"Hey, hey, the situation is already so urgent, can you still sleep?" On the plane, Xiao Mao directly woke up Linton next to him. Of course, the main reason was that he was too anxious. Seeing Linton sleeping there so calmly made him feel unbalanced.

Yes, the two of them flew directly to Miare City. Xiaomao was really worried. Afterwards, he couldn't contact Dr. Buratano. Others in the institute answered the phone, but they didn't know whether Dr. Buratano was there. Where did he go? Probably to investigate Fradali's conspiracy.

Xiao Mao had always been concerned about this matter, but now that it happened, he couldn't just sit back and ignore it, so after staying in Feiyun City for one night, he prepared to return to Miare City again. Linton originally didn't need to go, but originally he wanted to explore a little more, and Xiaomao really suited his liking. This guy is currently the best Tucao agent Linton thinks he can cooperate with. Talents are rare. , Linton couldn't let him give it away casually, so he followed him.

Linton still can't remember exactly what Vladali's plan was. Anyway, in the game, I remember that this guy was defeated by the protagonist of the game, and then the plan went bankrupt. Who cares what his plan was, anyway, it was just It failed. Can anything big happen to Zi Gongxiang’s animation? Linton expressed that he was very relieved...

There was a "boom", just as Linton thought of this, suddenly a beam of red light flashed below. At this time, the plane had flown to the sky above Miare City and was about to land. The place where the red light was emitting was precisely Miare City. The Prism Tower in the center of Arey City.

"What's going on?" Of course everyone on the plane noticed the loud noise and flashing red light coming from below, and looked towards the city of Miare below. However, they soon saw an astonishing scene. I saw a lot of huge red and black vines suddenly emerging from the underground of the city, and began to destroy the streets and buildings crazily. For a moment, the sound of explosions came from all over the city, as if some kind of plant-type monster had invaded. City average.

"What's going on?" "What's going on?" Passengers on the plane also panicked, and even the crew couldn't keep calm when they saw this situation.

"Is this... could it be..." Xiao Mao looked at the situation below and looked at Linton next to him, "Is this what Fradali did?"

"Hey, hey, this..." Linton was also surprised. Where is the promised animation? I really didn't expect such a big move. The city has been destroyed, right? And there is such a plot?

"Ding dong." At this time, a notification sound suddenly came from the plane, "Due to the unknown attack on the city of Miare, this plane is currently unable to land at the airport in Miare. This plane will return immediately..."

"Go back quickly! Go quickly!" The passengers expressed their understanding and begged the captain to return to the flight quickly.

"This..." Xiao Mao stood up and was about to say something when suddenly there was a "boom" and then the fuselage shook violently, as if it had hit something. The sudden impact caused everything in the cabin to fly up. Linton reacted quickly and grabbed Xiao Mao.

Looking outside, I saw that I had indeed hit something. A huge vine suddenly appeared on the ground, rose several hundred meters and hit the passenger plane in the sky. Faced with this sudden accident, the captain failed to react. Fortunately, it did not hit directly head-on, but just brushed the fuselage of the plane, but the wings of the plane seemed to be damaged.

The plane began to yaw 90 degrees. Passengers panicked and grabbed whatever they could, and the entire cabin was in chaos.

"Hey...hey..." Linton asked whether he had underestimated the animation. Is this okay? An airplane accident is such a serious topic...

"Do something quickly!" Xiao Mao woke up Linton at this time.

"Don't worry." Linton said calmly, "This is not a big problem."

"This is not a big problem." Xiao Mao shouted.

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me." Linton suddenly raised his voice. Linton's voice seemed to have a kind of magic at this time. All the panicked passengers suddenly quieted down and looked towards Linton.

"Hold on to what you can," Linton said. "Don't let go. Leave the plane to me."

After saying that, Linton punched the cabin behind him, and there was a "boom" sound, and a hole was blown out of the cabin. Linton was sucked out immediately, but he grabbed the fuselage, and his fingers directly After being inserted into the steel aviation deck, he turned over and came out of the aircraft.

Before he could stand still, Xiao Mao was also sucked out by the direct air pressure. Linton grabbed Xiao Mao who was about to fly away, and the two of them successfully arrived outside the cabin.

"Isn't it okay for you to catch me?" Linton said.

"Who can catch you in this sudden attack?" Xiao Mao shouted.

"Look, no one has flown out except you." Linton said.

"Don't worry about this for now, what should we do now?" Xiao Mao said.

"Find someone who can fly to hold up the plane." Linton said, "Zekrom."

There was a "bang", because Linton was holding the outer shell of the plane with one hand and Xiao Mao with the other hand, and could not throw the ball. Zekrom heard the call and came out of the elf ball by himself.

"Hold the plane." Linton said directly.

"Cha!" Zekrom nodded, then accelerated and rushed directly to the nose of the plane. At this time, the plane had begun to fall downwards. Due to the damage to the engine, it could not maintain altitude and it was falling very quickly. Although the pilots tried hard, they still could not restart the damaged engine. Just when they were desperate, a huge elf suddenly came to the cockpit. It was obvious that it was here to help.

Sure enough, Zekrom quickly stood in front of the plane, preparing to prevent the plane from falling. However, the momentum of the fall was really big. Even for the legendary elf Zekrom, it was still a bit difficult for him to withstand such a large plane by himself. Soon Zekrom also directly turned on the overclocking drive mode, spraying a large amount of current from the tail, and the driving force was obviously much greater, but it was still a little too late.

Yes, the plane was almost hitting the ground at this time. If you give it some time, Zekrom can indeed hold the plane back. However, the problem now is that there is no time. Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, Zekrom also I was a little anxious. The plane did slow down, but it was not enough. If it crashed like this, it would still completely disintegrate.

"It's too late." Xiao Mao had already seen the ground at this time, and he panicked.

"Sure enough, he is a useless guy." Linton once again despised Zekrom. He was just about to release his ninjutsu to help, but suddenly a purple light flashed next to him, and a figure quickly passed by Linton and turned in the air. Came to the front of the plane.

"Is it you?" Zekrom, who was at the nose of the plane, looked at the figure that suddenly appeared next to him in surprise. The person who came was actually Mewtwo, whom he had just met yesterday. This guy appeared here now, giving Zekrom a headache. Ah, did you choose this time to take revenge? I can't spare any time.

However, Mewtwo's next move left Zekrom a little confused. I saw Chaomeng here raising his hand, and a wave of telekinesis directly enveloped the entire plane. Zekrom suddenly felt that the force of the fall was much smaller. It was obvious that Chaomeng was helping to hold the plane. There was no time to ask what was going on. Zekrom quickly used all his strength, and soon the plane began to slow down violently.

Just when it was about to hit the ground, the plane finally stopped falling. While Zekrom's feet stood on the ground, the plane also successfully stopped. Chaomeng here also used his strength again to slowly hold the back half of the plane, letting it slowly fall to the ground.

There was a "bang" sound. At this time, the maintenance staff on the plane also pulled the emergency switch, all the escape hatches popped up, and the inflatable escalator was automatically set up. An older flight attendant immediately shouted: "Everyone, follow the order and get out of here. Hurry up." Keep up!”

After the disaster, the panicked people didn't care how to be saved, and quickly began to flee. The plane did not crash, so it did not cause the worst consequences. Except for a few passengers who were thrown out of their seats and injured in the initial impact, there were no casualties. These people also left the cabin safely with the help of the maintenance staff, and the initial inspection was fine.

"Did the two elves over there save us?"

"Is it the elf of the person who just left the cabin by himself?"

"Is that person okay?" After they were safe, they only remembered how to be rescued. Of course, they saw Zekrom and Mewtwo directly in front of the nose of the plane, and they also thought of Linton who had gone out before. If there was no surprise, Linton should be the one who saved them.

"Look, it's that man. Sure enough, he's fine. He must have saved us." At this time, someone also spotted Linton on the top of the plane and said.


However, before people could express their thanks, a loud "boom" suddenly interrupted them again. A huge red-black vine broke out of the ground not far from them, directly smashing into the nearby building and sending debris flying everywhere. Only then did everyone remember that this was not a simple air crash, but the destruction of the city caused by unknown circumstances below that brought them down. The danger was not over yet.

"Everyone, hurry up and take shelter!" The crew here also shouted quickly, "People above, you should also hurry up and go to a safe place!"

There was no time to say thank you, and everyone hurriedly evacuated under the guidance of the crew. Of course, Linton and Xiaomao definitely didn't leave. They were originally here to stop Fradali, but it seemed they didn't have time to catch up. Now it was obviously Vladali who caused this situation, but before going to find that guy, Linton had to deal with the sudden appearance of Mewtwo.

"What's going on with you?" Linton looked at Chaomeng and said, "Don't you also have Stockholm Syndrome?"

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