. With just one shot, the opponent's vanguard was directly cleared.

At the same time, the ramming trucks that were pushed up were also cleaned up. A single shot of the Cliff Sword directly shattered the two trucks. The huge mallet was directly broken into several pieces, and the cow-like ones pushing the carts were also cleaned up. After being knocked away, the monster climbed up shakily, turned around and ran away.

"To be able to use such powerful earth magic, this monster must be at least level eight."

"After all, he is Lord Sword Master's battle pet."

Although the situation below is very exaggerated, the officials above are also mentally prepared. After all, they are saints. Naturally, all they can handle should be such things, so they can't make too much fuss.

"Damn it, die!" Suddenly a roar came, and it could be heard clearly even on the city wall. Everyone looked at the person who roared, and saw a man with a giant ax jumping up high and slashing at Groudon with an axe. Yes, this person is naturally Marvin. He was originally planning to take down Groudon, but he didn't expect that the other party's magic actually injured so many people. They were all of his own race, so he was naturally angry. , with all the fighting spirit in his body, Luck struck directly at Groudon, wanting to avenge his own people.

"He's a master." I have to say that the blow Marvin showed was very strong. Many generals on the city wall also showed surprised expressions. They also felt the concentration of the opponent's fighting spirit. He was indeed a master. If one-on-one, they are not sure that they can win this Marvin, then what will happen to the saint-level master's battle pet?

With a "bang", Marvin's ax directly hit Groudon's head. Just as he said, he was heading towards Groudon's head. It seemed that he was preparing to kill Groudon with an axe. The head was chopped off. However, although Groudon was hit by this blow, Linton found that there were no wounds on its head, but the impact caused Groudon to take several steps back before stopping.

"Could it be that..." Seeing this situation, Linton also made a little guess. Now it seems that the elf's characteristic of being unable to be broken by constant cutting has also been inherited. Although the plane has been changed, this The rules have not changed much. Otherwise, the blow just now would have caused at least one wound. Of course, this is definitely a good thing.

"Ouch!" There was a long howl. At this time, Groudon was obviously a little angry. After roaring angrily, he opened his mouth and hit Marvin with an orange beam. At this time, Marvin was obviously in a state of exhaustion. The blow just now must have used all his strength, and even made him unable to recover for a while. When he turned his head, he had already seen a beam of light coming. in front of him.

With a "bang", the light beam directly knocked Marvin away. Then with a loud noise, the light penetrated several trees and hit a boulder, and Marvin was also smashed into the boulder. The whole person fell into it.

"Marvin!" Gerudo immediately pushed aside the crowd and came to the boulder. He pulled Marvin out and took a look. It turned out that half of the other person's body had melted away. It was obviously melted by something with high temperature. At this time, Gerudo also discovered that the boulder was also melted by the high temperature. It seemed that the beam released by Groudon was a heat ray.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Marvin was obviously hopeless. Holding his brother's body, Gerudo screamed directly, his eyes filled with hatred, and he shouted directly to the people around him, "Get up here!" ! I will kill everyone in the city and bury Marvin with him!"

To be honest, the warriors of the Tsogla tribe were a little panicked at this time. After all, such a powerful monster suddenly appeared. It attacked hundreds of them in seconds, and then vomited their second leader to death. How could this be done? . But seeing Groudo with red eyes, it was obvious that he could not change his mind now. Gritting their teeth, everyone still rushed towards Groudo.

"Continue using the Cliff Sword and sweep them all away." Of course, Linton also saw the opponent's desperate charge. He gave Groudon an order, then turned to Garsain and said, "You saw it."

"So you mean, my egg can also hatch such a powerful monster?" Gasein didn't care about the battlefield, but he was more interested in this egg.

"Uh... well... this." Linton touched his chin, "This is just a salesman's show, and it's a bit exaggerated."

"What do you mean?" Garsain asked.

Linton mainly thought about it. Although he didn't know what kind of elf was inside the egg, it probably wasn't a mythical beast. After all, he hadn't heard of any mythical beast being hatched from an egg. According to the game's settings, mythical beasts shouldn't be able to lay eggs. . After thinking about it, Linton said: "Actually, this egg is a very spiritual egg. You see, my elf is also hatched from the egg. It is so strong, but yours is not necessarily so, because of this egg. , can produce the most suitable elf for the incubator based on his strength, will and other factors."

"It means that this egg is not a fixed egg of a certain magical beast, but an egg with infinite possibilities to hatch the most suitable pet for you, right?" Gaseon asked.

"Well, that's it." Linton nodded, "As long as your heart is strong enough, this egg will respond to you."

"I see, is it such a precious thing?" Garsain nodded, really believing it, "Then I want to see what I can hatch."

"Yeah, yeah, it won't be too useless anyway, don't worry." Linton said, mainly because he was curious about what the egg was, so he just tricked Garsain to help him hatch it and have a look. Of course, no matter what is hatched, it is still an elf after all, right? He can definitely still fight, that’s not a lie.

"Just holding such an egg... how long will it take for this thing to hatch?" Gaseon asked.

"I'm not very sure..." Linton certainly didn't know either. "Anyway, let's leave it to Groudon first. We should go back and wait for the news."

"Okay." Garsain nodded and looked outside the city. This monster called Groudon was fighting 5,000 at a time. It seemed like there was no big problem. It was indeed very strong.

He was about to leave, but after taking two steps, the egg in Garsain's arms suddenly jumped. Garsain was stunned and stopped immediately.

"What's wrong?" Linton asked.

"It's moving." Garsain picked up the egg, and sure enough, the egg was still moving. "Is it about to hatch?"

"So fast?" Linton was shocked. He originally thought that it might take several days or even months to hatch before he would bother handing it over to Garsain. He didn't expect it to hatch so quickly. This was amazing.

There was a "stuck" moment, and just as he was talking, the eggshell began to break. The cracks gradually became larger and larger, and soon the entire egg was broken. At this time, a violent white light flashed, and a moving thing appeared in front of everyone.

"Pap, tap..." Everyone was looking at Gasein at this time. They also heard the conversation between Linton and Gasein. They were still envious of Gasein for getting such a magical object. When they heard that the egg hatched, they immediately gathered around to see what kind of monster it was. However, what they saw was a big golden fish that was constantly jumping on the ground.

"Uh... Why is it you again, Magikarp? No wonder it hatched so fast." Linton held up his forehead, yes, this egg is actually Magikarp's egg. Remember, Magikarp is the fastest elf that hatches in the game, right? , no wonder it appeared so quickly. Although he is a different-colored Magikarp, he is still Magikarp.

"Is this my magic pet, the embodiment of my heart?" Garsain said, pointing to the Carp King on the ground.

"Well, it's officially certified that you are a salty fish." Linton said seriously.

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