I really can't control myself

Chapter 469 Night Talk

"My TN is really convinced by you..." On the tower of Xingluo Castle, Garsain leaned on the bed rail with a tired look on his face. While drinking, he said to Linton, "No, come back as soon as you come back." , why did he suddenly come to my room in the middle of the night and wake me up to listen to the family motto?"

"Do you know how long it has been since I said the family motto? Forty days, a whole forty days, do you know how I spent these forty days?" Linton yelled.

"How do you get a disease that will kill you if you don't make up proverbs?" Gasein raised his forehead, "And you can just say what you want, and you have to wait until you come back to tell me?"

"What kind of maxims are you not talking to your nephew? My younger nephew almost got sick from holding it in, okay?" Linton said, "It's not easy to catch someone who is idle, please let me say something."

"You have nothing to do." Garsain yelled, "Do you know how I spent this month? There are so many things in the territory, thousands of documents every day, I can't handle them at all, okay? I'm so busy I was able to sleep peacefully today, but before I could sleep for a while, your TN appeared."

"If you look carefully, you have really lost a lot of weight." Linton said, "Is this really true?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay, okay, I'll hold it in for a while, and you can tell me first. I'll come to you tomorrow morning to give you some proverbs," Linton said.

"Forget it, forget it, you woke me up, can I still fall asleep?" Garsain said, walking to the balcony and sitting down, taking a bottle of wine, pouring a glass for Linton, and raising the glass to clink it. He took Linton's cup and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Uh..." Linton walked over and picked up his cup. He looked a little embarrassed when he saw Garsain. He really just wanted to talk about Proverbs. Of course, he couldn't say that now. After thinking about it, he asked, " So what is so busy about? Have you finished it?"

"When we first took over the territory, there were naturally a lot of things to do, not to mention there was no one to take over, so everything had to be started from scratch," Gassern said.

"Is there still a rebellion?" Linton asked.

"The rebellion has been resolved," said Garserne. "Look at the city gate over there. The remnants of Duke Rennes are hanging there. No one dares to rebel now."

Linton squinted and indeed saw a row of hanging figures at the city gate below. Starfall Castle is located in the center of the city, on a high ground, with the city area and the city gate below. From this angle, you can basically see everything in the city. Of course, Linton also has good eyesight and can see clearly at night.

"Are they all killed?" Linton asked.

"Including the rest of Ren's family, eradicate the roots." Gaseon said.

"Hey, hey, why are you so cruel all of a sudden? You were struggling with killing a remnant for a long time. Although I taught you to be cruel, don't suddenly go from one extreme to another," Linton said. .

"I don't want to do this, but the people below have suggested so." Gasein said, "I now find that it is really difficult to be a lord. It is said that he is the lord of a place, but he cannot completely follow his own wishes. Come."

Linton asked in detail. Linton left for about forty days this time. During this period, Gasein had basically put down the rebellion in the territory, and of course began to take over the entire territory. There is nothing much to say about the process of countering the rebellion. In one word, it was overwhelming. After the largest rebel army was eliminated by Linton, the rest were just a scattered mob. But it is easy to deal with the rebels, but how to deal with them is another problem. These rebels include not only Ren's former subordinates, but also his family members, such as several of his children, who all participated in the rebellion.

Gaseon originally didn't want to cause more killings. He could fight the enemy on the battlefield, but he couldn't accept the need to kill people at the end of the war. However, at this time, his team of ministers was also established. Of course, Gasein also knew that it was impossible to govern the territory by himself or a group of generals under him, so he also recruited some civil servants and built a temporary shogunate. He built it himself, but what troubles him the most now is the shogunate.

Yes, what his staff suggested was to eliminate the root causes without leaving any future troubles. The Wren family has been operating here for many years and has deep roots. If they are allowed to leave a thought, there will be endless troubles. Therefore, it was suggested that none of the family members captured by Gasan should be retained, regardless of age. Of course, it was difficult for Gasein to accept it, especially since he didn't let go of the young and old, so he didn't want to accept it. However, the civil servants under him did the same thing again, writing desperately and remonstrating desperately. Hello, you must listen to my feelings. Garsain was very unhappy and argued with these people for several days, but of course he saw the final result. Renn's family was still hung at the gate.

Of course, when Garsain took the initiative to talk about this, he also meant to complain. Indeed, he also knew that it was a wise idea to eradicate the roots. Most people would choose to do this. He had been hesitant because Linton taught him before that being a lord must be ruthless. , so he did not directly and decisively say that he would not kill. After hesitation, he finally listened to the words of the civil servants, but he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"You really..." Linton held up his forehead, "You lack basic political literacy. It's really hard for you to be a lord."

"You also know." Garsain said, "I found that I am more suitable for the battlefield, at least I don't have so many worries."

"Come on, uncle will tell you the secret of being a lord." Linton said.

"What is it?" Garsain asked.

"Whenever you encounter anything in the future, just follow your first reaction and don't think about it," Linton said.

"What?" Garsain was stunned.

"Just say whatever your first reaction is, and don't doubt yourself." Linton said, "Just tell me your attitude, and then let your hands handle the rest."

"Isn't that going to cause a big problem?" Garsain said, "It's okay to give up thinking."

"What big thing could happen?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Are you different from other lords? You don't have to follow other people's circumstances."

"What's the difference?" Garsain asked.

"Uncle, aren't you here? What big trouble are you afraid of with me here?" Linton said, "Just like this time, it doesn't matter if you let the Ren family members run away, and it doesn't matter if they rebel again, with me here Can they still succeed? How do you think they can rebel to get me?"

"Uh..." Garsain thought about it, and it seemed like that was the case. How could this group of rebels kill Linton, a saint?

"I understand. In short, if your subordinates don't agree with your ideas and have any special opinions, you can move me out and tell him what I just said. I guarantee that he will have nothing to say." Linton said.

"Then what if the civilians rebel..." Gaseon asked.

"Civilians won't rebel without leaders, okay?" Linton said, "Just spread the word about how I killed those rebels that day. Aren't the burned piles of people still there? If you build a museum or something and organize people to observe it every day, I don't believe there are still people who dare to rebel. So I said, it would be great to have some kind of Charred Valley out."

"I really believed your lies..." Gasein held up his forehead, "Forget it, I feel like I should study this matter myself."

"Hey, what a great suggestion I have."

"Okay, then you come." Garsain said.

"I'm just here... come on, what a bastard lord, whoever wants to be treated as such, don't look for me."

"I knew you deliberately threw the blame on me, right?"

"Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered something." Linton said suddenly.

"You're too abrupt in changing the subject, okay, okay, what's the matter?" Gaseon asked.

"I went out for a trip and brought you a gift." Linton said with a smile, "Look how much I miss your nephew."

"Oh, a gift? What is it?" Garsain asked.

"Here." Linton took out an egg and handed it to Garsain.

"What is this? An egg? So big? What kind of egg is it?" Gasan looked confused.

"I don't know." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"Hey, you don't know what you sent yourself?"

Linton said that the system sent it with an elf egg written on it. Who knows what kind of elf it is: "Anyway, this egg is given to you. I did some research and it seems that it is inedible. Please find a way to hatch it."

"Hatch? How?"

"According to the situation in the game, you can just carry it around and it will come out on its own after a certain number of steps," Linton said.

"What the hell, what kind of egg is this?" Garsain said.

"Anyway, some strange things will hatch out of it, which should be of some use." Linton said.

"From your tone, I feel like I'm going to be tricked, so you just want me to help you hatch an egg, right? It's just a gift, but it's just because you're too lazy to take care of it yourself, right?" Gaseon said.

"Huh?" Linton looked at Garsain in surprise, "I said... why don't you use your brains to plot against those people under your command just to see through me?"

"Are you really trying to trick me?" Garsain shouted.

"Don't get excited, this egg may actually be of some use." Linton said, "To be precise, this is a monster egg, but the monster inside is rather strange. I'm sure you haven't seen it before."

"How strange?" Garsain asked.

"Come on, come on, I have some adults here to give you a show." Linton said, "But this is the place for the show..."

"My lord, my lord, something bad has happened. The Tsogla tribe in the south has revolted!" Just as he was talking, a soldier hurriedly knocked on the door and shouted.

"What?" Garsain was stunned.

"Oh, you came just in time." Linton said happily.

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